Newspaper Page Text
^22> direct Which-Saves FROM MILL 4 Big TO Profits. WEARER,«* s S|gJg
T :: Cwmiesioa Hints, Tho it'A;/ .: aler, The Jobber era Store Keeper. i
• PUKfES & C0je-»«E. ts-ia. NEW YORK CITY.
Ournrt -tBarsrHns
-■ 5 ( £2 i: • $,SS J * ; v t bV* vu, . J - *
T urc GU.AivAN 1 Ehb to he r.vule ironi imported
- Black. from
1 in Bltj.o, Grey. nndA.rown. in sizes
- Woe Aaoe d tuu-e-brcnfitd, vs Ph S ..lor
htO“ r Aloert
t fan ‘cy embroidered—lined with 1 st ’-.i-vk
Patent Waist Bands. Trim mm;. :d Work
,. -, e best. Same in Sizes for ages 10 15 years.
man: Ty ‘ Collar. See Pattern’s Below;.
iRip » \ i jAfeSfsises 'n*Styta]^w 3 tosl|n.’f| °
-Ml soS We
pajiun o\ pay i t
Suv Express
«£Pj — ib« ° ° 1 Uj__UH !
Oxford, K-heviots Imported \ ,
Grey, Brown, m Fancy
* and
Olive Blue, Wool il
When ordering send Post Office. Express
Mcnev Order birthday. or Registered «nd if large Letters, small also ft h IfoCQi
aee at la«=t or KV J m
for his age. Monev cheer full > refunded if M-.}
not satisfactory. Sendzc .sta t psforsam igM ^ C<I g f
? !e- rape measure, measurin’.', b anks, etc JpT
Fertilizers! Fertilizers!
We a,re In tine market
tlmle sonson T^7*i.tHe
a'fu.ll line ot ^ertlllziere
Of the Highest Grade
In the marke.
These goods have been thoroughly tested throughout Geor
gia, South Carolina, Florida aud Alahama, for the past tvven
tv years, with uniform success.
We want to sell you
your Fertilizers this
season and invite you
to get our prices before
You BuY.
Offece in Dr. Lee’s Drug Store. Respectfully,
Buggies, Wagons, Harness etc., is the most “up to date
I hbe found auy where and our prices and terms
If you buy before examining my stock ten to one you lose
tt0ae y- It costs you nothing to look through our stock.
tj. E. Everitt
5$. s. ETreritt, 2v£g"r.
■A O
<9r o
J. •> «*
ra.v:y Brown, ‘bay. Black, or Blue
Wasted (.ortied Cheviot, ma le in latest
Jined with Imported Parmer Satin,
tr.nmed and finished m the best of Custom
; a :lor manner - You cannot duplicate !t in
v .,ur town (or $16.00, Sizes 34 to 42.
The iS. same in Long goods Pants, made Coat for Youth’s, and Vest, nC u* 0 W ^
i How to o
measure for te LO
: Mc-n’s and -
; j.Mcasu Y oaths Suits r e Style.
around the
Breast and
Waist over
I the Vest, and
from Crotch I
to Heel foP* m
Pants. Sg.-* A
press We Bay Char¬ and Ex¬ fk'
ges. Should i:
not feel satis- , is
lied will - <
refund the S o
money. Remember Cheviots. f «3 I c
You buy e*
direct from Imported
one of the
largest Clo¬
thing America. facturers Manu¬ in mml
When ihe wonien all wear bloomers.
and their shirts are Ini I awav :
When their limbs ace no nice rumors,
coylv hid froml'ght of day;
When the pett.ic":* fa forgotten, with
its swishillff. wi-h'IC: sw | Is,
And tii res h ss demand for cot on,
I'll he son y for the girl-'.
I'll he sorry for the las=es who ill
school are as their book*,
At the heao or foot of clas-e#—I'll be
sorry f r their looks;
For their ma’swill make their trouser-',
and, good heavens! don't we know,
Who weie boys, but now sirs, that
they’ll be a holy show.
It is bad enough when Willie weareili
pants his mama made,
And it often k jocks you smy just to
see the youthful blade
Wearing pants that no man kroweih
which is f out or olreh ; * back:
If he corneih or goe t a the e isouite
ail equal “slack.’
But your Susie! Oh, ’us gulling, scald¬
ing tears will dwwu\' a 0 g'ance
When you hear tiie uicb-us cabling:
‘Sav, whete did yon gee thosep n„s?’
You will see her youthful glowing,
but by no dead ee, taia rule
Can you tell if she is going or corn n :
home itom scnool.
Theic’ll be trouble Ton'll allow s'is,
the e’lt he angu : ‘h for tbepa’s
When their daughters will w< a" t otts
e.svlmta'ejustievamped from tra a.
So I m weeping as I'm w ipng, and my
great tears 'ah like pear''-.
Scarce I know wl at 1m in r J : cii )g for
I’m so ,y for tee gi*'s.
Lem is Andrews.
List of Jurors
Drawn f y Aptil term. 1897, Rock
dale Superior court:
Jas H Peek, Robeii L. Hudson,
James M Huh. Qeo J Hollingsworth
Ceo M Kennitt, Jas L McCalle,
Richard TV Tucker, Judson R Ros¬
ser, Wib W Swann, Jas D Ray, J J
Cowan, A J Smith, D M Almand,
Geo W Walker, Joel A Owens, M
II Wesley, Jas M B Goode, Benj D
Whatlv, VVm A Costley, Win U
Waflace, John L Pate, Jas F Mitch
ell, I J Boro, J R O’Neal, A N
Pluuket, Jno C Stephenson, Jos D
Eckles, Ch' • G Turner, Geo II
Bryan, Zick T Almand.
TEAvjsnee jettons.
Thomas I> S reet, 0 Humphries,
J O Bohanan, G W Cain, L J Al¬
mand, D T Vaughn, Jno F Den
nard, P FI White, John M Almand*
D. F. Clotfelter, Chas D Fanil),
George W Ivey, Walter Wood.
Thomas J Ij ay, Jas H Kennitt,
Benjamin YValdm, Win F Stanley,
Isaac S Treadwell, Jas R Tread¬
well, Wm A White, A S Wooley, C
R F Watkins, Jos L White, D II
Bowen, S L Altnaod, Geo N San¬
ders, Thos II L.yan, Jas K White,
Warren B Thrasher, John H Taylor,
Jno Walker Almand, Jno W Wil¬
liams, John S Thompsou. M C TT bite
Edward II Almand, Chas M Taylor.
Voal’s Store.
Quite a sto'tn of wind and rain on
on last Taorsday evening, blowing
down fences, well shelters and do -
iug other slight damage.
Peach trees are in bloom.
Rev. E dfs, of Conyers, preached
at Pro peci, church last Sunday.
We are sad to chronic'e the dea lt
of Mrs, Chas. Guthrie, of Kings, Ga.
She was burried at prospect church
last Sunday evening. She lea-es a
husband and four little children.
OUR ------------- lllLMILUimY * -***
For the Sdring Season has arrived and we can truthfully say
that it is a beautiful selection of goods.
Ii 3 iciinimiiii'»i>inmin
Can’t he excelled for the retail ........ establishment, ..
money in any
in tli6 whole country. Those who liRAe exnrnined. oui stociv &re
delighted with it, and you will likewise be pleased.
cone AND SEE US.
flcBonaW <& Haygood.
We evtert'l deepest eytnpulliv n>
the bt ienved.
Mr. itud<> Black, fr<TJ B*lhnoy.
waa up to see Lis u> ,-t i liirtt J>un
The wheat and on', crops tue
loo' : ug well f ir di-* sens m cus ii
Cliug the cold R ap which teljlitlt'd j
the growth soinewhaf.
A L Veal bus tni) ia ila 1 ia|
money but flush in eggs I expe< t
mouey is a little t-cat co am how.
Local Tics.
The show at Almaud’s Hall
last Tuesday night was m t
very extensively patronized but
those present say it was a splen¬
did show.
March has been a -‘beaut'’ up
to date and promises to bold her
own in the future.
There is no let up in the ar¬
rival of spring goods in this
market. The cheapest, best
and handsomest lot of new
goods ever brought to this mar¬
ket may be seen in the stores
here to-day.
If you have a cough don’t sit
down and “bark” your life a
way. Get a, bottle of Mother
Crossiey’s Cough Cure and be
Rev. Dr. Henry Quigg will
preach at the Presbyterian
church next Sunday morning.
TVe run no risk in predicting a
a large congregation tp hear
Our contributors are reques¬
ted to send in their items every
week. We appreciate the news
they furnish as much as oi"*
readers do.
Uncle Henry Maddox and his
wife returned last Thursday
from an extended visit to his
sou. Rev. W- J. Maddox, in
south-west Ga.
We are not making any spe¬
cial kick but the had weather
is not here at our invitation
Mr. Jno. II. Almand is hav¬
ing another room added to his
It is to be hoped that the cold
weatlier of the past few days
as not injured the fruit pros¬
We have a new meat market
in town. Notice Mr Evans’
announcement in this issue.
Mr. Dave Vaughn is doing
some work on the streets that is
of the highest order of excel
lence. I
-Our people are genuinely! Adams!
pleased that Rev. Mr.
has 1 jeti permitted to remain !
in charge of the Methodist
church here
Mr. Childs, of Madison, rep-!
resenting the Christian Index, |
was here last Thursday.
This paper and the Constitu¬
tion for $1.25.
ma m
AYegefaWc Preparation andRegufa- for As¬
similating the Food
tlng live Stomachs andBowels of
NFAtsi d mmmm
Promotes and Digestion,Cheerful¬ neither
ness Rest.Contains
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
Kot Naecotjc.
Pumpkin Seed’*
Alx. Senna *
JfecfuUe Salts —
Anise. Seed *
Peppermint JH Cart - Soda
email *
librrn Clarified Seed Sugar -
VEafayrf*n- rtewr.
A perfect Remedy Stomach.Diarrhoca, for Constipa¬
tion, Sour
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. :
Tac Simile Signature of
AD. 7jM m i
L .
TS w WW% 9
Wo sell the Highest grade Guano on the market, or that
lias been here for many years.
We are the leaders in
Goods and low prices,
and we stand ready to
substantiate what we say.
If you want the best GUANOS and ACIDS ste us.
If you want the LOWEST PRICES see us.
We will save you mon¬
J. P. Tilley.
I \ *
G /GP a aer - t
” itt-jjL fj)
- f,
m, - (fd
W, T« Almand &
Have the Largest, Best and most complete line of Buggies,
Phaetons and Surries manufactured. Such a display has never
\y een on the market here before. If you want to buv vou can’t
miss this opportunity,
We also carry a full stock of Harness, Hardware and Under¬
takers goods. Be sure U) call ou us before you buy.
«vJ& v -A“*roiiSQN i
.NO. 12
■jr-n |f—< TT-n
•; 1 CSS :#L3££m?>
a ; & U
i rM
Oaatoria la pr.t r.p ia cE3-d’,» bottlw city. It
act sold in balk. Don't allow anyom to soil
yon anything el so on the ploa or promiro that It
ia "just as good" at! "will a-awer ovary par.
poso.” Sco that yon get G-A-S-T-Q-B.-I-A,