Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 06, 1897, Image 3

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Scribe for the Weekly.
id the new adds this week.
[ Jmrnts prim several new legal ad
in this' issue.
1 jpmivv Austin, who has
dirk in Atlanta for several
ypast, eanie home yesterday
cup* ■rate.
r. Allen• the new the potogi-nplim school last
■ of
jj,., negative
L. lLv (■ V. Hanford, of Macon.
yesterday. He ha-s many
Lp hi Conyers who were glad
L> him
fhe title applied to some store
pers should be “his high
sa, ’’—Summers prices Big Busy are
Ittrays right— at The
Miladies are sticklers for style
U-e knew this when we bought
L Capes. Blue Front.
large line of tobacco at M. H.
lunkeps- Come ami try it and
Lh will like it.
Dr. Candler will preach at the
Methodist Church on Sunday
pining- House worth exhib
L Mr. ’ John
a stalk of cotton on uur
Lets yesterday that coutain
Viabout 17-5 open bolls. It was
i,,/'unusually fine viewed specimen with ad¬ ol
cotton and was
miration by many.
i Le We have a very handsome^
of capes and the prices on
lliem are right.
Chas. B. Hudson
Miss Lula Guinn, of the girls
normal and Industrial school.
LuiJledgeville, was here with
parents last Sunday .
Carl Downs has been couspic
03 for his absence for about a
Louth and now we learn that
(lie is employed at Durand’s in
tlanta. Carl will do well.
Pecan save you money on
every article in the drug line
The Gailey Drug Co.
Rev. I. G. Walker, of Cov
iuglon, was iu the city last
Wednesday. He desires tc
rent a house here and should ht
be able to secure a suitable one’
w ill move hit, family here about
; j.c first of the new year.
The largest assortments ol
box and plain stationery can
be found at
The Gailey Drug Co.
Our dress goods trade has
been increasing da\’ by daj
since the season opened. Bet
our line and you will under¬
stand it.
Chas. B. Hudson.
The Union Paper >1111 has
resumed operations. The mib
will be run regularly uotv, that
most of the new machinery it
in position. Maj: E. d- Al
mand, we understand, will as
feume his father’s place in the
conduct of the mill.
Henry Reagan has mdveo
his barber shop into the coruei
loom of the Commercial hotel
Alter a protracted visit lien
Lilly McKown returned to
her home at Hampton Iasi
Mr, an d Mrs. R. L. Covan
of this county, are entertain -5
mg ;i fine 134 pound baby bo)
at their home.
Ruv l if* y«uV
>iv , i-- I fg. of ifo
a li ii vo' 1
w 11 i
value * U li a
<- o III .fort
lor v,.i;r mojn-y.
Ghat- LL IIwL 'it •
A large line of dress braids
just in by express- The hand¬
somest in town
dhas- B. Hudson. ■
His many friends will be
pained t° learn that M r . Lee
Maddox, who has been very
sick with fever at his father’s!
Horne near the city, is at pres¬
ent not in possession of his
mind. It is hoped by all that
this may not prove a perma¬
nent affliction.
Get new Sorghum syrup ni
M. H. Phmket‘s.
Messrs- F. M. Ayers and C.
W McDonald have been trad¬
ing. Mr. Ayors exchanged hie
property and business in the
city for Mr. McDonald’s plan¬
tation. The former will go to
the country, as we understand
it,- and M r . McDonald will take
possession of the property and
ousiness in the city,
Hats are going very cheap at
M, H. Plunketts.
Mr. W. T. Stantion, of oui
county, is in attendance upon
the Congregational Sunday
School convention, which it
now in session at Bat nsville, He
is a delegate from the Union
Sunday School of Liberty
Chapel church.
Our clothing has met with
popular- approval. Quality
style, price and make are tin
virtues the people seek in cloth¬
Chas. B. Hudson.
Haines, traces, back bands,
well buckets, water buckets, plow
handles, hoes, lap links, cotton
pads,etc... at M. H. Pluukofs.
The Georgia railroad engines
have all been supplied with
new and vei y sluill wLSotlto
Some of our people term them
“wild-cat” whistles. We un¬
derstand this change was madt
to favor the engineers, who can
near the new whistle much
easier than the old.
A party of Lithouia ladies
came down Thursday and madt
some nice bills with our dry
goods stores- J
We have the largest stock ol
clothing in the city, It is a
stock that you can’t afford to
pass by.
D. M, Almand & Sons.
Mr. W. N. Everitt now lives in
Mr- L. F. Scott’s new residence
on South Railroad street.
Mr. T. E. Brodnax, of Athens,
tvas lrere Saturday. He says
Henry would be satisfied if ht
only had one or two of his Con¬
chums with him. N
Mr. B. B, Brooks and family
moved to Cfainsville last Tues¬
day morning. We wish him
Col. J. R- Maddox now re¬
sides at his home place on Mill
Dr. Talmage Richards, ol
Gainsville, was here last Sun¬
Mr. Bose Brodnax, of Barn¬
well, S. C.. was here Sunday.
Di"- down to tire cause of your sick
npis”if you want to get well and staj
well, Most likely it’s mdiges ion.
the irritating poisons of fermenting,
outrid food, left in the stomach by it -
■iige-tion. cause headache, stomach-ache, neuralgia,
aervousuess, dizziness,
irritiabilty, and all the othe.
nausea, of iDdigestion.
well-known sj-mtoros pains and dis
They also cause many laid othei
irdors which are often to
and hence are not easily cured,
causes poisons removed
Rut as soon as the are
til these symtoms and disorder disap
because there is nothing left t.
pear, Nothing succeeds in thi
cause them Cordial, because
like Shaker Digest! e food from
it oreveuts the undigested
fermenting in the stomach and helps
I< T .Wper bett’s-
Cotton 5
Y .SjLLV 3 ,,, .
J VOlir ^ vu * AX71— vviix
ClOW glaSS fr mn
rryr fi-afl™
^Jd.llGy xJ!Tllg
Ours is 1 ‘ The Blue Front” but
it is no indication that we are
blue. Come and see
W. L. Adair,
Mr. S W. C. Summers
moved into his new residence
on Almand street.
What we say of our shoes can
be relied upon. We carry the
best-stock in this section.
The Blue Front.
Wi- print the professioned card
ofdVIr. M. PL Allen in this issue.
Mr. Allen is the new photographer,
and from samples of his work ex¬
amined bv us, we feel safe in rec¬
ommending him to those who de
are first-class photogrn-phs.
We’have a great line of cloth
i ig and it is making good cus
Comers for us.
The Blue Front.
It is rumored that Mr. and
Mrs.-Will Wardlaw, of Atlanta,
will come to Conyers to live.
Fresh nlackeral at M. H. Plun
l 4
l To be good is to be lonesome.’
We don't believe that Mark it
COIT'-et. w e arc good to our'em
turners; give them the
best for Their money and
fake as little of it as pos¬
sible. and yet. on t he con¬
trary, we are far from
lonesome. My store is
always busy.
I \\V wish that we were
oven Better than we are.
To start out on tlrat new¬
line we will make prices
,phis week (bat will uphold
our new- resolutions:
oO 0 i jniirs ladies hose at |0 cents
per pair. Will give air extra pail
.vith every pair purchased next
Hose from 10c per pair to 40c.
Tiu- bAt value for the money in
All kinds of underwear from 15
r, 20 per cent cheaper than others
sell them.
We have a special line of shirts
ranging in price from 15c to $'2.
pilose shirts are worth more mon
An immense line of di-uninier s
h in p]as bought nt 50c in the dol
lar-—our customers got the benefit
.,)• tit is
Special sale in fine liandker
chieis and capes.
Shoes ranging in price from 40c
to $ >. Special values.
Trunks from 05c to $7:50.
Ladies fine shoes 154c a foot.
Ifio |>airs Rs and *54 only •I'l45
to $2.
Grand Cape and Jacket sale
attracting much attention Jo the
Big Busy Store.
Get in line with the people
and don’t stop until you reach us
J. I’. Tu.lky, A. M. MoKi.vasky.
W e represr nt the Strongest Compa¬
nies in tPO Worth. \V e pay all losses
promptly ami without, litigation. Wt
insure ail kinds of city or town prop
erty, country Dwellings, Barns, Stock,
tenant houses etc. at the very lowest
rates. Weiwiil a'so take care of your
Valuable papers and In*
SUIS1oce Policies in
K. Almand’s Vaults free
off Charge.
We solicit your patronage.
Chic Society.
i'hilologia Lodge. No. 178, F.
& A . M„
E. H. Almand, W. M.
0. E. Bkagax, Sec.,
Meers first and third Mon¬
day nights in each month.
•A ,gdod family horse for sale
cheap. Call on
Dr, Lewis Lee.
The public is uotfied (hat tie
landed, estate of/the late Jdo. \V.
Hamilton, will »>a sold by the ad¬
ministrator on next Tuesday at the
court.muse. I trnis of sile one-hall
cash, balance 8 per ci nt until No¬
vember year. This is valuable
Dr. and Mrs: Clotfelter, of Con¬
yers, Jackson spent a few days of last week
m Pi inket. visiting the fanny ol Mr.
Fourth Quarterly Conference for
the Conyers Methodist church wilj
be held at the church Wednesday
night, November 10th. The Pesidiu
Elder- will p i each at seven o’clock
Ladies, Attention.
My stock of new fall millin¬
ery is how ready. It
of a]l the latest styles and is in
every way complete and will
give perfect satisfaction to my
customers- With this
noucement I cordially invite
to visit mv store in rear of
office and examine my stock.
Most respecuuMy,
Mice Emma Riley .
o^-ss , s , 03?*.x.ia...
la ob
If you arc seeking a Stylish
one that is really line and that will
make you look well yon can find it
McDonald & Haycood’s.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what it ir.sile for.
We have Hie latest si vies and
shapes in Hub. Don't fail to St-e
iur stock before you buy
i McDonald & Haygood.
Tie fte- U m
tlxih erety
jlgastur? el rawer.
Tin- Atlanta Constitution’s
fifth missing word contest is
now on and the sentence reads
as follows: “A study of the
origin of ‘ — ’ now, in this
country wilt impress one with
the largeness of the number
that have bee?> intioduced from
Europe. ” $1 2b will s - are a
guess at this missing word and
gets this paper and The Wee k¬
ly Constitution for one year.
Give us your name.
Tutt’s Pills
Cure AH
Liver Ills.
BANKRUPT-,„ health.
constitution undermined by ex¬
travagance in eating, by disi J
garding the laws .of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Tutt’s Liver Pills wjll cure you.
r> -r.-* ache,
sour 2. rt- , malaria,
Uver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Tutt’s Liver
an absolute cure.
Exchange bought and sold,. Co I led if n-s made on all parts of the
country. Accommddatkins extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will snot fee honored wnder an}' cir- uta*
Oilice horn's from 8 a.m. til! I r. m till further notice.
*0OO66<»6ieo<>0OOOO0OOOOO< % <
I 5 ’ e^> 8 $
i ///y\ $>\ 1 -
gi—L TV Atlanta
i s £ 9 Constitution Otters
l One Tenth 4
| ■-.f Of the Subscriptions |
Ly AM tf Received from those entering the \>fS' Jr If
’ Chiiiest to miihe properly the miss- r s O
4^ 9 a. «ng word in the following sentence: ~ O /A
C'D * cx>
■M. Su ■zr> cl
V ■s
id CD k >>
4 4
% ► And, in Addition ’Yf
•v Cash Extra v r
%| For the first Six Correct Guesses, as follows: $50 S
V W for Next tire Five, First in Correct their order, Guess provided and $10 the Each for the 'jf
same are re
ceived in our office on or before December Igt. & >
^ £% T'hh * $y 'peRiCrj' This. Orniest covnRifD-^-®®^ shows r.’qout 6,000
A f° „ The Weekly Constifuti and, 1 , expirations IT /\
r u, of course, we want ft '
them all to renew and to enter the Contest. j
X %J For Scriber the' entering Missing the Word contest Fund, will'swell and every tire additional the ; sub- ip. (’
§ amount more. >
This period also compares with our First Missing Word #V.
&% Contest last year, in which Ml M. L. Brittain secured the
T prize—$ 1,0 3 3. enter'for SO. As That was. our. .FinscX-rmtva. thw, yg
* who did not, prize, it will not be so this time, for vf
the plan is widely advertised and we have paid out within #
& f|> the past the. twelve Five .Missing'Word month- NIL1 Contests. it i. V $5,000 The series CASH has <'»
ig been upon of ekir. 1 ofdinary interest, and the'idea seems to grow fa
% in the public’s -favor. ,
Cvk' The book ronl.imi»:; the sciuem-r i-i a stdriHfird piililic.-iU'oii tVesfcient and 4
^4 haS:bi‘en Ui’CIl scaled :-V‘» u 'U nit tljt au/l; iUJ't. ]ylaceitl jl.M. w.ii with on.i Mr. XV. A. ->• UvuiphiU, • hold ff!
% and llusiness ■ Manr^erol ‘ ’I’lu: (.’oiiMitutiOn, who ’ will it safely
until btiuiiin ns-rf.
fa the sent-.-nc i- sj;.-aks for itself and submits a very plain proposf W
tion for yb'u to ub-Ive.
# 4% LrUlii '<££ CO CD 1897. >
8 The Contest Ends C 0.3 ED 1898. o
’lid cpntvst lasts tvvojijiootlis and thet amount to lx-divided will A
f probably be in Hid Di-i.'flr’lm'rbood .-j I here may be one cor- yf
% reel aroy-’vi', liieie ms) ilisr u di . -ai, word, .tlufre and ii|uj- Vint be more, but it correctly, lrnii m- fa Y/
her it costs nothin;; I. supply a irtaV get
W Whetlit-r vein do or-not, you gut ■ 6
I: V- . . TUB eimst ol All fttnerican 8
« c- e MM NfflliililM <■> h
K Keep That in View and Send Your yuess With Your
fa Dollar for a Year’s Sub -.cri ption ,
A == = Uiu-Hter-' Siil>n-i-i,i!i«l.“ to,-- to III., l lin.l ' § #4
V-C nip,I ilifuto.l. Drr cent <11 u>“ luii.t y/
hr Ill nUier HI.I-.I—Oil- -iilmri-.i.iimi hr Kiirri-N«rn( ninoliill. X
f, t„ svill.OIMI In- (III- ivm IIIIIIII I.’, »in- t'nml t.> ki, <i> I
sn <r«««r would bo Hi.OUO. I-uUovviliwpl-i-tin- i-u!hIi(i<iiii» ol romoili 5
& m-k i’Koi’o u: to i-cT hi ti nt or iw> i.mnunt-w.. lug Word wn-rivo ( 'r,li¬ tor
,,,|.fl£r[|Wjmf vvi.rrrill Urr jMi'Iv ■'>'.illV ,:I ‘ 1 rv 1 Ur Mr, fy
ft h J f st i„tu „ fun.l I'm- flirU-ll.iifimi iin-.dii-r wim urine vlly tin- miasm si?
X wor'l. k»r limiiin.-o: wltl If nnly. l,kvr on.- all c:,iitrat;inl. tU- nlnn.v. v H If tlie luvtr wnnl •(»»» rfo-lit. b. H-rikr or «..., It, iP
3 ti„. oa the cl!.* m'av t-«, divided, otnli fom-rt »:imv.-i- r. ivinir It., |.ro|i,irl.on
^ sum will lir equally c A
ntc shim-of <;nlss
Tin-: cosmtion i’ll ncuoiiNT roil skmiim; \ »i n.« y- '
Ml«“iil-'-ivnrd i- Him ,-a. 1. .-in ! >-V'-ry Him. ,Mu-1 In- -■■■ ci.n.i.rniril li.v it yi-nr'a
{f mil,n-ritilinil tn'H IK W'KHKI.V I'n NS'l’Cn WOX: the '-'U'-.a mwt he n-iitln
’■ tlit- idi til Uml fenvcJoiic that 1 i intc« tin- iimmiy. that |wy., ia'-. tor the not mil,acri|.tumi knowtny of »» JX.
r/7 ii.r.-ettlmt it. i,r h .villi-ft t qt uv a< ■i-id.-nt or »> m-iji-. in- will not rntltle /V
. „,. 5S at the lime t.n aiihscriiwil. rr ; f'lhi-r scripth,n ornt *
t., aritil i, ■'»(.' - ;ii’li,' ;1 .■- Thr- till--' mi -I mm" th" H-Il nr mil p
fa, v? -.tail Shi,uhl a pai-lv for send nuir<* tlnn ncc ■ r ih h-i,r i ill -hr I,"- %\ill mi capital In- rntHh-iI'lo prize—
n share nt the fund «rsi'i>ri*e. rumi norc-cL ft-ra vn,.■ s :r; T 1 times they
every one will tsnt ft ms tnu.. ...mis im Jiumy as
fa HVlld mtblH-ripUqqii.
DeOiHiil e.- w will jntblisii i v.'-ek v ttiejlnud Rah grown. ¥
P rp tt j.' f/f\ *ri;s V ru*>VS .»AN. S UT • -At *U\vh time has accrued Wf Mill pay int lie out contest, to the
party f, r ji-.trtiiE tin- foil i t tunoupt f iat
r r.i Hitkinz Yoiir You a ■ i ne; v,-.'iiethe 80 a^*aco out in lull, Just
stale- ai ru ply tire Lrg Wi-r-i .a.-Jamtary L.t isA*-.v...w4/;r.--
£ - — &
<■ Kiiiiw.i-tlfpi-ii Till- above lotliai to lit!- pii.i-i-ui-l "f din-, T>"‘ fouftlital'o" iiiliM-i-Uiiii ; nnili-i- Conlrst, ili» wliic-li iilubliiUK i,II < f »
„rn-r minoimcedcl'icwheVc, imiy ciiii-r. AiHi-i- < r lp-i-n in /
P Conyers, Ga. |
To examine bur stock of Tc et
Art eles, Shushes, Combs, Sol >s,
befOI'9 bliylllg. We C301 & VG
YOu money.