Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the postoffice at Convert* as
second-class mail matter.
Saturday, Mch. 13, 1897.
Locals 5 cents per line for fir*t inser
tlou 2U cents for each subsequent in¬
sertion Regular adv. 50c. per inch for
first insertion; 25c lor each subsequent
Insertion. .
One year, in advance..... ...$1.09
Bix month?, in advance 50c
Take this paper.
Honor Roll.
The following is a list of the pu¬
pils in the Conyers Public schools
who are on the honor ioll for the
month of February.
Hayden McKnight.Fred 0‘Kelley,
Crawford Hardwick, Madge Melton,
Mary Lou Tucker, Paul Bryan.
third grade, Grammar School:
Harry McElvany, Ruth Haygood,
Leslie Cooper, Alice Chandler, Leo
Longshore, George Everitt.
fourth grade:
Twain Glenn, Allie Joe Sigman,
Mozzelle Farrill, Mattie Lou Whita¬
ker. Carrie Born. Sara Lou Hardin.
fifth grade:
Aubra Almand, Henry Event*,
Parisade Haygood, Frank Tucker (
Time Weaver.
Willie Christian, Allie Elder, Va¬
leria Tucker, Gladys Tillej, Gridel)
Jones, Rutli Hale.
Frankie Norman, Ocie Wardlaw,
Fannie Stan sell, Zeltna Jone-, Fan¬
nie Latham, Luther Hollingsworth,
Mercer Hull, George Holcomb.
High school:
Annie Smith, Anthon Norton,
Frank Broadnax.
Pupils ere required to make 95 in
deportment, and also to make 95 in
general standing.
Buell Stark, Supt.
D. M. Almand <fc Sons will re¬
ceive a car load of fresh white corn
to make water-gtound meal with.
Rev. Frank Culpepper will
preach at Rockdale Baptist
church to-day and to-morrow.
Rev. Culpepper is an earnest
young divine and will well en¬
tertain his congregations.
Dr. J. W, Riley, of Atlanta,
epept Thursday with his parents
here. He is traveling fora New
York Drug Co.
Hon. L. L. Middlebrooks, of
Covington, was here for a short
time yesterday.
Mr. Davis Crossley made a
business trip to Lithonia this
The reading circle spent last
Monday evening very pleasant¬
ly at the home of Miss Mary
Stan sell. This organization af¬
fords the young people much
improvement and pleasure and
we are glad that it is growing
in popularity.
Miss Lillie McKown, of
Hampton, is the guest of the
Writer’s family.
On the 29th of this month
Mr. Cbas. McDonald will ap¬
pear before the military Ex¬
amining Board at Madison and
stand an examination for First
Lieutenant of the Conyers
Scott’s A. A.
Guano beat
all other last
SeaSOU.Try * it
Smith & Lifsey,
The death of Mrs. Ira Mad¬
dox occurred at her home near
this place last Saturday morn¬
ing. She had been Bick for a
long time.
Miss Lena Bishop is aghin at
her post in the dry goods de¬
partment of D. m. Almand &
Sons store, She has been de¬
tained at the bedside of her
mother for several weeks.
Lev. H. J. Adams has been
appointed presiding Elder of
the Oxford district to fill the
vacancy made by the appoint¬
ment of Rev. Walker Lewis to
the first Methodist church of At¬
lanta. Rev. Toombs Dubose
will come to the Conyers church.
Our people were delighted with
Rev. Mr. Adams and regret to
lose him. Since there is no ap¬
peal, however, they feel fortu¬
nate in having enjoyed his
preaching even for a short, time.
A hearty welcome will be ex¬
tended Rev. Dubose.
Sty Ssargia Stats Stan¬
dard, Blood and Bone
Sam, from
Smith & Lifsey.
The Fern
dale Rye or
Bourbon is
$ 2 6-5 six years old
ferndale and is ship¬
ped direct
from our Dis¬
RYE tillery to the
consu m e r s,
BOURBON thus absolute insuring pur
ity: We never sell to the whole¬
sale and retail dealer, thus sav¬
ing two profits to the consumer.
Femdale Rye or Bourbon is
highly recommended by phy¬
sicians as a typical whiskey for
medicinal and family uses.
A trial order will insure your
future patronage.
Ferndale Rye or Bourbon
$2.65 per gallon. No charge
for jugs or packing.
Money must accompany all
orders. Regarding our respom
sibility we refer you to the City
National and Citizens Savings
Banks; of Paducah, Ky.
Awaiting your valued com¬
mands we remain,
Very respectfully yours,
Paducah, Ky.
Green’s Formula
Blood & Borne,
High Grad
Tutt’s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
constitution undermined by ex¬
travagance in eating, by disre¬
garding the laws pf nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Tutt’s Liver
an absolute cure.
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for its great leavening
strength and healthfulne-'e. Assures
the food against alum and all forms of
adulteration common to the cheap
royal baking powder CO.,
My shop is comfortable.
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up.
OWMBW* trade marks,
Anyone ascertain, sending free, a sketch whether and description na ay
quickly probably patentable. Communications an invention etrictl is
confidential. Oldest for ir
in America. We have agency Washington securing paten office.
Patents taken through Munn & Go. reoeh
•peclal notice In the
beautifully 8cientlac illustrated, largest circulation of
•1.60 any six months. journal, Specimen weekly,terms$3.00 a Hamd year;
Book on Patents free. copies and
sent Address
munn & CO.,
361 Broadway, New York.
Strictly first-class high Grade
Blood and Bone Guano for
sale by Smith & Lifsey.
SFf _1_ (he experiments for several years past on the Station farm in
dicate that on the soils of middle Georgia a fertilizer for cotton
s iould contain about the following proportions of the three
valuable elements:
POTASH ......................... co
AMMONIA........................ co
R J. REDDING, Director.”
Every fanner in Georaia knows Col. Redding and the position he
occupies with the state. Now compare:
Available Phosphoric Acid—10: Ammonia—3; Potash—3;
These figures are from Commissioner R. T. Nesbitt's Bulletin made
by the State C jemist. Dr. Geo F. Payne. By this you see we have the
very best guaDo on the market; a guano exactly suited to this section,
from the very highest authority.
See us before you buy. We can save you money.
J. P. Tilley.
Mother Crossley’s Cough Cure
Has No EfuL
C r s Cons m ion.
(In Its First S ges,)
An infallible remedy for Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat’
Croup and Influenza.
Relieves a 1 Pulmonary Diseases, fsueh as Difficult breathing, Pains
and Tightness in the Chest and Lungs. For Sale by merchants and
B. D. CROESLEY, Sole Proprietor,
For sale in this immediate by Conyers, Ga.
DR. W- H. LEE, Conyers, Gp.
H. P. <fc D. M. ALMAND A Co., Conyers, Ga
B. D. CROSSLEY, Conyers, Ga.
P. C. UPSHAW, Rose End, Gwinaett county, Ga.
J. E. JOHNSON DRUG CO., Lithonia, Ga.
J. T. BRAND, Lithonia, Ga,
MIKE MOORE, Jacksonville, near Lithonia, Ga.
W. P. JOHNSON, Redan, G aj
PRICE, 25c, 50c and *1. W. H. BRASWELL, Logans,ffie, G 8>
Sheriff Sales.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
April. 1897, before the Rovkda’e conr1 hous», in
the town of Onyrre, couniy,
G«., wlthlu the legal horns of sale, the
following property, to-wit - One hun¬
dred and ten seres of land, im re or
less, in the 16th district of Originally
Henry, now Rockdale county, Georgia,
aDd part of land lot No.-and boun
ded hs follows: On the North In¬
lands of e-trte of Washington Den
nard, on the South and E tst by lands
of the S. W. Bryans estate and on the
West by lands belonging to Levied the ertae
i-f Washington Dennard. Wash on
as the property ot sim >, col. to
satisfy twolaxfifas for Ids S;ate and
countv taxes for 1895 and 1896 Ten¬
ants in possession notified of this levy.
This March 11, 1897.
VV. H. M. Austin, Sheriff,
Adr. $4.59.
ALSO, at same time and place, one
house and lot in tow,/, containing
one acre, more or le?.-, bounded as
follows: On the South >>yW. H M.
Austin, on the East North* by Ds. R. A. Jones
on the West by street, North by
Mattie Gaither col., Le: ied upon as
the property of Benrv Henderson
to fifa for his satisfy tax
State and county taxes for
the year 1S96. Tenants in possession
uotified of this levy, this March 12tb,
1897. W. H. H. Austin, Sheriff.
Adv. $8.
Also at same time and place will be
sold two hundred and eighty acres, of
land, more bounded or less, lying follows; »n Rockdale
county, as On the
west by lands of Jno. M. Zachrv, D.
H. Roberts and Sarah E Fret well, on
the South by lands of C. M. Taylor,
Abbie Griffin and Geo. W. Gleation,
on the East by waters of Yellow river
and lands of j. A. & J. A. B. Stewart,
on the North by lands of Sarah E.
Fretwell, Allen D. Summers and Frank
Bryant. Said land levied upon as the
property of J. II. Griffin, ygt. for wife
and children, to satisfy a tax fifa for
State and county taxes for the year
1896. Tenant in possession notified of
this levy tbis Mareh 12, 1897.
W. II. M. Austin, Sheriff
Adv. $4.26*
ALSO, at the same time and place
one hone - and lot in said to vn, contain
ing one acre. ni< re or less, bounded as
fo.lows: North by A. J. P erce, East
by L. F. Scott, t-Duth by . . M Huff
and West by I. M. Aim !. Levied
upon as the pro ,, ^y of F i Leverit.,
Agt., for bis . and < r taxes for
the ^ ear 1896. Levy nude by G. A.
Willingham, L. <J„ and tuined over to
me, this Mch. 5th, 1897.
W. H. M. AUSTI , Sheriff.
Georgia, Rockdale County.
plied Whereas, undersigned certain petitioners have ao
to the for the estab¬
lishment of a new road, commencing
at the Macon road, near Liberty Chap¬
el, and running in direction of Coving¬
ton by residence of M. A. Waldrop to
county line, and the commissioners ap¬
pointed having reported that said con¬
templated road will be of public utility
and that this they have rnarkel out the
same, is to cite all persons that on
and after the 29th day of March, 1897,
said road will be granted, if no good
cause is shown to the contrary
Given under mr hand and official
signature, this Feb 23, 1897.
Adv. $3 48. A. M. Helms, Ord.
Whereas, certain petitioners have ap¬
plied to the undersigned t\ r the estab¬
lishment of a new road commencing at
the residence of Joe Peek, in Sheffield
district and running a South-west
course in the direction of Mr. Jas.
Dempsey’s road and intersecting the paper
mill near paper mill biidge. pass¬
ing M, through lands of W. R. White, T.
Thomason. Mrs. Maiy Moon and
the heirs of G. VV. Johnson’s estate,
aod the commissioners appointed hav¬
ing reported that said roatemplated
road will be of public utility and that
they have marked out the same, this is
to cite all persons that on and alter the
12th day of April, 1887, said road will
the be granted contrary. if no good cause is shown to
Given under my hand and official
signature, this Mch. 10, 1S97.
A, M. Helms. Ord.
Adv. $4.35.
By virtue of an order of the Court of
Ordinary of Rockdale couuty, will be
sold between the lawful sale hours,
before the court house door, in the city
of Conyers, on the first l'uesday in
April next, the following descrioed
property: Fifteen acres of land, more
or less, being the place whereon W. J.
Gee, lata of said county deceased, re¬
sided at the time of his death, said
place embracing good dwelling, grist
,oi)l and valuable water power on Yel¬
low river, five miles east of Conyers,
better known as toe Gee mill property.
This droperty affords one of the best
water powers in the State and is a val¬
uable site for any kind of manufactur¬
ing enterprises, and to be ;old for the
purpose of pa-ing debts and making
dis;ribution among the heirs of said
W. J. Gee, deceased. Terms; One
third due Oct. 15, 1£97, onc-third due
Oct. 15, 189S, a^d one-third t ue Oct. 15
1899, with eigii p :r cent ' arest pei
annum, with prUilege of aying ail
Jos. F.Gee, Adm’r. W, J. Gee.
Adv. $5.61.
Sealed proposals will be received un¬
til 12 o’clock noon on the first Tuesday
.n April next for the mechonicai
work In the building anil con>
pletiag river a Gee’s covered biidge the across Yellow piers
at mill on present
of the old bridge in accordance with
plans The and specifications include the tearing in my office.
work to down
Dissolution Notice,
The firm of H. P. & D. M.
Almand & Co. is this day dis¬
solved by mutual consent, Mr.
H. P. Almand, sr.. retiring, the
old firm of H. P. & D. M. Al¬
mand & Co. assuming all liabil¬
ll. P. Almand, sr.
D. M. Almand,
E. H- Almand,
J. M. Almand.
Conyers- Ga., Jan. jjl6, 1897.
Co Partnership Notice.
The undersigned have this
day formed a co-partnership
for the purpose of carrying oi> a
general merchandise business
under the style of D. M. Almand
& Sons,which firm shall assume
all assets and collect all indebt¬
edness due the old firm of IT P.
& D. M. Almand & Co. The
firm of D. M- Almand & Sons
will continue business at the old
stand under the same manage¬
ments of the old firm. Thank¬
ing our patrons for their past
favors, we respectfully solicit
a continuence of the same.
D. M Almand,
E, H. Almand.
J; M. Almand,
D. W. Almand.
In withdrawing from the old
firm of H. P. & D, M. Almand
& Co., I take this method of
thanking my friends and gener¬
al public for the kind patronage
bestowed on them, and respect¬
fully ask a continuence of the
same for the new firm of D, M.
lmaud & Sons
H. P. Almand, Sr.
I am prepared to do any kind
of mechanics work on short
notice. See me or call at Week¬
ly office.—J. F. Wallis.
*nd removal of old brifc.
furnish «d to reject all material. A ’f. K^!* ?° t unT re y to
March any and a ll '^ rv -
Adv. 9, 1897. a ' * \ “lajis, Thl,
$3.21. Urd,
for REMOVAL op hlSABlLt.
Georgia, Rockdale Count
Notice is hereby given" t„ tbi .»
C fT d J hat 1 haVe With r-f "•
of the .Superior ( ourt of l f ' lerk
my petition addressed sapi " Bty
to said eo U B L ’
tun,able to the next term it. te -
be held on the lir.-t MnmUv ill' e lj
1897. for the removable of the hi J ,nl -
nes marriage imposed with upon Leila me Harris. bv i^"'- e '"'
Fed« ’.rorge. , iee lis
be hear which application «
! ar, the Court Hou 8e ' li
county at .-aid term. *>14 j
This 'anuary 21, 1897.
Adv’g. $1.50. SlKWA-tT 1
II amh,
Georgia, Rockdale County
and Rockdale building and completing in a ^’3 "'
plan, and county accordant
which be specifications, copie, J
may seen at mv office i,
county, also at the office Whitehall!
Stewart, Atlanta, architects, 24K
Ga. All proposals must be
Ordinary, sealed and and directed* label#‘Bids A. M t,/ *5
and delivered For
to me on or before li «>
clock, noon, Marcn 15th, 1897 s»„.’ ^
rate bids will be considered for
construction of the building and
me lung cages, steel and iron work
I he right is reserved to reject an ml
ail cordance bids. with Bond will be required i Ll
Msm^rnadeonastilcgy^; the law, and all prenm
Georgia Rockdale Cotkty
• 8- Veal executor of the last will
in ? f £.- his c petition - y? ai represents duly filed, to that this court
fully executed the will of hen
l'ms therefore said deceased
is to cite all iiersoji
concerned, wfiy said to show cause if any i| w
ca i, executor should not
a ; chai ned from his trust as such
ecutor, and receive letters ex¬
of di-mis.
sion o i the first Monday in April 1897,
A. M. He'.i]«,
Georgia, Fockdale county.
To whom it may concern.— W. ff
Scott, executor of Jno. L. 8c At, late of
said county, deceased, has in fiue form
applied to the undersigned for letters
of dismission from his trust as such
executor. This is to cite all persons
that i will pass upon said
application on the first Monday in
June next. This Mch. 9, 1S97.
Adv $6. A. M. Hklms, Orl.
Georgia, Rockdale county.
Mrs. Mary A. <-ee having applied
for a twelve months support ou: of the
estate of her late husband. IV, J. Gce,
deceased, and the appraisers appointed
having filed their returns in mv office,
this is to cite all persons concerned fiat
l will pa^s upon tile same on the first
Monday in April, 1897. This Mch. 2,
1897. A. M. Helms, Ord.
Adv. $.!.
Georgia, Rockdale county.
^Irene Usher. en!„ laving applied for
a twelve months support out of the es¬
tate of her late husband, Austin Usher,
col, deceased, and the appraisers ap¬
pointed haviug filed tbnir returns in
my office, this is to cite all persons the
concerned that 1 will pass upon
«ame on the first Monday in April next
This Mob. 2. 1877.
Adv. $3. A. M. Helms, Ord.
Gfoegia, Rockdale county.
Mrs. Lovie E. Abnand having applied
for a twelve months support out of the
estate of her late husband, John 1. Al¬
mand, deceased, and the appraisers ap¬
pointed having filed their returns iu
mp office, tbis is to cite all persona
concerned that I will pass upon the
same on ibe first Mont ay in April next
This Meb. 2, 1S97.
Adv. $3. A. M. Helms, Ord.
Georgia, Rockdale county. I
To whom ic may concern.—R. Stansell, ■
Cannon, executor of T. A. F.
late of said county, deceased, has ap¬
plied to me for letters of dismission
from his trust as such executor. This
Is therefore, to notify all persons con¬
cerned that I will pass upon said app- 1 -
cation on the first Mondav in
1897. Given under my hand and offi¬
cial signature, this March 2, 189’
Adv. $6. A. M Helms, Ord.
I have ODeoetl an office in the
uiiamg formerly occupied by
Dr. J. J. Seamans, and solicit a
share of the patronage of the
people. Dentist.
R. A, Jo>*es,
Wm. H. SlflPKINS,
Attorney at Law.
Does a general practice, Charges
reasonable- Collections farm a specialty.^ lands p
Preeures loans on
low rate of interest.
Advertise your business and
help bring renewed prosperity
to the town.
How many lights will you
. .
taKe *