Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 03, 1897, Image 1
t r i b ^GER ^icuVae % dj jfc t fed <mi Mother .^ngJfflr is y i and 1 S'^looksM yVard the pjOBy Jjfifll i | to pj Ust of trial. woman Ail ^ 0 ||a *| - *' ..... smooth d | | | f f *p\ «§x e in lue’s/ , I; j y M tor her. Mother * t S t > v. SiiCl A Nervousness, and so assists ||JT 8 that the change goes for Saute fStStSuStlle''way of! Headache, Etc. Gloomy j y ^Gg a, yield to cheerful and | iM, a S 1 SS S q3ckly a £3! Aout train—is left "strong and frorous and enabled to joyously duties tform the high and holy Sai^y ow devolved upon assured net. the ) life of both is oy fie Of “Mother’s Friend,” and A ■ time of recovery shortened. s»iS'4"Ss EBsiottiooi ‘Mother’s Irion cl’ ot me psapjiufal.” JOHN G. Polhill, Macon,Ga. K&S &2 valuable laformatioa Eied frae, containiuR testimonials. Wontary LbBADFJELD REGULATOR DHCJGG CO.,ATLANTA,GA 1 STS. GOLD BY ALL ^Speakers In Congress, Ifred Lskmographers S. Irlaud, one of the ex of the House U;i Liing interestingly yesterday the speed with which Lafsinen talk, saysthe Wask i&yfli Post. “Ittebeen said in the news¬ papers,” lhat venuvked Mr. It land, Pep-e, en'aiive : >V'is Of lasliington talks at She rate ■ 300 words a minute, lie beer not. No man could speak ■the House at that 6 peed and ■/ repirted, 1 doubt vvhelli e r i Icoiiid be understood. 1 mean | piiife. such words as occur: liji Ii,ilvs • Of course, in tak / miitini’ testimony, wliere (tjurutly recurring phrases Lias ‘what is vonr name?’ li'wlicro do you live?, are |;i [y man can think • It is a , | difficult mutter w hen tt pgresstnan talks He uses j kswith many syllables. "What is the fastest record L {louse? J 7 irpresentatrye Johnson of lima once talked for an bourn -a half, when discussing a psted election case, at, an [ rate of 220 words a pie. [ That is rapid work. ; man talks 250 words a min [ he is very swift, l have ped 1 one thing.” added Mr. “The ful talkers slow |sfler being in the House a while The vast ness of t hee they have to fill' with L voices gradually m-ikes its ji' •’•ion upon them, and they a too, ’■hat they get mure ut '•vhen they do not talk [L;__»,%. —«»> « .a.. iyLa'uk McCord the oldest son and Mrs. Josiah F McCord was struck and killed iitbi 1 "A on the farm uinied by 1 ' oiutisi'U’s district on Monday, “Vouit 20 years. He was ' Biw-Ieiu man, moral and !'lious i>, j, g h bd. 1 y ester med - "ho ki.ew him. s '«“ -b pa-cots in their time F gritf ov.r the tragic and •;*’ clesth i of r th i ' • lr , Eanierpr -wiDfcton so I n -1. E. Watson has 1 ' ■ slapped the Catholics in I Ge, He’s nervy. <* • 1 - ~- 4< U MS ^ijlf . I MV 'T riu & r v5 HXJL 111 * l S' w & I Vf. U£wiu<$> O —■•■ -. r 0M£RS, GA. 7 SAT UR DAY, JULY 3 i. 0 CD The Farmer’s Boy. It is claimed that our most men emigrate 5 Webt every year. This : is partly true, and is a very-good reason for * J' oa, l. v excel us. to the great West. It is not because our! and soil is disagreeable non-productive, but ; because : of a lack of opportunity to make for himself ou the have something that is his own- ! Out West ho goes it alone, and tho^.sensation of working for himsolf, of having all he makes to do with just as he pleases, is indeed moat grali f„{ U g < While here at home all! | bfmakes usually goes into the general fund. He helps “pa,” an d we are afraid that “ p‘a“ does not properly appreciate his efforts in this direlion • The boy on the farm is just about the same kind of. a. boy j you will find everywhere. He is susceptible to the same in¬ fluences, and given the same opportunity he will accomplish about the same results as the boy in the town or city, with perhaps this to his advantage: The farmer’s*boy is nearer to nature’s great heart and comes to understand her ways; find again the solitude of the farm gives him opportunity for com muniot with self, if lie is thinking boy, Jo come to a bet -1 tor understanding with himself and to know his powers and linniiifious better than his ur nn photo-type. Bo\s everywhere need the stimulus of self interest, and this is too often denied them on the farm - What he does goes ioto tlm general fund, as it was, and he dors not fee how much; he is doing to swell it. If 1 lie J farmer would keep his boy on ! the farm and make him a fac¬ tor in its successful operations >: on uu,,V a home and fortune out in the I great world so full of doubt ami uncertainty, he should at an early period of She hoy’s career pave him something to do for himself, the rctums.from which will be his own •"If the farmer raises sheep, then give ihe boy a few well bred sheep: if horses and cattle, some coils or a cow or two; some hogs; if near a good mar ket a coop of chickens or a garden plat for his own cultiva¬ tion --something that, shall be the boy's own peculiar property and the returns from which shall be his-to do with just as he will. Not only will be grow in inde¬ pendence and learn for himself i he.lessons of failure and site- j cess but he WlU ha y iU1 e nt,ll !‘ | • siasm for the work in i barm, j Rich of itself wilt be a guaran fie of success, ‘without which life itself, in its best sense, is a ; failure, homes and a vexed will forever problem be in j settled.-—Ex, many In pp..-.k]ng < I the parade at the re- mum 1U NasLvil e las? week, lue • anta '-odb i-li on... nr> o onr r -... , - - • , vonspintmas in many w*■ * Has den gat.oa cauied the ag ,, V Ubb s old lejii'U- ^»y - this'was bwd above the troops to. of , be 3 d regiment. "To lost Captain B W- B-tgby, colors of the cm arm in waving ijie Third Georgia, earned the -pg ot that command Several original drums were carried in the Georgia lines" I 1 mmMm r is •~Tr~ri : — I a t 5 m. m !| \ . . I m. iW slmilatingtheToodandRegula.- VegetablePreparationforAs- ji j!| t : togtheStomachsaadBoweisof si , i Protnofes andRestGontains Digestion,Cheerful- neither j § ness Mineral. Opium,Morphine nor I Not Nas c o t i c . Reci/tC of Old- Di'dAi / iC£L PsTChEit J \nnplnn Sceil" silx.Sama - /)?cAetk Sails — Jluhi. Seal j\pj>cmint Cardonati Soda/ - JJi * jVonv Sccd Sugar - ( (arint a * Wuiterywn Hawr. A perfect Remedy f or Constipa don., Sour .Convulsions,Feverish¬ Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ness andLoss OF SLEEP. Tac.Simile Signature of NEW YORK. mlw^ a a qwyaaBai^! : mm WJ ~ nXACT COPY CF WRAPPER. \ T / i HAVEN’T MUCH TO SAY ABOUT CIAL SEASON SALES. ^$g|pte?38E&-- WE MAKE SPECIAL SALES EVERY DAY. __SPOT CASH FOR EVERYTHING WE BUY*AND EVERYTHING WE SELL enables us to save for our cus TOMERS Every flay 1! tlio Hi, mil or year LS^We have the advantage and we give it to those who trade with, Chas. . il I ■i S a r ■c- • ■ '“'"SI «ST03 errs €CL-. tcras w ars a : ■n M ■n 7i i .r,-“ Cures Consumption. (hi hs I'irfct sSgc?,) An iufalliVe remedy for Coughs Colds, Hoarseness, S a a Li. ■ , y rf>u _ ar)( j Xnfln@nz.-i. , Difficult . . 1 v " . n Relieves ad Pulmonary Diseases, sucii as chants and and Twin ness iu tUe Cbe 8 t and Lungs. x’or Sale by me. druggists, B. D. OROESLEY, Bole Proprietor, Conyers, Ga. *« •* » lhis “ mE W H. LEE, Con, ora, G„. II P. * d. m. almand & c Conyeiy, Ga B. D CROSSLEY, O in .ers, Ga. p q UPSHAW, Rose Bad, Gwinnett countv, Ga J.E. JOHNSON DRUG GO , Lithonia, Ga. J. T. BRAND, Litbonui, Ga, AIT EE MOORE, Jaekscm villa, near Lit .onia, Ga. W. P. JOHNSON, Redau, Ga. W II BRAS WELL, Logansville, Ga. PRICE. 25c, 50c an 1 $1. READ THIS PAPER. ^EE 4 •“-r it r^cirt it-xT TI . -<i ! FAC-S1MI.LE SIGNATURE -—OF—* & »5P55SWBSKI«»« AN. a8BS ‘ IS 017 THE 7 1 KArriiK OP EVERY BOTTLE OF* Hfl wid i a I Castoria is pcS rp in cao-sire bottles only. It Is not told irt hr.ilc. Don’t allow anyone to sell yon anytliing cleo on t'.:o plea or promise that it is “jnst 03 good” and "will 0-A-S-T-0-3-I-A, answer every par poso.” &3“ See ttat you get i! on 57Sty wi'JSjar. mi -NO. 4 \ \fx li\ 4-1 ry, * NXI ,C\ ' 0S$igt' i V • \ i ; v ' v\ it X / V/ \ U' • ** -h —- . '‘•••-•j...-— O U R LINE OF Buggies, Wagons, Harness etc-, i, the moot “up to date I to he found anywhere and our prices and 1 "ins k > R £ a j- . W c.'itiryj 'v P v ii F R A t St If buy beMre examining my stork ten to otv; you lose you nothing loo* through our stock. money. It costs you to ■i r M veri it. Sd Si Bveiitt, 2v£g-x„ ‘""eruse ! loi mmi QfJJR NLW MILLINERY. Furtlie Si I ring 'Tea son has arrived and we can truthfully say hat it is a beautiful selection of goods. OUR HATS, RIBBONS AND LACES iremcicKiu : j-^tconsinric jt*»rrt: tr - ■.■ - - 0,1 ii.s s»i«sJ»*sr«siii Can’!; {.>••? excoliiHi for tbc mon- .v in any viM.nii (I'Stablifc'JniH’ot. m the whole country Those who have examined our stock urn ieiighted with it, and you will likewise be pleased. TOriE AND SEE US. HcDonald <& Kaygwdh 'b^vLVO ($ A!! tie * v V . ; f orM Laves WA-NyWW > La NT Wliiier 9 9 Our ’Ninety-Scva n 'Coaiplete Liar cf . ■s. i ’; i I Bi cyc les are the r~ Jk supreme . • ^j\ '-■^-^rnrpeesem^S^^ \ • ■Result \* U>. fdd/i m of our I ms o dj rlx ' 1 PY imrmm i .. MONARCH CYCLE MFG, CO. CHICAGO JTEW YORK Lonrott Retail 5a« sroorrs: 87 -Sv D'H’-'r.rr At r\ MPI HKBqb ! m&m i fA m .i* I r“\ I