Newspaper Page Text
\V* ecitheu
The weather continues gloomy
and disagreeable and will
hold on “until it changes,” so
also will the following prices
Heinz pickles in bbl. 10c. qt.
20 lbs Standard Granulated Su¬
gar $1.
libs, first-class roasted coffee $1.
13 lbs California dried peaches
13 boxes full weight oysters $1.
17 cans tomatoes $1.
3 boxes best American sardines
1 ten cents box of snuffle.
2 5 cents boxes snuff for 5c.
Condensed mince meat 10c.
4 lbs best package soda 25c.
Standard canned peaches 10c.
2 cans good corn 15c.
Lavender ammonia, pt. bottles
Porus plasters 10c.
LaGrippe cure tablets 15e.
Liver pill, one box 13 cents.
12 boxes carpet tacks 10c.
Brass shoe nails 5c.
Double pointed tacks 25c doz.
A good singletree for 15 cents.
A good coffee mill 25 cents.
A good pair of hames 20 cents.
Pair steel trace chains 30 cents.
A good ditching shovel for 60c.
Plow stocks, plow handles,
plow’s, etc. at lowest prices.
We are selling Razors, Pock¬
et knives, Scissors and Crock
ery at astonishingly low prices.
The Grocer,
10 Centeu sj.
J. P. Tielky, A. M. McElvaney
We represr nt the Strongest Compa
D’ei in World. We pay ail loss s
promptly and without litigation. We
insure ail kinds of city or town prop¬
erty, country Dwellings, Barns, Stock,
tenant houses etc., at the very lowest
rates. We wilt also take care of your
Valuable papers and
surauee Policies in John
H. Almand’s Vaults free
of charge.
We solicit your patronage.
Concerning People and
The lit- U
sinus M
signature trety
ci Trappjl.
Mr. W- U‘ Wallis is engaged in
building a house in Augusta
After a couple of months rest Mr.
T. E. Brodnax is again on the road
and wi 1 redouble his efforts to make
up for lost time.
Mr. R A. A'mand. of Washing'on,
Ga., spent Sunday here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Al
Mrs. D. T. Vaughn, who ha- been
quite sick for a week past is improv¬
Rev. Dr. Ragsdale visited rela¬
tives near Lithonia last week.
Dr. R. A- Jone- made a businc is
trip to -Savannali this week.
Capt. Terrell, of Covington was
here a short time this week.
Mias Cariie Beck Davis is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. A. J Sum¬
Photographer Brooks is on a visit
to relatives in Hall county.
Mrs. Sallie Almand, of Ingleside,
visited relatives here last Sunday.
Friead Chas. Argo was laid up
with cold the past few days. We
are glad he is imwoving,
There is considerable sickness
both in the town and country —
mesdy lagrippe.
Feathers cheap at H. P. & D.
M. Almand & Co.
The M. Schulz state Agency have
an advertisement in this issue.
Several new legal advertisements
appear in this issue.
Mrs W. J Eaks is entertaining
her sister, Mist Viola B iston, of
Duke’s chewing gum atH, P.
& D. M. Almand & Co;
Miss Ma'tie Henderson, of Atlanta
is the guest of friends here.
Miss Ola Fidler is the guest of
her aunt, Mrs. Brodnax, in the ci v.
Prof. Henry Austin is teaching a
good school at Shady Dale.
Glass of Fashion. Up to date.
Two cents at H. P. & D. M. Al
maud & Go’s.
The blizzard knocked our
school out only one day last
Sweetwater valley flour at H.
P. & D - M. Almand & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Langley, of
McDonough, were guests oi Mr
H. C. Penn last Sunday.
After the bad weather pass¬
es off there will be a great de¬
mand for seed Irish potatoes
and ODion sets.
Home-ground graham fluoi
at H. P. & D. M. Almand & Co.
On January 29, fivo miles of
Conyers on Covington road,
small purse containing ear
drops, pin and 30c in change.
Return to Mrs. J- D. Winburn,
Conyers, Gay and be rewarded.
•IF 9 9
You want a guano that
buy mvamVF EDA STONE
nay you
I am agent for the oldest, best
ami stiongest lire
companies on earth, and solicit
a share of your business.
Will take care of your
Policies, Deeds and Valu
able papers in
vault free of charge.
Very respectfully
W. J. Eakes, Agent.
At John II. Almand’s Bank.
Tie fas- —is
imile 2 ra
signature ei - <£ wrapper. miy
The old p’a ten wa ea mse prop¬
erly was soil bef re i h» court
house door last Tuesday. Bailiff
Brooks sold it and Mr. D. N. Hud
son bought it for $1,100. The bid¬
ding was live'y and couse 1 much
laughter at lira is. Friend Brooks
wou'd make a splendid auctioneer
We call your attention to the
change in Dr. W, H Lee’s advertise¬
ment. If you will watch this < )1
unm on the local page from week to
week you will he able to secure
some genuine bargains.
From aT accounts our ft lend,
Mr Davis Cr.ossley has a fortune
‘‘bottled up ” He is man¬
ufacturing and sel ing a splendid
remedy. See him about it.
Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Henry
county, Gsit-ed their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W T. Stewart last Mon¬
Mr. Rogers has cammenced the
erection of Dr. Guinn’s home- The
work will be pushed as speed 1 ly as
See the notice of the sale of the
household effects and other property'
of the Iato W J. Gee, elsewhere
T ;e sa’e will occur at the Gee home
stead in February 10th.
Dresses cut by patterns
bought from H. P. & D. M Al¬
mand & Co. will look nice and
Councilman Tlunket proposes
to solve the “light” problem
He can firmisli the power if
some one else will put in the
dynamo. We must have the
Few people escaped the bliz¬
zard without being afflicted
either with cold or grippe. It
was a seige of the ice king.
Chairs, furniture and etc;, at
very close figures at II - P. & D.
M. Almand & Co.
A citizen of our town. noted
for his truthfulness, remarked
that he sometimes had to strike
a match in order to determine
whether the street lumps are
burning. Old com liquor was
the cause of it all.
Mr. and Mrs Geo- Hawkins
of Almon, were shopping in
Conyers last Tuesday
Our leaders will always be
profited by reading W. S. Mar
huts’ advertisement. See it in
another column.
Arthur Langford has captured
the New York World’s “Yaller
Kid.” See it as he paints it.
Just received a large shipment
of syrup direct from New Or¬
leans.— H. P.& D- M. Almand
& Co
Tlie private car of Col, AveriU, of the
Ga. R. R. is here te-fiav. The gentle¬
man is working up an exhibit for his
roo 1 for the Nashville exposition.
The little son of Mr. in Dave front Butley, of bis
fell on the sidewalk nis leg.
home last Thursday and broke
He is getting along very well at pres¬
All the fine beef cattle you
have for sale. Highest market
price paid for them.
A. B. Osborn.
For Infants and Children.
«. f.n- si __•
,/<Ts, . s>
Exchange bought and sold. Ccllectlnis made on all parts ef the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will not be honored under any circuit!
Office hours from 8 a.m. till 4r.M till further notice, • •
Tie tie- /? Ic
_ ea
Mr R L G ifS , ■ epn sensing the
| M. Suliz Slate Agency, was an bu<
inees for hu firm at Wiuder i his
we*k. This firm ban I Vs the finest,
rausicul instruments in (he whole 1
country, and fiend Guilin is in bis
eiem *u( in this hue.
We insist that we wish a cor*
’cspondenfc at every post office in the
county, and we do hope ihat some
of our subscribers will furnish us
the news from thes > points or give
m the names of some individuals
who will favor us in this particular
We walked into a store
last Thursday evening and the
poprietor w is busy making
checks to discount bills dated
April 1st., and due 30, 60 and
90 days thereafter. Hoiv is that
for business?
If we can’t get electric lights
for the city give us more street
lamps and better ones. Must
we forever grope in darkness?
A community is quicker to
discover a man for his ‘littleness’
than lo accord honor to one for
superior and admirable cliarac.
teristics -
If you would know a man you
must have business dealings
with him. This will enable
you to size him up morally,
mentally and religiously.
That sand has never been
placed in the Methodist church
yard and the members are forc¬
ed to go‘‘down into the water”
before entering the church.
The subscriptions are being
taken for the building of the
new Baptist church. This work
is in the hands of a church com¬
A Dime Savings Bank has
been organized in Conyers, with
a President, Board of Directors,
Attorney etc. Wo will probably
publish a prospectus of this in¬
stitution at an early day.
It seems that the young peo¬
ple of Conyers have discarded all
social featurs from their lives
and entered the scramble for
the “almighty dollar.” Boys,
you will be a thousand(?) years
old at thirty;
Our babies have about re¬
covered from an attack of croup
and we feel almost like shout
ing. lt is a terrible affliction
for the little ones and dangerous
with al.
The man that is too stingy to
eat enough don’t carry any
more out of the world in the
eud than he who spends his
wealth in riotous iivihg.
Col. Wallace P. Reed writes a
word in behalf of electric lights
for Conyers, this week, audit
appears elsewhere in the Week
EY. Go). Reed feels an interest
in the town and would be glad
to see it grow and prosper and
it is natural that he speaks in
behalf of this improvement.
Mr. A. B. Osborn has been
furnishing some fine beef* cattle
for the Atlanta markets during
the past two weeks.
New Irish potatoes at II. P.
& D. M. Almand & Co.
Cuba, by Senor Quezada, Cuban
Tentative at Washington. Endorsed by
Cuban patriot*. In tremendous de
mand A bonanza for agents. Only
*150 Big book, big commission*
Everybody wants the only endorsed,
reliable book. Outfits free Credit
given. Freight paid. Drop all
and make f300 a month with war in
Cuba, A A In-- to dav.TH K
Been use of pur carelessness
Ibe verses by “J. N. II,” on the
first pagn of this paper .do not
appear as written. We. there¬
fore, reproduce them below with
proper corrections;
OIc Juano
On Hie housetop’, in the cellars, in
the v ater. in the ah',
GA oiul t<Hl it'.
You can smell it!
.’ ' Ole juano—
Every whait!
Ou vour whiskers, in. your nostrils,
down your goozies, teil in your hair,
Lo and it !
You can smelt It!
Ole juano—
Every whair!
On ihe wen ,el, in the closet, up the
chimney, up the sair,
■ y Lo i.iid tell it!
You can s-mell it!
Ole juano—
Every vvliair!
On tbebacor, in the gravv, on the bull
west, tough and end tel!it! ralr.
You can sin el 1 it!
Ole juano—
Every whair
Sweet ole pig pens, sweet juano, don’t
they make a lovely pair?
Go end tell urn 1
Yon can smell nm 1
A! rust faBte uni —
Kvoryw hair 1
Take the sellers, and the owners, by
their goo/.les and their hair,
I>—in urn, bump mn!
Kick urn, thump uni 1
Till ihey yell out—
In de-pair!
-J. N. H.
Two street lamps are badly need
ed ou Decatur street. Oue should
be placed in front of Mayor Tuck¬
er s borne end the other in tho folk
of the streets in front of Dr. W, H.
Lee’s residence. These lamps are
absolutely needed at these poiult,
and we believe it is tho duty of the
town to put up a few each year Until
the ci'y is well lighted. Think' of
this suggestion a moment, ye city
fathers, and give us more lights on
these bad nights.
There is a certaiu gentleman in
Conjerv who desiteS to get married.
He is natnra’lv of a ret ,ring disposi¬
tion He lias never been able to
ta k personally to a lady on tho sub¬
ject of mvl-rimony because of Irs
unnatural timidity. He has con¬
fided this fact to us and asks us to
help him out He is well fixed in
this world’s goods an 1 is a perfect
gentleman every way. Any lady
wi filing to get married is kindly re¬
quested to write to B >x, No, 26,
Conyers, G i. Exchanges please
The wretch or wretches who
placed crossties on Hie track of
the Georgia road, near Coving¬
ton the other evening should be
captured and handled without
mercy . It is passing strange
that a high civilization’, such as
ours must acknowledge to char¬
acters within its composition
equal to such diabolical deeds.
These efforts at destruction of
life and property are becoming
entirely to frequent for the
safety and wellfare of the peo¬
Business is dull on account of
bad weather.
Young Mules.
We have a nice lot of young
mules for sale cheap. Call at
our stable3.
McKnight & Co.
Taka 'Tie Coxyci s W«- and
Weekly Oons’itulioi -
To the cEHTO*I have an absolute
remedy for of Consumption. hopeless hive By its been timely already ose
thousands cases
permanently cured. So proof-positive am I
of it* power that I consider it my duty to
send two bottUs fne to those of your reader*
who hare Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and po stoffice address Sincerely.
il points!'.
My stock of PAINTS for the
Spring and Summer trade is
now complete.
I bate a large stock of
I have bought in large quan¬
tities from the Factories.
If those expecting to
Paint will write and
get Atianta Prices I will
duplicate the same.
I havo by actual inventory
Worth of
I have decided this is too
large a Btock for this size town,
1 can sell as many and carry a
smaller stock, besides I noed the
show case room hence I havo
decided for the next 30 days to
sell steel, brass, nicklo, silver
and gold framed spectacles at
exactly what they cost me at
manufactory-freight not a bled,
this is not a catch penny a 1 in¬
tended to ensnare the unwary.
1 don’t suppose any one will
doubt tho above statement but
if there should be any one who
does ho can and will be con¬
vinced of its truthfulness by