Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, February 27, 1897, Image 2
t\ 7 } tiaVcchh], OM- ICI ' LCRCAM OF THE COUNTY . j H. WALLIS. Eotcted ' the .?< /fief- a' CLinyers as COIl' I iv - inall aifet er. Satlklav, Feb. 27, 1897. Iw line f<*r tlr-1 inssr l op 2 v'-!:'- t*»r pa<*tt -uL» querif in J 5 inch for Krg r a or-ach iv. c. | e ' fir- iv . inf- r,for,. t B'' B.'pnox KA T£: ■< 0'J SiX LI i'dtli» ..Luo Takf ;b: paper. " Safe blower; and buig.ats ate making tn ir headquarters in Atlanta at pi sent. They oper ate early ir t: night. It is estimated that Fitzger aid now ! a ■i population of fif teen thou - a , J and it is thought that by thi ■ in:- next year number v;ii be doubled. Quite a war breeze sprung up in the Senate this week but af¬ ter iitlo harmless circulation through the whiskers of the dig nitarko it subsided. The public is being treated to some of the inside workings of Building and Loan organiza¬ tions this week. Such compa¬ nies have had smooth sailing in the past' The whole country is watch¬ ing the progress of the prelimi¬ nary arrangements for (lie Cor bett-Fitzsimmone mill at Car¬ son, Nevada. That will be a grea. fight and the victor will be truly a champion. Souator elect Clay has gone to Washington to get familiar with his new honors by the 4th of March. It will be a pleas¬ ure to his friends to watch him develop during the next fix years. The jury in the Flanagan case brought in a verdict declaring the prisoner sane. Ho was re¬ turned tu Fulton county jail to await trial upon the charge of murder. 11 is attorney, Col. W. C - Glenn;says the fight for his client has just begun. Clayton county lias lost two of her most valued citizens within the past few days. Hon. R. E. Morrow and Mr. Adam Johnson, both men of influence and great social and moral worth have gone !o their long rest. They were our friends and we sorrow in their deatp. Otis Smi:!i, a social favorite with the upper crust in Atlan¬ ta. is an acknowled forger and embezzler and peeps through tho bars of Fulton county’ jail His earnings were not sufficient to uuet the demands of his high social position and he appropiia ted tho funds of his employers. News with regard to the situ¬ ation iu Cuba conies so thick and fast and is so conflicting it is impossible to guess just how the war is progressing. From all accounts Wevier is meeting with success in suppressing the news and in making war upon the unarmed. This will bring him fame. The Sparta Ishmaelite says “The decay of public virtue and nation: 1 virility in the States G , o perceptible that even a Hind man must note it, if he he tl m n of intelligence. There pm'' ;y isn't another govern mem cowardly .Ga or corrupt. it U china.” Seme Pertinent O'^stions Wir, is it that freight trains are allowed to blockade most public crossing? ^ hose duty is it to look after matters? Is it possible that our city fathers have made some arrangement with the R. R. authorities, by thev are at liberty to stop their freight. trains on the Center ; rossing from fifteen to twentv five minute-, while the train men shift and move cars on the sidings regardless of the inconvenience caused to both lad’es and children? Y\ by cannot these trains be Cllt loose and the crossing j t certainly would not interfere w it!i the work of these trains an( j vv o• 1 1 cl be a great conveni ence to many of our citizens. ' l i One Of Thera.” Crnyers Comedy Co, The members of the above named organization delighted a large number of people at Al rnaud ‘ Ha!i Frida evenin 8 0,1 y S Feb. 19, The progiom was a 0u one and was presented to to the audience iu a mily artis¬ tic manner. The Company is composed strictly of home talent and not a member failed to win applause at every appearance before the lights. To mention those who dis¬ tinguished themselves we would name every member, and yet, some of the boys nearly reacned the perfection of the professiou al. Miss Lillian McCalla and her little sister, Louise, were the most pleasing features in the evenings entertainment from a thoroughly artistic view. Lit¬ tle Mis3 Louise captured the au¬ dience with her singing and dancing. The boys made a distinct Lit and we hope they tnay decide to appear again soon. It would he unfair to give the boys credit for achieving this success unassisted and we feel that it is Luc just that we point to Mrs. T. C. McCalla as the chief adviser, director and trainer, ami it was largely due to her efforts that all appeared so well. McKinley will be inaugurated next Thuisday,the4th of March. Three cheers tor Greece! She has shown her willingness to make gravy out of Turkey. Talk up for electric lights. Blood «§s Bone, High Grade See J. P. TILLEY. Tuffs Pills Cure AH Liver Ills. ARE YOU ’ BANKRUPT ^health, constitution undermined by ex¬ travagance in eating, by disre¬ garding the laws .of nature, or physical capital al! gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness an fi all kindred diseases. Tseff’c L f PIIlc niIb absolute cure. fpiG PO’ Absolutely Pure Celebratid for its great leavening he mod an ? fce * M,,lu,n and e , all « 1 A ^ ur(s of asairg' aium forms mIu t-rauun common to the cheap brands ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, NEW Y'ORK. CITY BAHBEBSflGP. -HENRY RE-flGHN PROPRIETOR. My shop is comfortable. My towels are clean. My tools are always keen. My attention is respectful. My aim—to please all. Give me a call when you need d aressmg up. ROHD NOTICE. Gfosgia, Rockdu.e County, pited Whereas, certain petitioners have so¬ to the undersigned for the estab¬ lishment of a new road, commencing at the ?,Iao(in road, near Liberty Ciitn i-l, and running in direciiun of Coving¬ ton hv residence of M. A. Waldrop to c unty line, and the commissioners un¬ pointed having repor.ed that ssid con¬ templated road will be of public utility and that they have marked out the same, tuis is to cite all persons that on and after the 29th day of March, 1837, said road will be granted, if no good cause is shown to the contrary Given tinder mv hand and official signature, ihisFeb 23, 1897. Adv. $3 48. A. Al. Helms, Old. SCOTT’S A.A. Strictly first-class high Grade Blood and Bone Guano for sale by Smith & Lifsey. HERE WE ARE. *4 n the experimeute forseveial years past on the Station farm in _JL dicate that on the soils of middle Geotfia a fertilizer for cotton should contain about the following proportions of the three valuable elements: AVAILABLE PHOSPHORIC ACID O POTASH .................. CO AMMONIA.................. CO E J. REDDING, Director.” Every farmer in Georgia knows Col. Redding and the position he occupies with the state. Now compare t ROCKDALE ALLIANCE GUANO, Guaranteed Analysis; Available Phosphoric Acid—10: Ammonia—3; Potash—3. Those figures are from Commissioner R T. Nesbitt’s Bulletin made by the State Chemist. Dr. Geo I'. Payne. By this you see we have the beat guano on the market; a guano exactly suited to this section, from the very highest authority. ROCKDALE ALLIANCE 335 POUNDS. (BLOOD AND BONE) 300 POUNDS. JNO. M. GREEN’S FORM ALAR (BLOOD AND BONE) 300 FOUNDS See us before you buy. We can save you money. J. P. Tilley. BrJ3 ib~«=3S S=3 spaa a Cures Consumption. (In Its First Stages,) Ur.ut°»°d“SLS“ Relieves lj f ° r CO,,S '' S ' C ‘' l ' ie ’ S °™ Throat’ a 1 Pulmonary Diseases, such as Difficult breathing, Pams nt?S m tLe 0516811 aBCl Lungs ' For Sale b J merchants and B. D. CROESLEY, Sole Proprietor, For sale in this immediate section by CoDyers, Ga. 1 DR. Y H. LEE, Conyers. Ga. * I • A D. 51. ALMAND & C’>., Conyers, Ga. Jj - D CROSS LEY, Confers, Ga. LUI _ PS GAY , Rose Bud, Gwinnett countv, Ga. J. E. JOHNSON DRU G CO., Lithonia, Ga. J• I • BRAND, Lithonia, Ga MIKE MOORE, .Jacksonville, near Lit tonia, Ga’ YV H. BRASH W. P. JOHNSON, ELL, Redan, Ga'. Sow, 50c an I §1. Logansville, Ga. Dissolution Notice* Tiie firm of IT. P. & D. M, Almaud & Co. is this day dis¬ solved by mutual consent, Mr. H. P. Almand, sr.. retiring, the old firm of H. P. & D. M. Al maud & Co. assuming all liabil¬ ities. H. P. Almand, sr. D. M. Almand, E. IP Almand, J. M. Almand. Conyers- Ga., Jan. 16, 1897. Co Partnership Notice. The undersigned have this day formed a co-partnership for the purpose of carrying on a general merchandise business under the style of D. M- Almand & Sons,which firm shall assume all assets and collect all indebt¬ edness due the old firm of H 1 P. & D. M. Almand & Co. The firm of D. M- Almand & Sons will continue business at the old stand unfier the same manage¬ ments of the old firm. Thank¬ ing our patrons for their past favors, we respectfully solicit a continuence of the same D. M Almand, E, H. Almaud. J; M. Almand, D. W. Almand. Notice. In withdrawing from the old firm of H. P. & D, M. Almand & Co., I take this method of thanking my friends and gener¬ al public for the kind patronage bestowed on them, and respect¬ fully ask a continuence of the same for the new firm of D, H. Almand & Sons' H. P. Almand, Sr. NOTiCE. I am prepared to do any kind of mechanics work on short notice. See me or call at Week ly office.— J. F. Wallis. Dissolution Notice. By mutual consent the firm of Marbut & Reagan has de solved W. S. Marbut succeed¬ ing the old firm, and being au¬ thorized to collect all notes and accounts due the old firm. This Jan. 16, 1897. W-S. Marbut, C. E. Reagan. SIX YEARS OLD , The Fern dale Rye or . Bourbon is * 2§5 six and years is ship¬ old FERNDALE from ped our direct Dis¬ RYE tillery to the consu ra e r s, Bourbon thus insuring absolute pur ity: We never sell to the whole¬ sale and retail dealer, thus sav¬ ing two profits to the consumer. Feindale Rye or Bourbon is highly recommended by phy sicians as a typical whiskey for medicinal and family uses. Atrial .... order , will ..7 . insure your ' future patronage. Ferndale Rye or Bourbon $2.65 per gallon. No charge for jugs or packing. Money * must accompany all orders. i Regarding rx J our respon sihility we refer you to the City National and Citizens Savings Banks; of Paducah, Kv. mands Awaiting your valued com¬ we remain, Very respectfully yours, SAM STARK DISTILLINGCO. Paducah, Ivy. 1 legaladver M ENTS. GEORGIA U 0 " To all U:Co! pf , , Peels, , euar.iian i r W ' ni'er ■“'! Rufus l„ cl, b. inr- f'ir a tv •tup of gat<J oolify objections,If all tl: thOr ’We, this No 3li 1Si)G ' ‘StJ Adv. fee A. M.jt e! fg 00, Georgia Koei; dalb c \ 'V 4 ' t n' ^ % ^^urorofthj represents tl ■ ts . Ills tltion ill ; i (!u| v th«i fully ex cute.! the " ll! of • said t his is therefi re to cits all concerned, whv to suo-.v ,., u ^ , can, said «eem«r shovi discharged from his trust is ecu tor, and receive letter. „f sion on the first Monday i n j A-11. E Oi ■OOS FOR REMOVAL OF nil TIES. Georgia, Rockdale Count Notice is hereby given'ht . earned that 1 have fiivd with a of the Superior Court of my petition addressed to said c turnabie to the next term thp be held on the first Monday ii 1897, for tlie removable of the ties inipoged upon me bv m marriage with Leila Harris a Leila George, which appKcatt be heard at the Court House county at ? a id term. This anuary 21,1897. Adv’g. $4.50. Siewaet Ih NOTICE TO DEBTORS A NO ITO! S. All persons indebted to the ei t bonias C. Posev Deceased Rockdale oounty, are hereby ’ 761 to make ftetlements at. once esraro • > ® r a t ! e8 are t hol,J,n requeued S claims prevail agiJ to nisi once, to L. J. Almaud or to Mis. M A. Posey AdJ LETTERS OF Gfosgia, Rockdale County: 1 To all whom it may wm:era M. C. Bennie having in tine for plied to the undersign'd for i r,ent letters of administration i estate of Robe White, late o, county, said application deceased, and 1 firs' will pas] on die Mow March, 1897. Given ir dt>r m and official signs'ure this Feb. 1 Adv. fee $3. A. M. Heims Georgia, Sips'- Rockdale County; F.Affe. admit,is'ratorof til of V. ,1, Gee, late of said ci deceased, has in due form appli d the undersigned for. n order leave to sell the rea 1 iswcbeionf estate of said mceoed, and 1 p i• s upo n said application on tb< Monday in .March. 1897. Given i mv hand and official siyniituro Feb. 1. 1S97. A. M Heims, C Adv. fee $?>. oo niwiwBT»j fraear in it i iMmu 6 BLOOD 1 111 , HIGH GRADE. See J. P. TILLEY Wm. H. SlflPKINS, Attorney at Law. OFFICE UP ST A IRS IN T11E X I G V T BUILDING. Does a general practice. Charges reasonable. Collections a specialty Precures loans on farm lands s low rate of interest. Advertise your business and help bring renewed prosperity to the town. T have opened an office in the uiidmg formerly occupied by Dr. J. J. Seamans, and solicit a share of the patronage of the people. R. A, Jones, Dentist. NOTICE. Covington, Ga. Jan, 4, 1897. I have sold my stock of Har¬ ness and Vehicles, to my son, R. E. Everitt, who will continue the business, both here and at the branch house in Conyers, Ga. Thanking the public for the long nud liberal patronage given me in - tlie .. past . and j SollC iting ” for Mr. R. E. Everitt a continuance of your trade, I am Respectfully yours, R. M. Everitt. NOTICE. Covington, Ga., Jan. 4, 1897. I have bought the Harness hud Vehicle business of Mr. Ft. M. Everitt and will continue to Keep a first-class stock both here and at my branch house in Conyers, Ga. I am grateful to the trading public for the liberal patronage extended the old u firm ,, and . shall , strive . . . to mer- j it a continuance of your pat- | Respectfully, j ronage. R. E. Everitt. Geoegia, Rockdale, 1 To all whom it may concern:-] estj Brodnax, administrator ol the Austin Usher, col., Lfc of paidco; rleceosed. lias in due form appli the undersigned for an order of gr» sail ieave to sell the real e-tate c.a s ed,andl will piss upon sail plication on the flr.-t Monday in J nexr. Given under my hand andq signature thisFeb. 1.1897.' , Adv. fee $3. A M. Helm?, Sheriff Sale, Will be sold on the first TuasJi March, 1897, at the court bouse all yers, hours in of said sale, county, to the highest within binds! thuj cash, the following property tw One tract of land lying in »kl W of Rockdale, ir! 16, h di trict ol ! nally Henry, now Rockdale eoi bouuded North by W. L Beck, by 1). M, A Inland, South by A> Whitaker, East bv own land, eon in? fifty-two acres, Ssid place us it a house erected for rhu'llii'lC j land levied on as Ihe property of A. Robinson to satisfy arnort.'SCT issued from Rockdale Superior iHmiiJ'-ffi in favor of ,T. K, Stewart. Carrie J. of J. A B. Stewart, and j art administratrix of J. A. e 4 against .las A Robinson, ‘ a ''t pointed out bv Ufa and tenant not This Jan. 30, 1897. Austin, SW , J ■ IV. H, M. Adv. fee $4 77. TO CONTRACTORS. Georgia. Reck lale r °untr. I 'iurehwi for furnishm# »H nia'criai. capes sewerage, water. , ea w.3 and building »n<i com,fie » n which tnay !••• ' VGw .wen *'• nn (V 1 ste^V^ilitevl-. au- ITV.' v,1,i: ^,J '. Ordinary. am? labeled ^ /•>] and delivered tn nn* ,Ml r °- ft lJ cIock< n0 „„. ;i.r, 1 b n I5d;.. X. r;ite bi<N wi t! " V; ,t « . , r . rustling rage=. reserved m r<y' aux The right i all bids. B *n<! w i he in eordance v.i h tbs I : ■ als to be made on a - Hews. Adv. $4 77 a m. The Weekly gh'e- til liome news This is :kf4 any weekly paper.