Newspaper Page Text
l H-ICIAL orcan of the county.
i'Jnteied ’.;e po»ioUi<*e at ( onyers a*
mail matter.
Sati'koav, Nov. 20, 1807.
Local.-’ <> cents per line for Ul>t ln *j l
lion- 3' -cimt* Tor each subsequent inch i.
.ertiou." Regular adv. 50c. per lo
nrst insertion; 25e for each subsequen
One year, in ’advance............... ..*1.0;
Six months, in advance.......... .....50t
Take this paper.
l-’or >Iuyor.
No man in Conyers would fil
this honorable position more ac
copiably to the whole people thin
A. J. 1’ierco. He is a good nun
uml would lie an honor to our city
in tins position.
31 iiiii<*ij>»l
1 ion.
To-day two weeks the citizens ot
Conyers will lie called upon to (*
*jeet ii mayor and councilmen. am
so fur as we have been able togath
er but little interest has beei
manifested in the matter up ti
this tiius.
The Weekly lias no suggestion,
to make other than that mo
known to have the interest of tie
eit\ at heart be named for thesi
places. Progressive men, mci
who will not object to devoting
t me and thought to the advance
im •nt of the town are tlie men win
should he (deeded to these offices
Wn suggest no names tor the tue
1 hat the people should take tin
matter in hand personally am
name u ticket t hat will he an ad
Vantage ami an honor to t.he town
We have the material to Helec.
j'nmi and we trust tlmt a wisi
choice may be made and a pros¬
perous future assured the city.
The election will be held on tin
Jirst Saturday in December am
the time is very short in whirl
ilie ticket must be made.
The lily < >avhk
The city of Conyers now (Will
tin. public school building, tin
jnayor and councilmen having
purchased it tor the city at ot
cents on t lie dollar. The pa pen
Jiav'nt yet been t ruimferred and t lit
exact amount of the stock i>
not known as some of it, possibly,
lias not been paid in. The sun
1 lu- city is likely to pay will l"- ii
llie neighborhood ot three tlioiis
and .lot la r~. The Weekly l
proud tlm4 this bone of coiitcn
lion In municipal affairs bus beei
moved, and besides the city sliouh now
possesses tlmt which it
jiavc owned for some time past .
Within tin next few days tin
papers will lx* drawn up and tin
transfer properly made, and tbei
1 he stockholders, who w ill receivi
only half of their original invest¬
ments. should go down in muni¬
cipal history, at least ..martyrs tin
the education of the young.
Walter O'ljuinn, charged wit I
the muderer of potrolnein Pon¬
der, in Atlanta, Monday Now Kill,
was tried in tlmt city fiefore Jutlgi
Garnller this week and succeeded,
in proving his innocence. Tins n
probably the most remark nidi
criminal case in the history o*
the state. The mudt>r, arrest,
within trirl andjicquitahle all of oecurm. days,
the short space fi
and it may be considered really a
‘HI days wonder." The result of
this trial leaves the murder ol
patrolman Ponder a greater mys¬
tery than ever.
>iniI .Mon.
Mr. Jno. C. Stephenson would
make a number one councilman.
The Wkkki.y adviM'ates gmxl men.
Mr. Clms. U. Hudson would iU>
his duty as a member of the city
Mr. A. D. Summers is not a
married man but that doesn't
debar him from holding otllee.
Put him on the council.
Mr. H. C. Penn would make a
gooil cotiiieiliuaii. but we not'd not
jnviition it. he is well known.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
0Y4 j
Absolutely Pure
1 h'r.soiia 1.
When von emm- to town next
reek don I nc'.:h el lie W Iv'IKLY.
if you are lue us subscription
'nine in nnd pay il. W’e need nil
ihut is due u .•tod we iisk that
mu reim-mbi ilie i 1 ( in you are
lue and hand il t n us next week.
Tile Blalock C'liinnil ieesueeeed
•d in raising a breeze tlmt stirred
Hie verv foundations ol the State
University and the trustees of
hat institution were accorded a
tearing before a joint session of
ho legislature hist 1 liursdav.
Ion. X. Hammond aud Dr. \\ .
I. Belton nddressi \ the assembly
,ii behalf of t !i University, and
nose addresses coupled with the
; rung showing made by t lie trus
ees is said to have won it great
vietorv for the institution.
It looks as though the police
aen and detectives of Atlanta,
liade a complete fa ilu re iut heir el -
;,rt to pounce upon t he muderer
if Potrolmaii Bonder. It look
.ike mighty poor work at a dis
Gov. Atkinson appointed H'jn.
lal T. Lewis, of Greensboro, su
nvme court judge to succeed
udgo Spencer Atkinson, last
•Vednesdav morning. Mr. Lewis
rill be sworn in about December
1st. •
There arc no politicians in C<>n
-vrw. W it hi i i the next few weeks,
>r more definitely, on the first
aturd.iv in December, our people
usually elect a mnyor and
neii, but so far we have been
fie to detect any indications
ircparat ion for such election, and
.1 4 ■ Id Slllti •1,1,41 llidi t Ilf ii UilKf'l n; S , U< i “
ire to vei in- io pm ate life.
You can save money by spending
$ P MT 1M& S H,kK»
*-•>*'*» %«%•
You are invited to come and ex¬
amine our goods whether you buy
or not. We will sell you goods as
cheap as they can possibly be sold.
All kinds of gentlemen’s goods.
Come here and get bargains.
Pants from Ao up: Single Coats from 50c up; Coats and vests,
extra tine, I.”5 up: Hats from - J5c up: Linen Collars from '2i<‘ up;
Laundl'ieil Slfirts from 25r up.
Remember all this circular says.
Commerce street.
The following bit of history of
the girlhood days of one of Geor¬
gia’s brightest women is taken
from the Philadelphia Record:
“Mrs. Mario Louis My rick,
who has declared that Robert
L. Berner shall never be Gov
ernor of Georgia, is a snappy,
bright little woman, Bernei
was an old-time suitor of her
hand, but site preferred the
wealthy son of Rev. D. J. My
Berner remained a
and went into politics, W lien
his old sweetheart became free
again by the death of her hus¬
band, she helped to make him
president of the Senate. Later,
however, he fell under her dis¬
pleasure, and she is now oppos¬
ing, in her newspaper, his can¬
vass for the gubernatorial can¬
Mrs. My rick maiden name
was ricudder, aud she is of a
family well known in New Jer¬
sey, where the members are
quite rich. Marie Louis, who
was born m Tennessee, was
hard to control, and in tire late
bO’s was Bewt to one of her auutb
in New Jersey to go to school.
Una day Henry Ward Beecher
was a guest at dinner, and some¬
thing was said about the “wiki
little girl from Tennessee,” and
she threw a pickle in his face.
Then she was sent home to her
New Barbershop.
A new shop, conducted by
Mr. Joseph White, assisted by
Mr. Polstou, an accomplished
white barber, is located in the
old barber shop room in tin
Banner office,
The very best work and
proper attention guaranteed all
Give the new shop a trial.
1 © From U.S. Journal of Jif&Ucin
Prof. W. H. Peeke, whe
mr.kes Kpilcpsy, a has specialc/ without ol
doubt treated and cur
ed more cases than any
living Physician; is astonishing. hir
We have heard of cases
of 20 years’ standing
Cured cured by
him. Ho
publishes 1 b 1 a
v a u a e
work or.
this dis¬
ease, which
he sends
,w i t h a
large bot
| tie o£ his absolute cure, free to any sufferers
who may send tlicir P. O. and Express address.
I We adviso anv one wishing a cure to address
?roi.v/, ii. PEEKB- E. 1)., 4 Cedar St., New Yor*
h fil n
R a
C pm
l i L
T y iVii / i
o" I If
SV3ER1T3 fi
AYER’S -OF- * »
Cherry Pectoral
would include the cure of
every form of disease
which affects the throat
and lungs. Asthma, Croup,
Bronchitis, Whooping
Cough and other similar
complaints have (when
other medicines failed)
yielded to
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.
We are now satisfied that there
is ‘‘nothing in a name.” A f el
low by the name of John Redhead
married an Atlanta girl this week.
(Successor to R. B. BROOKS,. -
When desired 1 finish photos in Ais
isro, Platixo, Ski’iatoxe or Carbon
effect. This leads in all cities and is
absolutely permanent. My worn does
not fade or turn yellow.
jfj@“Picture frames made to order,
JfilfLife size portraits at half price.
See M. H. Plunket for crocK
Cures absolutely, and Scrofula,| to stay
cured, Rheumatism,
Syphilis, Old Sores, Eczema,
Catarrh, Constipation, and all
other diseases caused by impure
is made entirely of Herbs i§
perfectly haimless, and yet, is
the most powerful and surest
remedy ever discovered for the
above named diseases.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 18, 1897.'
Afrjcana Co., 03 1-2 S. Broad St.
Gentlemen : Two months ago I had
a severe attack of rheumatism in my
not and knee. Bv advice of a friend,
ftried “AFRLOANA,” and felt relief il
three days. I have taken one hottlen
The swelliug has disappeared, and 1 am
almost well. Judging from my own
experience, I believe “AFRLOANA”
ill you claim for it as a cure for rheu¬
matism. Very truly, J. T. Harper.
Mr. Harper was born in Cov¬
ington, Ga.
IjL . ► • . • > * •«, 0 •r a
f rl
~f * ■» K
« ? '* 9 » » J
-H H t
• ..A—-,
, • . rr *-’ *
4ii% * »■ r * ► ♦*
m Jt mmmzm BA
__ Z:
fH;: A
A car load oi
chairs coming in.
Elegant Rockers.
See us.
Georgia, Rockdale County.
To whom it may concernH. P,
Brvans, admimistrator of T. II. Bryan i
sr , deseased, has in due form applied
to me for letters of dismission, This
is, therefore, to notify all parties con¬
cerned that I will pass upon said ap¬
plication on the first Monday in De¬
cember, next. Given under hand and
official signature, this August 30th,
adv’g $0 A. JJ., Ord
Georiua, Rockdale county.
To whom it may concern:—S. F.
Bohanan. administrator of Jesse T.
Weaver, deceased, has in due form
applied to me tor letters of dismission,
This is, therefore, to notity all persons
concerned that Iwill pass upon said
application on the first Monday in
February, 1S9S. Given under my hand
and official signature, this Nov. 1 1897.
adv’g 80 A. M. Helms, Old.
Agreeably to an order from the
Court of Ordinary of Rockdale county,
will he sold at public outcry, at the
court house door in Conyers on the
lirst Tuesday in December, during the
legal sale hours, the following proper¬
ty, to-wit: Forty acres of land more
or less, lying in the 4th district of o
riginally iValton, now Rockdale coun¬
ty, adjoining lands of It. II. Cannon,
T. J . Milierand, w. A-Cannon. Sold
as the property of Wm. H. Cooper, de¬
ceased, for the purpose of paying debts
and distribution. Te: ms cash*
adv’g $3 R. H. Caisson, Admr.
Georgia, Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern:—E. H.
Almand and J. iVT. Almand have in
due form applied to tiiif undersigned
for permanent letters of administra¬
tion on file estate of D. M. Almand,
late oi said county, deceased, and I.
wilt pass upon said application on
fne fust Monday in December, next.
Given under my hand and official
signature, this lxov. 8, 1897.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Geokoja, Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern :—Mrs. W.
(). White lias in due form applied to
the undezsigned for letters or admin
istration ou ihe estate of VV • H. VV liite,
late of said county, deceased, and I
will pass upon saut application on tue
lirst Monuay in December, next.
Given under my hand and official
signature, this Nov. A. M. Id. 1SH7. Ord.
H elms,
Agreeably to an order of the court of ]
Ordinary' of Newton county, will LeJ
sold at the court house door in Conyers
Rockdale county, on the first Tuesday
m DeeeiLDer, 1897, within die legal
hours of s he. One hundred a res oi
laud in—district of Rockdale, bouned
north by Gam Hudson’s old place, w est
by J. D. oeolt, South by F, G. Turner
cast by J. B. Graham ; also house and
two acres of find, hounded north by J.
A. Barker, west by Hudson place,
souih by A, L. Veal and east by A. L.
Veal. Sold as the property of J ■ A. B.
,v J. A. Stewart, late of Newton couu
r.y, ueceased. Terms cash. Nov. 1, 1897.
J. K. Stewait, admr,
adv’g $3.90 Carrie J. Stewart, admtr’x
Sheriff Sales.
Will he sold before the court house
door, iu tiie city of Conyers, Rockdale
county, G.;,, within the Jegal hours oi
sale, on the first Tuesday in December
next, the lolloiving property to-wit;—
a lour-si x,hs remainder undivided
interest in and to six hundred aud six¬
ty-seven acres ot land, more or less, in
me Kith district of original.y Hemy,
then Newton, now hockilale county,
Ga,, being the remainder interests ol
tiie defendants, Misses Kittie Carr,
Fannie Carr, Eva Carr and I. Wan
iJarr, after the life estate of Mrs. Mary
H. Carr terminates, the lauds describe.:
in trust deed made Aug. 29th, 1873, by
ti. K. Care to John T. Henderson, trus¬
tee lor Mrs. Mary F. Carr duriug her
natural life and to such children as she
may have living, and recorded in book
of deeds A ou pages 27(1 and 277, clerk
superior court office, Rockdale county,
Ga., Nov. 27th, 1873, which record oi
said deed is referred to for a full de¬
scription of the levy and advertise¬
ment of sale.
Levied on as the property of Misses
Ait tie Garr, Fannie Carr. Eva Garl¬
and i. Watt Garr, to satisfy two fifas
is-ued Irom Kcckdale Superior court,
iu favor ol the Neal Loan and Banking
Company vs, Mrs. Mary F. Carr and
Tatums in possession notified of this
levy, this Nov. 2nd, 1897.
Also at the same time and place
be sold one undivided nvo-thirds inter¬
est in 50 acres of land, mo/e or Jess, be
ing in the south side of lot of land No.
three nuudred and twenty-six in the
Tth district of originally Walton, now
neckdale county, and bounded as fol¬
lows: On the West by lands of Lee
Graham, on the South by iands of J, L.
McCalla, on the East by lands of G, P
Sigman and ethers and on the v
by lands claimed by Brazil
Levied on as the property 0 f \v
Nickels to satisfy a Ii la ;n'fav i
0. McCall W. 0r 1
a vs, D. Nickols.
W ‘ U ■ iV ’ Austi u. Sheriff
, Tins ri • Nov. V 2nd
The other undiridedxtliird j nteresl
j n sa j { ] j an( j ".ill he Pileri d J
the same time’and place. °r sale J
Atty. for J N, Ulejtn- 1
Owners of same.
Also at the same time ana place
huudred and fifty.five n ro
es,, in Am 11th district acres,
Henry, of oiigi IKl J n v
ing now of lots Rockdale county, (” ’
part 210 and 3il) tl , c
net being of fifty-five lot acres in south undreJ oj s cor a „ e
no. 3,1, and one I, and
nve(lOo) acres oil of lot no. * 10
menerngat the south , com .
east uorne offfit
no. 210 thence running north
original line to the branch 0 « th
faiu lot, Latuca the heading in
head thereof, „p branch to the
thence a direct line to
the south- east corner of said lot, thence
we.t on the original line to the
luencing con
corner, and bounded 118 fol¬
lows: North by James Flemin- and
Thomas Pyles, Fast by Mrs. Fannie
Hoi i mgs worth and G. VV. Walker
South by G. W. Walker aud West bv
iands of the Arch Stewart estate.
Levteu on as the property of John II
lay lor, to satisty live Justice court ,
htas in favor ot John 11 Ahnand and
Superior .
one court fifa in favor of John
ti. Almand.
Tenants iu possession notilieu, this
Nov, 2nd, 18U7, ’ 10
W. U. M. Austin, Sheriff.
•PRESIDENT dentists.
All work guaranteed to please.
Office up stairs over J. H. A1
maud & (Jo’s, store.
Conyers, . . . . , . ; Ga.
The registration book is now
open at M. H. Plunket,s store
for the registering of names of
voters of the city of Conyers iu
the election for Mayor and al
dernian to be held on the 1st;
.Saturday in December next)
1897 • ■
M. H. Plunket. City clerk.
T have opened an office in the
building formerly occupied by
Dr. J. J. Seamans, and solicit a
share of the patronage of the
people. •
JR. A, Jones, Dentist.
Livery, Feed and Sale Sta«
* When you want to buy or 3ell
a horse or mule, hire a buggy
or horse or both, or have your
stock housed and cared for, call
on J. N, HALE, in front of
Pierce’s old staples.
The tax hooks will be open after
Sept. 20th, a'nd I will be at the fob
lowing places for the purpose of col¬
lecting state and county tax for the
year 1897, as follows:
Lorraine distiict—Sept. 20,
Oct. 11, Nov. 5.
Honey Creek—Sept. 24, Oct. 15,
Nov. 8.
.Sheffield-Sept. 27, Oct. 17, Nov
12 .
At R W. Tucker s store balance
i f the time.
John H. Almand is authorized to
act as my agent, if I am unable to
take charge of the books at that
E. F. Cook, T. C.
We take this method of in¬
forming our customers ane! the
public generally that we will
sell for cash from Oct. 1st to
Jan. 1st, 1898., We need this
time to collect un our accounts
so we will be prepared to ac
commodate our friends and cus
tomers on time ajgain next year,
We remain,
Very truly yours,
D. M. Almand & Sous.
Take this paper and keep pos