Newspaper Page Text
J.P. Tilltct, A McKlva-xky.
"p rr,nrps«-nt the Strongest Compa¬
nies in tne World. We pay alt 1< sr s
promptly and without, litigation, Wc
insure ail kinds of city or town prop¬
erty, country Dive)ling®, Barns, Stock.
etc., at the very lowest
ratfg. We will also take care of your
Valuable papers suad In=
sunmee Policies in Jobn
| of St charge. Almand’s Vaults free
We .elicit vour patronage.
Concerning People and
Civic Society.
UhiloJogia Lodge. No. 178, F.
& A. M„
E. II. Almand. \V. M.
C. E. Reagan, Sec.,
Meets first and third Mon¬
day nights in each month.
Tic fac¬ Is
simile S? ca
signature e?er7
£ vrajpefc
Everything at Gut
Prices at The New Drug
Dr S. S. Smith and family,
formerly of Princeton, this conn
ty, have moved to Watkinsville.
Dr. Smith is a successful phy¬
sician and valuable citizen and
we regret to lose him. We
wish him success in his new
The many friends of Col. E.
J. Reagan, of McDonough,
were pleased to greet him on
our streets this week.
Little Miss Millie Hale was
made happy this week by the
reeption of a box from a friend
in McDonough, containing a full
supply of doll dresses.
If you have a cough don’t sit
down and “bark” your life a
way. Get a bottle of Mother
Crossley’s Cough Cure and be
Mr. P. M. Born left Monday for
Atlanta, where he has accepted a
position wMi the Street Railway Co
Prof. Perry, of Whi e Plains, Ga.,
is stating bands with his many
friends in Corners ticLy.
The young lady that is determined
to lock prettie't tbi3 Spring and
~umo;i j r will buy her millinery of
McDona’d & Ha' good
Miss Indie Everitt en'ertained
her cousin. Miss Ethel Johnson, of
McDonough, a few days this week
Miss Lollio Posey spent Sunday
with htr parents here. \
Suine of our young men are at¬
tracted to the Gate City every Sun¬
day. What is the allurement, boys?
The \ otmg men of any communi¬
ty are usually what the youDg ladies
make them What do you say to
ibis proposition, girls?
F.iend Geor.o Kennon was out
to see i he Brownies as they passed
through on the fast train last Sun
day evening.
Mr. G. A. Almand, of Lawrenee
ville, was here last Tuesday. He
expects to*more his familv to Con¬
yers as soon as he can secure a
r"< ? »
You want a guano that will
pay you buy EDYSTONE and
from. IT. S.Journal of JTeJinrs.
jPrcf. W. H. recto, who of
makes a has specialcv without
Epilepsy, doubt treated and
ed more cases than any
living Physician; is’astonishing. his
We have heard of cases I
of 20 years’ cured standing by ;
him. He
valuable publishes a | !
work this dis- on j !
ease, which I
he sends
with a
large bot
tie of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers
who may send their P. O. and Express address.
We advise anv on e wishing a euro to address ;
?rof.W. 2.2EESL, F. D„ ♦ Cedar St., Hew York 1
jk m
H ' pSMu
\ 1
mm* "astat f Tj
“In days of old
This land we’re told
O’erflowed with milk and
But now the cream
Of that sweet stream
Is money, money, money.”
The fact that on every pur¬
chase at Mar but’s store money
■is saved to the purchaser, caus¬
es a constant in our sales-
4 Pineapple 10c;
■|BHii'a and Tomatoes 10c.
tine medicated soap 10c.
powders 10c,
beater 10c.
I "'ant to close out all the
Brazil nuts Almonds
■U IVcans I, have at 71 £ cents
jl Afqi: ( lotT(,
nl The Grocer,
H -0 Center s|.
I am agent for the oldest, best
and strongest lire
companies on earth, and solicit
a share of your business.
Will take care of your
Policies, Deeds and Valu¬
able papers in
vault free of charge.
Very respectfully
W. J. Eakes, Agent.
At John II. Almand’s Bank.
[ ciaile fee- ts
I cn
! dgaatura ever?
/ Wrapper.
Key. r, Sigmund 0 . , „ Rogowsky, , a
converted , Jewish T Rabbi, will
preach , m . the , n Baptist church; , . ,
here , next . Sunday „ at’
11 o'clock. Everybody invited
to hear lnm.
Mr. B. G. Wallis, of Augusta,
was here this week.
On April the ninth, at Al
niand’s hall, uuder the auspi
cesof ladies of the church, “Ten
Nights in a Bar-room f > will be
presented — proceeds of the en
tertainment to go to the Presby¬
terian church. Admission will
be 15, 25 and 35 cents. We
predict a pleasing success for
the ladies.
in V ■- b
W, Wl fi
I 1 #
. ’*
i ET3 I ii
3 S
I3P°Noold goods. {^“Everything fresh and new.
W V. Almand & Son Lave put
belgian blocks on the walk in front
of their do r. It is commendable.
Miss Lu’a Ocdetree, "f Cora, is
spendiutr some lime with her sister,
Mrs. V. C. Almand.
Mrs. Col. W H Simpkics has
been very nek this week We hope
she may soon be entirely well.
Miss Tilley Norman, a bright stu¬
dent of Cox Col'ege, spent Saturday
and Sunday with her mo'her here.
Miss Cora Marbut, of near lure,
is the guest of Mr. J. M. Warren's
family at Lithonia.
Despite the wea'her our ancient
old friend, Toombs Almand, is mak
inghis calculations to visit Cumber¬
land a lithe later in the season.
Mr O’Tyson and bis companion®,
representing several patent medi¬
cines manufuactured by the Atlanta
Chemical Company, and who have
been stopping in Conyers for the
past week, have gone ( o Porterdale
in Newton county. These are nice
eent'emen and at e seTTiug good med
A beautiful young lady passing
a'ong the street attracts universal
atlentention if she wears one of Me
Dona'd A Haygood’s bats.
Mr. C. E Reagan has treated
himself and wife to a new piano.
After the 20th of this month
I wih grind wheat anu corn,
Wednesdays, ,, Thursdays, , , Fri
days and (Saturdays. After the
of c June t „ t I ..nil Will gt.nd oiv Six
(jaVS. 'Rps.nectfullv U.
A. N. rlunKet. .
For Infants and Children.
The fse- i! S3
tiBile —
_____ eeery
eigaatur® - vispjer.
1 £ Collections made on all parts of the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts wall not be hemored under any circurn -
Office hours from 8 a. it. till 4 p. it. (ill further notice.
It w
Your attention is directed to
Summers’advertisement in this
issue of Tub Wekici.y.
* After an absence of about
or ten . months ., ,, Mr. Jen T ,,
Carter ^ is at home , again, He
reached , . , here from , Louisville, T ...
KY., , lastThmsday , mght
Dr. Hardwick is having a now
picket fence built mound his
home. Repairs of this kind
should be numerous around
Conyers this spring.
The piano and horns will be
identified with the Metli
odist church music Sunday.
This at the Methodist church ’
DrQuigg at the Presbyterian
and the converted Jew at the
Baptist is sufficient, it would
seem to bring all the poople
out on this day
Mr. R. L. White, of Atlanta, was
in Conyeri a short time this week.
Be ma'ie a “sul sbintial“ visit to oi r
Mr. W. J E-ikeshas invested in a
beautiful piano. This i- a ehnnn
ing adjunct to the paraphanelia of
any home.
We are indebted to a 1 out one
thousand^) of Prof. St vk’s smal
boy pupils, The debt was con
tracted this way: We had a large
pine tree cut into wood n ar the
echool and iu about one minute hf
te; the cut'ing was finished the, e
boys bad carried all the wo d into
our back yaid. Now we wish it
understood that just any of those
boys are at peifect liberty to “play
iu our hack yard ” These L ys be
deve in helping the “old man up
the hill."
Mr. J. E. Waggoner, a farmer!
living near Union Grove church,was
throwing up some terraces this
week and uncovered an o il pot per¬
fectly sound, that was made by In¬
dians- He found in the pot two pe
culiaJy shaped rocks, and pieces of
pottery shaped by the Indians. It
is c ! aimed that this farm was onie
an Indian village and Mr. Wag¬
goner is ever expeetiug to unearth
some genuine treasures. He has a
pipe found on this place With a per.
fectly fashioned Indian face upon
the bowl of it. i
c..,. b,
Cuban patriot®. Jn iremendous de-;
mar > d A bonanza for agents. Only
$1,50. Btg „ book, big commission®
Everybody wants the only endorsed,
reliable book. Outfits free. Ore it
gj ven _ Freight paid. Drop ail trash,
and make $300 a month with war in
Cuba, Address to day .THE NATION
AL BOOK concern, 358-358 Dearborn
St., Chicago.
All the fine beef cattle you
have for sale. Highest market
price paid for them.
A. B. Osborn.
m i ■ -19 DR. W. H. LEE.
‘ijfe m
h WSfe'iffi, • a ,t
Where others buy Patent Medicines by the dozen w 0
chase bY tite gross. This is the pur¬
beat them buying. We reason we undersell them. We
buy everything else in Hie .lnm line iho
same way-order in large quantities direct from h md.iminers—
get the best goods, at best prices, and give our customers the ad¬
vantage of the bargains we get. See?
Girl ~ Ai ntittmu*^
is hard to resist.
Are Our Bargains. m
Dr. Lee’s “Sweet Rose” Cigars—5 for 5 cents—arc going
the proverbial “hot cakes
Try a box of our fine toilet soap, 3 cakes for 5 cents.
W " •>»« ««•«»» m -tetioeere ever „m,rel m
Nice box paper oc and 1 0 j per t'ox Line note paper
per quire. Envelopes to match 5c per pack .
Don’t forget the bargains we are offering in all kinds of
Largest, best and cheapest stock of Violin, Guitar and Ban¬
strings ever seen in Conyers.
Buy a bottle of our Bedbug Poison and you will not be trou¬
with the pestiferous creatures. The ladies say it does the
Dr. W. H, Lee
The old reliable druggist. At the same old stand.
nr. It. B. Almand, of Mercer
iUniversity, is here (o spend a
few days with his parents
Marbnt > juntos a poet this
week- Bead his advertLenient.
Mother Crosslev s Cough Cure
—50 cents size for only 30 cents
The New Drug Store.
Mr. Will McClelland, of Stone
Mountain, well known to many
of our people, was married to
Miss Bessie Redwine, of Allan
ta, on March 1(3.
Newt Orleans syrup, 30 cents
per gallon at M. H. Plunket's
Miss Mattie Miller, of Shef¬
field district, was the guest
her friend, Miss Lillian
a few days this week.
Some of our citizens “slew”
shotes on Thursday evening.
They welcomed the cold weath
Scott’s ArA.
jiiario IMMMM > ' oo V ( f. t
j MM o \ w or!; ,./ st
a -
I a
season,Try i r r
Smith A i iffi .
Fresh guts at M. II. 1'Iun—
We ; imiO a poem o » the first
page of i hi - paper, It is from
the ( et- of a t it Zen .-.nil is very
New mackerel fish at M. II.
Mr. Ciias. G. Turner is deal¬
ing in mules. lie lias several
at t'his time.
Everybody should get one of
those pail lifters at M. II. Rluu
Rev\ Mr. Crumley preached
.at the Methodist, clutfch last
Sunday. His labors are direct
in behalf of the Decatur Or
phans home and in liim that
worthy institution has an able
champion. His sermon Disc
Sunday wasgreatlyappreciated.
Cuba Molasses at M. IF Plun
Mother Urossley s Cough Cuie
50 cents size only 30 cents at
The New Drug Store.
A few more days of bright
weather and the farmers will
tear up ail the laud in the couu
I have opened up a new mar¬
ket on Commerce street below
Kcnnon’s store, and will keep on
band all kinds of the very besf
fresh meats at the lowest prices
You will be pleased with my
When in need in iny
call on me.
J. M. Evans’