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Subscribe for the Weekly.
friend Davis Crossley, of Atlanta,
ras here on business last Wednes
If you would feel really thank¬
ful Lnt treat yourself to saving one of our el
suits at a to your
torse. M. Almand & Sons.
| Lin We publish an Glenn interesting in this letter is
Miss Layona
iVe closed our store on Tlninks
giving day and one reason was be
cause of our thankfillness for the
liberal patronage accorded us in
the past. D. M. Almand & Sons.
Mr. Chas. Rogers has moved into
, 1 ,,, dwelling he recently purchased
mi upp or Decatur street.
Read our big advertisement
and bear in mind that we are sell¬
ing at unusually close figures these
days. D. M. Almand & Sons.
The woods were full of hunters last
Thursday and it was little time tin
nirds had for feeding.
We are paving the highest pri
ces ; for eggs, hides and peas.
These articles don’t blend very
well in print but we want them
nil the same.
D. M. Almand & Sons.
Rev. Dr. Ragsdale preached his
farewell sermon to a good congrega¬
tion at the Baptist church last Sun¬
day night. He served the church
fiithfully and it M as with regret that
ho was given up.
We are the only house in Con¬
yers who handle the genuine Please Far¬ bear
mer’s Friend plow.
fins in mind.
D. M. Almand A Sons.
IT. Y*. McCord, one of AtlantaV
lending business men, M as here Iasi
m i ek on business.—Lawrenceville
Hi .•aid.
I will pay tiie market price in cash
for your green and dry hides.
t J. Walker Almand.
Mr. M. H. Allen is entertaining «
.'ting photographer at his home.
Everything necessary for
ma Icing cakes may be found at
Miss Cannon, of Covington,
ivas the guest of Mrs. 0* B.
Hudson Sunday.
Wo have a handsome overcoat
for you.
Chas. B. Hudson.
m.s. J. R. Langford and daughters
feme down Sunday and spent the
liny with relatives.
See our clothing before you
Chas. B, Hudsen.
li's- Lula .Guinn, of Milledgeville,
jii nt last iSfinday with her parents
Her. John S. Tilley (our John) will
prca/lt at the Methodist church Sun¬
il :y morning at 11 o’clock. The pas¬
tor is absent at Athens.
Ladies must have capes and
re carrj a stock that they may
select from*
Chas. B, Hudson.
Tlie Kpworth League M ill meet at
1 o'clock Sunday night, at the Meth
wlist church. Music by the Sunday
mIiooI orchestra. Speeches and rec¬
itations will he the order of the hour.
Every hody welcome .]*
Dou’fc buy shoes until you ex¬
amine our stock. We have any
thing you want.
Chas. B* Hudson.
Mi• John Martin and Miss
Ethel Mooney were united in
maniage Wilts at the home of the
parrents, near Oak Glove
Li {Sunday, The Weekly
wishes them liappineBS and
Fiuce your mind on our stock
uf clothing when you contem¬
plate buying a new suit.
Chas. B. Hudson.
nev. J. F. Wallis has accept
^ taptisl a call church, to serve the alton Sharou
in W coun year. He will preach
te in st sermon on Saturday
klore the 2nd Sunday in Jan.
Our dress goods will please
Mir fastideous taste. Come
l ,n( l see them.
Chas: B. Hudson.
3Ir. K. M. Warren lias bought
s i'ort it in of the Cowan land near
^■J. E. Whitaker's. Mr. Warren
t:l l mo\ his family to our .town
-Liy 4sj*.
- Col. J. N. Halt; has bought 20
acres of land from Mr. Vaughn.
It joins the old fair ground field.
Mr. Ruben Still, of Hack Branch,
tin., was here this week.
Are you going to buy a new suit?
Then don’t part with your cash ;
tefore you look through our stock I
of 'clothing.
The Blue Front.
His many friends will be glad to
rreet Walter Bellnli who is now at
dome. His health is much improv
We have a very handsome line
of capes and our prices are re¬
markably low.
The Blue Front.
Miss Florence Austen visited in
Lithonia last week.
We are not bragging on our
clothing when we say we have the
best line in Conyers.
The Blue Front.
Mr, J, F, Wallis leaves to-day foi
xronticello whither lie goes to put up
i residence for Dr, Jones,
Just any kind of shoe don’t suit
just anybody. We can fit youi
foot and save you some money.
The Blue Front.
Friend Will McKnight came home
from Alabama sick this week. We
aope he may get well soon.
Come and look through our line
of Dress Goods. We are satisfied
that our stock is the most hand¬
some in tlie city.
The Blue Front.
Mr. L. H. Still and family cam*
down Sunday morning from Atlanta
in response to a telegram announc¬
ing tlie death of his father. They re¬
turned to their home Monday even¬
If youf shoe gives you satisfac¬
tion you have tlie worth of youi
money. Our’swili satisfy you.
The Blue Front.
Prof. J. T. Pate has movedhisfam
dy to Congers, and he will teach
there this year. Many friends in
■ Waium will wish Prof. Pate and lib
family every happiness.—Walton
Friend Joe Baker has returnee
from a trip into Alabama. He say;
ae is not sure that lie saw any sec¬
tion of country that beat Itockdalt
county. He is likely to remain i.
•itizeti here and we hope lie may.
Mr. F. K. Neely, of hartley, Texas.
,ias been visiting relatives in this
anility since tlie 7th of the present
month. He left for his home last
Thursday, accompanied by his broth¬
er, T. A. Neely, These young men
are sons of Mr. J. S. Neely and will
do well in Texas.
Mrs.jTucKer and daughter and
Miss Laura Sammons, of Newt¬
on county, and* Miss Berta Sam¬
mons of Walton county, were
guests of Mrs. Henry Tucxei
this weeK.
FOR SALE:—I have fur sale
six fine young mules that I will
s dl for cash or on time. See me,
S. L. Almand.
WANTED:—To buy beef catth
and inilch cows; also shouts.
Will pay the highest cash price
for same. Be sure and see me be¬
fore selling cither.
S. L. Almand.
YV tivr responsible, gentlemen established or ladies to house trav¬
el for and
in Georgia. Mo.ithly $B5.00 Refer
expenses. Position steady.
cnee. FlncP se self-addressed stamp¬
ed envelope. The Dominion Com¬
pany, Dept. R. Chicago, HI.
On Nov. 13th, 1K97, I had a deposit
ticket' amounting to $650.00, stolen
from me at Covington, signed by D.
M. Almand & Sons, and dated Nov.
9th, 1897. All parties are hereby no
lifted not to buy or r same,
On Nov. I7th, between my home
near Almon and Macedonia church, gold j
in DeKalb county, a lady’s :
watch with the initials “FI. T.” en
graved upon. Will pay$5dollars for
its return.
J. W. F. Parks.
On account of the death of our
Mr. Joseph H. Almand, we will
sell only f'jr cash oil and after
Nov. 15th till January 1st.
who owe us will please come at
once and settle. Save costs and
expences and oblig"
J. S. i; Co.
Cotton 5>4c
Buy your win¬
dow glass from
rrvu me /"'i*1 Vjrauey urug _
Rev Dr. Quigg was in Atlanta last
Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Quigg
was appointed to assist in tbe instal¬
lation of Rev. Julian S. Sibley in the
Wallace Presbyterian church. The
Commission was composed of Rev.
Dr. Pierce, of the Central church, Dr.
Barnett, of the First church and Dr.
There will be a concert at Al-
1 tnand’s hall, given under the au¬
spices of the ladies of the Christian
church, on Friday night, Dec. 11 rd
at 7:80 o,clock. Let everybody go
out and help encourage the young
people who take part in it.
The Annual Conference met at
Athens on Wednesday. A great
gathering of the North Georgia Meth
Klists. Appointments for the Con¬
yers church and all the other elnir
•hes in North Georgia will be made
there. Bishop Galloway, of Missis¬
sippi, is presiding. Revs. H. J. Adams
R. A. Kakes and Mack Flakes, and
H. Y. McCord have gone and R. W,
Tucker and L. J. Almand expect to
go to-day.
The sisters of Mr. A. J. Stnnsell,
who reside in Alabama, were lierp
last Tlnirsdav.
Maws 3roetinj»*.
The Citizens of the city are re
£ ties ted to meet at the courthouse
Monday night. Nov. 29th, at 7 p.
m., to nominate a ticket for may¬
or and city council.
Everybody is interested and ev¬
ery one should come out.
The little infant of Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Stowers, of this county,
died last Monday night and was
buried in East view cemetery last
Tuesday evening, The Weekly
extends sympathy to the bereaved
New Railroad for Walton
The News lias received a legal
id vert isement giving notice of the
application for a charter for the
Augusta and Atlanta Railway, to
run between Augusta and Atlanta
md through the counties of Rich¬
mond, McDulfie, Wilks, Ogle¬
thorpe, Clark, Oconee, Walton,
Gwinnette, DeKalb and Fulton.
No intimation is given as to the
points it will pass in going through
this county.—Walton News.
Pleasant Party.
On last Wednesday evening a nuin
>er of tlie young men gave a banquet
at the hotel, complimentary to their
tuiiy frit.iuie, which proved to he one
of the mosi pleasant parties that has
oeen had m Conyers-recently. The
nails aw! parlors were handsomely
aecorateii and brilliantly lighted.
At i) o'clock, the guests having ar¬
rived, couples were made and all
moved to the dining room where was
.outid a scene to gratify tlie sight
and elevate tlie hopes of every one,
t’here were six tables placed about
ihe room, bordered by covers bright
with tlie sparkle of glass and silver,
and on whose /-enters were massiv e
pyramids of fruit and flowers, Pla¬
ces were quickly taken and the din¬
ner. served in courses, was enjoyed
at such leisure as can he compared
with only its own completeness,
The party finally* turned to the par¬
lors to talk and sing as suited the
fancy, and words in praise of those
who planned and assisted the aifair
were heard on all hands, The ladies
„f tlie hotel, particularly, had the
thanks oi tlie party for contributing
so largely to its success,
Those present were: Mrs, Willie
o, Jones and Mrs. Mamie Shaver;
Misses Matfit Elder, liutb Almand.
Lilia Norman, Mamie Fllder, Ida
Norman, »iary Stansell, Lillian Me
Cnlla, Alice Martin, Florence Austin,
Annie Green, Girtrude Smith, FJinma
Reagan, Mollie Richards. Nellie Gal¬
ley. Kate W haley, Ola Christian;
Messrs, Nowell, Helms, Mike Hud
son, A, m, Helms, Turner, Smith,
Langford, Gleaton, Jim woDoiiekl,
Austen, Walter Adair, Norman,
Charles Gailey. Otis Adair. Siun
iners. Rob Gailey, Dan Hudson and
J. P. Tiilky, A. M. McEi.vaN’ey.
We represent, tlie Strongest Compa¬
nies in the World. We pay all lows
promptly insure ail and kinds without of city litigation. We
or town prop*
erty, country Dwellings, Barns, Stock,
tenant houses etc., at the very lowest
rates. We will also take care of yottf
Valuable papers and
suarace Policses in JohUi
M. Almamd’s Vaults free
of charge.
We solicit your patronage.
Civic Society.
Dhilologia Lodge. No. 178, F,
E. H. Almand, W. M.
C. E. Reagan, Sec.,
Meets first and third Mon¬
day nights in each month.
, Notice.
All parties indebted to me will
please come forward and settle by
or before 1 December 15. Owillg to
my father's death, 1 will la* com¬
pelled to settle up my business
and 1 want to do so with as little
trouble as possible.
Miss Emma Riley.
Ladies, Attention.
My stock of new fall iuiliiu*
ery is now ready. It consists
of all the latest styles and is in
every way complete and will
give perfect satisfaction to lny
customers* With this ail*
uoucement I cordially invite all
to visit my store in rear of post-*
office and examine my stock.
Most respectfully.
Miss Emma Riley.
Tit he- li ik
Dig down to the cause of your sick*
ness, if you xvant to get well and stay
weR, Most likely it’s indigestion,
The irritating poisons of fermenting,
putrid food, left in the stomach by in¬
digestion. cause dizziness, headache, neuralgia,
nervousness, stotuach-aelifl,
nausea, irrltiabilty, and all the other
well-known symtonis of indigestion.
They also cause many pains and dis
orders which are often laid to Other
causes and hence are not easily cured.
But as soon as the poisons are removed,
til these symtonis and disorder disap¬
pear, because there is nothing left to
cause them. Nothing succeeds in this
like Shaker Digestive Cordial, because
it prevents tlie undigested food from
fermenting in tlie stomach and helps
tlie stomuch to diists, price lu v
Sold by drugg ents to
41.00 per bottle.
?hi hi- !l It
liailt •r or
llfutari •1 non.
The Atlanta Constitution's
fifth missing word contest is
now on and the sentence reads
as follows: “A study of the
origin of •-’ now in this
country will impress one with
the largeness of the number
that have been introduced from
Europe. ” $1.25 will secure a
guess at this missing word and
gets this paper and The Week¬
ly Constitution for one ’ year.
Give us your name.
Putt’s Pills
Cure Ail
Liver Ills.
constitution undermined Ly ex*
travagance in eating, by disre¬
garding the laws pf nature; or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Tutt s Liver Pills wiii cure you.
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Tutt s Liver Pills
an absolute cure*
Exchange bought and sold. Colleoticns made on all parts of the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will not lb© honored trader any circum*
Officehours from 8 a. m. till t j\ m till further notice.
j ^ CONT E5T ^j X
-C2—.One Tenth-—^
Of the Subscriptions
Jl Received from those entering the Ik
Contest to name properly the miss¬
, ing word in the fallowing sentence:
J "0iiG6 one oi given the precious Me nation metals tor will ________that he most
I in demand which is cheapest.”
And, in Addition *
^$100 Cash Extra
For the first Six Correct Guesses, as follows: $50
for the First Correct Guess and $10 Each for the
Next Five, in their order, provided the same are re
ceived in our office on or before December 1st.
< *
T <
By This Contest shows about 16,000 expirations
for The Weekly Constitution, and, of course, we want
them all to renew and to enter the Contest.
For tne Missing Word Fund, and every additional sub¬
scriber entering tbe contest will swell flic amount the more.
This period also compares with our First Missing Word
> Contest last year, in which Ml M. L. Brittain secured the
l prize— $1,033.50. As that was our First Contest, there
were more than 5,C0 ) subscribers received during tlie time,
who did not enter for prize. It will not be so this time, for
8 tbe plan is widely advertised and we have paid out within
the past twelve month; NEARLY $5,000 CASH
1 upon the Five Missing Word Contests. Tlie series has
been of extraordinary interest, and (lie idea seems to grow
1 in the public’s favor.
The book containing the sentence is a standard publication and
' has been sealed up and placed with Mr. \V. A. Hemphill, President
and'Business Manager of The Constitution, who will hold it safely
until January l, 1S9S.
i The sentence speaks for itself and submits a very plain proposi¬
tion for you to solve.
The Contest Began November 1.1897.
The Contest Ends January 1.1898.
This contest lasts two months and Ihe amount to he divided will
probably be in the neighborhood #2,000. There may be one cor¬
rect answer, there may be a dozen, there may be more, but remem¬
ber it costs nothing to supply a word, and you may get it correctly.
Whether you do or not, you get
me Greatest oi All American
Weekly Newspapers lor One Year.
Keep That in View ami Send Your Guess With Vour
Dollar for a Year’s Subscription
Ten per rrni of ifi« Sul»*rri|»ii#w* form to the Vnod
(• hr divided. In other wurds. if thlw Hiiharrlpilon F»i nd amenntn
to 9*20,000 For Mir inn month*, the Fund lo «« (• the »n rernsfal
ctien»er would be 9*2,000. Follow in« ore the ronditlooo or ronleat:
HE PROPOSE TO PI T 10 PER I KNT of the amount we recite for
n'lhocrlptlonB. wherein »h‘* t>arly HubMcribfnR eiitrrji Ihe Mining Word Con¬
test, Into a fund for distribution among those who nemo rorrertlv t he minning
word. For instance: If only one contestant get* 1he word right. ho or ■ he,
the cose rnav tie. will have nil tlie money. If more than one strike it,
the sum will be equally divided, each correct answer receiving its projiortfon
ute share of tlie fund.
h Miming Word i* that each and evrry must t»o a<*curnp»nf*d by n year s
f subscription to'I HE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION; tlie giiesr must be rent in
the iiU-nlical rnvclopo that bring* th* money that pays tor the subscription*
5 f forgetting it, or leaving It out by accident or other otherwise, or will t\ot knowing *r
the guess at the tim* you subscribed, or any reason not entitle one
% f to send a cuobs afterwards. The must come with the s’lLacription or not
at all. Should a party nond more than on* gu^nf, there he or will he will capital be entitled to
% f a share of the fund for each correet guesa sent; no time prize—
every one will get a first prize. Persons may guess as many • aa they
4 wad subscriptions. 7
f 4 THE CONTEST subscriptions BEHAN received NOV. IST-We with began and then to December keep aemrate 1st will ae
count of the guesses, aohscribers on we
r publish how much is to the credit of the guessing, and during
December we will publish each week how the fund has grown. i
THE CONTEST CLOSES JAN. 1ST At which lime we will payout to the
• suceetsful party or partiea the full prize amount that ha a acerued in tbecontest.
In Waking Ynnr Answer You need not write the sentence out m full* Just I
state aimpljthe Missing Word for January 1 si is ",...........”
< TH* .hot* 1. Hi* 1*1** "I Th* f’ t'Mlnl, whirl* all
.■b.rrlb.r* I* that .operand aura, •ab.rriblac under th* rlnhbin*
•Ifar ooaaunrrd el.etrbara, mor emttr. Aiirtnt ardera la
Conyers, Ga.
To examine our stock of Toilet
Articles, Brushes, Combs, Soaps,
etc., before buying. We can save
you money.