Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 03, 1897, Image 2
The iatcthls Or ICIALORGAN OF Trie COUNTY. : li. Kim Ei< at the pOi-t i fiici’ rC VOlr i:r COtld-oiass mail natter Sattt d'.v, July'9 1897. Jjooala o ronls p lit,- tor lir.-t inser imp foi twTi suijki qnent in * Regular it- v »><•• per inch for j, each subsequent iri'f rt ion; 25c tor SUB'* KIP HON K.V i’E: r;G' .... ...........G <t!> : .,ivai.c<;.............. : ' , r Take this paper. Advertise your business. It is said that the populist paity is dead, dead, dead. ! Midway i)ots • We are rejoicing over our good rains. Mr. and Mis. McLendon visit ed their daughter in Atlanta Sutuiav last. Frank Kern says he never t :.nv Cream Atartar. He | J ■ ” b W 11 1 IL’t 1 .Joe Cook eat cur j rant pit -. I could have helped j you, Joe. j Swan, Austen a n d Co wan are now threshing our wheat, There are some very good crops Mr. L. K- Austin made one hundred bushels. Mr. Ed Cowan has returned from Barnsville to spend vaca. tion. Ask E. W. Toney if he lias found that dog yet. j bud Molnser siys (he girb wont ri-le with him and he F going to turn out his moustacht and see how he will come out then. Mr. I). A. George is well up with tvoryl.hing. If you tlon’i think so just ask U. \\ r . Toney. Mr. C. W- Powell will take up Ins st-liool at this place Mon •< ^ • J. F. Keen lias some good corn. D. H. liio s'.ory is (o d of n woman win freely used lu-r tongue to the k'bu tlulef others and made cof.f« e»ipn to the of v hot '-lu had done He gave her a iipe thisllo top and told her to go out in various direc turn 1 aud sea 1 ter tlio need one iy one. Wondering at the penance, she o’i ved, and then retururd ana told her co fes or. lo hot amaze¬ ment lie bade hi i go back and gatb er tie mm 1 tile i seeds, tun I when blu obj’- t-'d that it wou’-d be impossitdc. he replied Unit it would bo stih tuoii ditlienit to gather i p and destroy ab evil r< parts u in *h i.iio had cueuLted about others, Any thoughtless, car e'ess child oau scatter a handful ol t'ustie sted? bof ji o the wind in a moment, hut the strogest aud wisest man con never gather them again.- Thi’ American. AFRCANA. Cures absolutely, and to stay’ cured, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Old Sores, Eczema, Catarrh, Constipation, and all other diseases caused by impure blood. AFRICAN A is made entirely of Herbs is pei fectlv hat niless, and yet, is the most powerful and surest remedy ever discovered for the above named diseases. itusn, g Feb, \s, istU. Ai v a Co , (i i 1-2 S. Bund st Ue itL>,m>n : Two months ago I had a n ' v auat'k of rheutoatfim in my out ‘1 kin 1 *'. B advice of a liiemL mini " VFKit AX A ’’ an ! felt relief ij tin . e at . 1 have taken one bottlen j c sul i ig liis disappeared,and I am • almost well. .1 edging from niv o w n e\(M :ie..Ci, 1 tie ivve ail you claim fov it as a cure for matism. Very truly, J. T. Harper. Mr. Harper was born in ington, Ga. XHF UA1LEY DRUG CO. Messrs. C. E. Reagan and R. O. Gailey have returned from :heir trip to Nashville as the guests of the Georgia and express themselves as de¬ lighted with the trip in every particular. The voting gentle men represented tiie VVkei.y and Banner respectively and were extended many conrtecies bv Commissioner Averiil and Pas lenger Agent If tid. - oii of Georgia road, who were in charge of the party. Lost His Best Mule Mr W. Z Sterling lost his best mule last Tuesday A negro was plowing the animal anil left it standing in the field and went to the spring to get water. When he returned he found the mule in a worthless condition. It had become entangled in the gear in some way, tripped and fell, breaking its leg and shoul¬ der. Mr. Sterling decided that it would never recover from the injuries* and he had it killed This loss falls heavily upon him. Miss Edna Gordon, who has been the guest of Mrs. J.W Johnson for several weeks, is spending this week with friends at Lithonia. Testimonial. For coughs, colds liorseness, etc. have not e found a remedy that equals Mother Crossleys Gough Cure. [ consider one of the best remedies on the market and recom tnc-ud it to the people. It is a l that es claimed for it and more if possi ble- D. II Ghupp. AGENTS WANTED—For War in Cuba, by Senor Quemda, Cuban repre rentative at Washington. Endorsed by Cuban patriots. Tn tremendous de¬ mand. A bonanza for agents. Only $1,50. Big book, big commissions. Everybody wants the only endorsed, reliable book. Outfits free Cre’it given. Freight paid, Drop all trash, and make $801) a month with war in Cuba, Address to day.TH E NATION¬ AL BOOK concern, 3?2-350 Dearborn St., Chicago. Agents Wanted. Male or fe¬ male in-every comity. Busi nees respectable. Compensa¬ tion good. No trouble to make some money,, Address Cbroni ole, Augusta, Ga., for particu¬ lars. NOTiCE. I am prepared to do auy kind of mechanics work on short notice. See me or call at Week¬ ly office.—J. F. Wallis. A Fine Jack. Dr. M. II. Melton has a very, fine Jack at his stables in this city and he invites those who are interested ‘to call and see him. * CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. iC CS ■*r Vtipjtt. 6Tcr y CITY BARBERSHOP. -HENRY - REHGflN proprietor. My shop is comfortable. My towels are clean. My tools are always keen. My attention is respectful. My aim—to please all. Give me a call when you need dressing up. Notice. You cau get fresh Graham Hour, in ten pound packages. j every J day J at M. II lTunket’s | StOl’O. A. N- Plunket. fj!J| i ; I . SakiH M , 6 ] I | 50 | ,. Absolutely Pure <-.1; .Prated for Sts great luavminp -trt ngtb and healthfulne-s A-surcs he food affnii s r alum and all forms of adult ration common to tl:e cheap brands. POWDER CO., i’OY.'.L BAKING NEW YORK. The party of seiners who vve!) t (o Gee’s mill last Tuesday report good hick and a huge time • Aim on Locals. We are having very fine weather and the fanners are by iheircrops. Mr ’Jessie Cooper and sister, M near Lithonia, aie visiting their brother, Mr. Mat Cooper this week • We are very sorry to learn of the illness of Mr Paul Neely. Hope be w ill soon be u p. a gain. Mr- W ■ J: Jackson visited friends at Almon Saturday and Sunday. Last Thursday, about four o’clock, we had a severe wind and rain storm whiyh blew the tops of a good many houses i Iown and also trees and fences. Misses Claud and Annie Hyatt are visiting relatives at Hazel brand tnis week Mr- K. M - .Warren, one of Aim n\ nrospetous farmers, had 2:; 1 bushels of wlieat thres¬ hed last week, Mr. Ilenry berry will entei sclioij at Oxford this week ■ Mr. E. F. Potts, x»f Atlanta, visited Col. F. M Holder’s family Sunday Wc are glad to know that the family of Mr. W. S. Marbut is greatly improving. Hope they will soon bo well. ’’Sally.” Wo are closing out our business aud will sell you any¬ thing we have at ^ Atlanta Wholesale Prices. See us-we will save you mon¬ ey. TILLEY & QUIG&. Notice. I am now prepared to grind your new wheat in first-class order, having thoroughly re pared tuy wheat mill and have new bolting cloths and can guarantee satisfaction, so bring on your wheat aud get some good home-made Hour. ] am now grinding every day in the week and you can get accommo¬ dated at any time at my mill, 1 Respectfully. I A. N. Plunket. i | To the Editor :—I have an absolute ; remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently Us cured. So proof-positive am I of power that 1 consider it my duty to send t-wo hollies free to those of your readers w!k> have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or Lung Tlouble, if they will write me their express and postoffice address. Sincerely, 7. A. SLOCUM, M. C., I8t Pearl St., Hew York. !»/■ Tho Kditcrial nnd 13usme«9 of » ^coeroue Fruppsiticnp • T® »• f*. • If. Fifty Years Ago. That v.-hite world-wonder of arch and dome should shadow the nations, polychrome ... Here at the Fair was the prize conferred On Ayer’s rills, by the world preferred. Chicago-like, they a record show, Since they started— 50 years ago. AyC» S Cathartic _ PillS n .., have, from the time of their preparation, been a continuous success with the public. And that means that Ayer’s Pills accomplish wliat is promised for them; they cure where others fail. It was fitting, therefore, that the world-wide popularity of these pills should be recognized by the World’s Fair medal of 1893 —a fact which emphasizes the record: 50 Years of Cures. Mr. Jesse m. Almand visited the Exposition at Nashville last week. He enjoyed the trip. The man who asks about the weather these days is mean. Subscribe for the Weekly. re r semrr I Fits FroiA V.S. Journal of Medicine Prof. W, H, Peeke, who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, doubt treated lias and without cur¬ ed more cases than any living Physician; is* astonishing. his success We have heard of cases of 20 years’ standing Cured ease, cured him. publishes v work this he with large a 1 sends u which a dis¬ bot- b He on by 1 a o a tie of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers who may send their V. O. and Express address. We advise any one wisliincr a euro to address ?rof.W. E. PEEKE. 5?, I)., 4 Cedar St., Ifavv York HT1BT STABUEilS M. H. MELTON, PROPRIETOR. New stables, New vehicles, Safe horses, Experienced dri¬ vers, New harness etc. We guarantee our turnouts to give satisfaction ami we in¬ vite the public to cal! on us when in need of a good, safe, relia¬ ble team. We are located on the South side of Ihe railroad. M. H. MELTON. BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY. Everything in the Millinery line for the spring of 1897, the most stylish and select, can be found at my store, in rear of the post-office. Ladies will be disappointed if they make their spring purchases before examining my stock. My stock of Hats, Ribbons, Laces etc., can’t be excelled in this market and my prices are very reasonable. Also sell the new idea pattern, perfect in fit, for 10 cents. Mery respectfully, mss EnriA rley. HAY! HAY! HAY! CORN, OATS MEAL, BRAN, BYE UP, SUGAR vnd , COFFEE. A New • • I • STOCK Ol WINDOW SHADES. ■NE.V DRESS GOODS COMING IN EVERY WEEK. Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Gents Furnishing Goods, Domestics. Etc Fruit Jars . . * ft Jellies, Crockery, Etc. A large lot of Saddles in a few days. Harness, Hardware, all sorts of Groceries aud Dry Goods on hand. Come and sec for yourself and be convinced. John Stephenson Death. The death of Miss Daliie Al ! tnand, which sad event occured j last Saturday evening at ! clock, was the culmination of a | long and unusually painful ilf j wees, followed with by only death a short respite j as above. l The fatal illness was typhoid fever, and existed only a short time until the end came. Miss Daliie had Buffered with rbeumatisim for a year and had only recovered for a few weeks before [she was stricken with fever.' She was the only daughter of Uncle Dock and aunt Renin Al¬ tman d and was loved, perhaps, too clearly by them, -and the blow falls upon them in their old age with crushing force. The funeral services were conduted from the residence last Sunday evening by Rev. Dr. Ragsdale, after which the remains werejinterred in Almand burying ground. The bereaved family have the 'sympathy of hosts of good and true friends. Everybody that can stand the heat will go down to Oak Hill to-day. TAX RECEIVER’S NOTICE. The books for receiving tax returns for the year 1897 are how open, and I will be at the county' precincts as follows: Sheffield.—April 28, May 19 , June 10. Lorraine.—April 29, May 29, June 17 Honey C.—April 39, May 21, June 18. Mar be found at J. J. Langford's store in Conyers the remainder of the time. G. II. HULL, T. C. Wm. H. SIHPKINS, Attorney at Law. OFFICE UT STAIRS IN THE NIGH ' BUILDING. Does a general practice. Charges reasonable Collections a specialty 1’reoures loans on farm lands ?" t> , low rate ol „ . interest. Cuvet, P|f{§ Ail A if fjyp?* * * Hio, life ARJE VOU RANG'D I Tj-yr- * ^ 0ll,atltoL:J • * in heal *r<i v cigcmce G’Jnderminedby, in & ardin the eating, .ofnature" byd; ; g laws P 1 rysiea.I capital all gone, if , NEVER DESP 4 in Tutt’s ' Liver Pills v-iji ' ^ , n - rey For sick headach ie. d yspepd sour stomac.i, malaria, ton liver, constipation, bili 0usn? and all kindred diseases Tutt’s absolute Liver Pyj an cure, LEGAL ADVERTIS MENTS. Dismissions. Georgia Rockdale Count v. to whom it may concern. " . t. Uuson arlininigtratior of Mat George deceased has applied to me [ 0 | letters of dismisson. I bis is, tliereforj ro notify ail concerned that wnl pass upon said application on till tirst Monday in Aug. 1807 Given tJ . ier niv hand and official signatiud this May 0, 3897. A. M, Helms, Oei>. Georgia, Rockdale County. J Mrs. Charlotte Hamilton having a plied for a twelve monehs support Toll oil of the estate of her late husband, prakers W. Hamilton appointed deceased, and the tliel aj having filed J returns in my office, this is to cite persons concerned tiiat I will pass „I on same the first Monday in Juiy, nest This June 2, 1897. A. M. Helms, Ordinary. Georgia, Rockdale County. Mrs, M. E. Bentley having nppli for a twelve months support out of . estate of her late husband, l), W. Berdiev, deceased, and the appraisd appointed have fiKJ their returns j ray office, this is to cite all persons eii cerned that I will pass upon s.uuet first Monday in July, next, 'ihi.-Jn 2, 1897. A. M. Helms, Oruiiian-j Twelve Months Support Georgia Rockdale County Mrs. tv, 0, White having applies! | a twelve months support out of IVliij the j tateof he: late liu-band. W. R. deceased, f.nd the appraisers appoinj oil!J have file 1 their returns in my this Is to ci that I will pas? v; Monday in Ju'y. n : 1897. A. 31. Helms Oolinarj ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. I By virtue of an ore r Irem the Cml of Ordinary sola, between of Eocktl lawful :e sale comity, Lou ' wj be in J fore the court bouse door, t of Conyers, on the first Tuesday 1 August, next, Fifteen the fo acres of land, * m<i j oropertv; being the pla w.bereon '< -J )r less, :e Gee, late of said ■ 1 : 11 ■ 1 j sided at the time of his death: place embracing good dwelling, grl mill and valuable water power on ra low river, known five miles the east Gee of mill Coavij prol and better as affords ota ertv. The property one Lest water powers in ihe state and d valuable site for any kind.n tnfingenterprises, KsssysiSiSrwSfft and to lie -■ ll ! l cent, interest per annum, wku l r ‘l lege of paying all cash ■ Jos. F. Gee, Adm. of n. J.«c« adv $5.6L _____I DENTISTFY. T have opened formerly a)’ occupied office in thj b building and solicit i Dr. J. J. Seamans, ot tiij of the patronage R. A, Jones, Dentist. EXPERIENCE. so years* A TRADE MA r1CS * DESSC’NS, to. ... COPYRIGHTS ta patSTaken 'ttaSStH Mu»n A Co. receive s^FSSSSESSSb ^''SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. MUNN & CO- . Sin Uiooi!" W’ Few