Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 06, 1897, Image 2
a THE CO X) 'ERS WEEKL Y. Of KICIAL ORCAN OF THE COUNTY. J. H- WALLIS. Emeted at the postoffiee at Conyers as sedond-class mail mot'er. Saturday, Nov., 6, 1897. Locals 5 cents per line for lir-t inner subsequent . lion 2'.) cents lor each in : 5Ue. inch 1 ►ertion. Regular adv. per stibsequen insertion; 25c for each i nsertion. SUBSCRIPTION RAPE: One year, in advance...... Lix months, in advance . ......50 1 Take this paper. >ol mn «rar To those who are indebted to tb« Week-iy for subscription we vvouh ask that they please bear in mit lhal we need the money and expee: jt. It is probably a small amoun ) ut many small amounts make t> large one and we ean‘t afford to lost 1 item. Please settle with us as soo> i s you possibly can. fr* r l I i I oiMo. Thu |:i*o|ill* of Conyers are. us f JTlle. loVfll l ,0 t he town and I In 1 usiliess ill!I'l'e. 1 thereof, and \v< J now of no urgent mison, niori th,.ii tiri’iiminend tliein tor tliii Jovaltv. »liv 'vi* should |>i*n thesi vords on I his sulijcct. Tnu* it is. ! ha I some o I our people buy a r! i pies iii Atlanta for personal usei I lull t lev could prom in* for h 'Sr jiioiioy hero, and In these wi vould say, “your sins wilt tint Volt out. As a rub mpplv their needs from the j ant stores of mir lioine merchnnti- 1 nil t Ids is immensely proper, I helps the (own as well as our bus incss mi'll. *vw unmt'S iu Allan I a i ji tail store;-* can never return t .1 ii-iielit t lie ciislouier and is utter! Just to our tow 11. We could fill tile columns oi 1 nr paper wit b advertisement, j min At liuita 1 hat won Id probnbl. induce *inneli trade from (hniyer; j nil injure the business of om Lome men hunts and soon dendni 1 ho tovni. But tin* W'kkki.v is if 1 'uiivtU's first .uni hid' business me ■\t and thus ii is we fake prid in doing or saying (hut which wii I cm lit either or both. Kveryboib ► liould feel a pride in their fowl ; ml rejoice iu the individual pros j erit v of its eil izeus. Snell a sen limeiit i“ worthy all good eitizem I ml will In* applauded by all win 1 re not selfish and little. Cunvers is ns guuil a town m i'iiii In- fijjind nnywhen-. and he Business mi n are up-to-date.- Tiny jurnisb I lie trailing public oael ieason with all that is latest am Best and their price.-, an* loner. In. jar. than can be seeured of an At janta firm. Trade 1 fit home and you alwavi get good value for your money a: •well as leave il where you may get Judd of it agnin. THE AFRICAN COTTON. The African Cotton grown b) Mr. Jkckeon, near Atlanta, hat created considerable interest among the farmers and man) of them have expressed a de¬ sire to secure some of the seed The Weekly admits thatthit specie*! of the staple is some thing new, but at the same tinn it feels called upon to suggest to its readers, principally farm ers of Rockdale, that it is pus hilile that they will commit as error if they pay a fancy price for a small quantity of thesi seed. We examined a stalk ol this cotton, in lull fruit, that ■was said to contain eighty-three bolls. This is not unusual. Any farmer in our county can re ". member to have seen number of out old-fashioned ] cotton fctalks that bote more fruit that, tnis new stalk contained. huge tales have been concerning this cotton and it is j>erbaps, largely the result- of a Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. Irr ElGPra j wkP ; Absolutely Pure ROYAl BAKING PO.VOrR CO., NEW YORK. I *«‘i , .'sonsiI. Will'll vi ill con lc, to town next vi ek don't neglect tlie \\ kmki.y. f you are due us subscription 'ome in and |uiy iI. We need all !mi is due ns and >ve ask that <>11 remeniliei' tin* item you are hie and hand it to 11- next week. lesiro on the part of a few ti nake a fortune easily and quick¬ ly, and as is usually the case, he fanner is to be the victim. This cotton will not bring any better price than tiie staple now >etng marketed, and if it should be turned loose over the country Hid given a ‘rough-and-tumble’ ailtivafcion, such as is accorded nir usual crops, we doubt if it vould exceed in yield the old plant, To sum it up, we doubt the advisability of considering it seriously. Letters are being received all iver the Country, written by parties having seed, from this otfcou, for sale, and in the opin >11 of the Wkkkuv it is only a nammotif speculation of which lie farmers should stear clear. Tlic Monroe Mercantile Com i.inv, of Monroe, (In., Ims failed. .t* was n stock ci-mpany and om* .1’ tin- largest concerns m •!ly. We understand that Mr. deiver (ieorge, f Lithonia, was >resident of the eonqrany. 'Hie Blalock Committee has un¬ aided its report upon (lie iegisla lire, We liaveii’l found f ime t< •oa<l it yet, but ’(is said <0 lie very lensnt ioim I. A Democrat has been elected layor of Greater New York Van Wyck will hold the posi ion and it- is only second in importance to that of the Rresi ioney of the United States. I’annnany is once more on to| nd New ^ ork Republicans are inconsolable. SCARLET FEVER. There is a gi inline ease of Sear n't fever in Conyers arid two 01 three suspects. Hundreds ol lit¬ tle children are endangered By this terrible disease. Bet the city iota nail; and School Board stop our udiools until it can be gotten tin¬ ier emit nil. A 1’akknt. VERY PLAIN TALK. ^ - r—, ^ « ^ ^ t mod <|tia! it y 11 nd proj )*' r \ P, prices. ^ \Jf y-v ^ That wenr \\i4l. limk widl and give comfort at a -11U* 11 •'! >?l . : t y i t w i p,iss,-? -(-sall the virtues >-puglft j j j J[ IN 9 I 1 ^ V i"| VJ Iiv wisi* |hi rcbaser L-/XV pv T^> TT O O P A FA 1 O That please the ladies , » ^ O O V J V_/ yy J ; f and beautifies them. These are only a few side remarks that merely give' an inkling of the merits of our goods. We haven’t lime Tor expatiating further. | We have thousands of other things possessing merit, that the people need and must have,' audit is all dis played in the “Cue PRICE CASH STORE.” C. R. HUDSON. 1 - I AM*al 1 1 cuts Mr.Clras. G. Turner is elated the arrival at his home of 1 a baby boy. A red-hot stove for every body. Come in and warm whether you trade or not. D. M. Almand & Sons. After two weeks illness Mr j Dave Albert is able to be out again.. Our nice line of men and wo men’s shoes can’t he beat in Conyers.—D. M; Almand <fc Sons. Ladies! don’t fail to see our stock of capes.—D. M. Al¬ maud & Sons. Mrs.Ed Osborn, of Coving¬ ton, visited Mrs. E, S. Everitt tlfis week. Mrs. Hope McDonald spent Sunday with relatives in Hen¬ ry county. A half do/.eri young men of )ur city visited in Covington last Sunday. ■Dr. J. J. W. Glenn occupies the residence of Mrs. N annie Quigg Maddox, on Mill street, and Mr. Pirkle has moved into the house vacated by Dr. Glenn. Mrs. A. 0. Hardin moved to the house Mr. Pirkle left. Mr. W. N. McKnight’s fam¬ ily will move into the house with the family of Mr. 0. S. Haygood, on Almand street fo day. Mrs. Lftpo has been having some improvements made upon her dwelling, Rev. Mr, Bowman’s little son is sick of scarlet fever . The ease was first diagnosed by Dr. Guinn and in order to satisfy his own mind and the parents of the child, he telephoned for Dr: Kendrick, of Atlanta, who name down yesterday evening and confirmed the diagnosis of Dr. Guinn. It is the opinion of those two physicians that the disease will not spread. Last Tuesday was legal sole day and some Very valuabU property was sold. The estate of the late Jno. W. Hamilton was sold by the administrate] and brought an average of'$‘22. i>2 per acre, improved and un¬ improved. It is a fact that all lands for 4 or five miles above total, may always be counted upon to sell well. New Barbershop. A new shop, conducted by Mr.-Tosepli White, assisted b> Mr. l’olstou, an accomplished Wfilte barber, is located in the old barber shop room in the Banner office. The very best work and proper attention guaranteed all customers. j * Give the new shop a trial. / Egg fi > CO i im A *; u l. CO © l e | I Any snr.-.apariila is sarsapa } , rida. True. So any tea is tea. | :.ny ffi.v., is four. Tut grades ills % iiyiift {heb. 4, hi : with : ,r: apanila.. 'There arc ( y d; You wapt five b_:;t. If , ; ^ v.-;u understood sarsaparilla an J well an you do tea and flour it I v.'ould Lc easy to determine. ls ut you don't, How should you? When you are going to buy t. commodity whose value you don’t know, you pick out an old established house to ( trade with, and trust their cx \ pcticnce ,and reputation, Do .so \ v.lien buying sarsaparilla. I Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has liccn £ on tlie market 50 years. \ our grandfather used Ayer’s. It is a reputable medicine. There urs many Sarsapnrillas —• but only one Ayer’s.' It cures; Mjss Allen, of Forsyth, lectured at the last Tues¬ i'vening in the interest of ]m i , Honages. M. E. ALLEN, .Successor to R. B. BROOKS. * PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHO¬ TOGRAPHER.’ CONYERS, GEORGIA. When desired 1 finish photos in Ar Pi.atino, Ski*!atone or Carbon This leads in all cities and is permanent. My worn doe* fade or turn yellow. ft .Pioixtro li-iuues made to order, li^fAfe si/.c portraits at half price. Bee M. H. lunket for (Tock AFRCANA. Cures absolutely, and to stay cured. Rheumatism, ’Scrofula, Syphilis, Old Sores, Eczema, Catarrh, Constipation, arid’ all other diseases caused by impure blood. A FBI CAN A is made entirely of Herbs is perfectly hai powerful nrijess, and yet, is the most and surest remedy ever discovered for the above named diseases. Ati.xNt.v., Ga., Feb, 38, 1897. Apricasa Co., Ci 1-2 3, Broad St. (ieqt-limqh atfiu-k : TW« of vlicim-iitism tnonths ago in I had a .-jo' ci’e • my tot and knee. Bv advice of a friend, -•tried “AFRK’ANA,” an,I felt relief il three day?. I have taken one liotclen l’he swelling lias Judging disappeared, from and I atn jlmost wed). my own experience, I believe “AFR1CANA” all you claim for it, as a cure for rheu¬ matism. Very truly, J. T. Harper. Mr. Harper was born in Cov¬ ington, Ga. THE GAILEY DRUG CO. IHK •'.WKWWSB ROCKING CHAIRS. tfB -' 0 1 '•>’* 5 '•••"* UbK*-. * >'''■ rl I A’At- rr* • * ( rvjt Us* m Iff m: m K J riik i5 i 1 A i i A car load oi chairs coming in. Elegant Rockers. Q-'iCi k— C vie Uo, fT’TTUTWir X H'l* 1 1? T)T)AQ JJ.Uv'v, w c • yf- ML MPMTC IN i :! O. ! ; S ; Rockdale County. To w lib in it may concernH. P, Bryans, admimistrator of T. II. Bryan 3 ; sr , deseased, has in due form applied to hie for letters of dismission, This! is, therefore, to notify all parties corned that t will pass upon said ap plication on the first Monday in De eetnher, next. Given under hand arm IS»3. I fikial signature, this August ,30th, adv’g $0 A. M. Hei.mb, Ord LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Rockdale county. To whom it may concern:—S. F Bohanan. administrator of Jesse T. vVeaver, deceased, lias in due lorn, applied to me It rdetbers of dismission,, i’hisis, therefore, to notify all persons concerned that Iwill pass upon said application on the first Monday ii February, 139S. Given under my hand arid official signature, this Nov. I 1897. adv’g #0 A. M. Helms, Old. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeably to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Rockdale county, will be sold at public outcry, at tin court house door in Conyers on- tin first Tuesday in December, during tin legal sale hours, the following proper¬ ty, to-wit: Forty acres of land mort or less, lying in the 4th district of c ri-giuajly Walton, now Rockdale coun¬ ty, adjoining lauds of R. U. Cannon, f*. J Millerand, w. A- Cannon. Soli . .ii the property of Wm. II. Cooper, de ■ jased, for the purpose of paying debt: and distribution. *Te.i ms cash* adv’g $3 R. H. Cannon, Admr. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreealily to an order of the court oi Ordinary of Newton county, will bt sold at the court house door in Conyers Rockdale county, on the first Tuesday u December, TSU7, Witliin the legal hours if s tie. On v hundred acres ol land in—district of Rockdale, bouned nortli by Sam Hudson’soid place, west by J. D. Scott, South by P. G. Turner east by A. B. Graham; also house and two acres of Lnd, bounded north by J A. Parker, west by Hudson place, south by A, L. Veal and east by A. L. | Veal. J. Sold as the late property of Newton ot'J • A. B. j A A. Stewart, cotin ; ty, aeceased. Terms cash. Nov. 1 , 1397. J. K, Stcwait, admr, alv’gfff 00 Carrie J. Stewart, admtr’x Sheriff Sales. Will be sold before the court iionsi door, in the city of Conyers, Koekdah oo.unty, Ga., within the legal hours o; sale, on the first Tuesday in Deceinbei next, the following property to-ivit:— A foiir-sixths remainder undivided interest in and to six hundred and six¬ ty-seven acres of land, more or less, ii the Iff th district of original.y Henry, then Newton, now Rockdale county, Ga., ijeing the remainder interests 01 the defendants, Misses Kittie Carr, Fannie Carr, Eva, Carr aud I. Wat! Carr, after the Life ostate of Mrs. Mary ii Oajrr terminates, the lands described in trust 'deed; made Aug. 29th,'1373, by B. F. Carr to John T. Henderson, trus tee for Mrs. Mary ii. Carr during hei natural life and to such children as she may have living, and recorded in boot of deeds A on pages 2,76 and 277, cieri Superior court office, Rockdale county, Ga,, Nov. 27th, 137-i, which record Oi said cfeod is referred to l'or a full de¬ scription of the levy and advertise ment ; of sale. Levied on as the property of Misstt ixiitid Carr, Fannie Carr, Eva Can and 1. Watt Carr, to satisfy two Ufa: issued it .0111 Rockdale Superior court, in favor of the Neal Loan and Banking Company vs. Mrs. Mary E. Carr anr, others. Tenants in possession notified of this levy, this Nov. 2nd, 1867. Also at the same time and place will be sohi one undivided two-thirds iuter 06 O injoO adfesof laud, 1110 /e or less, be¬ ing iii the south side of lot of iand No mree Hundred and twenty-six in tin I th district of originally Walton, now F.ookiiate county, and bounded as fol¬ lows:! On the West by lands of Lee Drahajm, on the Bouth by lands of J. L. AleCalln, on the East by lands of G, F oiguian and others and on the North oy lauds claimed by Brazil Bradford. Levic^on Xieko|s as- the 'property of W. L). MijOaila to satisfy a ft fa in favor of A. C. vs, w. D. Niekols. W. Ii. ii, Austin, Sheriff. This Nov. 2nd 1897. i be other undivided third interest iu said land will be offered for sale a cue same time and place. J. N. Glknn, A tty*, for Owners of same. AIsp at the same time ana place one ; hundred and fifty-five acres, more oi <ess, rn the lith district of originally tlcnry, now Rockdale county, Ga., be¬ ing part of lots 210 and ffit, the same being fifty-five acres iu south east cor ner of lot no. 211, and one hundred ana iive G-95) acres oil of lot no. 210, com u -'v ; :-’iRs 'it the south exist eorper of lot 11 * 0t ’ 11 c "P tl] e branch to the h ^ the r^ # f . thence a direct line to ttic «»™er of said lot. thence weston the original line to the con.. menetfi# corner, and bounded as l’oi w8: * S °”' >y Jami ‘8 Fleming aud l ™ ,aS ^ 13 Y Mr?. Fannie 01,11 0 . n, f*''® r ! ' an " j' g' "• "’alker, ' . alker and West by I'ayh.r, to satisfy a^'Se^ropmy Jive e-tafce. of Jol n „ nfas favor of John ,/ustree eoi m in it. aimand and j> ne Superior court lifa in favor of John ‘ xA h.f, S “'L”‘ rnB ■“»* ■«* W. fl. M. Austin, Sheriff. H. H MCUONAL & SON, PRESIDENT DENTISTS.*"*. All work guaranti ed to please. Office up stairs over J. If. Al oiand & Go’s, store. Conyers, : Ga. Notice, The registration book is now open at M. II. Plunket,s store for the registering of names of voters of the city of Conyers in the election for Mayor and al lermaii to be held on the 1st; Saturday in December next> 1897 • M. II. Plunket. City clerk. ijlimifl Il 1 T have opened an office in the building formerly occupied by Dr. J. J, Seamans, and solicit a ffiare of the patronage of the people. R. A, Jones, Dentist. Livery, Feed and Sale Sta¬ bles, When you want to buy or sell t horse or mule,- Lire a buggy ar horse or both, or have your dock housed aud cared for, call >n J. N, HALE, ill front of Pierce’s old stables. CAX • COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. Tho tax books will be open after Sept. 20 th, and .1 Will be at the fob owing places for the purpose of col .ectirg state aud county lax for the rear 1807 , as follows: Lu'ruine ihetiict—Sept. 20 , Jet. 11, Nov. 5. loney Creek--Sept. 24 , Oct. 15 , Aov. §. Sheffield—Sept. 27, Oct. 17, Nov. 12 . At R- W. Tusker’s store balance ■f the time. John II. Alnand is authorized to Act, as my aydit, if I am unable to ake charge >f the books at that ■time. E. F. Cook, T. C. Notice, We taki this method of in¬ forming mr customers and the public generally that we will! sell for ;asli from Oct. 1st to Jan. 1st 1898. We need this time tojollect un our accounts -o we vill be prepared to ac-l jommdate our friends and cus tom or son time again next year, Wq reuaiu, Very truly yours, D. M. Almand & Sous. from Tr.S.Jouimr.l of XHficlM ¥ t Frof. W. H. Peeke- who i I 1 makes a has specialty without o£ doubt Epilepsy, treated and cur¬ aaf ed cases than any more Physician; his t;l r living: astonishing’. . success heard of cases We have standing of 20 years’ cured by 9B jj hin. publishes Ha a 9 valuabla 9 v. r orlc oil this dis 9 ■ ease, which he sends* bJKLw i t h a large hot his absolute cure, free to r-ny sufferers •“? nay scud tlicir P. O. and tspres < awlrc~ i NULOTOKEW ■•■.»•.»»» 9 ..... «a.I il-i -9 1 'tkn.l. Belton* mm: >J „ mn. ..wv-un-n --I l.v.tmi. utlMtoOtol* Tjg r-.. ~~" -f ■%