Newspaper Page Text
The i*(lH'e]'vUj
i J fi* \ -
? ; t - .,t. tin* !' '■< at Conyers as
1 nnmi-rl -- : .it IllS.t VV
Saturday, Mcli. 27, 1807.
V iine Jor ti r-t I i
: . ,-e,- rs !,> r
t-w ; i, UP lit* ' aril suhstQuoui in
iu*ii I! liiT ll iv 5 a: [ er iceh lor
lit ■wnioii; 2oc 'or ■ ach oiih.'eijuept
in i*i ion.
.[;lfo>,Uil’i >X HA 1’E:
O ... will*, ill III i $; 09
B >. .Ni'l.tll-, j/1 rid \ &' Cfe? .U<:
Take this paper.
It is now gcnctally conceded
that the Cubans will triumph
in their fight for freedom. The
advantage is again with them
in the presence of the rainy sea¬
There are some bold burglars
in Atlanta The Governor’s
Mansion suffered at their hands
this week. Atlanta should be
able to cope with her criminals
but she seems not.
The great Mississippi valley
has been submerged during the
past week. Many of the lev¬
ees bu8 ! e 1 and thousands 'of
damage has been Cone by (he
Georgia Republicans are rush
ing over each other in limit
mad scramble for office. AVImn
thev reach boss Buck they touch
the hem of his garment aild pa
tiently wait.
The policy of the administra¬
tion may bo changed—all things
may bo changed, but the Sparta
Ldimaelite clings to the silver
dollar 10 to T.
President McKinley is on-;
dcavoring to usbrt* in ••Generali
Prosperity” through a high pto- j
teetive door. When he sue
feeds ‘individual prosperity’ |
will escape through the back
While protection is being dish¬
ed out to the northern and eas- !
u rn manufacture rs we would
suggest that a. small slice be giv¬
en the southern cotton plan tms.
They need it, to he sure.
Aii ideal paper—Evening Gou
fc tituion. j
Sumiriti is 1 tdqtimers
pretty and stylish dress goods.
Col Wallace P. Ret d and fam¬
ily have returned to Atlanta to
Wo very mu r a■ t to
lose b in and hope lie may re
turn to us some time.
No ice change in Lee's idw
iistmei t.
Mr 11. ?>!. Etvri f, o ' ' ,
stout To i ,1 , h i o' in Cod yt rd
with his so . ,Mr. E l v*m‘U
-Li 0 lit'Id ! ,s r NV I tr>-:*-: t
: - i 5i . j
‘-S 0 V . if is
d 1 A-m j * .,
rt..- I m a Z— ■ ear.- ill
Smith & Lifsey.
fgM— The Pern
) 'dD)) ®*y e ° r
Bourbon is
■w 9 63 six and years is ship¬ old
ped direct
i.lfrom our
RYE tiiioi-y to the
const) m e r ?,
SJ oursoH/ OR.
ity. We novel* soil to th - Y'hole
sale and retail dealt .. thus sav
ing two profits to the consumer.
Femdale Rye or Bourbon is
recoimiicmlml bv phv
as a, tv pical whiskey for
and family uses,
A trial order will insure your
Forndale Rye or Bourbon
per gallon. No charge
jogs or packing.
Money must accompany all
Regarding out* respon¬
wo refer you to the City
and Citizens Savings
Banks; of Paducah, Kv.
Awaiting your valued com
we remain,
Very respectfully yours,
Paducah, Ky.
fe lillia B
Blood <& Bone 9
igh Grade
J. P. TH-.LEY.
fi a —
i m €n^ gXZfi SCI Ed M : s B CY B
Being unable to travel during the recon; rains we are terri¬
bly overstocked on Organs and propose to 'ell for the next ten
('ays at COST. If you ever expect, to In;. now is your time
Gome and price them and you will he surprised. Can save you
from twenty to fifty dollars on an Organ.
We can save you from fifty foone humbod dollars on a pi
ano. We refer you to the following people who have bought of
us: At Conyers, Ga.: Mrs. Mamie Davis, Mr. < E. Reagan,
Mr. A. J. Summers. McDonough. Ga.; Hon. T. I). Stewart,
Mr. J. B. Bryan. Lithouia, Ga.: Hon. J. L. Chupp, Mrs, G. R.
Bond and others.
These Pianos and Organs are honestly and substantially
made, of the very finest material and in the very latest and most
elegant styles.
Wo give below an honest certificate from one of the most
excellent ladies and c-Hniont music teachers in Middle Georgia.
Y\ e print it with pride because of its honesty aud worth ;
tAIY-A-UY Y, ' ■ .... ,
v most vwrfoct. I cAuatdrr it the equal of anv Riano on the market • hv far imp
b.Bt. tor ihe price, I have e*er used. If l could not get another dke it I would
not t-ike a handsome profit on what it cost me.
Very respectfully,
Mks, Mamie Davis.
There is a Stool, Book and a 10 years guarantee with each
and every instrument. Address
Mch. 25, 1897., C0NYER5, GA.
0Y4 !v %
j i ! i
1 •xz
•fl a
j *4lfP
Afcsoluto!y Pure
i clobrnted for its great leavening
-in nglb and healtiilulness Assures
lie loml against alum and all forms
-<1 ii t ration common to the cheap
CITY tump.
-H.E' A RY -
My shop is comfortable.
My towels are clean.
My tools ai’e always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up.
% trade OES1CNS, marks,
Anyone ascertain, sending a sketch and description may
quickly free, whether an invention is
confidential. probably patentable. Communications strictly
Oldest agency foreecuring patents
in America. We have a Washington office.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice in the
beautifully saenti fic ^illustrated, journal, largest circulation of
an v weekly,terms$3.00 a year;
siz months. Specimen copies and Hand
on Patents sent free. Address
3J>1 Broadway, Now York.
Strictly first-class high Grade
Blood and Bone Guano for
sale by Smith & Lifsey.
Bulletin No. 2,
Many ladies have visited our store this week and one excla
relation applies t.o them all. The chorus lias been: “Oh, such
beaulii ul goods! And so cheap, too!” Such goods as we have
in stock relievos us of much talking—they sell without talk.
We bought the best aud most stylish goods in the market
aud we bought right. Watch our bulletins. SUMMERS.
Mother Crossley’ Cough Cure
las lo hi
Cures Consumption.
(In Its First Sges,)
t’r> vt> U »nd Influenza 6131 f ° r Coushs - Colds ’ Hoarseness, Sore Throat,
as Difficult breathing, Pains
For Sale by merchants and
I B. D. CROESLEY, Sole Proprietor,
I Conyers, Ga.
For sale in this immediate section by
H. p. * D. M. ALjXndAC* £”S Ga“:
B - D CROSSLEY, Con, ers, Ga.
i> C. * T-DO L PSHAW, t Rose Rad, Gwinnett count*Ga.
J. E. JOHNSON DRUG CO., Lithonia, Ga.
J- T. BRAND, Lithonia, (ja
MIKE MOORE, Jacksonville, near Lit tonia, Ga* j
W. P. JOHNSON, Redan, Gn. i
PRICE, 25c, 50c . H. BRASWELL, Logansville, Ga. j
, and $1.
Tutt’s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
BANKRUPT in health,
[ constitution undermined by ex
travagance in eatino-, bydwre
garding the laws .of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Tutt’s Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
Sheriff Sales.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
April, 1897, before the court lions’, in
the town of Conyers, Rovkda’e county,
Ct i., within the l<|gal hours of sale, the
following dred property, to-wit; One hun¬
and ter, acres, of land, more or
less, in the Kith district of Originally
and Henry, now of land Rockdale county, Georgia,
part lot No.-and houn¬
ded ha follows: On the North by
lands of estate of Washington Den
of nard, the on the W. South Bryans and East by lands
S. estate and on the
Wear- by lands belonging to the esta'e
i f Washington Bonnard. Levied on
as the property of Wash Sim ’, col. to
satisfy two tax fifns for his S'ate and
County taxes for 1895 and 1S9G Ten¬
ants in possession notified of Ibis levy.
This, March 11, 1897.
W. II. AJ. Austin, Sheriff.
Adv. S>4.e9.
AL80, at same time and place, one
house and lot in town, containing
one acre, more or lee-, hounded a,
i’oilows: On :he South by VV. H M.
Austin, on the East bv Dr. R A. Tones
on the West by Nortli street. Norm by
Mattie Gaither col. . Levied upon as
the property of Henry Henderson
fifa to for satisfy a tax
his State and county taxes for
the year 1896. Tenants in possession
notified of this lew, this March 12th,
I 8 - 17 . W. H. H. Austin, Sheriff.
Adv. $3.
GeougU, Rockdale County.
Whereas, certain petitioners have ap¬
plied to the undersigned for the estab¬
lishment of a new road, commencing
at the Macon road, near Liberty Chap¬
el, and running in direction of Coving¬
by residence of M. A. Waldrop to
line, and the commissioners un¬
having reported that said con¬
templated road will he of public utility
that they have market out the
this is to cite ali persons that on
after the 29th day of March, 1897,
road will be granted, if no good
is shown to the contrary
Given under mv hand and official
this Feb 23, 1&97.
$3 48. A. JU. Helms, Ord.
Whereit'', certain petitioners lmva ap¬
lo the undersigue 1 for the estab¬
of a ne-v road commencing at
residence of Joa Peek, in Sheffield
-and running a .-south-west
in the direction of Mr. das.
Dempsey’s and intersecting the papftr
mill road near paper mill bridge, pass¬
through laud.' of VV*. it. Wipe, T.
Thomason. Mrs. Mary Moon and
he heirs of G. VV. Johnson’s estate,
the commissioners appointed hav¬
reported than said contemplated
will be of public utilitv and that
have marked out the same, this is
cite all persons that on and alter the
day of April, 1887, said road will
granted if no good cause is shown to
Given under mv hand and official
this Mch. 10, 1897.
A. M. Helms, Orel.
By vivtue of an order of the Court of
of Rockdale county, will be
between the lawful sale hours,
the court house door, in ihe city
Conyers, on the first Tuesday in
next, the following described
: Fifteen acres oi land, more
less, being the place a\ hereon VV. J.
late of said county* deceased, re¬
at the time of his death, said
embracing good dwelling, grist
and valuable water power on Ye’
river, five miles east of Com ers,
known as tbe Gee mill property.
droperty affords one of the best
powers in the State and is a val¬
site for any kind of manufactur¬
enterprises, and to be sold for the
of paying debts and making
among the heirs of said
,T. Gee, deceased. Terms: One
due Oct. 15, IS97, one-third due
15, 1898, ard one-third due Oct. 15
with eight per cent interest pei
with privilege of paying all
Jos. F.Gee, Adm'r. W. J. Gee.
Adv. $5.64.
Sealed proposals will be received un¬
12 o’clock noon on the first Tuesday
April next for the inechon'cal
in tbe buildiug and com
a covered bridge across Yellow
at Gee’s mill on the present pier
tbe old bridge in accordance with
and specifications in mv office
work to include the tearing down ‘
Dissolution Notice,
The firm of IT. P. & I). M,
Almand & Co- is this day dis¬
solved by mutual consent, Mr.
H. P. Almand, sr,. retiring, the
old firm of H. P. & D. M. Al¬
in and & Co. assuming all liabil¬
H. P. Almand, sr.
D. M . Almand,
E. II* Almand,
J. M. Almand.
Conyers’Ga., Jan. 1G, 1897.
Co Partnership Notice.
The undersigned have this
day formed a co-partnership
for the purpose of carrying on a
general merchandise business
under the style of D. M. Almand
& Sons,which firm shall assume
all assets and collect all indebt¬
edness'due the old firm of II* P.
& D * M * Almand & Co. The
firm of D. M- Almand & Sons
will continue business at the old
stand under the same manage¬
ments of the old firm. Thank¬
ing our patrons for their past
favors, we respectfully solicit
a continuence of the same
D. M Almand,
E, IT. Almand.
J; M. Almand,
D. W. Almand.
In withdrawing from the old
firm of H. P. & D, M. Almand
& Co., I take this method of
thanking my friends and gener¬
al public for the kind patronage
bestowed on them, and respect¬
fully ask a continuence of the
same for the new* firm of D, M.
Almand & Sons*
H. P. Almand, Sr.
I am prepared to do any kind
of mechanics work on short
notice. See me or call at Week¬
ly office.—J. F. Wallis.
and removal of olrl
furnish all material uy e ~ c / m, ' !
-d March to reject 0, 1897. any * „d V** L' 1 11 r «
,y "
Aclv. $3.21. • », H heuts.
for REMOVAL Oif I’1.8
T i £S AH
G ™i A , Rockdale Count
.Notice n hereby K j ven '
errned that I have filed * ■
of r,1p Superior < onrt f Cl
< ( tOll;
he hold on flet tir-t M,. 1
l r|e v 97 ,n for 'P‘ the sed removable , J t 1 'H
» upon me
marriage with Leila li..r L V
l.e.l t.eorge vvbich r 1
i ;i ... -
l,e ur 1 ar ' <be Court House 1 " 11
, dotim v tit -aitl term. iu
This lu.uarj 2', Ig:i7
Adv’g. $4.50. S.WV.v ,1 [[ iar.t,
Georgia, Rockdale County
riMpTl- 1 . m p0ials alTmareri®!* " i!1 1,( -‘ received
SNui-SSu for t u mi sLm n’g ^ is!
countv, winch may be seen at my „ ffi I
also at, the office of Go’lueU
stewarc, Atlanta, architects, 2 1U Whitehall,
Ga. All proposals must
>ea ed and directed to A, M. Helm
Ordinary, and labeled '‘Bids i.v.Tr fl
and delivered to me on or before
cmek, rate bids noon, wi Marcn 1 be 15th, \w slj
construction ccnsiuere 1 for "
of the building and
' 'he tstung cages, steel and iron ■„„„
ail bids. is reserved to reject ant j
Bond wjjl be required i u
cordanoe with thelaw, ana ad n '
A «aV" ade °‘ J H la * ! M
Alv. iv $4 77 A. M. Hklms. 0;d
Georgia Rockdale Cotsty
of " \ A V - ( ' S - v ea eal ! execu(: o,' of tlij last conJ Wlj
* l.vticioii • * represents to this
in ms duly filed, that he M
fill ibis ly executed :lm will fo J S;li(! dec? J J
is there i('re to cite all p e
concerned, why said to show ca Us e ii a; v ;r
can, executor shouM 'mu i,
Ulscharged and fiv.m bis trust ;. s such J
ecu tor, receive letters of ditmi.
s’.oa on the first Monday in April foil!
A M. Heims,
rr '~' e—
Georgia, Rockdale county
■lowborn it may cui,,- e rn.-\V if
8cutr,, executor of Jno. L. .-car lateo
said county, deceased, basin cluefom
applied to the undersigned for letters
of dismission from his trust as such
executor. This is to cite all persons
interested that I will pass upon said
app.ication m the first lUondir ia
Ju,.e next, 'in.- Meh. 9, 1897 I
Adv $0, . M. 11 EL.M3, Old.
Georgia, Rockdale county. ii
Mrs, Mary A. 1 foe havin'* appl'ecB
for a twelve months support out of ;,cel thS e.
estate of her late busb.-md. n', ,l.
deceased, and the appraisers appointed
having tiled their returns in my office! ihal II:
this is to cite all persms concerned!
I will pass upon the same on th« fi r sa
Monday in April, JSW. This Meh. 2J 1
1897. A. M. Bislmj, Ord. 1C
Adv. $,{.
Georgia, Rockdale comity. for S
Irfne Usher, co!_, saving applied tsf
a twelve months support out of Usher,' the iC
title of her late husband, Austin
col, deceased, and the appraisers ap¬ id [3
pointed having tiled their returns
my (llicp, tills is to cite all person? the
concerned that I will pass upon
-ame on the fiisr Monday in April next
This M h. 2. 1897.
Adv. $3. A. M. Helms, Ord.
Georgia, Rockdale county.
Mrs. Lovie E. Almand havingappito of
for a twelve moriths support out tin I.
estate of her late husband, John 1. M
maud, deceased, and the appraisers ap
pointe i having filed their returns t
mp office, this is to cite all person! 1
concerned that I will pus upon th
Simeon ihe first Monday in April nex
This Moh. 2, 1897. a
Adv. $3. A. M. Helms, Ord.
Georgia, Rockdale county. -R. H
To whom it may concern.
Cimtoii, executor of T. A. F. SW"™
late of said couutv, dec-ased, disausami h.y "
plied to me for letters of
from bis trust as sitcit execattr.
is therefore, to notify all persons coi -
that l will pas< upon said «PP*'
on ths first Monday in Jun ,
1897. Giv**n under my hand and oth
signature, this .March 1 ^/*
$6. A. M Uh»». 0rd *
T have opened an office in the
formerly occupied by
J. J. Seamans, and solicit*
of the patronage of tMj
R. A, Jones, Dentist j
Wm. H. SinPKlNS,
Attorney at Law.
Does a general practice, Charges
t ’olleetions a -!" ci»ity : a
Precures - loans on farm land? f ‘
fate of interest.
Advertise business a ud
your erl } |
bring reedwed pn> s P
the towu.
light 3 Win : \ O’i
How many
a!ie >