Newspaper Page Text
n p IMS! n m V
l 4 Mi.
L m fl
a m m the market with
fl following brands
G j L( * t \ t no:
•These goods are well
ku * fi >Wn to the farmers of
I uckdale and are unsur
r ftsse d b\ any other goods
on the market
Jo are in the market to
f r> j ® tllC . i jT \
31*0Ill L you 111 La liailO
line . and invite • • i to > j
you get
our prices before you buy,
J( )hn Stephenson.
l t n J (be nvperimeiite for several rears past on the Station farm in ■
d e tl* it on the soils of middle Georgia a fertilizer for cotton
s o'd contain about the io lowing propoitions of the thiee
valuable cleu tt,.
POTASH ........................ ' T
It J. BEDDING. Director.”
Evn f.,:i:ur iu Geortiii knowa <'ol. Re-tdiog and the pisi ion he
oCcuj i's v.idi tin* Mate. Now eompan:
Available Phosphoric Acid—10: Ammonia—3; Potash—3.
Tlirse flgun are from (’onimisMoner R T. Negliirfs BulLtin made
by th»-Staff (; u mist. Dr. Goo E Payi e. By ibis )C i H*e we Lave the
voiy Li-! ;iwio on thorn Iu.; a guauo exactly buitt-d to this section,
from the very highest aut roiity.
u before you buy. We can save you money.
% !F ia rt**.v
p V'so* f r
'a Re* m Vi? I'mati ■
r i he Atlanta Constitu
ti has roilna smother
sentence with u
word in it:
For one dollar and twen¬
ty-five cents you can get
t h i mer, 1 lie Eoiistltll
tio *- ? cUlll I cl gUGSS at t ,
missing word.
Come in and
at once.
Owr Nation’s Disgrace.
, : r
It, is not so much in the fact
that one little spot is found
where two brutal sluggers can
pound each other like beasts.
That ’s disgraceful enough by
all counts, even debasing us to
a lower plane than that of the
Spanish hull-fights. But «_ ir
chief disgrace is in the ado made
over this contest by the people
generally, and more particular
ly 'ey I he newspapers. This
prize-fight is a matter that
should receive no notice what
heralded, and lauded until
people are wrought ' up, the
boys are corrupted and degrad
ed, and the whole thing conver¬
ted into a public and national
disgrace. It is no less than a
plain proclamation to the world
that we are a nation of small
men and small things, The
newspapers claim that the peo
pie demand the news about
such things, but that class de¬
mands it only because they
have been fed on such stuff so
lief? Mud we go to the lowest
depthsin spite of all efforts to
prevent it?—Christian advocate.
Now is a good time to watch
your hams for it is about time
for somebody to lose their meat.
When you help our enter¬
prises you feel much better.
Now if you want to feel good
just come along and do all you
can and you will be proud of it
some day.
When the rain is over aDd
the sun comes out and the peo
l ,Ie t0 " 0I ^ vve
have forgotten the rainy weath
The people all think we ought
plant a crop too early. Last
fall we had summer until the
first or 15th of November. We
cau plant cotton and corn by
the first of may and then make
a good crop. Then the ground
is waun and the seeds wifi
spring up and grow rapidly.
We have never failed to make
a crop since I liave been living,
. a CGlHUiy, and 1 llE
Book says that seed time and
harvest shall never fail. This
rainv spell is to try our patience
and make us think who we are
aU(] wlier9 W0 have to look for
our lielp. Be patient and have
faith and don’t cross the bridge
until you get to it.
Adam Sowell ,
Michigan to Texas.
That Pe-ru-na is unequaled
as a spring medicine is testified
by a great many people every
spring. When one is run down,
listless and tired, depressed
with that peculiarly distressing
trouble popularly kuowu as
Spring fever, Pe-ru-na should
always ho taken, as it is sure
to give prompt and permanent
relief. ,
L°na L. Stoll, Adrian, Mich.,
“It affords
the merits of your Pe-ru-ua. I
cau speak in the highest terms
of it, having used it for five
years as a spring medicine with
great benefit to myself and I
recommend it to my friends
with like results.”
tR. Stuart. Eastland, Tex.,
the opposite end of the confi
uent > corroborates her state
ments as follows; “I purchas¬
ed a bottlr of peruna aud it was
usea by myself aud wife as a
bought. My wife has used
j your remedies with gratifying
One of Dr. Hartman’s latest
books; treating on the catarrhal
diseases peculiar to spring, will
he sont free to any address by
The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufac¬
turing Company, Columbus, O.
The following was handed to
us by one of our citizens ;
“There are now gangs of
tree agents canvassing the state
whose firms th.ey represent have
no reputation at home except
as swindlers, and the agents
to the people as im
porters aud sell a class of nursery
that does not exist,claim¬
ing all manner of virtues for
their goods; that it is frost
proof; that’ it is blight proof:
that trees, if killed, will put out
new growth and blossom again
the second time the same year
and fruit, all of which is a dirty
lie. They sell for exhorbitant
prices on the strength of their
lies and by samples of fruit
which is altogether foreign to
the varieties they profess to
handle. They obtain ironclad
notes, and as many of the par¬
ties cannot tell anything about
fruit trees by thdir appearance
on delivery, they put off a great
deal of stuff on them that is
known by all intelligent nurse¬
rymen to be entirely worthless.”
There should be no let up in
the effort to build up—Conyers.
Notice the advertise¬
ments in this paper, It
will pay you to read them
?•«( <. v Uk Vi"- a
7/m^h Vk
*. -0 ME 1 CCA
. Ti .
<5 % A
rggl 7//..C m:
•f/s mwm
\>/A i :
7 I tPl \
Superior To All Sarsaparillas.
Down In Georgia, over fifty 3 -ears ago, a marvelous meeb'eine was discovered. It was was
Is now known as P. P. P., (Lippman's Great Remedy), and its fame and reputation has been
For Rheumat ism, Blord Poisoning, Pain in the side, wrists, shoulders, back and joints,
Dyspepsia, Malaria, Scrofula, and all ISlood and Skin Diseases, it has never p e cu e ? u ®‘. v ",.
Pam is subjugated, Ileallh Renewed, Appetite restored and sleepless nights a is u 7
its wonderful influence. Weak . should . ,. ‘‘5*?*.,,, (s
P. P. P. is a wonderful tonic and the universal strengthener. commendation women of medical ®enth * - •
P. P. P. It builds them up. It lias and trial will ^
^ the country, because we publish the formula on every bottle, one * ~
most skeptical that it ii : ger aine health restorer.
Read The Truth And Be Convinceds
A Wonderful Cure.
I w*$ a jnartvr to muscular rheumetisn f & thirty
years; tried all medicines and doctors per
raaucat relief. I was advised to take P. P. I’-, aud
belore I had finished two bottles my p«a subsided
so I was able to work. I feel better ti. w. 2 have for
years, and am confident of a complete recover)’.
v,i J. S. DUPRISS, Newnauvillc, Fla.
Testimony from tho Tflayor.
I suffered with Rheumatism for fifteen years, tried
a’.l the so-called specifics, but to no purpose. J.Iy
grandson got me a oottle of P. P. P., and I feel like a
new man.
W. H. WILDER, Mayor of Albany.
From Two Well-known Phyclclans.
We are having a big sale for your P. P. F. t and
we prescribe it iu a greatmany case's, aud find it an ex-
Th. .boT. letters ore taken from many received by us. P. P. P.»
33SSS5»SjMs«K=«rs| irritability of disposition, all mean a derangement of the system conseq- from
impure blood, which can and will be cured by P. P. P. ... and . .v, ttejwp reccle
P. P. P. ( Lippman's G*t*i Remedy), is conceded by physician, prrmw^ ^
to be the Greatest Blood Purifier of the Age. It positively aud
cures. For sale by all druggists or direct from us; price $i a bottle, six -
LIFPMAH BROS., raopaiiroES, SOL 1 Linaman Block. SAVAWWAH. 6A;
if RW
There is no Word so
-EM I A,
tions cluster
is that cf
—She who
f.V watched
A\v if TO our- infancy helpless
» ffm- !.:■ and
V guided our
3£\ first totter.
liw* m The n ? life ste of p
«» ^ p<|P VI every « tan Ex- t
'beset Mother is .
I with
' c " danger.
u Mother’s Friend ’
so assists Nature in the change taking
place that the Expectant Mother is
enabled to look forward without dread
to the hour when she experiences the
joy of Motherhood. It insures safety
to both Mother and Child, and she is
found stronger after than before con
finement—in short, it “makes Child
birth easy,” as so many have said.
Don’t be persuaded. Use nothing but
“Mothers Friend^
“My ^ife suffered more in ten minntes with
either of her other two children than she did
altogether with “Mother's her last,haring Friend.” previously It is bless¬ used
four bottles of a
ing to anyone expecting to become a mother,
says a customer.” Henderson I)ALE,Carmi, Ill.
Sent by Mail, on receipt of price, Jr.oo PER DOTTLE.
Book “To Expectant Mothers’’ mailed free, containing
valuable information and voluntary testimonials.
celtent thing. We handle nbont ene dozen bottles »
^Brt'. J. M. * M. T. RICIIARDSon. piedmont. S. & /
Hot Springs Surpassed.
A bottle of T. P. P.. has done me more g«xl'h* co^o. n
th; jiSks m!
Pimples, Sores and Eruptions Cured.
I take .
After taking three bottles »n sceoraance nltn <ure«
ttons, I am eatirely cured.
Capt. J. D. JOHNSTOIf, ■* C».
Savannah, Ga- of Johnston
When you come to town
in and pay your subset ip
ft is duo and we need it.
The M. Schulz ( ’°-> l
Agency, A advertises , Pi
Organs HIlos
at cost in this Pape.
ottiif l
'ssiH %$ ^
c{ : } s P° wcr th) »t '■ consid*r it
Who , tw have ° h ° Consumption,Th-oiSki iiles free to those of voh r;
Lung Trouble, if they will Cg,
express and postoffice address --Lg
**» p»or onua&ue G'P ; ftS
£ CCcrou
r lHH
Set ‘‘last as Good” i/
but A ii
[Jgl We are not c«the«t to nm-ce OKT
H1& SLIHIL asot!i«rsm»!-e I’ao-j
rno as good is Rood m --* em j
not just ** v "
is IH year—but BETTSE,, I
ii the time. W<- Wave better msow-1
il MS n 4 Ware
«ie beoer-iwu« for >d»
aU ousta luiujer co..
feMi aususta.8*
and Br*rd.
..Buy Sterling
(Gaivrrc L\ Jf vu
Wadijl A
Makr fet.,. , ,4#
Office in Johnson’s f
shop on Commerce strec
Repirtng Bring ot a!l e.t te
in \ our tin .■■puws
have them put in good ruun