Newspaper Page Text
>k ■■ i’i c MiccUb' X?
b „ h. yALLIS.
Ent-- >. : an tlm prn-t. lliee at < dm y. rs as
-» QDi ,d -< ia*s mail in at i i ■
April 3, If . 7.
JjD -i U r ii > -i if-ner
fciotj ‘J t-«: 11 tt*!or't Jinn qUBD ■- Hi'
: » ch for
' Regoiar a-iv 5Jc l ent
1 ',.- in-riimi; 2 r > Of each r'.'.b-t rpieni
itsseri ion.
M.'HSGiti I’l'ION HA IE:
o ey. ir. in advimo- 1 ......*......— ■j: 09
Bix i.“'i th-, in ijo.
Take this paper.
Midway Locals,
if the old ad.'ige. is trut
we wii! loiw a splendid crop to
gather next fall hut it looks a
little gloomy now.
We ■ n putting in guano and
makir: ready to put in the corn
and cotton reed
Solomon Wise, col. planted
some cotton seed last Friday.
The big frost last week left
but few little peaches and
Wheat and Oats are looking
Master Robert Barker, son of
W. 1’., lias been quite sick hut
is on foot again.
Mirs Julia Cook,eldest daugh¬
ter of Mr. E. F. Cook is very
sick. Hope she will soon bo re¬
stored to health.
All tho schools closed in Lor
raine last Friday and lots oi
boy i end girls were out of a job.
Our people will he pretty vvt-1
I'l-jncwentiul in y<mr city no;
Vy’ k . V p,ucse. l\u*.y can vt-pov
pretty good mads—at least j*
to i.
F. J.
Homo id to court.
-V\d KV ~ RDAiG^.N
My bhop is comfortable.
My Low old are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Uive me u cail when you need
tl i.
K v r. ‘i J* 8 I j !
Or- ' i P ,r p •> wCui .--a. '&T/32 tiSZThe
by y Si- • ■ 'jlif;. .an
* . A >ai i*f i Ji
Bping unabL' to travel durin ; the re:: rains wo arc
lih ov T.ockcil i'n Orgaiui and ironoio !I for i he no ten
da\ V Uhl’. It \« u ev, v e yect to 1 U Y Vv is youv time
( io ami price them and you 'ill hesurpri Can save you
from twenty to jifty dollars on an Organ.
Me can save you from fifty toone humBi U il
ano. We refer you to the following people who have bought of]
JJ v.m A-u Ai Conyers, Simme rs. Ga : Mmhmou Mrs. Mamie (I.i Davis, Mr. 0. E BtewarL,! Keagan, j
i ; 'L i,! !' a11 I ' h'.uiui, 6a ' ;a. i .on. J. : J. y Ui.rnpp, - : . sh Mrs. U Ii.
o Boiui 7 ami odors. '
.hose 1 lanos and Organs are how ::y ; mi • tally
; u \ ' l l *y ‘‘Uiv'ul huU v i. 1 1 Mil l t ;i i v aud 1
ei R ' i
We give below , an honest cerlilbate from of
one , :e most
excoHent ladies and (Tin knit music teachers iu MAT. Georgia.
Y\ e prim it with pride because of its holiest v an<i wot h:
Tb ■' i« *: M. Schulz ci:tno l« ]
inn in t'bo ton. full, ion <! c: :n! v.
•!io . ri'ecf. 1 eoi-.siiWr it Ui . .■. • - e
b* s, : o" :''. licyc, l im«ev,er nsui. 1. ! e-.'-vilti it- ; ‘' 1
n lake a hau,Uume j>. tit en what- i'
Mrs, JI..M:;i i>A\ if.
There is a Stool, Book and a 10 years gu -c.ut .o with each
auu every instrmr.v nt. Address
filch. 25, 1897., eOMUSS, UA. 1
< 00 , L;i EE ft S'!
r irf %>
®a d i f- j
' -,'f ..... A
I igap^L ■!
Mh&okst&ty tRjjs-e
Olebrutr tr i s * rt-at lo ; vcning
“tivngih .. i _,fcit lulu■ nr>s A ‘tnm-s
: he lend a, . s' nlvim : d al' H r ns of
du t. ration cviiujun io the che*p
IO* E 1 ;,'G row HER 00 .,
., r.w YORK.
We vr a glad to au.iounco that,
for ouce the Wnmv fs well
locked with advertisements,
We will promise our readers
more news next week.
The Fern-
1 'M ~ V) dale Rye oi'
, Bourbon F —
f d & \ six years old
• j 4 ship
*TT ^ p pod
L A".4“ from our l)is
RYb 1 ! tiilury to the
BOlilBO'-i ccnsu m e r s,
ity, We never sell to the '''hole
sale and retail dealer, thus sav¬
ing two profits to the consumer.
Feindfilo vyo or Bourbon is
iighly recommends d by phy¬
sicians as a. tyjjlciil whiskey for
.medicinal and family uses.
A trial order wii! insure your
future patronage.
Ferndolo Rye or Bourbon
B2.65 par No charge
'or jugs o 1 >!l( 1; ■> (t
iVjiuii^v' must acet u- u;y
ivdorf;. Tty uiv.imr our respon-,
•ibility wo i.-j-.r >u lo the City
Xatiomd and Oil:;: Savings
Bank?: of 1 'oducak . Ny.
Awaiting your v -lund cpm
mands wo remain.
Very v.lfiilly !
f> sp. vours,
t I G
I',:ii.n •:h, Ky.
H 3 '
.1 *■
: A m
u iw un■
' •' ^ (j ■©
oo T V. -• IL.LEY.
Seeing is believing. Now a word to the breeders of this
Come and take a loqk at Brownzil and King William
before breeding your mares this season. Brownzil is too well
known through this section to need any special mention. *-i t
; without saying that he is given up by all as being the gra s -
stallion ever brought to Georgia,
King William must be seen, to be appreciated. He is known
ice Jim C hupp and Juie Johnson Jack, and his breeding is as
f- bow a: King William, black Jack, with light points, foaled m
F A. sired by Cleveland, he by Eureka by Eice H. Park’s Pea¬
h, he by HenrybCee’s Napolean and he by Imported Napole an.
1. him bv Rail’s Sweepstake Jack, 2nd dam by Lee’s Old Na
0 . King William wili be kept at Conyers every other week
oA. Cm spring season, and parties wishing to find him his
1 wee!: om Conyers can do so by calling at Mr. J. C, Chupp’s
f .n, 1 mile west of Lithonia.
Bi t', wnzil Wiil not bo traveled this - season and can be found
lice at any and all times at A. J. Pierce’s old livery gta
b h , mis ; §10 by Jack to insure mare in foal: §15 by'Stal- :
•>. lo insure inaro in foil. Money due when mare proves safe
lr ‘- - 0 • :.i!>i>ioy6u note to be given. W ill not be responsible
T < cctylent. Incases where mares are traded, money for j
••• ’‘ co *-' e 16 then d «e Tor further particulars address;
V> . N. & J. 0. McKNIGHT. Coavers, J Ga era. I
> > j
Bulletin No. 3 ,
Despite the bad weather we arc eternally at it and our tiade
i : ill6 past few days has given us an inkling of what we may
pent when the sun comes out again. People don’t buy
, US because they 7 love us, (no one loves us—we are all alone)
be < ' use we offer them the proper goods at the proper prices,
v e a re 0:1 tiie lookout for other gilt edge buyers—they have
j none more to help us lower prices than any other one factor and
j i t ip the trade we are seeking. If you are gilt-edge come on
wise go to the credit houses with the long-time prices.
Best spool thread 3 for 10c., best prints 4 7-8 cents, 36 inch
ft ;;t of the loom bleaching cents, 36 inch good bleaching 5c,
|,. | l inch sea island 5c, cotton checks 4c, good ginghams 5c, five
| good needles for 5c, 15 cents box of „, butter , milk soap ac _
i dies and childrens handkerchiefs worth 60c, only 25 cents per
d zsn, good tablet and pencil for 4c, best-whale bone 5 cents,
Si lk striped novelties cheap at 25c only 12^ cents—Atlanta price
is 1.0 cuts, 36 inch percale at 7i cents worth 10c, good mat
ling 10 to 25 cents per yard, ingrain carpet 37 cents, See our silks
mul new dress goods Some special New York prices on chil
di 11 ’s and men’s clothing. SUMMERS.
: f ## 3
6 I
l.s a l
1 :
e ? 5
Our ’Ninety-Seven
Compietc Line of
m f 4^5) F&i-
3 C
Ii ■-
arc the
4 Wl
aapreme -
I w
of our
Years sf ■
A Vi perience
Retail Salesrooms:
152 Dearborn St. 87-89 Ashland Ave.
GEORGIA, Rockdale county.
To whom it may concern : .
J. A. Hamilton has, in due form ap¬
plied to the undersigned fir pei ma¬
ne m lette' s of ad mi nisi rot ion oa the- es¬
tate of Jno. W Mamikon, Icte of aid
county dr era ed, and I wili pa-r, upon
the same on the iir-t Monday in May
next. Givcd under my l and and offl
cial signature, this April 1st 1307,
A. JJ, Heim-, Oid.
Ro^d -Notice.
Geo. or a Rockdap.e '(’orirrv :
Wheiei'.cert.tio petit oners hive iw
plted to the conn of O. dinary for the
CFtabiisbinenc of a rew road, com
mencin at \V. L. Peek'- s w ini I, on
Peek road,and runniug-Yout Brown i-vves.yrly bridge
and intersectin; the
read, near Jno. H, marked Semi.'", and sai the
review, is- having out l
road and repot led to me l o t the same
will he of much public utility, ibis i,
to cite, all persons that on and'afeer
the first Monday in Va/next, said new
road will be granted, donmry. if no g..od Given cause
is shown to the on
der my h ind and tfficial signature this
Apr. 1st 1897. A. M. Heims, Ord.
Sheriff Sales.
Will be sold on tiie first Tuesday in
April, LS!)7, before the court house, in
the town of Conytrs, Rockdale county,
Ga., within the legal hours of sale, the
following property, to-v/it: One hun¬
dred and ten acres district of la-nd, of Originally mere or
less, in the 10th
Henry, now Rockdale county. Georgia, boun¬
and part of land lot No.-and
ded hs follows: On the North by
lands of estate of Washington Den
nard, on the South and East by lands
of the S. W. Bryans estate and on the
West by lands belonging to the estate
<-f Washington Dennard. Levied on
as the property of Wash Sinn, S'ate col. to
satisfy two tax fifas for ids and
county taxes for 1395 and 1896 Ten¬
ants in posse-sion notified of this levy'.
This. March 11,1897.
W. H. M. Austin, .Sheriff.
Adv. $4.59.
ALIO, at same time and place, one
house and lot in s. id town, containing
one acre, more or less, bounded as
follows: On she Booth bv W. ii M.
Austin, on tiie East by Dr. R A. Jone.s
on the West by North street, Norlh by
Mattie Gaither eoi., Levied upon as
the property of Henry Henderson
lo satisfy it tax
Ufa for bis State and county taxes for
the year 1890. Tenants in possession
notified of this levy, this March Tith,
18:7. W. H. II. Austin, Sheriff'.
Adv. $3
Georgia, TtocitDAnE County.
plied Whereas, certain petitioners have ao
to the undersigned for the estab¬
lishment of a new road, commencing
the Macon road, near Liberty Chan¬
and running in direction of Coving¬
by residence of M. A. Waldrop to
line, and the commissioners np'
having road reported will be of that public said utility con¬
Uiat. they have marke i out the
this is to cite ail persons that on
after tiie 29th day of March, 1897,
road will be granted, if no good
is shown to the contrary
Given under my baud and official
this Feb 23, 1897.
$3 43. A. Jt. Helms,' Ord.
^Irene Usher, co!., 'lavingapplied
twelve'Cioiuhs support out of .the
of her iate husbaml, Austin Usli
ueceased, and the appraisers
office, having tiled their returns
this is to cite all perse
that 1 will pass upot ‘
on the first Monday iu April m
M.'b. 2. 1897.
Ady. A. 11. Haas, Ord
G; omi i, Rockr’a'e Abnandhavinjappii' county.
Airs. Lovie E.
for a twelve months support, out of tL
estate of her late husband, John 1.41
mam), deceased, and the appraisers al
pointed office, having this fi is ed to their cite all returns persoij j
rap til
concerned that I will piss up«u nej
same on iho first Monday in April
This Meh. 2, 1897. Ord. j
Adv. $3. A. II. Helms,
Gkorcta qy.'whom RorkdHecounty, iV 'm,:v R. 1
Cannon, executor H T. A. F.
late of said countv, deca'ed, *9
plied to mo for J-tters of diM»s*wt
from his trust as such exeenftf. - 1 ' 1
iaSei i s rbe-efor>* thS’i to ^^ noMfy ail «p»L person* con
(;at ! on on the first Monday in •!«*«,1
1897 G vpn under no iiaiiil awl offi
. ‘oJ*
cial signature, this March 2, Ord.
Adv. $0. A. 54 Helms,
I have ooeued an nHiceiu the
u:iQ;ug formerly occupied oy
Dr. J. J. Seamans, and solicit a
share of the patronage of the
people. Jones, Dentist.
E. A,
Wm. H. SH1PKIN5,
Attorney at Law.
"Tolieetfons , „raetice. Cbarges
r ° C %| a p a -pecialty^
low rate of interest
Advertise your , business prosperity!
help bring rece wed 1
to the town.
many lights will yotj
l . a ' k JU '
Whereap, certain petitioners hsve ap¬
plied to the undersigned Dr The estab.
Ihhinent of a new ro«d commencing at
the residence of Joe Peek, in Sheffield
district and running a South-west
course in the direction of Air. Jas.
Dempsey’s and intersecting the paper
inili road near paper min bridge pass¬
ing through lands of W. R. Wbi e, I'.
M, Thopiason. Mr<. Mary Aioon and
ihe heirs of G. 5V . Johnson’s estate,
and the commissioners appointed hav¬
ing reported thar said contemplated
road will be of public utility and that
they have marked out the same, (his is
It a “, d aU f r lhe
v,h pl ^ sai J ro fld wi»
’ ’ .'
be gi anted f im if no good cause is shown , to
t m oonttary.
Given under ray baud and official
signature, this Mck. 10 1397.
A.M. Helms. Ord.
Adv. $1.35
By virtue of an order of the Con# of
Ordinary of Rockdale county, will be
sold between tbe lawful sale hours,
before the court house door, in the city
of Conyers, on the first Tuesday in
April next, the . following described
property : Fifteen acres of laud, more
or less, being tbe place whereon W. J.
Geo, lata of said county deceased, re¬
sided at the time oi bis death, ’said
place embracing good dwelling, grist
luiil and valuable water power on Yel¬
low river, five miles east of Comers
better This droperty known as affords the Gee mill property!
one of the best
water powers in the State and is a val¬
uable site for any kind of manufactur¬
ing enterprises, and to be sold for the
distribution pur: ose or paying debts and making
among the heirs of said
W. J Gee, deceased. Terms: One
ihird due Oct. 15, 1897, one-third due
Oct. lo, 1895, ard one-third due Oct. 15
1899, with eight per cent interest pei
annum, with privilege of paying all
Jos. F, Gee, A dm Tv W. J, Gee.
Adv. $5.G1.
a w'!A'!C pc ‘ saI ' wi H be received un
m i 9 nex°t° n the^mechonicM
in April for
wor *' * n t-he building and com
>W -
of the old' bridge in accordance with
SAf Tbe us work an .' 1 to speoiiLanons include tic teasing in my office. aowa (
and removal of the
furnish all material.
Ml to reject any and a n b?tu ie-eri
March Adv. $3.2 9, ISO?. i. A.M.C' Th Ur .*/’
G?or.riiA, Rockdale Count
oenied -\< five that is 1 hereby have filed given' tn a |l% n
•f -he Hope,-lor. with “,<5 0'
nun of
my vetilion midrevsed u, sa i,i
l"'" a:) ; e L " ti,a term ilie,euf
’>•' Held Oil ;he first Monday in '
! ■'•■7 foe the removable of the IB
»<?■> imp. Bed upon me by hit inj
.n . ri iage with i.eila Harris, nee jjj
Lei]'- George. which application J
. be ■ 1
. l>. , I , he
ar ait i Coart House j,, s,
conn'v at-aid ' |
Tin's untinry 2!, IS97
Adv’g. $4.50. 3:ewa't IIiseis,
Georgia, Rockdale County.
ul S- 12 ated a clock, proposals noon, will March be received, j
for lurmahuig ail 15th to
Cag e ?® vvera material, iron J
w’ g e < w Mer, beating,
and Rockdale . budding and completing a isili
county in accordance w
plans and specifications, copies
countv, which may also bo seen the at office mv office in J
at. «,f Golucke
Stewart, Atlanta, architects, Ga. Al! 24,W WhiiehaiJ
sea ed and directed proposals must nJ r
to A, H. Ford
Ordinary, and labeled “Bids
and delivered to me on or before iv R |
clock, noon, March 15tli, iS 97 s' e i
Construction rate bids wid be considered , l'orl
Dishing of the steel buildiug and ] fl
The right cages, is and iron anyf 9
reserved to reject
ail bids. Bond will be required in
cordance -with the law. and all prep
ais to be made on a stiicpy ca-h bd
A.iv. $4 77 A. M. Helms, Or
Georgia Kockdale Gotsty
w. S. Veal executor of Ills last
of A. C. Veal represents to thisec
in his petition duly filed, that lie
fully executed the will of said i!ec-a
This is therefore to cite ail pere
concerned, , to show if
cause ,uy tl
can, why said executor should not
discharged from liis trust ae such
editor, arid receive Setters of disn
siou on the first Monday in April ij
A, 11, Helms,
Georgia, Mock dale county.
To whom it may concern.—ff.
Scott, executor of Jno. L. scotr, late
said county, deceased, basin auefoj
applied to the undersigned for letti
of dismission from bis trust as siii
executor. interested that This I is will to cite ail persoj
pass Moofai upon ‘i
application on the first
June next. Thi, M«h. I), 1897
Adv $0. A. 51. liras, Or.
Gbokgia, Rockdale qoMty. J I lea
for Airs, twelve Mary months A. UeFfiuving appl hi
a suppoit e
estate of her late husband. IV, J, 1
deceased, and the appraiser, appoini
having flie.i their returns intnycin
this iv to cite all personsconccnsi :|
Monday I will pa-s in upon April, the smile on the fi]
J8!>7. This Men.
Ib97. A. M. IIKI.M-, Ord
Adv. $ i.