Newspaper Page Text
Here is
is used by
and we
liave a
large stock.
With two
bars of
N ickle’
Soap, for
10 cents,
we w ill
give, free,
a nice set of
Tea spoons.
A set of
Spoons with
every four
Low prices
our entire
The Grocer,
10 Geniev sf.
J. P. TltliKY, A. M. McElvaney.
We represent the Strongest Compa¬
nies in the World. We pay all loss s
promptly and without litigation. We
insure ail kinds of city or town prop¬
erty, country Dwellings, Barns, Stock,
tenant etc., at the very lowest
rates- We will also take care' of your
Valuable papers arsd Im=
surance Policies in John
H. Almand’s Vaults free
of charge.
We solicit your patronage.
Concerning People and
Tie fee- !s
simile oa
slfsaiars >s vrrapps?. every
Mrs. Lawrence, of Edgewood,
is the guest of her daughter,
Mrs, D. S. Butler, in the city,
Mrs. Mitchell, of Atlanta, and
Mrs. Langley, of McDonough, are
on a visit to their father, Mr. H. C
Penn, in our city.
Two car loads corn just iu at n.
M. Almaud & Sons
Mr. Jeff Huson and little son
were here a short while this
A number of our citizens
heard Dr. Talmage last Tues¬
day night. They enjoyed his
lecture very much.
Mr, Lee Maddox has moved
Atlanta. He lias been en¬
by Wellhouse & Sons.
Mrs. Bledsoe and little chil¬
and Miss Josie Willing¬
of Henry county, were
of Mr. J. D. Winburn’s
the first few days of the
The bicycle thief has hit our
In his passing he hook¬
Mr. Dillon’s wheel and that
gentleman is now engaged in an
effort to recover.
It is now First Lieutenant
Chas. McDonald,of the Conyers
Volunteers. The election was
held in the Armory last Monday
Mr. W. N. Everitt and family
spent several days in Covington
Georgia State Standard—
perless Cotton and Corn
itself. See Smith
& Lifsey.
My new spring goods have anived
Chas- B. Hudson
Notice the changes in several
advertisements in this issue.
Give the lights a word.
Birthday Celebration.
Uncle Jno . I. Dennard was
73 years old on the 20th day of
this month and together tvith
his large family of children and
grand-children celebrated the
event at the home of his son
in-law’, Mr. M M. Norton, with
a sumptuous mid-day feast to
which all the family contribu
ted. Basket after basket, filled
with the most tempting eata
bles, was carried to the home
of Mr. Norton on that day, and
when tee long table had been
arranged and the company in
vited in to dine, it made a pic¬
ture that will long linger iu the
minds of those present.
“Uncle” Juo. I. was in great
spirits and enjoyed the day
Among those present were
Messrs. J. W. and VV. F. Den¬
nard and Mrs. Annie McCord,
of Atlanta.
You want a guano that will
pay you buy EDYSTONE and
I am agent for the oldest,
compares on'larll" M "d
a share of your business.
Will take care of your
Policies, Deeds and Valu
abie papers in Fire-proof
vault free of charge.
Very respectfully
W. J. Eases, Agent.
At John It. Almand’s Bank.
ifis- /! .
..ails *3
D ; M- A'maud & Sons will re
ceive in few days big stock of spring
dices goods.
Corn, Hay, Bran, Oa 8 at d, M
Almand & Sons
miss Annie White, of Texas,
is on a visit to her sister, jtrs.
John Plunket, of Oak Grove.
Fresh water ground meal at d. M.
Almand & s 0 ns.
Major E. H. Almand made a
business trip to Atlanta last
Thursday .
d M Almand ASons have just
rec ived a shipment of fine Weyl
man. slippers Come and see them,
Mr. J N. Hale has purchased
a new horse and now has one
of the vei y best animals in the
Miss Girt rude Jackson, of
Watkinsvillo, was the guest of
Miss Minnie Turner this week,
After a short visit to .Mrs. J.
P. Tilley, Mesdames J. S. Dan¬
iel and N. B. Hudson have re¬
turned to their home in Atlanta.
Mesdames George and ITarde- ]
man, of Newton county, were!
guests of Mrs. A. B. Ozborn last
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ozborn, of
Covington, were guests of Mr.
Will Everitt’s family Sunday.
The young gallants of our
city were perfectly delighted
last Tuesday afternoon to lavish
their attentions upon four of
Henry couuty’s most cultured
and winsome daughters. The
Misses Price, of Flippin, Miss
Zachry, of Peacbstone shoals
and Miss Carmichael, of Mc¬
Donough, lent brightness to tjie
town for a lew hours Tuesday.
New' legal advertisement in
this issue.
‘Uncle’ Jack Swords has re¬
turned from Louisiana where
he went to be present at the
trial of Wells, the murderer of
his son, He came away before
the trial ended and doesn’t
know the result.
The man who will take a pa¬
per two years and refuse to pay
for it can’t have a reserve seat
in heaven.
“Just tell them that you saw”
Chas. B. Hudson’s new goods.
We may have electric lights
in Conyers at an early day.
The movement is on foot and is
likely to be encouraged .
•‘Out this out and keep it.
The g c ; ent ifi c American gives
recipe, which the whole
wor j^ should know: At the
firgt indication of diphtheria in
the throat make the room close,
then take a tin cup and pour
into it an equal quantity of tar
and turpentine, then hold the
cup over the fire so as to fill the
air with the fumes. The pa¬
tient on inhaling the fumes wall
cough out the membranous mat¬
ter and diphtheria will pass off.
The fumes of the tar and tur¬
pentine loosen the throat and
thus afford the relief that has j
baffled ' tie skill of physicians.” j
............ 1 __________ ______ |
I have 500 fine Cedar pesvior
sale. See me. i
1 S • L. Almand.
b ° U S htand ***■ Ccllectic " s «**» oa *'> rf »h«
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will mot be honored! under amy ci return
0ffice]lours fl . oai 8 a. m. till 4p. m. till further notice,
Tts f;e- /} is C3
Mrs ()11i-• Willingham has
returned to her home at Cedar
town afUM ' apU ' nsant vi;jit to
her relatives here.
Bev. J. F. Almand’s little
daughter Ruby, fell from the
door in her father's house and
dislocated both arms at the el¬
bow. The little girl will soon
recover from the injuries.
Mrs. A. E. McNair, of Monti
cello, was here a short time
this week.
The little infant boy of Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Summers has
been very sick this week.
Rev. Dr. Quillain, of Mariet¬
ta, was here' a short time yes
terday. He was greeted with
genuine pleasure by our people
That £8,
Medicines, Toilet Articles,
Fine Soaps, Brushes, Combs,
etc., go to
1 Sail] Drug CTJI
Representative R. IT. Cannon
was in town Monday and in¬
formed us of the arrival at his
home of a young ‘man’ of about
nine pounds weight. He is a
little fellow and
already disclosed evidences
Mrs Pritchard, of near Hamp¬
ton, while on her way to visit
her sister, Mrs W. A. Mitchell,
Lorraine district, was strick¬
with paralysis. She lias not
been able to speak and can
move herself but slightly since
the stroke.
My] new Spring Clothing has
been opened np —(.'has. B. Hudsor.
Chas B. Hudson has an ad¬
vertisement in this issue. He
has a splendid stock of goods
and his prices are right.
Cuba, by Senor Quessda, Cuban reprn
rentative at Washington. Endorsed by
Cuban patriot-. In 'reroenrlous de¬
mand. A bonanza for agents. Only
$1..')0. Big boon, big commissions •
Everybody wants the only endorsed,
reliable book. On 1 tits free. Ore it
given. Freight paid. Drop all trash,
and make $300 a month with war in
Cuba, Address to day .THE NATION¬
AL BOOK concern, 352-359 Dearborn
St , Chicago.
■ AH the fine beef cattle you
have for sale. Highest market
price paid for them.
A. B. Osborn.
For Infants and Children.
Tie fee- /? _ Is m
To the Editor I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive duty am I
of its power that t consider it my to
who tore Comim^tion,Throat, BrorchiaL™
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SLOCUM, K. C., 183 Pearl St., Hew York.
The Editorial and Business Management of
taper Guaraatee toia geaervua AhroposiUoa* *
Rev. J. F. Marston, of this
State, recently returned from a
seven montlis visit to,the Holy
land, delighted audiances at the
Baptist church here Wednesday
and Thursday nights, Last
night he gave a lecture at the
court house.
Speak a word for electric
lights. We need
The credit system is the baue of this country. If the people
would buy for cash this sunny south of ours would soon blossom
like the rose; selling for cash and secure cash discounts, I buy
from Manufactures and save the middle-man’s profit. The cash
system enables me to dispense with the service of a book-keeper.
It saves me the time and annoyance of collecting, and I am saved
a great deal that I would otherwise lose in bad debts. I have
learned from long experence that the only way to manage a, drug
business successfully is to conduct it on a cash basis. I intend
to give my customers the advantage of my “cash” savings us
the following prices will testify:
S. S. S, Large size, Regular price $1.75, niv price $1.17
* small size ‘ 100, 07
B. B. B. * 1 00 67
Hood’s Sarsaparilla ‘ 100 67
Brad field’s Female Regulator 00 67
Mother’s Friend .00 07
Pe-ru n a 100 67
Pryor’s Pile Ointment 0 25 15
Moffets Teethina 0.25 15
Blackdraught 0 25 12*
Cheney’s Expectorant, large 0 50 30
Ohenev’s Expectorant, small 0.25 15
Household Ammonia 0.25 10
Simmons Liver Medicine 025 15
Simmons Liver Regulator 0.25 15
Rankins Buchu and Juniper 1.00 67
0. 0. Pills 0.25 10
Dickey’s Eve water 0.25 13
Smith’s Worm Oil 0. 25 15
Turkish Liniment 0 25 15
Syrup of Figs, large ‘ 1.00 67
Syiup of Figs small ‘ 0 50 35
Si 'wards Gin end BueliU ‘ 1.00 67
Hucldeboriy Cordial, huge ‘ 0 50 35
Huckleberry Cordial, small ‘ 0 25 15
Camphor Ice 1 0 25 10
Sweet Gum and Mullein, large ‘ 0 50 35
Sweet Gum and Mullein, small ‘ 0.25 15
King’s Royal ^rennateiir ‘ 1 00 67
llumiicult’s Rheumatic Cure ‘ 1.00 67
Warner’s Safe Lber and Kidney Cure 1. ‘ 1 .‘..'5 S«
Warner’s other remedies large ‘ 1.23 SB
Best Slock Powder l 0,6.1 10
Dr. ilil«s Remedies 1.00 07
Tiut’s Pills 0.26 13
All other pi!It 10, 13 and 15 cents.
Pains Celery Compound 1-00 75
The above are a few sample prices, everything gIsb in the drug
line at proportionally low prices. In order to sell at these prices
I am forced to buy in verry large quantities from the Manufact¬
urers and pay spot cash and of course my customers cannot ex
pect rneto sell on time even for a few days, 1 have dispensed
with book keeping, Rernember 1 have no branch store I am
st ill at the same old stand, corner Commerce and Center streets
and as for the quality of my goods and fait dealing, I leave that
for my numerous customers of thirty years standing to judge.
DR. W. H. LEE.
CL™- ffCif a
m 2* II: 6B Ol
- - im urn.
It ie the handsomest stock in town, Everything is First
class in quality. Everything right “up to date” in style.
m m nniiliyiiriM:
To call and examine our stock of New Dress Goods.
Crcntlerr^er : :
Especially invited to see our New Clothing.
We guarantee fo save you money. Come and see our new
goods—use your own judgment about buying.
Chas. B. Hudson.
I have about five thousand stalks
o sfeJ Cnne f» r * dfl. Will Bell on
1 imo—Egbert Smiili.
Wleijyou see my spoils, th®
price* \t M.Vnc.11 Uu-Y #ra ihhiG d
sell will do the reat.^Cfe'a'.B Hudson.
Mr. T. J' Aim and, of AI men
was here to-day.
Friend Ed Everiit has placed
a large safe in his store, This
is an evidence of prosperity.
We regret to learn of the
illness of Mr. Wilnon Huff. We
hope that he may soon he oat