Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 03, 1897, Image 3
cA .&’ iS CS crer? vrappe* Civic Society, Lodge. AO. er t7 Ill o t,, t ilo'iog El , ■' VI., jl. Abmani) W. M. g he'.',., . • n,-: \G\'<, and third Mon } first month. uigliti in each ■ u In paragraphs toffling People and Events. Be Are Going To Sell P following goods at prices peeping with the advanced (03 for we positively do not to carry any of the stock set the goods and sr. We have are paid for and you may (j fully intend licet thM we Now come to see us. Iblack W and white. Limd gloves, bus all sizes and qualities. Lea Ribbons and Embroi ies, Collars’ Guffs, Neckwear, jjjosiery, Suspenders, I'lnbrellas, Sffats, Clothing, Shoes, lirts, of all descriptions, Counterpanes, Marsalles pat s. [fable linens and NapKins Ill Kinds of ladies and gentle jen’s underwear, pawels’ Lace Curtains, jfurtain poles, (jut-erly at low price, ifasli dress goods in great iiieiy. fecial— Cue Jot of Organ e a and muslins to go at 6c rorMc • CMS. B. HUDSON. Ltiimion Till paper and ~ the Weekly for $1.25. This brand Home and Farm 90c. fcthree for $2.15 cash in ad to. lit i li I la almost indispensibie arti isare those fire proof stewers Shakers for putting up fruit, pies, preserves, jellies etc. p s from 10c to 40c. This pis about one-half the price p have been selling at. Come Fget some before they are ■gone. K have a nice line of Crock Hisiid Glassware at very low 7^ JUC/X/KU m ONG SALE A HOT AS TH! LASTS. WEATHE pe still sell groceries. Keep r Mid on that. r lVeu> t all the spring and Eraev chickens we need yet. pig them in. Very truly, w. S, MARBUT, llie Grocery and Crockery i r 'butor, ® Center s(. Conyers, G». J. i‘. Tilley, A. M-. McElvaxey. FIRE INSURANCE. ! \V.> represt nt. the Strongest Compa jnU'.slii | promptly the mid 'W oi without to. We litigation, pay all loss * i insura ail Uimis of city or prop¬ | oi ly, ( oni!try Imi>c< f)vv..,!!iiijTs, Barns, Stock tenant i !<-., at tins very Iowcm rati a. \V>; will also take care .o{ yout Valuable papers and n« she nee Policies in John. Ho Aim and 5 s Vaults free off charge. We solicit your patronage. TILLEY & AiCfiLVA NET. Cal! i,n Thompson Stewart and try his latest new drink. It is »p to date. ■ % DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers, ! The famous little pills. Don’t forget to call.on Mr. Gi¬ ll. Hull, at J. J- Langford,8 and give in your taxes. The time is most out. Miss Sallie Wells, of Stone Mountain is the guest |of Mrs. J. W. Jolmsou. j J ough, Hon. E. J. Sunday Reagan, of McD spent in Conyers with his father’ Judge Reagan, Mrs. T* M- Armistead and little daughter, of Atlanta, spout Sunday here with the family of Mr. Chas Argo. Mr. Chas, B. Hudson has an add on the hist page of this pa¬ per , Read it. There is a time for evertking" and the time to attend to a cold is wheu it starts. Don't, wait till you have consumption but prevent it by using One Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy for coughs, colds, croups’ bronchitis arid all throat and lung troubles. The Gailey Drug Co. Mrs. Mamie Davis moved to Oxford this week. Mrs. Davis 1 resided in Conyers a longtime [ and has many friends here who are sorry that.she has removed from our city Mr. and Mrs. C. D • Farril have gone to spend several weeks at Jackson and Indian Spring. If you heed harness don’t buy until you get our prices. D- M. A']mand'& Sons We understand that Judge A.C. McOalla lias perehased Mr. T. E. Brodnax’s residence on Decatur street. ‘T crave but One Minute,” said the public speaker in a husky voice; and then he took a dose of One Minute Cough Cure, a id pro ceeded jvitk hu oratory. One Min ute Cough Cura is unrqualled tor tinoat and , lung troub'es , I, The Gaily Drag do. and , Mrs. ,, J;is. T Corley, . of , Mr. Sunday „ . . the . Atlanta, spent m city with relatives. •Mr. , r Rob „ . Daniel,of „ . , f . n . spenj last , t Sunday o i with .i nr Mr- Jos¬ T eph Bendy. Mr. Cep Eliott of Rocky Plaius district, says be saw a soft shell turtle in South river, near ike Mor¬ gan bottoms, that was larger than a wagon wheel and would weigh not less than 400 pounds.—Coving Ion Enterprise. Cep is calculated to make a repu tafion for himself at the rate he is going. Ice has been hi great demand here this week. XGsessa no FI 1 ) 16 . BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT VJE OFFER '« W FBI ff : In combination with our paper for only 9Cc. a year. • HOME AND FARM has for many years been the leading Agricultural journal of the south and south-west, made by farm ers for farmers. Come in and subscribe. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! I am agent for the oldest, best and strongest lire insurance companies on earth, and solicit a share of your business. | Will take care of your Policies,. Deeds andVaiu-i abI , I i ® in ™re-proof I vault free of charge. Very respectfully W. j Lakes, Agent. At John II. Abound’s Bank . U . O/X STOHIA, % fsc- , } 'li, Don't forge', to give in your taxes. Mr. G- H. Huh, the vecuver, insists! that the time is nearly up. Mrs. Sosoman and family have returned to their home in South Carolina, after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Lawson here, Mr, T. JT- Bryant has been at. home this week suffering with rheumatism. He is able to be out at this writing, Weave glad to anuouce the convalescence of Miss Florence Austin. Hope she may soon be entirely well Mr. T. 0. McOalla has moved into Uic Harper House on De¬ catur street. Fresh flour from new wheat made at our mill ou yellow river on D.'M hand at Almaud & sons. Mrs Roland Huff has returned home after a pleasant visit to relatives in Atlanta. Mr. D.S. Hudson, represent¬ ing the McNeal Marble Co-, of Marietta, placed liandsorne monuments over trie graves of Mr.A-N. Lawson, Mr. John W. Hamilton, and Rev. H. F. Buchanan, here this week. Jobn Griffin, of Zanesville, 0. js^ys; j “I never lived a day for thirty years wi bout Fullering agony, un¬ til a box of De Wilt s Witch Hazel S I'va cured my piles ” .For piles and recta trouble, cuts, bruise?, sprains, eczema and afi skin trmi b’es De Wits’s Witch Haze). Salve is unequal ed. The Gaily D ug Co. Mr. D. M. Almaud made a business trip to Jackson Ga. this week. Miss Osie Wordlaw spent a portion of this week with friends in tho country. Mr Q, Di Farri l has severed . with ... the . firm „ ol .. Jus conuection Y D ' M - Almand ., & 0 Sons, lie TT hopes f to improve his health in out door , persmts. ., Miss Stromg, of Crowfordville a visit to her father, Mr A. J. Stromg, . city, .. in our an extended visit to relatives here Miss Bessie Ray returned to her home in Atlanta last Sunday. The Hayslou correspondent of tbe Covington Enterprise sajs: Miss Erma Hollingsworth, has returned to her home in C onyers, after a pleasant visit of two weeks with relatives here. Give Wifi and Jack McKnigbt. (Liverymen) a cal! when in need of service in their line. They ean be foun t at A. J. Piercc‘s old stand on the Horseman's Boulevard, one block from the depot. “They don't make much fuss ^ bout it A We are speaking of De Wifi 1 ? Little Early Risers, the fa¬ mous iitde pills for constipation, bil¬ iousness. and all stomach and 'liver troubles. They never gripe. The Gaily Drug Co. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That 15 T.-nti it v. ss made for. AN OPTICAL TEST l IF YOU CANNOT READ THIS WITH PER FECT EASC AT A DISTANCE OF FOUR' TEEN -14“ INCHES FROM THE EYES, YOU SHOULD GO AT ONCE TOTHc. GAILEY DRUG CO’S anobffit T^O WITH GLASSES JOHN H. A HAND, BANKER, CONYERS, GEORGIA, Exchange-bought Accommodations and sold extended Collections consfotedt made with o:-all sound parts cf the country. banking Overdrafts will I not bi? honors i yndsr any circuna - staiito's. Office hours from 8 a m. til! i r. m. (ill further notice. Tic fit- U « sw::v % 4 /M W«ss» PHOTOGRAPHY. G ALLERV r UP-3TA!RS OVER POST-OFFICE, CONYERS, GA. All work guaranteed. Prices to suit the times. Good work in all kinds vvealji er. R. 13. Bkooks, Potographer. Notice the change in Mr. W. S. MarbutV advertisement this week. Mr W. A. "White has cotuple ted the L at the jail and every¬ thing is now ready for pancy. We call your attention to the advertisements of Mr. A. D. Summers’ midsummer sale in this issue. Vim, vigor and victory;-these are the characteristics of De Witt’s Early risers, the famous little pills for eonrtipation, biliousness and all s', o mu oh and liver troub'e? Tbe Gaily Drug Co. Mrs. Cook, of Oxford, was in the city last Thursday with a view of purchasing property and locating here soon. She was well pleased with the house and lot occupied by the writer and may buy it. v e are giving away beauti¬ ful Crayon and water color por traits to our customers, .£) • jj. Almaud & Sons. Mr. Joseph S. Johnson has bought Mr. Elder’s residence ou Rosser street, and will move to it in a short while. Mr. Jno T. Oglesby, of McD ough, was iu Conyers this week. Don.t nauseate your stomach with (tas and bitter herbs, but regulate your liver and sick headache by usiim thorn famous little pill? known as Da Witt’s Little Early Risers. The Gaily Drug Co. Uncle Jno. Taylor insists that if he should be dropped down Cuba Gen. Weyler would ap¬ ply for seventy thousand more in a fort night, Two clever gentlemen from Cora, Messrs, Jeff and Joe Baker, were here yesterday. Clean up your pig pens or olf the earth It heals everything except a broken may be said of I)e Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Files and rec diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, eczema and aft skin troubles be cured by it quickly and per The Gaily Drug Co. Another car of ice just re¬ This weather calls for: G- R. Tilley. A FRiCANA will cure Eczema and Ca- j tarrh to Stay Cured. Ice cream every day at Tlioinp' Stewart's. f • O I DUKES GUARANTEES! • —< his >— ! cream, soda water, lemon-? !aee ; milk shake?, coca cats; i SHEBBETS, AND ALE MB/ URINES, TO BE THE BEST TO BE! n - t p i Ad kii-JU ©ramercer r’liufe*, prop < rly ll ivored mil mixed a- Thump : 0 . S c.viotd . One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is vbr.t it was made for. A FRICANA will cure Kheumatfctu ami ■ ' Scrofula to Stay Cured. Ic> for s»’<; cv< ry day in tho v<-< k reduced prices, at Thompsm Stewart's. After an extended visit t.o their parents here, Mrs, Murry, of Ashburn and Mrs- Willing— ham, of Uedartown, have return¬ ed to their homes. Mr, Frank Harper will leave in a few days to resume his du¬ ties in Mississippi. He came here for a vacation and has la bole(l almost every day since he arrived. There are man y belter follows than Frank Harper. As many houses as have been built here this, spring and sum mer, we desire to call attention to the fact that therein re none for rent and we have many people who desire to rent. Worthy Work. The fund for the improve men toft ho Presbyterian church, thanks to the efforts 6f (ho la dies of that chureli, continues to grow, and before a groat while the amount will be suffio ient to make the desired improv¬ ements. It has been suggested to us that in a former men¬ tion of this church we intima¬ ted, or rather left (lie impress¬ ion that the church house was >; unsightly” or an ’’eye sore’" so to speak, but this was not tjie intent of the writer at the time, in fact could not have been, since the facts would not bear out such suggestions. The Presbyteran church of this town, ns is well known, is a good, sub¬ stantial building without tbe latter day embellishments. It, is amply large and comfortable, and we have formerly mention¬ ed it in* connection with other improvements with a just feel¬ ing of pride because of such a prospect, and in concert with the desire and intention of Hie ladies of the church. Do not understand that we have been called to account for any re¬ marks we have made in con¬ nection with this matter, more than to have our attention di rected to the possibility of some such construction being placed upon the item. Without further remarks up¬ on this line,* wo may say that the good ladies of this deiioim nation ore determiud in thier offorts in behalf of these im p ro vements and this, in our judgement, is sufficient guaran¬ tee that the work will be done and that speedily . a ■m * mm m mi. t !> LIVERY NOTICE. TlYKor livery turnouts and safe drives, call on us at PIERCE'S OLD STAND. And While there call at No, 6. and go home an l tell your friends you saw. nc^NIQhT BROS, NEW MARKET, I h ive opened up a now mar¬ ket on Commerce slrc-ei b;2ow . . toro , ... , lvc ‘ n 110:1 :S : ‘ * " lUI uCC,> " !l ail kinds of tin? very heat fresh meats at the lowest, prices You will he pleased \\ it.h my service. W hen in need in my linn caii on me ■J . M . Kyawa DeWitt’a Witch. Hazel Salvo C vires Plies.* fecrirts, tiurr.s. Mr. Auhy Alma ml, of Almon, wan hero Jus! Monday . On Thu sdn v his fa'.ln r, T, J. Almaml was here. 'I hey come up to get,'cool. A young man was enumera¬ ting the pretty girls in Conyers last Wednesday. His calcula¬ tion footed up ten. Call and get the list Fhis paper and Home ami Farm for 90c. per year. Born to I)r. and Mrs. K. A. Jones, a promising baby hoy. The Dr. is well pleased. Mr. S. L. Almaml will have a beautiful little house when it, i§ completed. Rev. R. A- Bowman will preach his first sermon as pas¬ ter of the Conyers Presbyterian church Hunday, July .1 I th. Y ou can buy Clothing mighty cheap from D _M A Inland A Sons. Burning itching skin descirscs instnn'ly rcli'. ved by do Wist-a Witt K Hi./, i Solve, uufqunlbd for cuts, bruLes. bums It heals wiiluut leaving a sear The Gai]<y mug Co. Don’t forget about our pres¬ ent of a beautiful portrait to >ou who trade with Us. D- M • Almaud & Sons. Mr. waiter Wood, who lias been enjoying a months vaca¬ tion, will resume liis duties ou 'lie road next Monday. Mrs, Dr- Cowan, of Atlanta -pent several days here this week. Dr - and Mrs, B. 1). Ragsdale have been spending the past week at Cumberland. Capt. W • T. Iluson is at home and his physical condi¬ tion is much improved. He was treated at. t ho Southern Sani¬ tarium in Atlanta for several weeks and the beneficial result is apparent to liis numerous friends. It now conies to us through (he gentle whisperings of Mad¬ am Rumor, that Mr. Allen Summers is shaping his affairs in anticipation of consumating a little deal in the early fall that will relieve his mind forever of the dread whic h has i imkli¬ ed it for tho past few' years. A partnership is to he formed in which there can be no disso¬ lution save through a decree of court. Thus far iu advance we essay to cougraulate the fortu¬ nate young gentleman, and bog tu assure him that we stand roatly at all times to prorperly his ’white cravat.’ UP-TO-DATE! Is what may be applied to our Ice Cream, Soda Water Coco Cola, And all the drinks we manufacture THE GAILEY DRUG CO. t DRINKS « .Madj to please tie most f asti h ou s CUSTOM ER. Call at our FOUNT to-day.