Newspaper Page Text
t- XVI.
t | eS Who Suffer
cny cc;rpknot peculiar to
if S# isuch as Irregular Profuse, Pair)- Aten-
5'JPP ressed or restored to
1 are soon
r-VFo»feR«i4tfor. ‘ &
‘■“YVSfLllVSl ^ ts 1st than _
success for more
,S ao d knowm to aet speci
Slwtfith -s tlje organs of
end oa
A, r-corr^ended for
5;|j such complaints
op-sy. D o®ver fans
to give relief eu)d
, ,, restore the health
1 of the suffering
,ip wm s woman* It - - should
I | ^'\\\\ v: V\VJ be takeo just budding by tf ) 8
|| . \VM girl womanhood
I J^l.w‘h«0 ji)to
I xfiSP'lt I /Weosfcrua- Su
i° n is Scant ’ P
*WW ^ pressed, Irregular
fc W or PaiofuD arjd
delicate wonjeo should uss it.
its tonic properties have a woij
Jui influence it? torjing up and
(i)gtb® Rin 3 the system by driv
Ithrough tije proper channels
.tester of one of my enstomera iniMSfl
million from esposnre and cold, and on
■ .■! pnborty her her.ltht rvaa complotcl
fej, until aS« was recommendation, twenty-four years sha r.aed or
iJtjie •mnnFon BMdaeld/s my i’emaio Segnlator, com
Of health ?
lir rratorins her to Miss.
' j. v. Hsllums, Water Valley,
Jtftcsiimony of Dr • M- Calli
Jim IXote and Gilbert
iek was substantially the
K iU,i'ial as before the cor
[now tome to that sweet
minw, Ernest Morrow, Sr.,
|Dr.Jekyiand Mr. Hyde, oi
mdry, this man reeking ah
tnviih infamy; for out of his
I mouth shall he be judged,
leal was informed by sher
iDeshoteld. of the killing I was
slipper at iho Perrault House
Opelousas. The train being
:io late 1 reached it in time
ptoDubuisson station, from
He I went in a buggy to
stow si at ion. After I had
s ihero for some time 1
led Mr. Morrow where lie
iwhen the shooting took
s. and he answerd : t was
Bag them steps > ) and
lied to the saloon steps, ol
son Clip Morrow. I then
i“ Mr, Morrow, you will
snot be a witness:” to which
replied: “ No, I left tbar to
ip from a seeing it.” Mr, B.
Vannoy and several others
rithis. I afterward l)eard
tMr Morrow had said he
«1 Dr. Swords threaten Mr
tils, and I took Mr, C, D.
fpel, of Eyergreen, and Jas.
Jaekson and B. F. Vannoy,
Gresidence of Mr. Morrow
icalled him on his gallery.
*ssnearly one o’clock a 1
X I told him what I had
Land asked him if he had
Nunicaced anything the
for told him to Wells, and
ffeplv was that he had not,
f liat Dr - Swords told him
the ‘square.” I said
^onieally?” and he- answered
L and that no living sou)
iddkncw it. Ile then pro
to tell us what the doc
nd said, but I told him il
T not communicated it to
“ s it was all we wished to
This conversation, as
*% stated, was- between
' ours of 12 and 1 o’clock
i o night of December 23,
oud in the presence of C.
Ppel and B. F. Vannoy,
k r Masons, and J. M. .Jack
d myself, who are not
7 k\ 7 A
i % ■
) % i w f' z wm > *!
1 / sj/x y >*•
x>x ;j. v'
u- •'•
n jU I \ t-> J GA., DA J ii {, JUNE OR !.i o, c.o /
Mat-ons. He also told several of
U3 that night, among whom the
gentlemen already named were
present, that the- c n elation
that took place between Dr
Swords and himself was
8 ““ i3co ,“' s 8t0rc ' M « als “
stated the same at the prelimi
time nyy^mng.aml of the trial never ,,p said to ti 14,e at
it was anywhere else. In tie
8 {. atemeat ] iere p fe s lys jj, was
m the back room of Hanks store.
On cross examination in an
swe} . f 0 t | ie question : “Was not
this statement made to you out
of the presence or Mr, Wells?”
he answered: “ I do not know
if it was made out of his hearing:
if he was listening he certainly
could hear it.” He then vent¬
ures the statement (and those
that know the build of the store
will mark the statement ( “ The
back door leading into the room
was open and if he was listen¬
ing. of couro he .could have heard
it.” Now as a matter of fact,
the back door leading to that
room goes into the yard, and
there is no door, window, or
other opening from (ho hole in
the wall through which the
doctor was shot and that back
door; on the contrary, it is a
wall such as used in all
buildings. The next question :
“.Was if of a confidential nature?’
Ye Gods! hear the answer: “I
could not say if it was. He
was speaking to me as he al¬
ways spoke . i >
How can this man, E. Mor¬
row, Sr., reconcile the state¬
ments he made at Morrow sta¬
tion on Dec • 23 to the parties I
have named, and which he
himself substantiated on Wells'
preliminary, with his sworn
statement before the court when
the jury was withdrawn?
He could have saved a bro¬
ther Mason by simply putting
forth his hand, and in a few
minutes Dr. Swords would have
been aboard the train and on his
way to his wife and three little
■mes •
I append here the certificates
of Messers. Jackson, Vannoy
and Cappel;
Big Cane,.Da., March 28, 1897,
This is t» certify that I was
with Mr. M. L' Swords on the
night of the 23rd of December,
1896, when he (Swords) went to
the residence of Mr. E. Morrow,
Sr., and asked Morrow if he told
Wells what Dr. Swords had said
to him that morning about
Wells. Morrow replied that he
had not told Wells, as Dr
Swords had told him on the
square, and then immediately
told the secrets of a brother
Mason in the presence of two
men that he knew were not
Big Cane, March, 28, 1897.
1 hereby certify that f war
with M. L. Swords on the night
of Dec. 23, 1S96, and affirm that
which B F; Vannoy has certi¬
fied to above, i am not a
J. M. Jackson.
; , &ZL „r Mor” I vvas
. , f , j-. no i
l89o, a hen ne be ca cSled le on Mr • E*
Morrow at his residence between
the ; horns , ol 0 f i 12 - and <,* 1 o’clock,
and in answer to M" L. Swords
question. ( i Did Dr. Swords
threaten Mr. W eus .■>1 he stated
that what Dr. bwords told him
he told him on the square—that
i i ; Haw : i
m ----------v- -
sisriilatiag'dielocaandRegufa- JsNfegeiabiePreparationforAs
tingStomachs andBoweis of i j
. . .... , .... V .T ~ *^-,7 L—. ..
Promotes andEest.Coatains Digestion,Cheerful- neither {
ness <
OpiunuMorphins nor Mineral.
Not H ak cotic.
fieape of Old Tir SAJ'TUIfLPJTl7J3£R.
Jfitrjtplan Seed" i
-Silx.Scmia *
fu't/iel/c Suit's —
Anise Seed, + —y' In Carvono&S&fa, -
H&mSccd (Indited h’ciifc,y/ec'i Suctcr Pica’s;: - * J
tio’h. Aeerfeci Remedy SiomaclrDiarrhoea, for Cons tips
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish,- :
tics3 and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
is masonically. He stated that
he had never communicated
what Dr. Swords said to anyone
for that reaon, and then pro¬
ceeded to tell us what he did
say. He further stated that the
conversation he had with Dr.
Swords was near the store of
Scott & Scott. Tiiis was in the
presence of J. M Jackson, B F.
Vannoy and M. L Swords.
C.D. Cappel.
I have giveu some of the
cold facts in the case that laid
between the commonwealth
and the accused. 1 now give
you according to statements
made by the partisans of the
jury before whom the case was
tried, the following Opelousas
special to the Item, dated Feb.
27, which I would not quote
under ordinary circumstances.
“The jury after being out a
bout one half hour returned a
verdict of not guilty in the case
of E- W. Wells for killug Dr
Swords. Many good¬
plore the finding, but Wells’
friends justify the verdict upon
the grounds that when a Foss
terite is found guilty in this par
ish he is pardoned, therefore, no
anti-Fosterite must be made to
suffer for punishment of crime
how ever atrocious. This is ai!
wrong—aye it is worse than
this: it savors of anarchy and j
communism. For such conduct |
no one, howevr, is more to blame j
than Foster and Die Tosterites ;
m this parish. They encour- j
aged lawlessness for such a
length of time that they brought
the court and its officers into
disrepute, and although the
newly elected officials are en
deavoring to maintain the maj
esty of the law aud have no
guhty lta.1. taicape, such .heyarecon- dithcul
fronted with just
ties as are herein enumerated,
| -as } edrresnodent ■ 1 wired |
yesterday politics is i. being pin _ I
! you ..r The
dragged lino _ „ C, An -. ■ . !
that Dr. Swords was a cousin j
to M.L. Swords was of great,
benefit to him. 5i any of the
meu selected as jurors could
hmm msmmsm
C* £?5S&. 1H* if";
— OF-
liPiS 11 SSI „ mssmam I * m m
GsaterJpj ?.s pnt up in. one-cizo 7?ottIe3 only, It
is not sold in bulk. Don’t allow anyone to sail
you anything cbo on the plea or promise that iu
is 15 just as gocu” and “will answer every pur¬
pose.” -$3/“ Boo that you get O+A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
£ho tic- >
is ca
not be induced to believe
Dr. Swords was a good man
simply because of bis relation¬
ship to our ex-assessor, M. D
Swords prosecuting an accused
party furnished a shield to the
defendant that was simply im¬
penetrable. And ''diilst your
correspondent repeated here
he said at the outset that
'two wrongs never made a right,’
yet he cannot shut our eyes <o
the motives which prompted
the jury io set at liberty a man
v ho, according to the evidence
was guilty of the offence c har¬
ged against him.-. For such
occurrences we are indebted to
Foster and Foster’s methods.”
Mr. Editor, if this published
statement is-corroctjand I doubt
it not) per j uiy has been distan¬
ced in the race, infamy shelved,
and the cold fact remains that
the commonwealth itself is
threatened by a conspiracy born
of brutal minds, noursbed by
villainous savagery, and a keen
relish that their hellish work
spites either Gov. Foster or
m e.
I will say before closing that
the officers of the court did
their full duty, for which they
have my heartfelt thanks,
When the verdict was read in
court District Attorney Garland
arose and made a motion to
discharge the witnesses in hom
icide cases fixed for trial until
further notice, which was done,
He explained that he could not
the State justice with such
juries. i
It may seem strange, Mr
Editor, that after so many days
have passed that 1 should throw
this case to the public after a
jury had pronounced oil it, but
silting here io the
the beautiful co..uteuai.i I- ... m\
dead cousin’s baby boy, with
the dark curls seeming to sport
with w ;. h thft the wind, w ind and and holding holding in »V
tiny hand sweet flowers oL
Peace and . Dove, T . how ,, Gie. j
hot blood of a true friend fail |
surge at an outrage perpe
trated on one of his "family, and
vCxTzv} *±* 85 * 0 ** saana TJ#
mm jf®> > L-/X
/V it ■ IN
T 1 /
d// .:w-'
: x:
Buggies, Wagons, Harness etc., is the most “up to date
to be found anywhere and our prices and terms
A O P PIP \/ P O
wrv r ’ i n■- r ■ -
If you buy before examining my stock ten to one you lose
money. It costs you nothing to loose through our stock.
\J ■JOKsi T ■rA •>- • r v'ei'itt.
Ed. .TJ4 k*>.
a LJ n gBburairawaft OS \\u a
For the Sdring Season has arrived and we can truthfully say
that it is a beautiful selection of goods.
Can’t be excelled for the money in any retail establishment
in (lie whole country. Those who have examined our stock aro
delighted with it-, and you will likewise bo pleased.
flcDormaldl <& Haywood.
that, too when the reason
given that “ho was a cousin of
51, L. Swords.”
51. L. Swoiios.
A Hew Hems.
We received the iuiUa! nvunbfr
the MarshaM Banner, a 1-riglit little
Weekly published at AIL r vdh , Ala
last Saturday. Mr. J. D. McCord i«
the editor and proprietor. Ailwr -
ville is the post ofiiee address o
many people who once lived in On ,
and if we mistake not Editor 5fc
Cord was at one lime a citzen of Ibis
We remember Mr. E. O. McCord,
who, at one time resided in our
town- We were in rcheot with
him In re and afterwards ho
salesmen in the store cf kwart A
McCilia for a time. 5t'o ob etve u
mention of him in t.ho Banner and
we hope he is doing well.
Mr. - Tom McCord is also mention
ed in this paper, and wo renJember
him ns having vidted relativs nt
Jonesboro while we were I hero rev-.
era! years ago. Wo mad e.-vcud
copies of the Weekly b> f >rmvr
l i'izens of this county who now re
>ide at Albertville.
Wilh he... »i E fce. lor the
MRrRhaii Banner, we Khali
hope for its weekly visit to our desk.
ike ordinary mid ... jaB .. co-=nmi*»t .
met kst WeJne . da mori>in „, f;I1 d
accepted , , the .. . ., E v eryt< . •
new jam . . int, .
accor jj n g t 0 p an - , bas
completed, and the L is fast nev
r ing completion,
We c n now claim tLat Itxd dale
M l , i K! ‘s . ’i 5/. in. ‘ 7%
first class jnil io ©very parbY.
In a tfioffi lijno Sberill Austin
will move into tiro now building.
The first Co flan bloom we
; this jt;ii' was bu 1 upr n » ur mldo
I this w< L-k by Moron - w-Tiu-e. Ho
i • S perhaps, the j'ouugojt far¬
mer in the ecnid.y, Giving just
donned long puuis. He is a very
industrious ) oung man and wo have
hopes for his future.
Advertise your business in
the Wkkklv and it will grow
and prosper.
absolutely, and to slay
: cured, Rheumatism, Scrofu 1 a,
Syphilis, Old Sores, Eczema,
Catarrh, Constipation, and all
other diseases caused by impure
is fiiade entirely of Herbs, is
perfectly haimless, powerful and yet, is
the most and surest
remedy over discovered for the
above named diseases.
Atlanta, 6a., Feb, 18, 1807.
a ^ 0 ,.-eiG attack of rheuiGaiimn in my
A/^nj’fek rakt-u u-lS'll
(.hreedavF. I imvo one r.-ottlen
, veiling has
almost w,,n Judging from m, ow»
expenenoe, I iteiicv« ‘-ahucana’'
;1 ij y 0I , ( c:iim for it m a cure for rlicu
matism. Very truly, J. T. ilurper.
Mr. Harper was born in Cov