Newspaper Page Text
Entered nr. ,he |>ofet«*ili«*c at (,nnyer« h*
second-elass mail matter.
Satckuav, Dec. I, l^*'*
j,Ocai« r> c S per line t< r lir.-t inner
tion • 2' «i)f8 fo:' cnee 8 ’boequeiit inch in
:ion.” K<?>rui. rft'Jv. 5Uc. i*er 1« !
llrsr.i-u.ii- Cic lor cacti Mibaequen'
in- rtion.
One in advance...... ...|i o
Bix ieciiUih, • in advance .....o(<
Take this paper.
Christn as is only 21 daysaludui.
Augusta "h municipal election is
said to have disgraced the city.
It is now Mayor Walsh, ot An
gusta, and he’ll make n good one.
The present legislature is about
to go down in history. Let’ery-».
• Tin* congressional race in the
district promises to la very warm.
it is said (Hurt Atlanta is as full
of small pox as a ‘•yaller dog is ol
fleas” in the summer time.
Hon. Chas. J. Unman is said t<
be shaping his campaign with an
eye single to the utter undoing ol
his arch enemy, Livingston.
Old Indy Nobles may yet escapi
the gallows. The legislature is
inclined to come to her rebel In
enacting a law exempting women
from capital punishment. Hit
Governor is said to favor I lie
The people now have a hop.
that the electioii of Judges an,.
Solicitors will lie turned into then
hand by this legislature. r l lit
Senate has already passed the bill
and the House is expected to do so.
This is good news to all the poopl<
and wilt . ■ reei tved witn ,lau ae
J Ion. B. M. Blackburn, of At¬
lanta, the bidliant editor of tin
L vetting ( uitneroial, has tut
nounc ■; Inn is if a candidate lor
Cony -from this district. Vi r.
Bile*., hi .i nas been prominentE
identified with tin* politics ol tin
Sun :oi a number of years am.
is adn rd for hia iam . -ss, ieur
lesstics. amiability, it is under¬
stood tin- tie will ' to meet lit
opponents . n the husi ings.
“ hiry ind a little lamb; that
tinn lias passed away. No hintl
could follow uptlie pace our Mar\
s *ts fo-tiay. Foi now sherides the
airshod wheel, skirts too short In
half) no lamkin shares her any
ilight, but you can see her calf.
But who ts there that can com¬
plain or cry in woe "nlns!** S<
long as Mary's calf's all right, tin
lamb may go to grass. So nil 1 lu¬
men, delighted, gnz>' their joy is
not a sham; for white the other
critter’s out, they have no use foi
fluss Meeting.
Tiie mass meeting ill the court
house last Monday night, for it
purpose of nominating a ticket
mayor and councilman was l;ap ,
intended mid was one of tire mu
k.i mourn w anti pleasant uad hen
a long time*
Hr. J. A. tew art was made vita.,
man with V. . A. A go and J. ...
Wallis Sv- u-i'ies.
l'lie chatruron u.-.-knvl the meeting
ready tor business, i\l. ,i.
Jrwm w -,s ■t HUKU-d
No other VI-HI- VlT" liindt
tool upoi- . i.ii}v-u:- vole ot r:..
l;n - h in -o- dev.-H.--.) tiienonune;-.
Alt.-rs i ■ < .y ; iUot; ._ the fol¬
lowing' ..... . we e nominate
ftir councilmen:
I.. It. Siigflian, J. f'. Stephenson
C. K. Hailey, D, N. li c.ison, J. A.
Hale, and L. J. Almand. Itii ! ... \v, t'|i;-kl*>
to V. t*. c-i 5 -
>. * VCS ‘ • 1 ld,t| (i 1 - ;
liussioat*. s.
The election oeetn-s lu-e:;;.
The ticket nominated is a good one
and the people generally seem to he
Splendidly ph set! with it.
Royal makes the lood pure*
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
E *<‘i*SOIUi I.
\Vh< n i on com' 1 to town next
Week (lot I nogleei the \\ J53KI.V.
If you are due us subscription
come in and pay it. \Y<- need all
that is due us and we ask that
you remember tie ipmi vou are
In.- and hand it to its next week.
The following is the ticket
for majoY and councilmen . as
it will be voted to-day .
J. 11. IRWIN.
i School Ot mmissionlus:
If. V. Altnand, li. W. Tinker
iNovclty in Advertising.
Summers’ Big Busy Store lias
an ingenious scheme for adver¬
tising. iu one i his large win¬
dows pumpkin is displayed
and w th every purchase tin
ustother is allowed to regiutei
uu estimate as to the number
of seed in liio pumpkin, 'iue
u a rest correct guesser will re¬
ceive a handsome ladies’ gold
This wiii draw many custom¬
ers to his handsome store and
cue opening of Urn pumpkin will
oo awaited with interest.
dtKoe.ui v. Rockdale County.
'! > wliontil may concern:—Mrs. \\
■ V. ;i!e nas in aim mnn applied to
Lie ,indorse.ecu ; t sr miters of admin¬
istration on the ■ state ot V> . It. White,
ate oi said *->-iui.. , (ii-ivascii, and I
lies •yill I i>;e-s iMoimay in ,, sail.piicafioit on tin
Given ui J.eceinlior, next.
lintier my hand and official
signature, mis ,\.>v. jo, 1897.
.a. M. 11, On!.
I have op hi >t ;>)' ot'tice in the
ouiiauig formerly occupied by
i »r. J. J. .Seamans, and solicit a
hare of the patronage of the
li. A, Jones, Dentist.
We take this method of m
brmitig our customers and the
p itilic generally that we .vilt
-ell tor cash fioiu Oct. 1st. to
Jan. 1st, lbtlS. We need this
•itno to co’ieci up <>ur aecouu s
> we will he pre})at'ed to ac
onnnodate ur friends and cus
rs oo itnu* again next .oar.
A 7 e rent itu,
N' *ry truly yours,
D. ,\i. AEii.tud A Sol-;.
A s.
Mi '1 n gu.nanteert . to pi- as
. 1 'rti J.
Up Stairs vet* II. Al
mind A < 's. s,. ).
0.NYERS, . . • #
i A
m i
Fifty Years Ago.
No theory of germs to chill
Affection’s budding blisses;
When ardent lovers tcok their fill,
No microbes on their kisses.
How happy they were not to kuovr
The germ-fad—so years ago.
Ayer’s Cherry PectoraJ
is the standard family remedy
of the world for colds, coughs
and lung diseases. It is not a
palliative, and is not therefore
put up in small cheap bottles.
It is put up in large bottles
for the household. They cost
more but cure more.
Fads come and go but no
theory or fad can overthrow
the fact, that the greatest cure
for all colds, coughs and throat
and lung diseases, is Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral.
SO Years Gf Cures.
It is your own fault if you miss
those bargains at Summers’.
Friend Chas. McDonald, of Li
thonia, was here yesterday even¬
Mr. ThoS. E. Brodnax, of Ath¬
ens, is here.
Rev. H. J. Adams decided, to
take a little rest and went front
the conference at Athens to Flor
ida. He hopes that his health
n)ay be benefitted by this trip.
(let in your Christinas add next
The most highly sensational
sale of tine shoes since Adam and
Eve went barefoot, at Summers’.
John H. Altnand guard hilt of Nancy
Hornsey, of said county, will apply to
John ri. Candler, Judge of Superior
court, of Rockdale county, in Atlanta
<fa., in his office in Temple court, on
the (*vh day of January, 1898, for an
order i,: sell one-half undivided in¬
terest in store house and lot and a
vacant lot on North side of right ol
way of the Georgia railroad, on Com¬
merce street, Rochdale count; J 1 for
the reason tL it said store house anti
lot does not rent for as much, and
will not pay the - i Nancy Demsey
as great an im-cur. as aiy ive Invent
would in farming-lands, and is not as
safe an inves incut its farming lands.
Bale is for purpose of investing- in
tarni lands. This Dee. 2, 1897.
Jno. it. Almand, Gu«r. '.n.
—- ISuccessc s to R. 3. BROOKED -
When desired i finish photos in An
isto, Platini-. Bkpiatonr or Carbon
effect. This leads in all cities and is
absolutely permanent. My worn does
not fade or turn yellow.
£tEyPict:ure frames made to order.
ftOrLife sine portraits at half price.
.See M. li. Plunket for urocK
Cures absolutely, and to stay
cured, Rheumatism, Scrofula,
Syphilis, Old -Sores, Eczema,
Catarrh, Ot ustipation, and all
other diseases caused By impure
is made entirelv of Herbs, is
peitVcfcly hattuh-ss^ and yet, is
I tie most t ca ■ - ful and surest
remedy ever discovered for the
a'a e named diseases.
Ai .no. (tc, Feb. 18, 1897.
Apkic.ixa Co., ftu 1-2 s. Broad St.
Gtiutlemen : Two months ago I bad
a ee'-ere attack of rheumatism In uiy
oot and knee. B v advice of a friend,
(tried *’A Fit! v V N Ay’ .u.| lelt. relief il
three days, i Live taken one bottien
Tim swelii’-g I s , ^appeared, and I am
ahno)<■ well, from mv own
I n ‘leVe ‘‘AFRICANA”
all you claim : n- it as a cure for rheu¬
matism. Very truly, J. T. Harper.
Mr. Harper was born in Cov-
1 ington, Ga.
Georiwa, Rockdale County.
To whom it may concernH. P.
Brvans, admimistrator of T. II. Bryan )
sr , deseased, has in due form applied
to me for letters of dismission, This
is, therefor?, to notify all parties con¬
cerned that I will pass upon said ap¬
plication on the first Monday in De¬
cember, next. Given under hand and
official signature, this August 80th,
adv’g $0 A. M. Helms, Ord
Georgia, Rockdale county.
To whom it may concernS. F.
Bohanan. administrator of Jesse T.
Weaver, deceased, lias in due form
applied to me for letters of dismission,
This is, therefore, to notify all persons
concerned that Iwill pass upon said
application ou the first Monday in
February, 1898. Given under my hand
and official signature, this Nov. 1 1897.
adv’g $6 A. M. Helms, Ord.
Agreeably to an order from the
Court of Ordinary of Rockdale county,
will be sold at public outcry, at the
courthouse door in Conyers on the
first Tuesdaj in December, during the
legal sale hours, the following proper
tv, to-wit: Forty acres of land more
or less, lying in the 4ta district of o
riginally Walton, now Rockdale coun¬
ty, adjoining lands of R. II. Cannon,
i’. J . Millerand, w. A* Cannon. Sold
as the property of Win. II. Cooper, de¬
ceased, for the purpose of paying debts
and distribution. Terms cash*
adv’g $8 R. H. Cannon, Admr.
Id eorgia, Rockdale County.
To whom it- may concernE. H.
Altnand and J. M. Alinami have in
due form applied to the undersigned
for permanent letters of administra¬
tion on the estate of D. M. Almand,
late of said county, deceased, and I
will pass upon said application on
the first Monday in December, next.
Given under my hand and official
signature, this Nov. 8, 1897.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Agreeably to an order of the court oi
Ordinary of Newton /county*, will be
sold at the court house door in Conyers
Uoekdale county, on the'lirst Tuesday
in December, 1897, within the legal
iiours of sale. One hundred a.'res ol
land in—district of Rockdale, bouned
north by Sam Hudson’s oid place, west
by J. D. Scott, South by P. G. Turner
east by J. B. Graham ; also house and
tv. o acres oi l-lid, bounded north by J
A. Parker, west by Hudson place,
south by A, L. Veal and east by A. L.
Veal. Sold as the property of J • A. B.
jfc J. A. Stewart, late of Newton coun
t.y, deceased. Terms cash. Nov. 1,1897.
J. !v. Stewart, admr,
adv'g -fJ 90 Carrie J. Stewart, admtr’x
Sheriff Sales.
Will be sold before the court house
door, in tha city of Conyers, Rockdale
county, Ga,, within the legal hours ol
sale, on the first Tuesdajt iu Dechmbei
next, the following property to-wit:—
A four-sixths remainder undivide,
interest in and to six hundred and six¬
ty-seven acres of laud, more or less, in
tiie Kith district of original.j Henry,
then Newton, now Rockdale county,
Ga., being the remainder interests ol
clie defendants, Misses ICittie Carr,
Fannie Carr, Eva Carr and I. Wati
Carr, after tiie life estate of Mrs. Mar)
E. Carr terminates, the Jands described
in trust deed made Aug. 29tb, 1873, b)
li. F. Carr to John T. Henderson, trus¬
tee for Mrs. Mary E. larr during bei
natural life and to such children as sht
may have living, amt recoided in book
of deeds A on pages 278 and 277, clerk
Superior court office, Rockdale county,
Ga., Nov. 27th, 1873, which record oi
said deed is referred to for a full de¬
scription of the levy and advertise¬
ment of sale,
Levied on as the property of Missv.
Kittie Carr, Fannie Carr, Eva Can
and I. Watt Carr, to satisfy two tila.
issued from Rockdale Superior court,
in favor of the Neal Loan and Banking
Company vs, Mrs. Mary E. Carr am.
Tenants in possession notified of this
levy, this Nov. 2nd, ' 1. ”7
ISttT. - ' -
Also at the same time and place will
be sold ono undivided two-thirds inter¬
est- in 50 acres of land, more or less, be¬
ing in the south side of hit of land No
three Hundred and twenty-six in tin
1th district of originally Walton, now
Rockdale county, and bounded as fol¬
lows: Outlie (Vest by lands of Lei
Graham, on the South by lands of J. I.
McCalta, ou tiie East by lands of G, P
Sigman and others and on the North
by lands claimed by Brazil Bradford.
Levied on as the property of W. D.
Nickels to satisfy a ii fa ! n favor of A.
C. UeCalla vs. W. D. Nickols.
W. H. M, Austin, Sheriff.
This Nov. 2nd 1897. '
The other undivided third interest
in said land will he offered for sales
the same time and place. J. N. Glenn,
Atty. for Owners of same.
Also at the same time and place one
hundred and fifty-five acres, more or
less, in the 11th district of origiraiiy
Henry, cow Rockdale county, Ga., be¬
ing part of lots 210 and 211, the same
being fifty-five acres in south east cor¬
ner of lot no. 211, and one hundred and
five (105; acres off of lot no. 210, com
raencing at the soutli east corner of lot
no. 210, ’hence running north on the
original tine to th# branch heading in
said lot, thence up the branch to the
head ti reof, thence a direct Hue to
the south-east corner of said lot, thence
west on the original line to the com
meneing corner, and bounded ns fo!—
lows: North by James Fleming and
Thonta Pyles, East by Mrs. Fannie
Hollingsworth and G. W. Walker,
South Ik G. W. Walker and West by
lands of the Arch Stewart estate.
Levied on as the property of John II. i
Taylor, to satisfy five Justice court i
flfas in i,ivor of John II. Almand and
one Superior court tifa in favor of John
H. Almand.
Tenants in possession notified, this
Nov. 2nd, 1897.
W. H. M. Austin, Sheriff.
Tlis Atlanta Constitution oners
^-^One Tenth
Of the Subscriptions
Received 3* E those entering the "fe
3 S <T
ing word in tbi fallowing 3
“Once ==51
I given tiie passion lor
one ot tiie precious metals will Pe most
in demand which is cheapest/* .'.
• •
And, in Addition
^-$100 Cash Extra
For the first Six Correct Guesses, as follows; $50
for the First Correct Guess and $10 Each for the
Next Five, in their order, provided the same are re¬
ceived in our office on or before December 1st.
By This Contest shows about 16,000 expirations
for The Weekly Constitution, an.i, of course,-tve want
them all to renew and to enter the Contest.
For t'ne Missing Word Find, and every additional sub
scriber entering the contest will swell the amount the more.
This period also compares with our First Missing Word
Contest last year, in which Mr. M. L. Brittain secured the
prize—$1,033-50. As that was our First Contest, there
were more than 5,CO0sub cribers received during the time,
who did not enter for prize. It will not be so this time, for
the plan is widely advertised and we have paid out within
the past twelvemonth, NEARLY $5,000 CASH
upon the Five Missing Word Contests. The series has
been of extraordinary interest, and the idea to v
seems grow
in the public’s favor.
has The book containing the sentence is a standard publication and
been sealed up and placed with Mr. W. A. Hemphill, President
and Business Manager of 'The Constitution, who will liOld it safely
until January I, 1S9S.
The sentence speaks for itself and submits a very plain proposi
tion for you to solve.
The Contes! Began November 1,1897 •
The Contest Ends January U898.
This contest lasts two months and the amount to be divided will
probably be in the neighborhood of 52,000. There may be one cor
rect answer, there may be a dozen, there may be more, but remem¬
ber it costs nothing to supply a word, and you may get it correctly.
Whether you do or not, you get
THe Greatest ol All American
WeeKlu Newspapers lor One Year.
5’ M o
*5 -1 C c
WE 8ulweriptlonf». PROPOSE wheretn TO PUT the 10 party PER Bubscribmg CENT enUrs of the the jmognt Mys t we s
test, into fund lor distribution among those who name^corr ct t mUHine mes ng ^
a B^ts {J®
word. For instance: If only one contestant itf more th.*n one r jke it'
ns the c:»e may be, will have all the money, receivin its . po ,
the sum will be equally divided, each correct answer 0 1
ate share of the fund.
the guess «t the time you subscribed, or any other ntion P^" or not
to send a guess afterwards. The guess must come with th^suLsc itlpd IO
at all. Should a party send more than one **
share of the fund for each correct guess sent; there will be n , *F t I
a guess as many times as iney
every one will get a first prize. Persons may
send subscriptions. ttien toaccor. __
THE subscriptions received ith guesses andU > / ■ 1 si we will
count of the n gu ng, an nd during
publish how much is to the credit ol the fund has „ro -
December we will publish each week how the .
successful party or parties the full prize amount that iias accrue,, in tu
In Mnkin. Ynnr An„v«r You need not write the sentence out .n-.ull, just
state simply the Missing Word for January lsfcis .............. 0 -
is the plan of The Constitution Contest, which nil
The abore subscribing the clubbing
subscribers to that paper and ours, nn er
offer announced elseivhere> may enter. Address cJficrs to
Conyers, Ga.
not \
The tax hooks will lie
Segt. 20th, and I will open
lowing be at tb
r .l"ee, for the purpose ot
U '_? fc ate cni, nty tax
T eai _ follows: f 0]
a s
Lorraine Jistrict—-Sept.
Oct/11, Nov. 5 -' /
Srj c '“ l s ^ a. OC.
Sheffield —Sept.! 27, Oct. 17, M
12 .
At li W. Tucker' store bala
■ 7
of the time. P'
act f° as hu mv H ’ a'lent if ^ t authorial*
, . , ' 7 ' 1-'hi unable*
tate char o® of the books-t
time, tl
r The books will
close Dec. 20*
F. Cook, T. C, 1