Newspaper Page Text
j receive fresh groceries al
it daily- I do not offer old
js at a low price just to get
i of them, You know old
pds are high at any price.
[member you buy cheap fresh cheap¬ gro¬
pes from me as or
en you can buy goods of
pbtful age elsewhere
One cau very fine baking
w <j er for 10 cents and several
u v brands proportionately
ap. soda.
four different brands of
Corn starch, Nelsons Gelatine.
Extracts— best quality—five
b fifteen cents bottles.
Pickles —plain and sweet.
Special low prices on onion
ckles and very fine olives.
Tomato Catsup—Westmins
rand Pepper sauce.
Diamond Starch, five cents
jckages— requires no bluing starch
cooking. Royal Glass
packages and bulk.
Bold dust and Perline wash
bpowders. Red Seal Ster
b Potash and all the best
kdes of Laundry soap,
bysters—full and light weight
Ijper Iraporated than anybody.
apples and Cal
rma dried peaches,
pined meats—onepound and
p /round Roast Beef, one
Ind canned Beef and two
[nd tripe: Potted Ham
ined fish, salmon, mackerel
lines. One pound package
id Cod fish, very fine,
lanned tomatoes, Okra and
joatoes, Corn—sweet and
fanned peaches—Pine ap
[ londensed sliced and grated, for desert. Maple
tup and buckwheat. Have
■tried it?
Ihe best flour and next best,
Id fine water or steam ground
Hams— California pic nic
bis are very toothsome. Try
im. Lard—only the best,
ear—if you doubt my price
[task is somebody Coffee—Arbuck- else what
Ior Leverirrgs—just a little
taper than others,
kcell Block’s crackers. They
lilie best. Don’t take any
Quaker oats and Petyjohn’s
pakfastfood. Grits, Rice,
f you are not satisfied that I
pe sold you the lowest priced,
p the best Tobacco,
[smoking, your money
Jgars, cheroots, cigaretts
5 snuff. No old stock at cost
t fresh, at less than regular
fresh vegetables and fruits.
pandies and nuts.
hardware— plow stocks,
pes,traces, singletrees, heel
p, clevises, lap rings, repair
k harness snaps, rope.
11 hoes and handles, Hoes
K Locks, Saws 1 I will ad
| that Scissors, I am a little over stoek
0n Razors and pack
pives poo but not on old stock—
pware—you’d I be surprised
my prices on tinware,
pery. A ten piece toilet
prS'2,39- If you do not see
Fyou want iu this column
F? ask fer it •
The Grocer,
Center s|.
J. P. Tilltsy, a. M. McElvanf.y.
We represent tile Strongest Compa¬
nies in the World. We pay at] loss s
promptly anti without litigation, We
insure ail kinds of city or town prop¬
erty, country Dwellings, Barns, Stock,
tenant houses etc., at the very lowest
rates. We will also take care of your
swramce Policies in John
H. Aimamd’s Vaults free
off charge.
We solicit your patronage.
Concerning People and
Civic Society.
Philologia Lodge. No. 17S, F.
& A. M„
E. H. Almand. W. M.
0. E. Reagan, Sec.,
Meets first and third Mon¬
day nights in each month.
is OB
Everything at Cut
Prices at The New Drug
Judge A. M. Helms has mov¬
ed his fence back and given a
splendid side walk and the peo¬
ple appreciate it.
Mr. Will Everitt has returned
from a business trip to Winder.
The peach trees are blooming
and some of our citizens have
already been ‘digging bait.’ If
the weather was much like
spring there is no telling what
kind of fish tales ‘uncle’ John
Taylor would be telling.
Some of the material for the
new Baptist church is being
placed upon the lot and work
will be begun at a,n early day,
This is a very gratifying thought
to us and we earnestly hope
that when once the work starts
it may progress without let or
hindrance until it is completed.
Couyers is sure to have a
post office for the next four
years. We have many appli¬
cants for the place and they are
all working earnestly to land.
The present incumbent, Mrs.
Mary A. Melton, is making a
strong effort to succeed herself
and has the endorsement of the
people generally. There ’s no
certainty, however, as to where
the plum will fall.
D. M. Almand & Sons have just
rec lived a lar^e lot of Corn, Hay,
Oats, Bran, etc
Col. J. R- Irwin and Mr. T,
H. Bryans will manipulate the
horns at the Methodist church
as soon as they have sufficient
practice to recall their perfec¬
tion of long ago. In the days
of the Conyers Brass Band these
two gentlemen were in the
front rank of musicians and
aided greatly in making the
Conyers Baud a noted success.
The Methodist church will be
provided with most elegant
music in the .near future.
•IF ? *
You want a guano that will
pay you buy EDYSTONE and
Fits from. V-S.Joifmol of Itcdirfnl
Prof. W. H. Pe&ic, who
makes a specialty of
Epilepsy, bas without
doubt treated and cur
ed more cases than any
living Physician; his
success is heard astonishing.
We have of eases
of 20 years’ cured standing
Cured ' work this ease, him. publishes valuable he with large sends which dis¬ bot- Ho on b7 a
I am agent far the oldest, best
and strongest lire insurance
companies on earth, and solicit
a share of your business.
Will take care of your
Policies, Deeds and Valu¬
able papers in Fire-proof
vault free of charge.
Very respectfully
W. J. Eakes, Agent.
At John IT. Alruaud’s Bank. .
tChe fat
ciails if CB
clgn stare every
V wrapper.
Mr. Win. A Channell and
Miss Mary A. Maloney, of this
county, were united in mar¬
riage hr Justice J. J. W. Glenn,
last Tuesday.
Mrs. Dunn spet last Sunday
with relatives at Winder.
Congressman Livingston will
not get home until after the
extra session unless it is very
prolonged. Mr. Bob Livings¬
ton is here and will remain for
a short time.
We need a few pushing and
thoroughly progressive men to
get up new enterprises for the
town and foster a spirit of con¬
tinual progress.
m T7 t U>-‘
A ■ >
m m H
There js no more loyal citi—
zen anyAvhere than Tom Bryans
and heis open handed in backing
up his loyalty, We haven’t
borrowed money from him and
agreed to pay interest on it
in complimentary notices, but
w r e just simply admire a fellow'
that is as willing to submit to
taxation for public improve¬
ments as he is. Tom says he is
for Conyers, and is ready to go
his part in. anything for the im¬
provement of the town.
Our streets are being given
som much needed work. Some
large sewers are being used in
this round.
Have you seen that stock of
whips at Ed Everitt 8 place?
It is the biggest, best and cheap¬
est ever brought to this town
and you should see it.
After the 20th of this month
I will grind wheat and corn,
Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fri¬
days and Saturdays. After the
20th of June I will grind six
days. Respectfully,
A. N. Plunket.
He Is Pleased.
A special from Athens to the
Evening Constitution says:
“Rev. R R, Tnomhs loonibs G Dll uJ50Se Bose
hns na& received ieoeivou official v, notice of
. .
his appointment as minister in
charge ot the Methodist church
at Couyers, He will report for
duty next week and is wen
| pleased with his appointment.
j For Infants and Children.
The In¬ is n
j “T— stalls
£ TUfP«.
l ~
Exchange bought and sold. Ccllecticns made on all parts of the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will mot be foomoral winder any circum¬
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 i\ m. till further notice.
Tic fac¬ !: os
denature K
it '
Brooks and Reynolds, the
two fellows charged with the
murder of merchant Hunt over
in Jackson county, passed
through here en route to Fulton
county jail, in the custody of
Miss Emma Reagan is
taininR Miss Grace George, of
, , . .
ou w t no e t \e c * au ^ e 111
the advertisement of Wt V. At
maud & Son. They have a
new lot ot bugRtes.
The people as a rule, are for
self, and it is well they should
be, but they should be mindful
of the town in which they re
side. If their town grows it is
presumable that they will like
wise grow. Help get electric
lights for Conyers.
Mr. Jno. S. Gleaton has been j
engaged for the past few days
in studying the plans and sped-:
fications for our new jail. Heis|
prepared, so we learn, to make ’
a very close bid on the woik ■
He is thoroughly competent in
this line and we would be glad
should he succeed iu securing
the award.
D. M. Almand & Sous have a fine
slock of Ladies Slippers and Shoes of
every kind, cheap
Nothing is so noticeable or
commendable in a toAvn or com¬
munity as perfect harmony. No
contentions or aggravated strife;
all peacefnl and contented and
striving for the interests of the
town, morally, religiously and
temporally. Conyers is not
enough on this line.
D- M. Almand & Sons have just re¬
ceived a hogshead of Cuba Molasses.
First Monday in April, It
is thought by some, owing to an
error in the Almanac, that our
Superior court will convene on
the second Monday in April
For the benefit of those who
don’t know, we annouce that
his honor, Judge Candler, will
open his court here on the first
Monday in April.
c , lbai by Senor Que-at'a, Cuban repre
rentative at Washington, Endorsed by
Cuban patriot*. In tremendous de
m nil a bonanza for agents. Only
^ •££ in
MMl make $ 3(! o a month with war
jjqoK concern ^%'^-m Gear-bom
St., Chicago.
Ail the fine beef cattle you
have for sale. Highest market
price paid for them.
A. B. Osborn.
L. w. Harris, little son of Mr.
J F. Harris, was hunting near
his father's home Tuesday morn
ing lie killed a duck that
would make Cleveland envi
ous, It measured three feet
from tip to tip.
Migs May Capehart was the
guest of relatives here this week,
Miss Viola Hollingsworth, of
Point) the gueSt of
Mrs. Dukes, who has been
vel -y s jck for some time, is now
^ j She was visited las.
by Mr anJ Mrs . Wer .
b6r . Mre . Bostvorth. Mies Smith
and Miss Nannie Dukes, all of
We are informed that Judge
McCalla will erect a handsome
residence on his lot in front of
Dr. Jones home at au eailv
Read the advertisement of
W. 8. Maibut in this issue,
Qur efficient ordinary is do
j n g quite the proper thing so
as he continues to protect
the bridges he builds from the
ravages of the weather, by
housing them. He is prepar¬
ing to build a new bridge ai
Gee’s mill and is advertising
for bids on the same in tins pa
Dr. J. P. Rosser, of Atlanta,
was here last Monday,
Mr. Jas. Evans is erecting a
building below Mr. Geo. Ken
non’s store in which lie will
conduct a market business.
Miss Holliiield, an amiable
young lady of Jackson, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. C. D
Fan ill, in this city.
There is every reason why
our people should encourage the
effort to get electric lights for
the town and notone to justify
them in refusing to aid in the
Mr. A. D. Summers has re¬
turned from a business trip to
New York. He reports pleas¬
ure and profit as a result cf
the trip.
We have several new legal
advertisements in this issue.
D. M. Almand & Sons sta'e that
Eggs are declining, But'er is in
good demand. Hens for sale, Tur
keys in fair demand, Beestwav in
good demand and It«gi for sale.
w. r w
■y u
^^2 S mt W
m m
Dn. W. H.Ler.
For some time past we have
used this spaci fer the \ up« se
of making prices of different ar¬
ticles in our line. We know tbak
the low prices Ave have quoted
will meet the approval of th)
public generally.
Wo carry a very large stock,
It was bought wisely and with
ripe experience and theie is no
one who will question the merit
of our goods.
We buy from the very best
manufacturers in the country,
and of course our goods must
the best the market affords.
Conyers is not a very large
town, hut it would le a diffi¬
cult task'to call for an article in
our line that we couldn’t tupply
on the instant. Not many
country drug stores can say
as much.
* *
We throw out these sugges¬
tions modestly, yet we are just¬
ly proud of our establishment
and fully intend 10 keep it iu
the front rank.
The people will always find
just what they want in our store
and at prices as low as anybo¬
We will be pleased to have
you call on us.
See My New Dress?
This is aa Strong;,
old dress, “ Sure,
knows but no one | ■ Si beautiful
that, for and Cheap
its color is (H Diamond
neiv and » Dyes
fresh. IOC. > > should
and a few J m be in
stitches are every
all it cost. household
Diamond Dyes 1Q C(