Newspaper Page Text
Subscribe for the Weekly.
Mrs. A. F. Stausell and Mrs. 0.
n Hudson spent several days in
Jonesboro with relatives this week.
Representative R. H. Cannon lost
-! hale of cotton by fire at his home
j„ Sheffield the other day. your dress woods of Chas. B.
Hudson and you will certainly look
p you haven’t registered for hook tin
municipal election do so. The
can be found at Plunket’s store.
Our line of Clothing will attract
your attention and you will buy of m
when you come to examine.
Chas. B. Hudson.
Ladies can find a handsome line ot
cloaks at Hudson’s.
Chas. B.
Mr Jas. McClelland is no longei
with the Blue Front. He has
gone to Henry county to accept v.
school. Wc wish him well.
Mr. James Stewart, of Alabama,
was the guest of 3Ir- Jno. 11 . Me-.
Clung t his week.
Miss Genie Armistead, of Atlanta
visited relatives here last Suiulay.
Within the past few hours it seem.*
that a general desire has sprung up
among several of our citizens to bt
mayor of the city. Matters may be¬
come a little complicated before the
election takes place.
Don’t forget to call on Gm
Harper at Duke’s when you wish
a nice Oyster Stew. He can bt
found there every Saturday night.
Notice D, M. Almand & Son.*
new advertisement in this issue. the people bear in in.nd -that
M. H. Plunket’s ' will be head¬
quarters during the holidays.
Special reduction in clothing
f). M. Alnnuul & Sons.
Henry Clotfelter is no\v assisting
Mrs. Melton in the post office.
Fresh oat meal at 10/" per pack¬
age at M. H. Flimket's.
\lr, W. It. Still and family spciil
: sl Sunday with relatives at Hays-
li’vou want a can to put your
lard in call on M. li. Blankets.
Mr. Henry Cook has moved Ids
i: mily to Atlanta.
I Mad Bee McDonald has about
ic. i irered from his recent illness.
Miss Minnie Turner has returned
iivm a pleasant visit to Atlanta.
i l.e firm of Tilley &.Quigg will dis
m Ive on January the 1st. Mr. Quigg
h - disposed of his interest in tin
business to Mr. P. G. Tucker and will
lin n the same over to him on tin
date above mentioned.
I)r. Grier Dunn is now with tin
Almand Hardware Co. We under¬
stand that some important changes
will occur in this firm about January
the first.
George Christian is with the Blue
Front. He has many friends and he
invites them all to call on him.
Walter Wood has bought J. J.
Langford’s residence on Rosser street.
The house is now occupied by \\ . A.
Miss Kannie Norton, of Lithonia,
was the guest of relatives here this
Miss Mildred Posey lias accepted
n pi sition in one of Lithonia’s schools
mill left this week to assume the du¬
ties of the place.
Mr. Thomas Bryans, one of tin
cleverest drummers on the road, was
in mi. city Monday.—Hampton Her¬
Tin sweet potatoe crop is said to lie
immense and the potatoes are very
Within the.past Aveek or two nine
new hieyles have been purchased by
as many individuals in our city.
Next summer Avill reveal a great in¬
crease in wheel riders in Gonyers.
Rockdale farmers will raise peas e
inmgli ibis year to supply several
count :< s tile size of this. The fields
an- literally filled with peas.
A delegation of neiiroes re
presented Gonyers at tlie circus in
Cm it ;• >ii last .'aturday.
Hide: Jno. F. Almand united Mr.
Ad Dm | sey and Miss Alice Gooper
in ir.ii. at the home of the bride s
parenls. in DeKalb county. last
Tliuisd; y evening. Mr. Dempsey
'me of < ,q most worthy and prosper
ous yot.i g men and the bride is one
'if DeK; Ill’s most excellent daugh
lets. I hi: Weekly extends hearty
con^r: iubqions.
WANTED:- r >0 bushels of
W il! pay I hr hi^hr.-t mnrkrt prior in
cash for them. Call at Wkkkly I
Buell Stack.
Nice assortment of fancy can
lies at M. H. Plunket’s. !
leveloped No other eases flip post of scarlet week fever and linvi (lit |
jeople r are encouraged * to think that 1
lie last of it has Jieen experineed.
Mr. T.. 1*. Scott's second new resi
lence will he finished in a day or so.
They add much to tile appearance oi
i. Railroad st.
Mr. and Mrs. Winburn
spent several days in Newton coun¬
ty with relatives this week.
Miss Denie Powell, of DeKall
touuty, visited relatives in put
‘ity this week.
Mr. Geo. W. Halcoinb has gone
to Hall county where lie will be¬
gin teaching school about the first
of December. We wish him
As we go to press we learn from
he Atlanta Journal that the DeKall question has been settler
u favor of Decatur, The county site
,vill remain it that place,
The infant of Mr, and Mrs, Jud Ros¬
ser is. we are sorry to learn, critically
Mrs. W. F. Hardin has returned
.tome after a visit to her sistei
Mrs. Z. ,T. Cowan of Worth, Ga.
.vho has been very sick but is now
.mproving. While away she al¬
so visited her daughter, Mrs. de¬
slurry, of Ash burn. She is
lighted with that section of tin
Mr. W. F.^Hardin brought tv
our office yesterday evening just
is we were going to press a variety sweet
potato of the vineless
that is a complete curiosity. L
is curled and twisted until it it
quite difficult to determine where
.heend hides itself.
The child of Mr. and Mrs._J. B.
Johnson died at the home ot Mrs.
Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
it. C. Goode, in this county, yes¬
terday evening. -The burial will
occur at Ebenezer to-dav at 3 o -
Try that fine New Orleans syr¬
up at M. H. ^Junket's.
YV tivk responsible, gentlemen established or ladies to house trav
■1 for
in Georgia. Monthly |6o.tX> am.
,‘xpieiises. Position ste.wiy. Refer
puny, Dei>t. It. Chicago, Ill.
On Nov. 13th, 1897, 1 had a deposit
ticket amounting to $650.00, stolen
a’oin me at Coving-ton, signed by 1).
Al. Almand & Sons, and dated Nov.
»th, 1597. All parties are hereby no*
lifted not to buy or trade for same.
<». \V. IVEY.
On Nov. 17th, between my homt
near Almon and Macedonia church,
in DeKulh county, a lady’s gob
watch with the initials “E. T.” en¬
graved upon. Will pay $5dollars foi
its return.
J. W. F. Pakks.
On account of the death of our
.Mr. Joseph H. Almand, we will
sell only for cash on and after
Nov. 15th till January 1st. All
who owe us will please come at
once and settle. Save costs and
expences and oblige
J. IT. Almand & Ce.
r I T liaHk^giviiig.
We the undersigned agree to
close our store on "Thanksgiving
day,” Thursday Nov. 25th, 1897.
D. M. Almand & Sons.
J. J. Langford,
R. W. Tucker,
J.P. Tilley.
N.T. Street..
N. B. Lackey,
Almand Hardware Co.
Johnson & Goode,
Wood & Hollingsworth,
W. W. T. Stewart,
W. L. Adair.
M. H. Phuiket.
John C. Stephenson.
C. G. Turner,
i John H. Almand Bank.
McDonald & Havgood,
, Emma Riley.
. J. H. Almand & Co.
J. W. Jones.
E. S. Everitt.
Cotton 5 >40 !
__ ___
"Rl v
1V - Vnill y VtlX 1 TTT W 11 iU ”|_ j
glass from!
to, Xil 6 Ij alley t Unig \
FOP. SALK:—l have for salt
six tine voting mules that 1 will
sell for cash or on time. See miy
tf. L. Al.MANl).
’J'he memlters of Rockdale Baptist
church have concluded hot to attempt
to litiild a new house of worship just
now. 11 is not thought best for tin
church to incur the expense at this
Wc have a large stock of shoes anc.
we are selling them at very short
Chas. B. Hudson.
Mrs. Glass, of DeKall) county,
died at the home of Mrs. .Jno.
Parks, near Almon last Tuesday.
The interment occural at Mace
lonia church in DcKalb county
last Wednesday.
WANTED:—To buy beef catth
and milch cows; also shouts.
Will pay the highest cash price
for same. Be sure and see me be
fore selling either.
8. L. Almand.
Ue\ . Dr. Warren Gaudier, of Kino
y college, preached to a large church con¬
gregation at the Methodist
acre last Sunday. After the sennoi
i collection was taken to relieve till of the church am
ioinctning over three hundred dol¬
lars Was secured.
Rev. H. J. Adams will preach
the last sermon under his present
ippointinent at the. Methodist
church next Sunday. He lias
made a most acceptable pastoi
md our ]>eople’. irrespective ot
denomination, have learned to lovt
nun. It is imped that he may b<
retu nii.'d here.
Gonyers lias not been overrun wit!
marriages the past year and if then
s a prospect tor the. usual quota o.
mese events to occur in our town ii.
.Iie.nextfew months it is not appa¬
rent to a casual observer. Y\ e ooiiT
propose to place the Maine.
As will be seen elsewhere in this
issue. nearly all the business men
if the eitv will close their door:
Tliuraduv «...! tb.
lav in accordance with the Gov
'rnor’s jn'oelamatioh.
ThethaiiKS of rela tives and friend:
if Miss Kzzie Winlmrn, who diet,
last Saturday, are returned to tin
people of Conyers and eoinmuidty
,, ho so generously contributed to de¬
fray the expellees incurred by tin
md event. - The noble people win
iided in phis instance will ever bi
gratefully remembered and their re¬
ward is fixed by a great and goot.
1 sell fresh groceries.
1 charge lowest market prices.
I fill all orders very carefully.
1 deliver all orders promptly,
f would have you try me.
M. II. Plunkel .
The circus at Covington last Sat¬
urday is said to have been very good.
I’he usual quota of pick-pockets wen
on hand and several unsuspecting
tanners were relei ved of their money,
i’he circus may also be said to bt
responsible for two deaths, both ne
>ro men. One was shot in this couu
. a tew miles up the railroad, ant.
the other was killed in Newtoi.
ounty. That Covington liquor musi
oe very bad.
All me Weekly force joined Mr.
jno. < . Growford iu ft bird hunt Tues¬
day morning, He has, probably tli*
icst trained (login the county aim
iie found the birds.
Mrs. Jone.s, of Florida, nee Miss
Willie Overbuy, is on a visit to Mrs.
McKnight, in the city.
The death of Miss Ezzie Win-1
. . county, last . . Saturday . , morn
tins The'interment
occurred at
tlie Almand luirving ground Sun
day, Elder Jno. F. Almand con
ducted the $urvieL‘s. Miss Win
hum had been sick of consump¬
tion for some time and she was
very weak for four months prior
to her death. Slie realized that
the end was near and expressed
herself as willing and prepared to
go. which was a great consolation
to her. The Weekly extends
rvmpathy to the berer.ved.
J. 1\ Tillkv, A M. McFlva.vkv.
nio'inXwoIiS® we^^tu'iT; J.ition.
promptly ami without Hi i n>
insure ail kinds of city or town prop
ertr, country Dwellings, Barns, Stock,
tenant houses etc., at the very lowest
rates. We will also take care of your
Valuable papers arid
suEinee Policies lira Jofiri
H„ AEmamdTs Vaults
of ciharge.
,,, H e i-ohott .. your patronage.
Civic Society.
Philologia ^ Lodge. No. 178, F.
& A. M.,
E. II. Al.MANl), W. M.
0. E. Reagan, Sec!,
Meets first and third
day nights in each month.
All parties indebted to me will
please come forward and settle bv
ir before December 15. Owing to
aiy father’s death. 1 will be com¬
pelled to settle up my business
and 1 want to do so with as little
trouble as possibh*.
Miss Emma Riley.
Ladies, Attention.
My stock of new fall millin¬
ery is now ready. It consists
of all the latest styles and is in
every way complete and will
give perfect satisfaction to my
customers • With this an*
nouceraent I cordially invite ail
to visit my store in rear of post
jftice and examine my stock.
Most respectfully.
Miss Emma Riley.
Wg fee- __ is 03
ever j
Dig down to the causa of ypur sick¬
ness, if you want to get well and stay
veil, Most likely it’s indigestion,
i.’he irritating poisons of fermenting,
outrid food, left in the stomach by iL
Hgestion. cause headache, stoniaeii-aehe, neuralgia,
letvousness, ilizzlness,
unison, irrifiabilty, and all the other
veil-known symtonis of i.:.digestion.
They also cause many pains and dis
inters which are often laid io other
-arise* and hence are nut easily cured,
iJut as soon as the poisons are removed,
ill these symtonis and disorder disap¬
pear, because there is nothing left to
•anse them. Nothing succeeds in tills
ike Shaker Digestive Cordial, because
it prevents the undigested food from
:eruienting in the stomach and helps
she stomach to dj ~ — twice 10
Sold by diugg c e , U s to
|l,ud per bottle.
C^-iSSXr-OlSH.X.ZA.. .
Is ca
The Atlanta Constitution's
fifth missing word contest is
now on and the sentence reads
as follows: “A study of the
jrigin of ‘ ’ now in this
country will impress one with
the largeness of the number
that have been intioauced from
Europe. 1 1 $1:25 will secure a
guess at this missing word and
gets this paper and The Week¬
ly Constitution for one year.
Give us your name.
futt’s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
constitution undermined by
. . ,
travagance in eating,
garding the laws pf nature,
physical capital all gone, if so,
Tutt’s Liver pills win cure you.
liver, constipation,
and all kindred diseases.
Tutt’s Liver
<m absolute cure.
Exchange bought and sold. Collect ic ns made on all parts cf the
country. Accommodations ex tended consistent with sound banking
WflSll „„„ liiot , ib>€? „ !n] °€lS , lSri«l?f* . CSffCUSTI*
OvSTCuirfflftS . 0 'W 05 3 Jiy
Cilice hours from 8 a. v . till -1r. M.lill furtlu-r notice.
> -•*>- t . - T, -■ -t- f
X*-' * V - ■ v "-W P .
-•> ^"N. V . 0 a
> f% >• A
mm 4/ w
> % S.
J ~r ry-l
f I rf CONI bS i X i
'A Tiis Atlanta Constitution Olicrs
Q BBDEBa (Ok 4- f >
A V— A A
| Ot the Subscriptions |
4) <7^ gC Received from those properly entering miss. the >r ^2
Contest to ncsni;; the
ing word its ihf- fMJo'ving sentence: A.
^ | “Ones given the passion for . that 5 t
4 1 one oi the precious metals will be most
f Jj in demand which is cheapest.” - --- ‘J
$ And, in Addition V
Cash bo* extra
/t for ^ or the ^ 1C First Correct Correct Guess Guesses, $10 as follows: $50 ^ w
v/ and Each for the
Next Five, in their order, provided the same are re
# 2 Ti ^ ceived \i in our office r :_V_1 on or before December 1st. t
si r n HE By PERIOD This Contest COV1:REIV''"*‘ shows about os ®k®» 16,000 expirations x
A for The Weekly t.onstituti n, anj, of course, we want
rt them all to renew and to enter the Contest. w
8 FHIS MEANS $1,600 If
t)’ For the Missing Word, Fund, and every additional sub- O ‘
O scriber entering the contest will swell the amount the more. 9
/| ^4 This period also compares with our First Missing Word & A
Contest last year, in which Mn m, |., Brittain secured the
L prize—? 1,033.50. As that was our First Contest, there A
were m we than 5,00) sub eribers received during the time, €f W
who did rot enter for prize. It will not be so this time, tor
4% the plan is widelv advertised and we have paid out within %% &
die past twelve month NlvAKLY $5,000 CASH JL
upon the Five Missing Word Contests. The series lias
%{ K been the of public’s extraordinary favor. interest, and the idea seems to grow J
The hook containing the senteiu e is a stand;?rd jtidflication and
hits I>c*G 11 s 1 il'-d Hj) and placed will? Mr. \\ . \. I Ienipliill, I’rcsitlcnt
^ ::;’.d f’usiiu-s.-. MoiiajH*!'of 'I he < 'onstitution, who v, ill hold it safely
utdil January i, iS.>S.
Ihe son tenet* speaks for itself and submits a very plain proposi¬
tion for you to soh X
If | The Contest Began Ends November I, 1897.
The Contest January. I, 1898.
This contest lasts two months and the amount to he divided will
probably bo in there the neighborhood be dozen, of there 52,ooo. I he lu re may he one cor
¥ rec.t answer, may a may more, but remeift
her it costs nothing l»> supply a word, and you may get it correctly.
W hether you do or not, you get
‘A Tim Grea test ot fill American
t I Weekly Newspapers lor due Year. 5 $
« Keep That in View and Send Your Guess With Your
ttzsmiw 1 "- Dollar for a Year’s Subscri ption <0.
£f\ Ten pci* rent ol lln; <«ii<*wtM*r** il' S»ibiHrri|»lion<i riftliou . I-iiihI in tin* INinrl
id In* dividi’il. In olher woriU. il»i-i 5u!»•.<• iinioiiiifs s
j,, sjiMHUi lor flu* Iwii an it ii l liK. Ilm I’iihiI In «o l» llic niicipnnIii!
fciiosMri- tv oiihl Im* ^’i.000. Fnilowimc nrc (lit* r«»n«lif Ioiik «f coulrsl:
\V I) l»ItOI»OSi: TO IM T *0 Ci:\T of Hi«* amount we rei-he for
KiihwrlfitioiiH. •» I if*, fin tv.-* parly■ Hiih.-Bwibiin: niters Ur Mi -im.; Wonl dim*
(cut, Into R f und for distribution ntuonv; IIuw who o.tne- corr, / tly the missing
v. r 1. For instance: If only one* eonttstant gets tint word riglit, lie or sin*. K:
-a ns the ctifie inav tie. will liiive all tlic nn»ti‘ .v. If iimrt: hum one strike
JF tho sum witl b<* efjuaHy divided, each rorrect answer receiving iU proiiortion- 6
K ate share of tlie fund.
CP «uI)M(!r?p(ioii Mmsinir Word is that each iind ovitv mipss juusl b«- H'*c«iDi!)ani'*d h\ n yonr'M K
to TIIK WFI-JKhV CONST tTVTlo>:. the mu*Uiv.x>i it in
A' tiiouh ntical envelope* that lujogs tlu* money lint uav.*. lor (In* kii) ueription; 8
forgetting it, or loitvinsr it out by aceidont or otlierwi^’, or not knowing of
tlie giH ss nt the time .s ou Htihscriia’d. or any oilier r<-asor» will not '-ntitl r * one
cwry to at n shire send all. one it Fdiould of j?uf*8» will the gel a fund ufterwurdn. }>arty n tir*l for Henti « prize. :ieli move The correct l'ejBond guess timn trm-ss one mu may s t g come i> at; gut-■ns * Uu’re. he with n.i v.r will Uu many L* ?»• sui v.-tli no Neriptlon limes Lc entitled as prize— »>r they not to i t
« tend subscriptions.
f 6 THKWfEWBKfak count of theHiiiiHcriptions received NOV. Of with ith giitrsi n \l e In caii h nod then on to JJCccn k<*< '•)» nber aci’u 1 s' t rate wc will nt'
w publish Iiow much is to the crcdi t * - tiio «i a • KC b rs gm sing, and during
^ December we will publish eucT week im.v the li l ml has grown. will
W THK C'ONTFST <1,051 S .IAN. I 5T At -whico ico timo Bin''we wc Will pay out to the
^ siieccsHful party or parlies the 1.:Ii \.. w.e amount Dial has accrued in tiiccontc *f.
V ],; AlnUiiitr Your Answer Vo:i h- ! e.oi v. rite th** Mcntcnef* out in full. Just
simply the Missing Wont for January 1st is “............... ’
The iihovc is the jh’ji i ot The < oitHtftiili<> i f'ontcM, vvliirb oil
$ cijibMCriher-H »o llial papafanil oui-s, *ul»»ci*il»iii?s under llic cltibhine
Olli i* ainiouitcri! cInc: mt*5 riiit r. Adilrc -.t « r iers; to
Conyers, Ga. y
To examine our stock of Toilet
Articles, Brushes, Combs, Soaps,
before buying. We can save
oum 0 ne y*