Newspaper Page Text
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"In days of old
This land we’re told
O’erflowed with milk and
But now the cream
Of that sweet stream
Is money , money, money.”
The fact that on every pur
L-v at Marbut’s store money
Leaved to the purchaser, caus
t a constant in our sales
pih fine Baking Powder 10c.
lean Corned Beef 10c.
pdensed Mince Meat 10c.
Fresh canned Mackerel 10c.
Sweet canned corn 10c.
tanned I Peaches 10c.
leans Sardines for 10c.
tanned Pineapple 10c;
Era and Tomatoes 10c.
Ivory tine medicated soap 10c.
talcum powders 10c,
Kg beater 10c.
II want to close out all the
iaimits, Brazil nuts Almonds
ltd Seeans I have at 7£ cents
The Grocer,
10 Geniev sj.
J. P. Tillsy, A, M. McElvanet.
We revrepf nt the Strongest Compa¬
nies in trie World. VVe pay all ]
promptly and without litigation. \V<
insnre ail kinds of city or town
erty, country Dwellings, Barns,
tenant houses etc., at tire very lowest
rates. We will a'so take Care of yom
Valuable papers aurad In¬
surance Policies an John
Ho Almand’s Vaults
of charge.
Wesolic t your patronage.
Concerning People and
Civic Society.
Philologia Lodge. No. 178, F.
<fc A. M.,
E.'H. Almand, W. M.
O. E. Reagan, Sec.,
Meets first and third Mon¬
day nights in each month.
Tio foe- ■— 15 S3
siaiio ■ '
Elgoature — i&Z/ erery
a wrapper.
Oat meal, 10 cents per pack¬
age at M ■ H. Blanket's.
New legal ads.
Read advertisements and W'ait nn
lii next week for local news.
Miss Emma Reagan lias returned
from a vilt to friends at Coving¬
ton .
Misses Bruce and Anderson, of
LltLonia, were guests of Mis. B: D
Crosslov laR Sunday.
After al 1 , Jno, Thomas, col, will
serve a term in the penn. He was
convicted of iunniug‘a ‘blind tiger”
and was unable to pay the fine.
Two marriages occured here
this week that even madam
Rumor had not an inkling
and yet the contracting
were of the socnil four hundred.
Mr, E. L. Almand, a
nent business young man, and
Miss Willie Peek, daughter of
Hon. W- L. Peek, were married
last Tuesday afternoon- They
went out driving, ostensibly,
and d>ewraiij at Elder Jno.
F.Almaud’s home, and upon
request that gentlemen pro¬
nounced the ceremony that
made them one. There was no
objection to the marriage and
and this course was pursued
because of its simple and pleas¬
ant romantic features. These
young people are very popular
and their future-promises to
be unusually happy and pros
perous. The Wgekly extends
hearty congratulations •
Ou Wednesday aRernoou an¬
other marriage occured at Elder
Almand’s heme much
to the above, in which two other
of our popular young people
were happily united for life. Dr.
Ed L. Peek, son of Hon. W. L.
Peek, and Miss Sadie McCalla,
eldest daughter of Judge A • C.
McCalla, woe the contracting
parties in this instance.
Bring social favorits, and hav¬
ing approached Hymen’s alter
without exciting suspicion, the
culmination of the happy events
has been the sole topic in social
circles for the past few days,
and other stolen marches are
expected. The Weekly joins
with the friends of Dr. Peek
and his bride in wishing for
them all happiness and pros¬
from U.S.Jovmal of 1Ifedidnt
Prof. vV. n. rcokc, who
| makes a specialty without of
3 Epilepsy, doubt treated has and
ed more cases than any
, Physician; his
| k | | living success is astonishing,
r \Ve have heard of cases
of 20 years’ cured standing
| 3 him. He by
a 3 valuable publishes a
S work on
■ this dis
B ease, which
w g*he aL sends
w i t h a
I am agent for the oldest, best
and strongest lire insurance
companies on earth, and solicit
a share of your business.
Will take care of your
Policies, Deeds and Valu¬
able papers in Fire-proof
vault free of charge.*
Very respectfully
W. J. Eakes, Agent.
At John II. Almand’s Bunk.
The fac¬ *2
et aril o 05 ;
algnature every
g o it /y ^rapucr.
Famous Long Horn- at
Miss Mattie elder has closed!
her school at Gailey’s accademy,
Miss Julia Everitt, of Coving¬
ton visited relatives here this
Mrs.J. S. Johnson and Rev.
B. D. Ragsdale a-e in attendance
upon the Baptist Convention at
We regret to learn r,f tbe s'evere
lluess of M-. aad Mrs. A. Ililey. Mr.
Riley has been confined to bis room
for several weeks aid his wife for
lhe past fe w days. We hope they
may soon recover.
IT! 1 % '
il - ■
g;l -r- m -i* i;)
4 s u I i i
i 1 I
>■ * D§: & l'-'
111 m |
5 . S
iFfP'No old goods. f r 5 /“E very thing fresh and new.
Rev. Hog rsvsky'preacbetl a series of
sermons at the Bap ist ebureb dhs
week ami greatly ed'-flod ine peopL.
He a'so delivered a lecture before
the students of the public school.
After being absent ah' Ibe wjn:er
attending denial college in Atlanta,
Dr. Tom McDonald may now be
found at his office, prepared to do
ad kinds dental work.
WP1 be sold before the court house
door in Olivers, 0a. .between the legal
hours of sale,on the following first Tuesday described in
May 1897, ilia
property to-wit; Three hundred acres
lhe .Gib . dis¬ ..
of laud, more or less, in
tant of originally Henry, now Rock¬
dale county, Ga - , bounded M. asyollows; Zr,ch
West by "lands of Jno, r y,
SSS;RaWn” a r“S51, 'Sd
Snf/llif&iSV J tl't. I'm,
as the property of Jas. II - GDfiln as
^rx'& W f>r 8 "u C ‘ h sK n and om«$
taxes for the year 1896. Tbi-s Apr. 2nd,
1-97 W • H M. Austin,Slit-riff.
beautiful millinery.
Everything in the Millinery line for the spring of 1897, the
most stylish and select, can he found at my store, in- rear of the.
post-office, Ladies will bo disappointed if they make then
spring purchases before examining my stock.
My stock of Hats, Ribbons, Laces etc., can’t be excelled m
this market and my prices are very reasonable.
Also sell the new idea pattern, perfect in fit, for 10 cents.
Very respectfully, RILEY.
mss EHflA
I am prepared to do any kind
of mechanics work on short
notice. See me or call at Week
ly office.—J. F. Wallis. •
For Infants and Children.
fac¬ is 52
simile ? , /? vtajVer. mr j
Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on all parts of the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will not foe honored winder any circum -
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 p. it. till further notice.
A. -
VS? he- ***• is 02
__ _
100 doz. Handkerchiefs worth
60 cents going at 25 cents
dozen at Summers’ Big Busy
Mrs - S- E. Brodnax, of Social
spent Sunday with her
mother Mrs Sfuuse!1)
Everybody will witness “Ten
Nigb sin a Barroom” at Aluaand s
Had on D,e night < f the 9t’>- For
bi ntfii of the Bieahytedon cbwch
Miss Carrie Duke' has gor e ior
a stay of several weeks in Balti¬
more. She accompanied her ft'end.
Mrs. M. C. Kiser, of Al'aota.
Elder J H. Weed and wife,
Watkinsville, visited relatives
this week.
Call on McDonald & Hay good for
new and stylish nrllinery at
low pi ices.
Pine young .Jersey cow with first
ciU—beifer—for^sale cheap, Cal
on Or Baidw , k.
Stvluh Ha s, p-e ty Rt’»boti»,La¬
ces etc., a* very low prices at Mc¬
Donald & Haygowlts millinery store
Pad weaTn-r and blue farmers
Notice to Teachers.
Questions for the next exami¬
nation for teacher’s license will
be taken from the following
books, which we give so that
those intending to he examined
can prepair for it. The books
• Page’s Theory and Practice
of teaching, White’, School
Management, Parker’s Talk,
on teaching and Out-Lines ol
Methods for Georgia Teachers.
D. O’KelLEV, 0. tJ. C.
Mr. W, C.Hudson, with Webb
Galt& Kellogg, wholesole gro
eery men, of Atlanta, was here
Cuba, by Senor Qucsada, Cuban repre
rentitive at Washington. Endorsed by
Cuban patriots. In tremendous de¬
mand. A-bonanza for agents. Only
$1,50. Big book, big commissions.
Everybody wants the only endorsed,
reliable book. Outfits free. Credit
given. Freight paid. Drop ail trash,
and make $300 a month with war in
(Juba, Address to day .THE NATION
AL BOOK e-mceru, 352-35G Dearborn
We have just received a large
assortment of Hammocks Cro
qnet sets, Base Balls and Bats
Marbles and Fishing Tackle
which we are offering at great
The Gailey Drug Co.
T!ik count}' Sunday tiehoo'
Association nieets at Smyrna on
the first Saturday in May. State
School Commisioner Glenn has
been invited to be present and
deliver an address. A Great
time is expected..
Dr. S. P. Downs, of Monlicello,
spent some time here with his
daughter. Mrs. T. A Elliott line
ibis week
Mr. W. U Wallis will go to Aa
gustaio about a week and erect a
handsome residence.
Mr. Idavvey Zichvy, a proniitie'4
young man of At'anta, spent Sunday
with L's parents near hem. -
m Wf
The public is cordially invited to call and see our big stock
of books. We ordered them direct from the publishers and tho
prices are remarkably low.
15 volumes Dickens* works bound in 3ilk cloth, gilt tops
illustrated, $6.50
13 volumes Bulwer-Lytton’s, cloth, gilt fop, illustrated, $6.00
We sell the identical books for which some of our citizen t
recently paid $15,00. for less than half that a mo mt. Patronize
home and save money.
f 'ISP
m < m
V Jfg&l fo, '{
ev;-T^»s| 4 Mt. 1*31 I
Dr. W. H. Lee,
The old reliable druggist. At the same old stand.
I have opened up a new mar¬
ket on Commerce street below
Kennon’s store, and will keep on
band nil kinds of lhe very best
fresh me ats at the lowest prices
You will be pleased with my
service, When in need in my
due call on me.
J. M. Evans 1
1 4 V
w if m * Tnit.BE DESISNS, CSAJtRC,
quickly Anyone ascertain, sending free, a sketch whether and description may
an invention !n
probably confidential. patentable. Communications strictly
Oldest, agency foreecuring patents
in America. We have a Washington office.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
Special notice in tho
beautifully any scientific illustrated, journal, weekly, largest terms circulation $3.00 of
M.SOsix months. a year;
Boon: Patents Specimen free. copies and JUani>
on scut Addrt ess
361 liroutlnny, New York.
We'earn that Judge Met'alia will
move ioic (he Louse with Mis Tur¬
ner until he can build. This move
wii'occur when wo k on the new
'•butch begbis.
Tutt’s Pills
Cure AH
Liver Ills.
BANKRUPT inheakh.
constitution undermined by ex¬
travagance in eating, by disre¬
garding the laws .of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Tutt’s Liver Pills
■ an absolute cure.