Newspaper Page Text
Emend at the pogtoffice at Conyers an
second-class mail matter.
‘SATURDAY, Oefc. it,
Locals 5 cents per line for first inner
fleu a 1 ,, cents for each subsequent inch for in
del ticn Regular adv. 50c. per
. each subsequent
first insertion : 25c for
Oi.evear, in advance......... ..$ 1.00
Six months, in advance............... aUc
Take this paper.
\ of i<-<N
To those who are indebted to the
Wn :k-i v for subscription we would
ask (hat they please bear in mind
th:.l we need the money and expect
it. It is probably a small amount
but many small amounts make a
largo one and we can’t afford to lose
tin m. Please settle with us as soon
as you possibly can.
Attention, Volunteers.
JJr.umi a in ki: . Go. G., to Kko.,
Ga. Yob.
Conykrs, Ga., Oct. 8, 185(7.
Pursuant llm duties that arc
cum bent upon me, each one ot you;
j,r- hereby ordered to have all e
quipments. such ns lints, loggias,
na 11 sucks, liuversncks, canteens,
gun- and all ot her equipments be¬
longing to (lie State, in the Armo¬
ry by the 15th inst. Fail not un¬
der penalty <>f insubordination.
Jlv order of
J. I;. Iitwtxi Capt. Com.
E. I’. Gn.vv, Ord. Sergt.
1 tit*- € 1 our(.
AVi* were talking with Sheriff.
Austin yesterday and he says that
Judge Candler and Solicitor Kim
pev will find' an unusual amount
of criminal business when they
convent* <*< mrt' here Monday.
The Sheriff is now boarding six
„pi isnnefs and there are about for
t-V bunded eases, All the prison
or: lire black I'xeept oik— the fa¬
un ais Frank tin, be who lias failed
to starve him-elf to death before
e> art. as he promised heAvmild do.
Franklin will he in good condi¬
tion when he faces the Judge next
week to answer for running off
with Me Knight Bros', turnout.
I’lie other live prisoners, negroes,
nie charged with stealing, except
oie who will lie tried for bigamy.
Judge Candler is a rusher and
in.iv eel through next week hut lie
will have his hands full.
‘ I.
■ I
When van come to conn next
week don't neglect the Wjcmkly.
If you are due us subscription
emin' in and pay it. W e need all
that is due us and we ask that
You remember the item you are
due and hand it to us next week.
j ■
Greater Atlanta! That is the
very latest up to the lime we go
to press. *
Two men in Decatur county got
into a discuss ion a few days since
as to wayito-rear children-.
The outcome is that onix-of them
is now' dead ond the other is a fu¬
gitive from the officers of the law.
The Cobb county fair will 1
open at Marietta next Tuesday j
and continue four days.
Miss Mary Crenshaw of Colum
bus, who visited Capt. Zuchry s
family near heal’, last week, is
now with friends at Manchester.
The Sheriff hos advertisements
in tliis issue.
Catarrh And Malaria.
People who are or have been
affected by catarrh are most
subject to chronic m alarm !
.... lhe explanation , .. is ■ this. , 1 • Mala-- ,, 1
ria is a germ disease. Germs
find their way into the blood
ihrougli tho mucous metubrnes.
If the mucous membranes are
healthy tlie gevnia can noi enter
iho blood. This is why some
jieoplo do not get malaria’
But if the membranes are
fectnd by* catarrh, even slightly,
the malaria germs find easy
access into the blood.
3!’iiIloutr li r l'Vifi-].
At n special term of Clayton
S'.inerior court, held at Jonesboro
this week, Jno. R. McCullough,
charged with lhe killing of his
wil'e in June. ISi'li. was tried for
the second time. As in the form¬
er trial. the jun was unable to
agree upon a verdiet and a mistri¬
al was declared. It is claimed
. that polities played an important
j art in the case. It is alleged
tlinl n number of populists were
for ncquitul owing to the fact that
Hon. Tims. E. Watson was of
counsel for the defense. Tile the
t-rv is hardly plausible fora dein
ceratic juror was among the mini
lev who stood for acquittal while
p number of populists were for
conviction. Wo arc personally
Acquainted with some of the jn
rnrs whom it is said were for *o
quilal and they arc among the
lest citizens of Clayton county,
i nd they arc not men to lie in
ltuenced by party prejudices.
Solicit'a- Hill, so we are inform¬
ed. stated, after the case went to
the jury, that lie had failed to es¬
tablish a motive and that anoth¬
er mistrial might Ite expected.
Col. Jno. 14. Hutcheson, who
lias ably defended McCullough
from tie first, prepared the case
«.Hd the two mistrials reflect
civ in upon him as a lawyer.
- tie- concern.;,s imiK^ihli* of opinion
1 ’ it will iw' to
«•«••• '! , jery in chiyto,,
• 1 and it m»v U that
Ix-on.du to this
Royal ike* the food pare,
whole»uaie end delicious.
Mb * 1
Absolutely Pure
PO'i’A'. BAKING W/r'jT.n CO., WE'// YOflK.
Pe-ru-ua is the remedy. It
not only destroys malaria germs
but so restores the mucous
membranes to health, that no
more germs can find entrance
Pe-ru-lia is tho most reliable
remedy , c for chronic , malaria, , .
It c ures by J eradicating 0 the
germs from tho system.
Soud (or Dr. IIan,uau- s
latest book, Soul free by the
Pe-ru-ua Drug s anutactunug
Oo. f Colunbus^O s o*
fimi'"" • • t
• • : n j
• *
• •• • l*4‘*
r rt m » •
^*/*?*f *’ • » •
r» «*• * • . 9 .M »
• » •Tr** r #»*»•• * * 9
»M| 9 7 T
4 <»♦ f - #-»-r
• U M » V- 9 ~
A car load
O bUUUllg in Ul.
TJ'1 i^orQ rvf - R/vtlrore XVUvIV.v51
g ee
•PTTT? * v AI’n. NF."R i-AV RROPl
Maine comets forward wjth
novel breech of promise.suit. \i’¬
ll in r S. Melclier. ■'of Auborn.
was awarded a vend id of
against Mrs. Louise [loadleu, nee
Dingly, a niece of ('ongressnian
Rimrley, of mean tariff fame, Wo
do Jiot pretend 1o say what the
I verdict would have, been in Geor¬
gia but we know what it ought t«.
have been. The only proper set¬
tlement would have been for each
member of the jury to have made
a foot ball out of Melcher and
land him in the goal.
• • •
Bend Summers’ advertisement
this week.
Mr. John McDaniel, of this
and Miss Hattie May
Fink, ofEuharlee wore united
in marriage at the homo of the
brides’ parents at EuharJje*^
Wednesday at noon. Mr v and
Mrs • McDaniel arrived in Con¬
yers Thursday afternoon and
are at present stopping with
"\tr. w ._ F. McDaniel, father of
the gropm. Mr. McDaniel is. a
young inau of sterling qualities
and lias a host of friends in this
county:- Miss Fink is a young
woman of charming personality
refined and accomplished. The
wEEk-tv extends best wishes for
a happy life.
The tax books will be open after
Sept . 2 oth, and I will be at the fol
lowing places for the purpose of col¬
lecting state and county tax for the
yonr as f 0 n owg:
Lorraine district—Sept. 20,
Oct. 11, Nov. 5.
Honey Crock—Sept. 24, Oct. 15,
Nov. 8.
Sheffield—Sept. 27, Oct. 17, Nov
At R W. Tucker's store balance
of the time.
John H. Almand is authorized to
il< * as m >’ agent, if lam unable to
take charge of tho books at that
E. F. Cook, T. C.
Curea “ ba olutely, aud io stay
““"ft. KhomnaHsm, Scrofula,
Q a tarrh, Constipation, and all
other diseases caused by impure
is mado entirely of Herbs is
perfectly haimless, aud yet, is
the most powerful and surest
remedy ever discovered for the
above named diseases.
'Atlanta, Ga,, Feb, 18, 1897.
Aprioana Co ., 68 U3 s . Broadgt .
Gentlpmen : Two months ago I bad
a severe attack of rheuioatism in my
oot and knee. By advice of a friend.
[tried three day?. “AFKlCANA I nave taken ” anJ one felt relief bottlen il
The swelling has disappeared, and 1 am
1,1 3 '°u vhum for it as a cure for rbeu
Ml -.• Harper wa CL born in Cov
. 1 4
My shop is comfortable.
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
M.y attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up.
J Anyone rending s -Vetch and description bi*t
j £‘‘12^ °w?a^^vSSSiB r ton recclU
I Mu ‘ ,n * t0 '
f of
’ bihjk ex PATEST|yet« ftee^Addrew
TTCi -s;-. »>-’ •' • arF, ■
Our I’s and • •••
....Other Eyes. I
Our I’s are just as strong as
tliev were fifty years ago, when
we have cause to use them.
Hut we Have less and less cause i
to praise ourselves, since others
do Lhe praising, aud we are
more than willing for you to see
us through other eyes, This
j is how we look to S. !■'. Boyce,
wholesale and retail druggist,
Duluth, Minn, who after a
quarter of a century of obser¬ I
vation writes:
“1 have sold Ayer’s Sarsapa¬ I
rilla for more than 25 years,
both at wholesale and retail,
and have never heard anything 1
hut words of praise from my
customers; not a single com¬
plaint has ever reached me. I
believe Ayer’s Sarsaparilla to
he the best blood purifier, that
has been introduced t$the gen¬
eral public.” This, from a
dozens iiian^ho of has Ayer’s sold Sarsaparilla, thousands of
is strong testimony. 'But it
only echoes popular sentiment
the world overt which has,
•‘Nothing hut words of pralso
for Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.”
Any ilonfct about it? Ssud for‘'Cnrebrt6k”
It kill* donbts and rnrea denbter*.
/ Address J. C. Aye i» Co., I>owell, Mass.
Pay your subscription now
mi*, liobt. N. Day, of Shef¬
field district, died yesterday
afternoon at two oclock- lie
was stlickeu With paralysis
two weeks ago last Tuesday and
at the time it was feared lie
would never recover. Mr. Day
was a substantial citizen aud
had many friends’ The burial
will occur this afternoon at
Bethal church at two o’clock,
■the Masonic fraternity will con¬
duct the ceremony. The weekly
tenders sympatny to the berev v -
ed family.
I am prepared to do any kind
of mechanics work on short
notice. See me or call at Week¬
ly office.—J. F. Wallis.
T have opened an office in
building formerly occupied by
Dr. J. J. Seamans, and solicit a
Share , of - the ., patronage . 01 e 4.1
R. A, Jones, Dentist.
Livery, Feed and Sale Sta¬
When you want to buy or sell
a horse or mule, hire a buggy
or horse or both, or have your
stock housed and cared for, call
on J. N. HALE, in front of
Pierce’s old stables.
We take this method of in¬
forming our customers and the
public generally that we will
8etDfor cash from Oct. 1st to
Jan, 1st, 1898. We need this
time to collect up our accounts
so we will be prepared to ac¬
commodate our friends aud cus¬
tomers on time again next year,
Wo remain,
Very truly yours,
D. M. Almand & Sons.
For Sale.
A A gOOCl J DOISe . b ve&rs old.
(Jail ^ On U J ° ‘ \ Dl 1/1 T IE<!
v ew stables, , New vehicles, Safe horses, Experienced
harness ^ 1
vers, New etc. j
nT We guarantee . . our turnouts . to give satisfaction and _ wro m
vite the public to call on us when m need of a good, safe, relia
ble team. We a re located on the South side of the railroad.
cl H, jHELTON.
Richardson Ripples.
Visa: Ye Wediuso Bells
Our mail has just come in. We
received four letters which we read
i make it.
*Yo learn that Mr. Geo- Sim
mons, who moved from here a yeai
or so ago, has married a Miss Nash
in Gwinett county, near his home,
We wish them a long, happy and
prosperous life.
Last Sunday Dr. John AIbei t and
Miss Minnie Bowen ran away aud
got married. The bride is 25 and
the groom 70 years old. They
are boarding with Mr. Frank Cook.
Mrs. Simpson is visiting her
brother, air. G. W, Morris at
Mr. Bowen and family will move
to Heard county soon. We regret
to lose these people.
Mrs. Mary Simmons paid a visit
to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Mclendon, last week.
Sheriff Sale.
Will be sold on the first Tue.-day in
November, 1897, at the Court House
door in Conyers, Rockdale county, Ga
within the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, the t'olowing
property to-wit; Fifty two acres ot
land lying in said county, bounded on
the North by W. L. Peek, west by C. B.
Pudson, South by Mack Garlington
or J. E. Whitaker and East by land
formerly J. A. Robinson’s but now
Goo. W. Gleaton’s, knowu as the J. A.
Robinson place. Said land levied on
as the property of James A. Robinson
to satisfy two fifas issued from Justice
court, 476th district G- M. of said
county in favor of Stewart Bros. vs.
James A. Robinson, and also to satisfy
a mortgage fifa issued from Superior
court of said county of Rockdalo in
* av » r ° f f’ K * Stewart administrator c f
j art adminiatratix of J. A, Stewart, a
gainst James A. stewart
Parties in possession notified of levy,
this Oct, 7, 1897’
W, H, M. Austin, Sheriff.
The registration book is now
open at ftj. II. Plunket.s store
for the registering of names oi
voters of the city of Conyers in
the election for Mayor and al¬
derman to be held on the j st
Saturday in December next.
1897 •
M. H. Plunket. City clerk.
Cuba, by Senor Quesada, Cuban repre
rentative at Washington. Endorsed by
Cuban patriots. In tremendous de
tnand. A bonanza for agents, Onh
$1,50. Big book, big commissions.
' Everybody wants the only endorsed,
j ^ and e a n make b . le plight $300 p^ month Drop with all trash, in
a war
|Cuba. Address to day .THE NATION -
; BOOK concern, 352-356 Dearborn
St., Chicago.
Attorney at Law.
Does a general practice. Charge*
reasonable. Collections a specialty.
Precures loans on farm lands at a
low rate of interest.
h. H. MCbONAL & SON,
All work guaranteed to please.
Office up stairs over J. H. Al¬
mand tfc Go’s, store.
Conyers, . . . • I . ’ Ga.
fib from UJLJcurtuil «f MevHdn*
Prof. W. H. Peeke, who
makes a specialty without of
Epilepsy, doubt treated has and
ed more cases titan any
Jiving Physician; is astonishing. Ins
We have heard of cases
of co years’ standing
rnrpckm lj U 1 vll&rn
n© of his absolute X free ^^Jargo sufferers bot
cure, to anv
who may send their P. O. and Express address.
w« advise anv one wishing a euro to uddresa
ft«f*W* 8* PZPK£* Ft D.» 4 CedirSt.. HewTori
l0 whom lC concern H
D Br adnumiatr.rtor :_ ,,
Vans > of T. H. Bry :
sr t ' esefi8i,,, has in due an ,
' > form applied
me lor letters of dismission, This
j i# > tlieref °re, to notify all parties
! cerne d that l will cou
plication pass upon said ap.
on the first Monday in De¬
cethber, next. Given under mand and
official signature, this August
1 s;) 7. 30th,
adv’g A. M. Helms, Ord.
GEOBOia, Rockdale county.
To whom it JdminStJatn^'of
estate Liuigg of Maddox, Grim L’u'gg, deceased, "he Z
due form applied has
to the undersigned
for an order to sell the re »l estate
sa.d ... deceased, , and said of
be heard the application win
on first Monday in v 0
veniber, next. This Oct- l, 1397
A. M. Helms, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale
Will be sold before the courthouse
door, in Conyers, Rockdale county
Ga.. on the first Tuesday in November
next, within the legal hours of sale
tho following described property to’,
wit:- One-eighth interest in three
hundred acres of land in said county
bounded as follows: On the North bv
lands of M rs. Elizabeth Summers
East by yellow river, South by public
road leading from Conyers to Covin?
to, West by lands of Jno. M. Zactary
, L av ie'l on as the property of Frank VY
Griflin to satisfy a mortgage iifa issued
from Rockdale Superior court in favor
of Heard, White & Co and against the
said Frank W. Griflin
Tenant in possession notified of levy,
this Oct. 5 th, 1897.
W • II, M. Austin, Sfieri(V.
Fine Farm For
Georgia, Rockdale county:
Agreeably to an order of the court
of Ordinary, of Rockdale county, u ill
be sold at auction at the courthouse
loor of said county, on the first Tues
lay in November next, v, hhin the legal
-ale hours, the following property to
wit: Sixty-three acres of Laid, more
or less, being all the home place, on
$outh Bide of tho Georgia Railroad, and
S.xty-ninc acres more or loss, being all
»f the home place on the North side of
he Georgia Railroad, and part of land
.ot no 514, in the 16th district of Orig
• nallv Henry, uovv Rockdale county,
ind adjoining lands of John PJunket,
\nnie T. Seamans, deceased, J. A.
Hamilton, and John and James Rea¬
gan, being the J. W. Hamilton home
place, aud sold in two parcels, by the
tore, and to be measured after sale,
purchasers to pay lor number of acres
according to measurement in each par¬
cel after sale.
Also, six and one-half acres, more or
less, off of lots No. 213, in said dis¬
trict and county and adjoining lauds of
R. L. Hudson and others,
Also, twenty acres, more or less in
said district and county, adjoining
lands of E. L. Turner and others,
znown as the show place.
Also, one house and .lot in the town
of Conyers on North Railroad street,
adjoining lots of A, B. Osborn and
others. Ham
Sold as tbe property oi J.
iltou, late of said county, deceased.
Terms of sale: .Onc-half cash *nd,
oalance Nov. 1899, with s per cent
interest, with privilege to pay all cash.
J. A’ Hamilton. Adw,
By yirture of an order from the Court
of Ordinary of Rockdale county, the
undersigned, administator of the estate
of John 1. Almand, deceased, will sell
at public oiitcry, before the cont hous:
Uouycrs, Ga. ou the first luesdaj in
in legal boors
November, 1897, within the
of sale, the following lands of said es¬
tate, to-wrt.
One hundred aud thirty acres ot lami
lying in the 16th district of Rockdale
county port of lots 321 uod 373, l"
miles East of Cynycrs
Also, one-half interest in one hun¬
dred and thirty-one (131; acres lam,
m. re or less, on Covington road,East
of Conyers five miles, and part ot lot
331 in the 10th {district of Rockdale
4 iso. one house and lot in the city oi
Conyers, known as the Thos. Nclmi
and tbe place where deceased de
distribution. otherwise made
Terms cash, unless
known on day of sale. r lhis »ep. -
1897. J. Aimaxo.
I.cxhee f I.
adv'g $6.93 Adm'r estate of - no.