Newspaper Page Text
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Which Fro
The Commies:.',;} ! •'•••' f er ana Store Keeper.
FniNHUh joH f* s . : st. : i TOM CITY.
- »srr:.?a« 3 tc»ri( Wr-_.-c.
,» - .§0 <».•« Osd- G.-tc. Kiry,
••ij tSE: NT •
Sap's suits, r
* s. tv.-a , / ; ■
; ' rre OUAt.?. . .'• -
..Urvioi. ia Blau::. Biut. . •
\ . us of age.'’ .'•'r.tse
r t'oilar f-mey evnJr.1' :
Tv.:.; ‘mteen.viJ Patent W.-'st I As Tr
: 0 the very best. Same in ; r .;
v d :: SaiiofH-olIar. See PaCferrt’s Be l ovr.
hi Ifv-TOOCj rT/v:
f If II '• S’-EWtSS -W.eCTA
i - If (WfW /
■50 i > \ s
0 0 n \'J | i \
Oxford, 1 Pr c dW v- u ! , !1 ! »
si V^^lwu:; j Aj 1 - i
Grey, 5
* and Olive ? l 11 “ 1 ; n % % mm
When Order ordering send Registered Post Office, Hxprf*-”
Money birthday, or liners, also.,
r-:.-e at last and if large or snv’.H
for •. age. Money cheer fall v refunded i:
not s. isfactory. Send ec. ?cr,r-r»i, for s?m ■
les ' ,r >e me isure. n 1 easur ■. • ; >
r er J IHEaBwa « kssmomao JLllUi i 7 ;.- r**. ■■MV v *
fWe GWttkw W J&*. W t
a^aln tJzC
si fra. 11 2l1: lisexs
Of therHigi %JU Cl
t. . ?/ m a r
=3 ,1 . .v.H
" ■ A -w#
These goods have been . hi b . vQd throughout Geoi
gia, South Carolina, Florida A; Uma, for tbe past twen
ty yerrs, with uniform succ
We want Q £\ s you
your Per * Li. 5 r •D L silo
season an ' y o u
to get ou GO b S TOT6
You ■ti v till ik B
Offec in Dr. Lee’s I>u ; Htity,
SM V -~A ■%
3 2 r o .. ;ve«^
^ x $
V.v^zrA s
1 : [sm • V./ - .if.- //-; ^cV-Al-’-vV cfTc
' h
’ *— 81 ™
- A -
H / iV.
7 j?=
OUR L':\ • .
st “Up to date
Buggies, Wagct :
to be found anyw H.
r * ■ ■ v E
* •> to one you lose
If you buy before :;quga our stock.
money. It costs you not.ii
ilk V eritt.
Eel =*l>7 .....w
fcf ?
--------- *.
Bf*l : |A ;f\
. 1 1# >,] 1
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. jcii ; " G: Tj Co Tift
*QlMi :
: 7X
Iiuin Black, All or Wool, Blue j f 1
rn.i-ip in latest 1
’ tdel Farmer Satin,
■ ; man 1 ; : £S£ti£>2X&
-;;..oo. de for sow Youth ««»«*. HE
uv-nu 40
com-.,« ph. Vest,v. J -
:(V *o ; TlSkm —1 h ,W l F
AyLM "I" t j: |gjj
■: :
? e
• ? " its. Vest, 1 i leei s t over pi and for eh mm- mlm
V-VPayEx- e:^ :'..i char- a you ■*. d - V- /..■ 'F K
, it .'eel ? 3 tr>
refund l Be
money. I
:!RPiskrj You •ect from buy | P Ch yig e | ; 1 IlM ' A. f 'VI ll 1 1 £
tad !
i or
n mp
If you a e rfirovte-rve enough
1 peak ui kf !) f ,f e>t- ic -i.t.
a 1 " sa ( y ll’ ilg a all. K
vo ii" line la IM (Is \ ■\* s Ml VOJ.
it ■;.1 ihev/tl i a.i e no oo .
- )i \ m » par chr <*i»
«r O lFTN, \vi. rr
) t ?! K
^ ^ Hi:.; 0 ft i >} [ . f \- -
* Vf l '
/ f
i,e was inler, 8 f e 1 i,
Corl.ett Filliiiminon lion and
tb excitecneBl . was ' ’-ib'e wit 1»
1,1 i,v ; T "° tlepot was
Lr news the contest an.
many prominent church people
We 0 ‘ b «-tom-et i-ai '8.
‘d'e vetitu.e io s.ty !...• a hi ndi-rd
r.-oies stopped a- become ><f tU
ale Tine o John Ranti «on last Sun
y These buggies on ii il only a
V oi his ft iecds to 'w bi< reui 1 ns
*•“* «-■»» ' «w- I''- "f m
eeOi ia which he was held l«v the
'even roniibu- of ibe
n: oh will cont bute to ibe liuild
iund of the new cb.’"ch a.-ooni
yg !o h ; 8 finanvial abltitv, t-be
ild he out t aud fa n*sh d and ibe
lonev for every cent id it j»id in
i vance. Tin's would lm a gro tie
(lotnmeudaiicn to (he denoiuhietiou,
and. we hops die inembd: w!
w ike up on 1 bis Jiao
That was a b"siaes; )«• nen
who were here aud < 1. 1 >1 t- . tot
Ibe new j ii last 'Ion 1 ,-u • r F ii!
looked wise but tbe o’d m .vjjjj
the tile was the ”ow f the par v.
Ail of our correspo;>delite failed
show up ibis week. We would
be glad if they would cr>ni% iu regu¬
larly. Not; we a'one miss them, but
our 'fader? also.
What is Ibe calibre of a man tba 1
'•on'eotiooely opposes puolic pro- j j
.r * We admit our inability to i
size him up and give him justice.
Masch, April, May.
Umost every one !us come to be
it March, April and May is a sea
bat brings deiangemevs of
tbe body dependent on bmod imo'or
lies. This belief is bu old one, is
rly universal, and has a
not as the res at cf tbe (neb inns o 1
medical fratero't' - , but has been
learned in die bitier school of expe
deuce Depression of the neivoos
iys em attbo appro tch of sp Ihg- is
ile source of blood impuiities —
lassitude, dull, heavy sensa
continual tired feelings, with
in • uiur appeti'e, and sometimes
• of sleep
P-ru-aa meets every in diction
proves i 1 self to be perfectly a
dap toil to all their varied peculiar
ties Pe-ru-na invigorates the sys¬
tem, rejuvenates the feeling- re
stores the normal appedte an ’ pro
cun s regular sleep. That tired*,eel •
mg which is tbe natural result of
tbe depressing effect of warm weath
mmsdiatelv after the xrrvigon
a -,g cold of wintey quickly disap
appears when Pe-ru-oa is taken
i'.bousands are dailv tc-tif, jn" toils
• less benefit.
who desire Dr. Hartman’s ln -
-t. ook on this iiueres ing sul ject
•tain one for a short time f e**
iddiessing the Pe-ru-nii Drug
Hufacturing Uompauy, Colambas,
Conyers is bound to grow. It
is unavoidable. Watch her.
p or the Sdring Season has arrived and we can truthfully sav
that it is a beautiful selection of goods.
Can’t he excelled for the money in any etail establishment
in the whole country. Those who have examined our stock are
delighted with it. and you will likewise be pleased.
cone and see us.
flcDoiAsild <& Haygood.
Mr. J, W. ilam .. ! Die
Very Suddenly
i be-n >d<?o oh.-titfof >' r I. W
Haoiil o - t • 1 u i v ea Id i v bi.<
j frit n s, • [ fie . ' «v J OftrUl
e ! a h s i.-ouitf ur m: e> .1 ; .
*o« (i Red S n> lav r j o * 4 a
«Hii ■ L(K>k to iir j»eop *•.
M ~4
1 \ t i^l w ^ 1
P* ^
v F V /’> ; ■ t’ 'lli '
SA/v/A «i m $$£§>
j ......... , ,
On Ft'day be was in fowa and ns
we 1 as usmb 0 1 Si' uniat tie • om
p'aiued a :'t: e bn: e;» hoaitity at
i.>per. A uidle after retiieg ha
eot'iplaicrd •' f « ing badly and
op to the f-c grew worse
1 to bo I. Ill wo ’or
three iu'hu e In was dead.
Uncle John was 72 years -old on
the 21 -t of 'ae 1 D comber. A year
or two ago he « s altncked bv the
S inn .1 nd 1 om tha time a bre d>
in his health das bet a noticeable.
Tbeimrediato cause of his death
\va > supi ised o be dropsy of the
Uuc'e John was born in W ilton
countv, Georgia, in December, 1814 .
and was brougi't, by bis parenla in
1825 , to Newion coun-y, n vvlv ck
dale, near which place he has since
lived. Uncle John was pel Imps
iho best kuowu man in t ie county,
and all of his acquaintances weie bis
In July, 1845. be ma'iied JJiss
LoUie Sbip ; ey. To rhem were bom
s s c bibbon, all of who a sv %i\es
[jim except one daugb cr.
Unce John was a member of ihc
Rockda'e ID past church f-u- twen
'ems and his life proves
abundantly ibe since, liy and stend
fa-tnias of Ids prolessed chris.iau
Hit life was free from all unright¬
eous st.i ife a 'd lie eoj >yed hie jus 1
tranqjili y of mind. He was neigh¬
borly, liberal, kind and forgiving iu
act-. He was ne', er involved in the
courts —he never sued a man We
dou-'t if he owed a dollar in the
world at be ime of his dtu'.h, ye o
he was in public bu.s :, iess and dealt
wi.h lii-< fellow-meu almost daily.
He leaves a nice estate to his fami
iy- *>
The funera' service was coadoct
ed by Re-. Mm .in bom the
Lapis: chu cb h< re Monday morn
ing. Tbe it iMimeut fo'lowed. wit , 1
Mason hoaots, in Rockdale cornel*ry.
A vast concourse of people fol
lowed he remains to tbe c niclnw.
and many were tbe hearts filled
sorrow— Uncle John wss their bit
-She" loved him.
In his death the couofv has lost
one of As very besv. c tizeos pud >
fan ily a co’u'e and devotet\ head.
We all mourn tbe loss of
ib.Tectablc Preparation for As¬
st mila t ing thcTood and Reg ula
ting ite Stomachs and Bowels of
Protndlc s DiycsHon Citccrfill¬
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium,Morphine norlfiucral.
Not Nah cotsc.
/i«A of-Gldlb-SMilllPIltini
i\ut:p&in S,*tl"
sflx.Setuur *
Sufis —
JW ♦
Jlppcmtinl /A -
{Uvtfud ty, /T *Jj C c ~
ti&£*ys* -c// Flairs
Anorfoct Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, forConsIlpa
tion. Sour .Convulsions,Feverish¬
ness and LOSS OF Sl,EEt’.
Tac Simile Signature of
j? i!
Wo sell tho Highest grade Guano 011 the market, or that
has been here for many years.
BY 3 lY A are the leaders in
(lords and low prices,
and we stand ready to
substantiate what we sav. •7
If you want the host GUANOS and ACIDS see us.
If you want (lie LOWEST PRICES see us.
We will save you mon¬
4 /
4 j. 1>. Tilley.
fi -rv
t «*. , »
& tit* e m 1 / !
| T| h ns A ■ «
j rM*'k\ ,
j p! A. 1
j as kZsCI iV ^ 74 '.. • - V//I ? >?
■l i
7 V ' )
a a* a ■ i
j \ m IT MEANS
tj, <5 % l® inMAiyo & H«»n
Have the Largest, 1> and most compl ie line of Buggies,
Plnetons ant urries niaHufactur« d Mucha display has never
been on the mark* t here before, If you want to buy you can’t
altoid to miss this opportunity.
Wo al- - ■! full stock of Harness, Hardw are and Under¬
takors go lie sure to call on us before you buy.
, - ALMAND & SON ' I
NO. 11
Oaslrrif. is pat v;i i:> C3*-c!:o bottlis only. It
is not r.'jld i i h Don’t allow anyone to soil
ye : anythin;; ctr.e on the pln» or promise that it
ia "just ns peril" I’.r.'.l "will nnswn every pur-,
poac." -9 ’ C e that you £ot O-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
U 02