Newspaper Page Text
j, all ge bought and sold. Collections made on all parts of the
llry Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
, grafts will not !bo honored wilder any circum¬
Otiice hours from 8 a. m. till 4 p.m. till further notice.
eep Posted!
To do this you must be a reader of
jstson y 75 cents ayear in advance
To It
It pays to advertse your business
ad you can find no better advertis
ig medium than the WEEKLY
Is one which meets all the require¬
ments of a trading public—a public
Mich is ever ready to grasp any
dvantage afforded by the protec
lion of competition. |
f^No house can sell at prices a
me the market. i
Progress attacks prices and the
is nothing if not progressive.
Their new store is strictly up to
CAPES - - -
0. .0
NTT*. we have just opened up a 0 i:„ ime
Lf M ft tapes av , A _ that oLvuaRr Simply IrnnnFe knocks the
IlhlnA same «.,+ out of ordinary ad-A/vVfi stocks. As Ac
L hi ther inducement on these
fc finrlTT , haVe V can » L,,_ buy nCed . one. them 80 that _ 6Very '
• I
As Ab ncnal USUaA nnr 0U1 TIvPQQ UreSS fxnnd ' JrOOQ5 S lpad AeaU in
Come and see US.
P. TlLIiKV, A. M. McElyaney.
We represent tho Strongest Compa¬
nies in tlie World. We pay all losses
promptly and without litigation. We
insure ail kinds of city or tov;n prop¬
erty, country Dwellings, JJarns, Stock, j j
tenant houses etc., at the very lowest
rates. We will also take care of your;
yaluaibi© papers and n=!
seance Policies in iota
H. Almand's Vaults free
of charge.
We solicit your patronage.
Ladies, Attention.
My stock of new fall millin¬
ery is now ready. It consists
of all the latest styles and is in
every way complete and will
give perfect satisfaction to my
customers* With this an
noucement I cordially invite all
to visit my store in rear of post
office and examine-my stock.
Most respectfally.
Miss Erftma Riley.
All work guaranteed.
Prices to suit the times.
Good work in ail kinds
R. B. Brooks, Potographer
Civic Society.
Philologia Lodge. No. 1.78, F.
& A. M.,
E. H. Al.maxu, W. M.
C. E. Rk.vsax, Sec.,
Meets first and third Mou
day nights in each month.
Concerning People and
If you are seeking a Stylish bat-.
ouo that is really line aiid that wifi
make you look well you can find it
McDonald & Hayeood’s.
The fie- !«
sinus <1
■Ipa’.ur* e»jry
of 4 VI&PPMI
Next week we will publish an
accouut of a marriage which will
occur in the meantime. Now
who it is. $ 3S ’
one Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is wbat it v.-sa made for.
We have the latest styles and
shapes in Hats. Don’t fail to see
our stock-before you buy
McDonald & Haygood.
Tke its- ** :• n
limlls •rtry
iifti-.vf { orrtppef.
I have two good one horse
wagons for sa e for cash or on
time- Also, I have a O uou six
room house, with good out
houses and a good well of water,
located on Decatur street, fur
G. A. Almand.
The Atlanta Constitution’s
fifth missing V6rd contest is
ou and the sentence reads
as follows: "A study o£ the
urigiu of •-' now iu this
country will impiess one with
^ larg0MSS 0l the uumber
have been intioduced from
Eu ,. M.gil.wai Becure
guess at this udWng word and
eBthis pawraildThe Week .
jy. Constitution for one year.
us youi name.
Hudson's Advice.
Don’t buy Clothing until
[ook ‘ through my line.
Dou n t i buy shoes I _ _ until
00k thrOUgh my hne * ;
Don . tbuy dress goods until
look throng!, mylinc.
Don’tJ^huy capes or cloaks j
until you see what I can offor
you. j |
Chat:- B. Uudsop
Cotton 6.
Subscribe for the Weekly.
Parish Smith spent Sunday
in Atlanta.
Buy your millinery of McDon¬
ald & Haygood.
Mr. Anderson, of Covington,
was hoic Monday.
Nuie ‘ut of saddles just
received. , E. S. Eventt.
A list of grand v
and petit
rors appear on first page,
Any part of harness can be
furnished by E. S. Everitt.
Col- J, U. Barton, of Madison,
waajjere a short time this week,
Mr. and Mrs. E- L. Peek have
gone to hou&' at
‘ingtou, 1 '
One and two liprseSvagonh in
1 abundance,
lt. S. Everitt.
Mr. Chas: Fan-rill, of Jackson,
was ou a visit to his mother
here-last Sunday.
, Lap robes—will pay yon to
examine them.
E- S. Everitt.
Cotton has been looking up
a little this week and much of
j it has been marketed.
- Largest stock of Harness
ever shown in Convors. Prices
to suit.
E. S. Everitt.
Mr. W.M. Parker has moved
his family to town. Ho resides
with Mr. Juo. Parker ou Al¬
mand street.
j | raised Tbe in quarantines Alabama and have generally been
relaxed in all directions. The
fever is not holding up much,
To lilt j.aoirs; The lightest
and best sewing machine ou the
; market • ‘ ‘The Standard.”
E- S. Everitt,
Buggies, wagons, carts,baby
carriages, mowing machines,
sewing machines and all kinds
of horse and mule jewelry at
Ed S. Everitt’s.
Mr. J. R. O’Neal was or
Gained to preach on Saturday
25th of Sept,., at Honey Creek
church* Rev. Mr. Floyd, the
pastor of that church, will move
to Alabama, and Rev. O’Neal
will have the charge of the
church in the future.
Dr, J. F. Albert, of Lorraine
district, was in to see us yester
day T he Doctor married last
Sunday J aud amv ^ h(J declares
thac ba(3 uey fo , t Ui0 mv .
ages of age, although he i
about seventy- Ho is a geuial
gentleman and the W ,. KKLV
hopes he may haveumany years
of happiness, ,1^/ ^et. , ,
n L ai ° 10 0111
“»*f .- 10tel ll .
“> “ s c,t ^
^stMonday Clark, of GwmneH morning. . county, „ H,H. was T
ghtcr ot Mr. z r l T
^ ns co uty. u ge . .
cer 0 ul 0
m the presence of a number
In company with *Jr, U. (i.
Turner we inspected the famous (
0 ^ 10 ^ tbat , 1 , ,h , 1 ® onl * > *“ au %v,1 . °;
IS x ^ e y 1,0 lliake anything out
of it is Jackson himself. Tlie
ig somefching uewr< , tis J
true, but we can’t see anything
iu it for th o farmers, more than
a.,,. kM . In
opinion it wnl not make any
more than ordinary cottou uu
less it is especially favored in
1 7 nn /1
1 v * -w - d . — .
Mr. Ul us Parker was a visit¬
or to Atlanta Sunday.
Mr. Jesse Husou, of Allauia. was
•ere for a short time this week.
Hardware at
D. M. Almaud A: Sons
Mrs. Col. (4. W. Gloaton visit
ed in Atlanta this week
Mr II. P- Almaud, of Ingle
side, was here this week.
Mr. H. P. Bryans, of
spent last Sunday with friends
A big lot of bolt remnants,
\ Como and see us,
D. M. Almand & Sous.
Several of our subscribers
paid their subscription this woek
Wo thaok lhem *
Hon-Samuel H, Broduax, of
Walnut Grove, was here last
Mr. Ligo Anderson, of Do¬
Kalb county, was hero last
Tuesday on business.
Capt. W. T. Huson spent Mon¬
day in Atlanta. He
ready for court next Monday,
At the present rate of
ing there will not bo much
ton to pick out after this month.
Mr. Cunard and family
cupy the Bryant home vacated
last week by Mr. Longshoro.
We would urge you to
in and pay your subscription
We need the mouoy now.
Our dress goods are selling
fast. Come and see us
D. M. Hlmand & Hons.
Miss Florence Austin has re¬
turned home after a pleasant
visit of two weeks to friends in
' A man never lias real trouble
until bo has a son big enough
to wear his clothes. Big lot of
boy’s clothes just received.
D. M. Almand & Hons.
Mrs.Lupo and urs.Cowan now
reside in the former’s home on
^ ie C0l, ier of Almand and West
Railroad street,
People who live in gla.-s hous¬
es should pull down.the blinds
Buy underwear of D. M. Al
ruand it Sons and the blinds
won’t be necessary.
The Wkukly advertised for a
walking cane, lost by Mr. H. H.
Peek. The paper come ou'
Saturday and in thirty minutes
after it had been circulated the
stick was recovered.
Miss Fannie Langford gave a
most enjoyable entertainment
Thursday evening last in
honor of her visiting friends,
Misses Haygood, of Conyers,
and Pearl Saunders, of Winder,
Ccouee Enteiprise,
The death of Miss Ella Eu
banks, da-ughtar of Mr. Isaac
Eubanks, occurred in Shefiiehl
last Thursday night. Th,
Salel „
„ „ 0 , clock
after fuueral services conducted
byl£cr Mr WesUey .
Tl “ ' V ‘- EI! L' u m,
uiodiuu. A typographical
«"<•*•> “,
( > c Der ya rd when it should
- — the
value of the advertisement to I
ttje merc I iau f
At the regular conference of the
Baptist church last Saturday Rev
r * G - w a lker waa called to 6erve tlu
church here for next year. Rev
he i8 grea tly valued by our people.
jj e j sail ab i e nojuister aud it is
universally hoped that he will accept
r dl
v 4
Mr. \V. E. Hudson of Atlanta'
visited hero this week.
Mrs. Wether. of Alliiita, spirit
j Sunday with relatives hero
" glad to note tout Miss
Fannie Lathom is mproving.
Genie! '‘Dock" Martin, of Newnou
was a visito; bore Htinjuy afternoon.
Friends Wi 1 Murbut and Tom
; Altuaud, of Altnou, here this
; were
: week
Court will convene Monday uioru
inguext. Conjoin will bo lively next
j Mr. J. N. Hale is having a large
barn erectod at bin homo on Decat ni¬
si reef.
Mrs. Mamie Shaver aud.Mrs. "\V.
G. Alexander’ visited in Decatur
ast Wednesday.
A good family horse for sale very
cheap, Cad on
Dr Lewis A. Lee.
Messrs. Chas. Nowell and Otis
Adair spent last Sunday with friends
in Lawvenceville.
Dr, H. Quigg attended the Pres¬
bytery which convened at Thomas*
ton last Thursday.
Prof. Stark lias been elected
superentendent of the Baptist
Sunday school.
Mr, L. T. Longshore now occupies
the Huson home recently vacated
by Dr B D. Ragsdale.
Miss Mitchell, who has been on a
visit to Miss Nellie Gailoy returned
to her home in Atlanta Sunday,
Oovington Las a now post -master.
*Ir. II. D. Bush has received the
appointment to that office.
Mr. Dick Hudson, of Oak Grove
is very sick with fever. We hopo
he may soon recover.
Mrs. Langford is at home again
ifter a pleasant visit to her sou, Mr.
D. C Langfoid. of Logansvillc.
Her many friend* will bo pleased
to know that Miss Nora Plunket is
vh le to be up with the aid ot crutcli
ea -
Mr. M. C. Summers has boon ut
lome again for several Jays ou ac
count of sickness. He is now con¬
Dr, R, D. Ragsdale cauro up from
vlacou and filled his regular appoint
uent at the Baptist church Saturday
tail Sunday.
.nisses Addie Mabry and Mattie
lvery, of Rocky Plains, were
the guests of Mrs. J. D. wiuburu
this week,
The North Georgia Metlio
iisfc conference meets in Athens
November ‘24th with Bishop
lalloway presiding.
Mrs. Joel Marks has relurneil
rom Cave Springs whither she ac¬
companied her daughter, whe is iu
school tbero.
Mr. A. B Osborn informs ub that
lo bought produce, from Henry
ouuty men, who reside within 1 or
5 miles of McDonough, ibis week.
w.w. Swaun ctnie into town
L'uesciuy and announced the” appear¬
ance of frost on his place- This is
he first wo have heard of this fall.
The students of Prof. Starks
room have organized a Friday
ifternoou society for the im¬
provement of the students*
Mrs, Emma McKnight has
oeen by the bedside of her sick
sister, Mrs. Mely M osely, of
Heu „, u „ lv . f 01 . severaldayu.
''"“Sous in Rockdale, hut am
ildpping them to other places
oh the Georgia railroad.
I undcrslaud that Lncle John
f'ayloi-is now a candidate fur matii
Ti 01) y Hef Lucie John ) went to A*.
,- ao i a yesterday, cLlusiou. and it was thoro he
to this Look out
>adies, now is your time.
We will have a supply ofnico
hewn* and mulcon linnd daring
Gourt week, which we will soil
^r exchange. Gash or credit.
Wo can suit you. Gall on in.
!'".*!p <S: •*