Newspaper Page Text
Woman's Diseases
Are as peculiar and as
unavoidable, discuss¬
cannot be
ed or treated as we ft
do those to which
the entire subject, human asp u
family Menstruation are j
tains such import- «{;, 1 fig
ant relations toher when^mM
health, that lK
Suppressed,Irregn- H f M ,
hr or Painful, becomes i®|§J | A ^gX
she soon
languid, irritable, nervous the bloom leaves
and -tier
cheek- and very grave complica
tions arise unless Regularity and
Vigorare rested to these organs.
BradfielcTs of Is one a receipt of the
Female most noted
Regulator of the South,
where trou¬
bles of this
sort prevail more section, extensively than
in any other and has never
failed to correct disordered Men¬
struation. It restores health and
strength to the suffering woman.
“Wo toe lor the past thirty years handled
Bradfleld’s Female Regulator, both at whole¬
sale and retail, and in no instance has it failed
to give satisfaction. We sell more or it than all
tfher similar remedies combined.”
Lamae, Rankin & Lamae,
Atlanta, Macon and Albany, Ga.
The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Sold by ell Druggists at 81.00 per Bottle.
Having just returned from tho Eastern markets I desire to
announce to the public that I have purchased aspring stock, the
'equal of which has never been showu in Conyers. These
[goods are to arrive in a few days and will provoke the admira
tion of all. The price we will place on these good will prove
fa bomb iu the camp and bring applause from the ladies
Watch our fuither announcements concerning our new
Mi / If !
.5s=Q ..
WM I nr- m 'f/i
Z' IgSilpyy'
% \
~ s
\ j)
.r -
Buggies, Wagons, Harness e tc i= kl 16 most “up to date
be found anywhere and our prices and terms
If you buy before examining my stock ten to one you lose
iOuey. It costs you nothing to look through our stock.
I fj. E. Exeidtt.
pc 5 L B, Exroxltt, lACgr,
tlu3 .
()tlC0 . aClA ei
fiients in this Xi
I'ill pay you to read
m Sr 5 ?^ <>
We have received a copy of
the Evening World, published
at Roanoke, Va. , in which is
given an extended account of
the recital, on the night of the
fifth, of the graduates in music
of Virginia College. Miss Ruth
Ahnand, of our city, was a
member of this class and the
World says of her effort;
“Miss Ruth Altnand sang
Beethoven’s “Scena ed Aria;
ah Perfido,” in a pure soprano
voice of much sweetness and
flexibility, and she was given a
most enthusiastic reception.
She has a fine voice that shows
careful cultivation. Her sec¬
ond number, Lynes’ “Spring
Song” with violin obligato was
sung with much expression. ) >
Another paragraph says:
“One of the features of the
recital was Beach’s “Flower
Song,” by Misses Altnand, Lil
ienthal, Stewart and Persinger.’
Take the Conyers Weekly and
Weekly Constitution -
How many lights will you
m m
ftc Ip II
^Vegetable Prcparationfor As¬
similating Stomachs ihclood and andRcgula
tmg the Bowels of
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful¬
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
PumpJan Seed ~
dlx. Senna *
Jiedficlle Sal’S —
jfru'se Seed *
Peppermint Pi Carbonate Soda- -
Ham? Seed -
Clarified Sugar t -
Watery/cen iaror.
A perfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, forConstipa
tiom Sour .Feverish¬
Worms .Convulsions
ness and LOSS OF SLEEK
Facsimile Signature cf
We sell the Highest grade Guano on the market, or that
has been here for many years.
We are the leaders in
Goods and low prices,
and we stand ready to
substantia te what wq say.
If you want the best GUANOS and ACIDS see us.
If you want the LOWEST PRICES see us.
We will save you nion
ey */ a
J. P. Tilley.
Fertilizers! Fertilizers!
T7e aie In tine oncnerlnet
as'ain tlh-Is season -wltli.
a- f-cLll line o± rextlllzers
Of the Highest Grade
In the marke.
These goods have been thoroughly ' tested throughout Geor¬
gia, South Carolina, Florida and Alabama, for the past twen¬
ty years, with uniform success.
We want to sell you
your Fertilizers this
epPQOn O \Z> CA. w W l ‘ and inVitG VOU J ^
to get our prices before
YOU " IB tlY.
i Offece in Dr. Lee’s Drug Store. Respectfully,
Oaitoria Is put cp ia OEo-rize bottlea only. It
is not sold in talk, Don't allow anyone to sell
yon anything elso on tho plea or promise that it
is “jnst as good" and “will C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. answer every pur¬
pose." A3- See that you get
Tho fao
eimile is on
signature every
of wrapper.
Spring Catarrh.
Atroin npri’g is here. Tin long,
cold winter wi 11 its bluster and etc 1,
h is passed, and hai left iu ts train
innumi ru'd < vie iun of chronic ca
tinti. They Lave, taken a great
many run*dies during the winter
wi ll pirlipi lempor- ry reli<f, but n
fresh cold hrs hiou In. mi the old
symptoms, and, he .rtsick and wea¬
ry of ini g. 'h«y have c*ncul d
that there mo be no re ief foi them.
l’nis i-i a great mistake, and now' is
the time to rectify it.
The spring time is the most fa
vorable time of the year to treat ca¬
tarrh- There is so much less liabil¬
ity to take fresh cold that the treat
imnt is unimpeded. All old cases
of Chronic citarrh should begin im¬
mediately a cou'se of I J e iu na
as directed 111 Dr. Hartman’s books
on this disease- There are so many
different phases and stages of ra¬
tal rli that one hardly knows when
be has it. A great many people
think they ate suffering from some¬
thing- else and have tried many med¬
icines in vain, when if they could
realize that it is catarrh and take
Pe-ru na to-' it they would improve
promptly and soon iecov. 5 r iutirely.
AH who desire to learn more of
cata’ ib should send for a copy
of Dr. Hartman's latest book, which
will be sent free by The Pe-ru-na
Drug Manufacturing Company, Oo
luoibu c ', Ohio
Veal’s Store Items.
The farmers are getting a little
impatient about beginning their
crops- The heaviest rain fall in
several years fell in this immediate
locality last'Saturday morning. It
did great damage to lands.
Prof Henry Austin is teaching
the best school at Shady Dale that
has been there for n good whi o. Ho
is giving good satisfaction.
By the way piop'e are haul mg
out guano tlcro will be a large
acreage plautidiu cotton (Ilia >ear.
The note of the blue bird is to be
heard again. We gladly welcome
him back.
Miss Fannie Kennit is clerking
for Mr. A. L Veal where she will be
glad to have her friends call.
There was a candy pulling at Mr
T. H Hardin’s last Sa* nrday night.
The scn'ler was not there, but. I
know trrey had a good time as uncle
T. II. knows how to make his guests
Sunke3 are getting t<> he numer
our early. About a dozen were
killed around here last week
tv © c ■X&. a ■•sv. o nsl- & e ®
and mm f)
> t* IT
w. T. Almanu & Bon
Have the Largest; Best and most complete line of Buggies,
Phaetons and Surries manufactured. Such a display has never
We also carry a full stock of Harness, Hardware and Uoder
takers goods. Be sure to call on us before you buy.
NO. 10
11 >>m 1 wnrk'ng is-new, on ns mid
we <lr< ad it to Wfi don't k ■■ w
Low t.i g t nt them fir ())•■ mud
l-’.vi HICK.
(N>w, ‘‘Putiii-k, ’ jin t, k“«p up
that lick I'Vt'W vv ok soil when 3 tiU
co ie to tow n vv< J| treat.)
I 1 ch.sipg my last I said ihat Me
iiin'py is “Vos: populi" and ho be is.
[ said ahoithat it was not by my
vote that he is now chief magistrate
of this great lepullic. What are
we who opposed him at the pods
going to do? Shall we throw obsta¬
cles in the way or shall we act the
part of loyal civilians by humbly
bowing to the will of the majority of
last Novembei? I trud wo will act
the part of a wise people and try lo
find out where nnd what the trouble
with us is, and then try and help
right the wrongi.
Njw, I would belong to the re¬
publican patty if it was wlmt the
name represents and would give us a
repub ican government. But, inas¬
much as it Las not given that, I am
forced to bn a democrat.
Now, let's sow what democrat or
democracy weans, Mr- Webs'er
H»ys a democrat is a repub ican and
that iW mo^rncy means a jiovernmPNti
for the peop'p, therefore, I aru a
deinocr.tiu justice to myself and
country. But 'lie democratic party
has become corrupt and has failed
to make the government wbat it
ought to be and we have not got
what we wanted. A great many of
us don't know just what wedo want.
Who ha*! con rol of the govern¬
ment up to I 860 , and what kind of
a government did we ba~<? I an.
.swer, it was in ihe hands of the
democratic paity and we had the
best government under the sun—so
taken and accepted by all na'iona.
Iu 18 G 0 it went into the hands of
the so c died republicans. How?
by Ihe split in the deruociatic party,
and we had two candidates in the
field for president. Since that time
the party now iu power has kept it
with ton little exception.
V\ hat. is the matter with us now?
“Saul, what mcanetk the lowing of
the oxen anil the bleating of those
sheep, tlmt I hear in mine ear? ’
Ah! Agag is alive Jet, and sad
was the fa u of *'uul when ho met
United we stand divided we fall.
Again who made the government
what it ief Didn't all of us fellows
hut have been pawing Ihe ground
to find the tiling of great price?
Didu’t we help to doit?