Newspaper Page Text
j h. wins.
Entered at the postofiice at Conyers
second-class mail matter.
SATnthAV, Nov. 27, 1897.
Locals 5 cents per line for first inser
Ion • 2b>. ceiu. for each subsequent inch for in
•i rtion. Regular wiv. ,00c. per
,iist insertion. 25c for each subsequent
.fi»er cion.
One year, In advance........ .........f 1 -01
tfix montlift, in auvance ... 50i
Take this paper.
'X'he Mayoralty.
Since our last issue speculation
as to who the next mayor will hi
has been rite and the question )*
still a mooted one. Two ticketi
lie ve been offered with M. H.
Plunket and M. H. Melton, r«‘s
pcctivelv, heading them. Othei
gentlemen have been im-ntionee
for mayor ns follows: I). N. Him
eon, A. J. Pierce, C. M- Tayloi
C. E. Reagan, H. V. Hardwick
W. V. Alma ml, Jim. R. Maddox
»nd others.
A call for a mass meeting tit
th‘-courthouse next Monday nigh,
for the purpose ot nominating t
ticket, lias been published, Tim
meeting, it is expected, will be
largely attended. There are thost
vrho are opposed to the mass meet¬
ing and favor turning all candi¬
dates loose and let thorn run i
“rough and tumble race, hut it
seems that a majority prefer a
regular nomination.
As the matter now stands it Jt
very chaotic and the mass meet
jng will be required to take tin
kinks out of the problem, Then
j* no way of summing up (he sen
line nt of, the voters villi ai
surety as they are awaiting fn.
thw developments.
The mass meeting Monday nigi
will disclose the situation tui».
and will most likely be a live),
affair—they usually are.
The Weekly has no interest
the race further than the natm.
desire that a. good, capable, prr
gressivc man be honored wit ii 1 1
position, and it believes tin* p,
pie can be depended upon to
lect sucli a man for the first pin.,
and give him a cabinet tluit wit
stand by him and push our tout
t<« the front next year..
The Weekly desires to imprest
upon the minds oi its readers tit.
fact that much importance is at¬
tached to this election mid that i,
should be realized in advance.
To be mayor of Conyers is to b,
charged with heavy responsibility.
The advancement or growth of i
city or town depends largely upon
the city officials and t herd ore tin
]y*ople should place in those post
turns only men of known ability.
progresHtvenesH, men broad oi
iniml and liberal ot purpose; met.
who v ill make their administra¬
tion for the public good, exclud¬
ing all narrowness or littleness.
Such an administration would
la* oppluded.
'Mr. Editor-.—We believe tlier,
is no man in our town who conn*,
t enrer possessing all the qunlifica
tiens for a good mayor ot our pro
stressive little city than Col. J. It.
jruin. He i- a lawyer of tim
ability ; i» well versed in govern
Bicnttil affairs; lias plenty oi
taekbone and a world of energy
»ud above all has 1)m interest,
welfare aud progrseiveuvsb mod of on.
town at heart. \\> a strong
firm man, broad and conservativt
one who will not >hirk a duty am
v ill sec that others will not slurs
Such a man i- Hob Irwin am
our people should elect him.
Some of the students of Con¬
yers school are preparing for tin
teachers' examination Saturday
Lawrenceville had a distroc
live fire last week and the pn,
pie are now thinking of orgaiz
iug a fire company.
Fresh Buck wheat and Fine Xev
OrleaiM syrup goes mighty well
tho*e nmrmngs. Try ii. it. ITuclxt.
Ruyal makes th« food pure,
ty bole some and delicloas.
rova : BAr ino ps'wsrn co., rtfY venx.
When you coni*- to town next
( ] on q neglect the Wkhki,y.
If you are due us subscription
come in and pay it. We need all
that is due us and wo ask that
you remember the item you are
due and hand it to us next week.
Tax collector, K. }' • Cook, request
if« to announce that it is not true tin;,
che tax books will tie open until Feb.
*0th, ’*(8. He hsrs instructions to the
•ffeet that there is no law nutlioriz
ng the books to lie held open any
■ucli length of time, and that they
ire to tie closed on December 20th.
ile hopes that all the people will
tear this in mind and save themselves
Very interesting times are had
it the school on Friday after¬
Ail kinds of fresh fancy gro¬
ceries a t
M. H. Plnnket’s.
Our motto is quick sales short
rofits, fresh goods and quick de
M. 11. Plunket.
Mrs. H. V. McCord entertained
. party of friends on Thanksgiv¬
ing day.
Mr. Frank Ayers says he will
ton he ready to move to his new
.uue in t lie country.
Confectioneries in great qualiti¬
es at
M. H. Plunket’s
Odserved the Day.
Thanksgiving was very generally
.served In ( oiiyers. The business
.uses, with a very tew exceptions,
re closed and (lie people rested
uu tlu-ir labors and felt thankful
v life and the good mat goes to
tiu- it, They were thankful fertile
n.pond blessings that surround
•i-m daily and for the hope they
ave of the ultimate possession of a
.pine eternal with the full real)sta¬
ir, of heavenly blessings,
our people are good people and are
•ver thankful,
hot Mi!
You can save money toy spending
!M& SihtS
re Ready
for the holiday trade • * t «
Our store is filled with handsome,
serviceable goods and we are anx
ous to have you come in and look
of CmthhigwhenthiTbitin^weather
reminds you that you must have a
new suit and an ouercoat.
Siiddetl Death.
The aniiouiHJCJimnf <>f the death
of Mr. 8. M. Still early last- Sat¬
urday morning Mis a great sur¬
prise to the people of the town.
Only the day before he had been
upon the affect* as was usual with
bin), and no thought of J>is early
dissolution existed, Hut, as
in confirmation of the
j Book, tluit wo kfiow not the day.
| 'uncle Sunt’ wits taken without
'a moments warning.
He was complaining slightly on
Saturday morning upon arising,
but bis family gave it no serious
thought, as it was not unusual.
Within tile moment he was dead.
‘Uncle Sinn’ Was a good man-.
He was kind and gentle to every
one, and to his immediate family
he was profoundly devoted.
His wats a brave but harmless
life and he would serve his fellow
man at a sacrifice to himself.
He was a ImiVe confederate sol¬
dier and his focord in the war is
fresh in the minds of his comrades
and will live oil.
The people who knew best here
speak only words of praise con¬
cerning him and they mourn his
death with the sorrowing family.
The remains were interred in
Eastview cemetery last Sunday.
The Weekly extends sympathy
to the bereaved family.
. ____.__A...
Scott Thornton is dead. After
jt is too late to cheer his weary
soul, the Atlanta papers are toss¬
ing boqutks at him. If they ever
gave him An encouraging word in
life the public is ignorant of it.
New Barbershop.
A new shop, conducted by
Mr. Joseph White, assisted by
Mr. Pol9ton, an accomplished
white barber, is located in the
old barbSr shop room in the
[fanner office,
The very best work and
proper attention guaranteed all
customers. s ■
Give the new shop a trial.
Fits JVavt tT.m. Jmmnl Stmiirtnit
trot. W. H. reek*. v,-ho
tnake» a specialty of
Epilepsy, has without
doubtitreated and cur
living! ct'l more canes than any
Physician; is astonishing. his
success hd^ve
We heard
PiirpfiP ot toi years’ standing
Uil tils
tin of his send atyolute their cure, P. O. free Express to any sufferers address.
who may and
We advise anv one wishing a cure to address
?rof.W. JL TtlKE. Ft D.» 4 C«UrSt., Few Tor*
L*al^ gpTwTB
1 mb
if -'A. -
m Ik. ;anai
jg g
y i?
m s
Fifty Years Ago.
This is the stamp that the letter hore
Which carried the story far and -.vide,
Of certain cure for the loathsome'sore
That bubbled up from the tainted tfde
Of the Mood below. And ’twas Ayer’sname
And his sarsaparilla, that all now, know.
That was just beginning its fight of fame
With its cures of 50 years ago.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
is the original sarsaparilla. It
has behind it a record for cures
unequalled by any blood puri¬
fying compound. It is the only
sarsaparilla honored by a
medal at the World’s Pair of
1893. Others imitate the
remedy; they can’t imitate the
50 Years of Cures.
Get vour Christrmas goods at
M. H. Phmket’s ,
Mr. J, 0. McKnight was in
Lawrenceville this week taking
in the horse swoppers conven¬
tion and exhibiting Brow nzil.
-^Successor to R. B. BROOKS,^
When desire! 1 finish photos in Ar
is’xo, Platino, Skciatonb or Carbon
effect. This leads in all cities and is
absolutely permanent. My work does
not fade or turn yellow.
Picture frames made to (*rdcr,
gj^Lite size portraits at half price.
See M. H. Plunket for crocK*
Cures absolutely, and to stay
cured, Rheumatism, Scrofula,
Syphilis, Old Sores, Eczema,
Catarrh, Constipation, and all
other diseases caused by impure
blood. .
is made entirely of Herbs, is
perfectly haimless, and yet, is
the most powerful and surest
remedy ever discovered for the
above named diseases.
'Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 18, 1807.
Apricana Co., 63 1 -2T\ Broad St.
Gentlemen: Two months ago I had
a severe attack of rheumatism in my
oot and knee. By advice of a friend,
(tried “AFRICANA,” and felt relief bottlen ii
three days. I have taken one
The swelling has disappeared, and l atn
almost well. Judging “AFRICANA” from my own
experience, I believe
all you claim for it as a cure for rheu¬
matism. Very truly, J. T. Harper.
Mr. Harper was born in Oov
iugton, Ga.
,-A_ ■ V.
jp fht> • i- \ • i ; c ;
% ♦-r>
-VS; t “ ‘ *
« » » f » ft
• « 14* • »
■*-r *
-*-C " » - ♦— w- y- »
A car load oi
chairs coming in.
Elegant Rockers.
See us.
Georoia, Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern:—H. P.
Bryans, administrator of T. II. Bryan 3
sr , dcseaged, bas in due form applied
to me for letters of dismission, This
is, therefore, to notify all parties con¬
cerned that I will pass upon said ap¬
plication on the first Monday in De¬
cember, next. Given under hand and
official signature, this August 30th,
adv’g $6 A. M. Helms, Ord .
Georgia, Kockdale county.
To whom it may concernS, F.
Bohanan. administrator of Jesse T.
Weaver, deceased, lias in due form
applied to me fi r letters of dismission,
This is, therefore, to notity all persons
concerned that Iwill pass upon said
application on the first Monday in
February, 1898. Given under my hand
and official signature, this Nov. 1 1897.
adv’g 86 A. AI. Hblms, Ord.
Agreeably to an order from the
Court of Ordinary of Kockdale county,
will be sold at public outcry, at the
court house door in Conyers on the
first Tuesday iu December, during the
legal sale hours, the following proper¬
ty, to-wit: Forty acres of land more
or less, lying in the 4th district of o
riginally Walton, now Rockdale coun¬
ty, adjoining lands of R. H. Cannon,
X. J . Millerand, w. A* Cannon. Sold
as the property of VVm.U, Cooper, de¬
ceased, for the purpose of paying debts
and distribution. Terms cash*
adv’g $3 R. H. Cannon, Admr.
Georgia, Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern:—E. H.
Almand and J. At. Almand have in
due form applied to the undersigned
for permanent letters of administra¬
tion on the estate of 1). M. Almand,
late of saiu county, deceased, and J
will pass Monday upon said December, application on
the first in next.
Given under my hand and official
signature, this ,\ov. A. 8, Helms, 1897:
AI. Ord.
Geokota, Rockdale County 7 . !
To whom it may concern :—Mrs. YV.
O. White has in due form applied to
t he undersigned for letters oi admin¬
istration on the estate of W. R. White,
late of said county, deceased, and 1
will pass upon saiu application on the
first Mommy in December, next.
Given under my hand and official
signature, this jNov. 10, 1897.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Agreeably to an order of the court of
Ordinary of Newton county, will Le
sold at the court house door in Conyers
Rockdale county, on the first Tuesday
iu December, 1897, within the legal
hours of sa;e. One hundred a res ol
land in—district of Kockdale, bouued
north by 8am Hudson’s old place, west
by J. D. iScott, South by B. G« Turner
east by J. B. Graham ; also house and
two acres oi luuel, bounded north by J.
A. Barker, west by Hudson place,
i-outh by A, L. Veal and east by A. L.
Veal. Sold as the properly of J • A. B.
A J. A. Stewart, fate of Newton coun
iy, deceased. Terms cisli. Nov. 1, 1897.
J, K, Stewart, admr,
adv’g |3.90 CarrieJ. Stewart, admtr’x
Sneriff Sales.
vv in tie sum before the court house
uoor, iu the city ot conyers, Rockdale
Cuuuty, li>„ within the legal hours oi
oaie, on the iirst Tuesday in Deeembei
next, the imlowing property to-wit:—
A four-six hs remainder undivided
miciest in mid to six hunmed and six¬
ty-seven ai.esof land, more or less, in
tue 16 th di trietof original.y Henry,
men New mu, now Rockuaie countj,
Ga., being .he remainder interests oi
the deleiiuauts, Ali-ses Kiltie Can,
faunie Gan, Kva Carr and 1. iVatl
Carr, alter tae life estate ot Mrs. Mmy
r,. Uarr ter minates, tue ranas deserme
:u trust (it - made Aug. 29th, 1873, t>j
ii. F. Carr ■ j Joun X. Henderson, trub
tcu ror Mu Mary L. Carr during ner
m iurar uu to such children as she
may iiuvu ..vrug, and recorded iu boou
oi deeds a on pages 276 and 277, clerk
superior court ollice, Kockdale county,
Ga., Nov, 4itu, ls7a, which record oi
saiu deed , - eferred to for a full dc
o. the levy and advertise
men t ul Sale,
Levied on as the property of Misses
kiitie Oarr, Fauuie Garr, Eva Carr
auu 1. Watt Garr, to satisfy two fifas
issued irorn Kcckdale Superior court,
iu iavor or the Neal Loan and riaukmg
Company vs. Airs. Mary E. Carr and
Tenants in possession notified of this
levy, this Nov. 2ud, 1867.
Also at the same time and place will
be sold one undivided two-thirds inter¬
est in 50 acres of land, more or less, be¬
ing in the south side of lot of land No.
three hundred and twenty-six in the
4th district of originally W.alton, now
Kockdale county, and bounded as fol¬
lows: On the West by lauds of Lee
Graham, on the South by lands of J, L.
ikCaffi:, c» tbe tail toy l&alL e£ 'i, £
Sigman and others and on the \
by lands claimed by 0
Brazil Bradford
Levied on as the property of \v
Nickols ‘favor u
to satisfy a ti f a ; n of
C. McCall a vs. W. D. N;,;ko! 8
W ' IL 1 ’ Au9tin Sheriff.
T1 Tins • Xov. V v >
2nd 1897.
TBe other undivided th 3 rd interest
m said land will be off ered for 6a]
the same time and place. J. ‘
Atty, for X. 0
Owners of same.
Also at tiio same time ana place
hundred and fjft 3 ’-live one
ess, in the 11th acres, more or
• district of originally
Henry, now Kockilai c county, <; a be
ing parr of lots 210 ari1 ^ -A. the ., same
i being ■ ... hfty-hve . in
acres south east cor
ner of lot no. 211 , and one hundred and*
menu " ve [!° mg 5) at aeres the oU south °( l»t no. 2m, conn
east corner of lot
n0 .‘ c ^ ence running north
° 11 . 11 ’ d line 10 tbe branch on the
SaK: " ot lu ,iC0 the branch heading in
’ '' up to the
bead thereof, thence a tlirc-ct line
the south-east to
corner of said lot, thence
west on the original line to the
meaning con
corner, and bounded as to'
lows: North by James Fleming and
I-homas Pyles, East by Mrs. Fannie
Hollingsworth and U. VV. Waikcr
SouthbyG. W. Walker and B est by
lands of the Arch Stewart estate.
Levied on as the property of jo un u
lay lor, to satisiy hve Justice court
luasm favor ot John H. Alrnand and
one Superior court Ilia in favor of John
II. Almand.
Tenants in possession notilied, this
Nov, 2nd, 1897.
I'. 11. M. A?istin, Sheriff.
H. H- MCbGNAL & iON,
All work guaranteed to please.
Office up stairs over J. ii. Al
uiand & (Jo’s, store.
Conyers, Ga.
The registration book is now
open at M. Ii. Plunket,s store
for the registering of names of
voters of the city of Conyers in
the election for Mayor and al¬
derman to be held on the 1st;
Saturday iu December next,
1897 •
M. H. Plunket. City clerk.
T have opened an office iu the
building formerly occupied by
Dr. J. J. Seamans, and solicit a
share of the patronage of the
R. A, Jones, Dentist.
Livery, Feed and Sale Sta¬
When you want to buy or sell
a horse or mule, lure a buggy
or horse or both, or have your
stock housed and cared for, call
on J. N, HALE, iu front of
Pierce’s old stables.
The tax books will lie open after
Sept. 20th, and 1 will be at the foG
lowing places for the puipose of col¬
lecting state nod county tax for the
year 1897, as follows:
Lorraine district—Sept. 20,
Oct 11, Nfov. 5.
Money Creek—Sep 1 24, Oct. 15,
Nov. 8.
Sheffield—Sept 27, Oct. 17, Nov
12 .
At U A. Tuck i ft si ure balance
‘-f the time.
John H. Aluianu « authorized to
act as my a-eut, si 4 am unable to
take charge of the books at that
E. F. C ok, T. C.
Notice, car¬
We take this method of in¬
forming our customers and the
public generally that we will
sell for cash from Oct. 1st to
Jan. 1st, 1898. We need this
time to collect un our accounts
so we will he prepared to ac¬
commodate our friends and cus¬
tomers on time again next year.
We remain,
Very truly yours,
D. M. Almand &■ Sous.
Taka this paper aad keep po§