Newspaper Page Text
Subscribe for the Weekly.
Dr. R. A. Jones has been in
Montecell for several days.
Miss Juanita Cook, of Oxford, is
on a visit to roalitives here.
Mr. VV. 1>. Harper, of Atlanta, state
agent of the Aetna Life Insurance
Oo., was here yesterday on Business.
I)r. Lee Scott is A ery sick at the
home of Ms brother, Mr. Jno. D.
Scott ;near town.
Miss Mattie Elder will resume lies
school at the Galley Academy, neat
Pine Log bridge, next Monday morn¬
In the Commercial Hotel Conyers
now furnishes better accommodation
to the traveling public than for many
years past.
Some of the young men are think¬
ing of getting up a domino party a:
the Commercial during Christinas.
Your attention is called to the adv¬
ertisement of Mr. Alien I>. Summers
in this issue. He is receiving nev
goods daily and you will he charmer
to look through his stock.
We can hear the apprehensive
gobble-gobble of the Christmas
turkey in (he yards of some of oui
neighbors. It really makes us feel
sad. (2)
The party at the home of Miss
Minnie Turner last Wednesday
night was greatly enjoyed by those
Arthur Langford expects to
give one of his “magical enter¬
tainments at Almand Hall Christ¬
mas week.
We understand, from intimation
from some of the boy’s that
Christmas is likely to be very gay
in. Conyers. '
Mr. B. F. Rowan lias moved lie
family from Cora to Litlionia when
lie is conducting a blacksmith
shop. He was here a short while
last Thursday.
We' have had some gloomy weathei
for the past few days but we much
prefer it to the dust and heat of sum¬
We call your attention to the ad¬
vertisement of The Gailey Drug Co.
in this issue.
Miss Frankie Norman spent las
Sunday with friends in Norwood.
THE PEOPLE are notified t hat
tiny can get anything they want
in the way of moats at the mar
low of Mr. A. B. Osborne.
Read the half page add of Tur¬
in r Bros, in this issue. They
In. vo an elegant stock of furniture,
Conyers is fortunate in that all
In C citizens arc ioval to her.
V. ben the citizenship pull togathei
lhe town is sure to advance.
Next Tuesday will he sale day.
ii you come to town please call
i ml settle vour subscription ac¬
A GOOD TIME—is what om
vaiciies keep. We have a largi
assortment of all kinds at all pri¬
ces. Summers’ Big Cash House.
A casual observer on the street
comers of Conyers, would be com.
pelle i to acknowledge that we have
one of the busiest towns in the
Dr. W. I). Travis and Miss Bo
mar. of Covington, were married
last week. Dr. Travis has many
friends here who will extend him
their best wishes.
President McKinley’s cabinet
cibji cis to war with Spain. Sum¬
mers makes war on prices.
All . R. B. Brooks, of Gainsville
was here Thursday and yestoday,
selling apples. His many friends
were .lad to see him again and
were pleased to hear him remark
that Conyers seemed more, like
home than any place in the world.
It is easy for the other fellow t<
see how it might have been done,
but Summers did it with his deal¬
ing s, le.
’l l.- concert which was to have
been iven at Almand’s Hall foi
the' Pei dit of the Christian church
last : tight, was postponed until
Me.. night on account of tin
bad \ i ct her. •
China has been again visited
with y. ful floods and Summers is
<>vmv !mod with new goods.
Ev. i gelist Vaughn, of Asliville.
X. c. .'ill give a free lecture at
the mi b odist church Sunday at
3 p.m.
Cotton 5/4c
»P«?nt at home circulates
at h ° mP ' A hint to the ' vise 5 * 8l,f '
■i-v ( , 1M ,,„ i!r „ (1Mi;ll;111(l uc .
com modal ing 7 depot agent, n ’ spent 1
, last . u Sunday , m Augusta. ,
Mr. W. \’. Everitt recently fin¬
ished a handsome job of papering
in congressman Livingston's din¬
ing room.
After a pleasant visit to friends
here Mrs. Jones left Tuesday for
her home in Alabama.
Christmas is nearly here and
many people are already
ing for a jolification.
The Bine Front is the place to
trade. We a re offering holiday
bargains. :
uoo.r'si’i w!w wi ’°
time able Wme to hi, urdav"
arts home near here ' l, 8t S llt (
hi :!™r V 30 : r fWUnd ;; eed at , ;v; 110 d
Blue Ill,, Front. V
Kev. 1. G. Y\ alker will begin his
services with the Baptist church
here next Sunday. It is ho vied that
he may be able to move into our
midst at an early day.
Your hat should come from The
Blue Front. Tis the style.
Miss Callie George of Madison
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. B.
Our stock of Dress Goods ap¬
peals to the taste and judgement
of the ladies.
The Blue Front.
Miss Kelsey, « of South Lake
Weil', Fla., is on a visit to her sis¬
ter Mrs. L. K‘ Bishop, here.
Go to D. M. Almand & Sons and
buy your furniture cheap.
Mr. Barton Christian has ac¬
cepted a lucrative position in At¬
25 pairs of old stock shoes that wi
will sell way below cost. As good
as any.
D. M. Almand & Sons.
Mr. M. Richardson, brother oi
Mr. Newt Richardson, who was
recently mangled by a train ai
Greensboro had his hand badh
mashed while coupling cars at
We carry a handsome line ot
crockery and itcan be bought ven
cheap for the next HO days.
D. M. Almand & Sons.
Dr. Adams will not be here next
Sunday and Rev. R. A. Eakes wil
nil his appointment at the Meth¬
odist church at 11 o,clock. Rev.
Mack Eakes will preach at night.
All kinds of Christmas confer
tioncries can be bought at
D. M. Almand & Sons.
Mr ,N. T. Street now resides- ii
the house he recently bought oi
Judge Joseph Reagan on Academy
It is time to buy your whites
suit and we want to sell you one
just a little cheaper than you can
get it elsewhareA
D. M. Almand & Sons,
The. Blue Front shoes is away a
dead in all particulars. You gei
! your money’s worth in them.
Wise people will not grumbh
because the paper is filled with
advertisements during the holi¬
days. They have much to buy am.
if they properly investigate tlu
stock of our advertisers they can
give money.
The Blue Front offers holiday
bargains in every line from this
The Methodist congregation wen
very glad, indeed, when the)
learned that Kev. Dr. Adams hau
been returned to them, by tin
conference, for another year.
He is very highly prized by tin
•hurch and it is gratifying t<
know that he will be with us yet a
while longer.
We direct our readers to t he new
ouvertisements in this paper. Real,
them anil when you buy they will
save you money.
The people have commenced to
do their holiday trading in earnest.
Mr. N. M. Almand is making
some handsome improvements
upon his dwelling.
It is propable that winter has
now come to stay and we would re
mind those of our subscribers who
promised us wood to bring it in.
We need it now.
Dk. J. A. Stewart has plac-U «
new awning in front of his office.
M Tom McCalla ifiat home for
a while after a profitable tri].
I through Florida.
The North Georgia conference
appointed Mr. Ii. Y. McCord on
the Board of Trustees of the
Wesleyan and Christian Advocate.
See 1 he Blue Front people for
mammoth bargains in clothing.
Mr. S. A. Burks, one of Fayette¬
ville’s best citizens, was here a short
while last Tuesday.
Mrs. A. V. Albert and little daugh¬
ter of Atlatua, spent Sunday with
the former’s parents here.
Mr. Sim K. Smith, travling man
for the Van Ness Cooper Co., of New
York, was at home for a/few hours
this week for the first time in four
months. Mr. Smith is one of the
best men on the road.
The Crescent News Co., is a new
ousiness established here recently
oy Messrs. C. B. Irwin and T. J.
Mr. i f. .1. Warring, of Atlanta, was
aere this week.
1 will pay the market price in cash
for your green and dry hides.
a .1. Walker Almand.
J70R SALE :—I have for
six fine young mules that I will
sell for cash or on time. See me.
S. L. Almand.
WANTED:—To buy beef cattle
uul milch cows; also shouts.
,V r ill pay the highest cash price
tor sa me. Be sure nod see me bo
fore' selling either.
8. L. Almand.
tivk gentlemen or ladies to trav¬
el for responsible, established house
u Georgia. JMoithly $05.00 and
expenses. Position steady. Hefei -
slice. Finch se self-addressed .stamp¬
ed envelope. The Dominion Com¬
pany, Dept. B. Chicago, ill.
On Nov. loth, 1897, I had a deposit
ticket amounting to $050.00, stolen
;rotn me at Covington, signed by D.
ii. Almand &• Sons, and dated Nov.
ith, 1897. All parties are hereby no¬
tified not to buy or trade for same.
* G. W. IVEY.
On Nov. 17th, between my liomi
,iear Alinon anil Macedonia church,
tn DeKalb county, a lady’s gold
watch with the initials “FI. T.” en¬
graved upon. Will pay $5 dollars for
its return.
J. W. F. Parks.
The public is hereby notified that
we have posted our laud in Rockdale
•ounty for the purpose of prohibiting
iny tresspassing thereon. Hunter*
ire warned to keep off of the same.
G. A. Almand,
L. J. Almand.
A ol
On account of the death of our
Mr. Joseph JI. Almand, we will
s. ll only f(jr cash on and after
Am . 15th till January 1st. All
who owe us will please come at
once and settle. Save costs anil
expences and oblige
J. H. Almand & Co.
This is to give notice to all parties
that the undersigned are The only
on*‘s allowed to contract any debts of
anv nature or make any purchase for
the l uion Paper Mill Go.
Pel-soil or parties extending any
so at their own risk,
FI. H. Almand, President.
Rewis Wejlhouse, Sec. & Ires.
J. 1\ Tillky, A. M. McEi.vaney.
We represent the Strongest Compa¬
nies in the World. We }>oy all loss s
promptly and without litigation. We
insure ail kinds of city or town prop¬
erty, country Dwellings, Barns, Stock,
Valuable papers and In
»»»«<* Policies iilH Jtiin
Si. Almand’s Vaults free
of charge.
'Ve solicit your patronage.
Civic Society.
Fhilologia Lodge. No. 178, F.
& A. M.,
L. H. Almand, W. M.
0. E. Reagan, Sec.,
Meets first and third Mon
day nights in each month.
®>o( i(M‘,
All parties indebted to me will
please come forward and settle by
or before December 15. Owing
my'father’s death. I will be (‘om*
pelted to settle up my business
and T want to do so with as
trouble as possible.
Miss Emma Riley.
Ladies, Attention.
My stock of new fall milliu
ery is now ready, it consists
of all the latest styles and is in
every way complete and will
give perfect satisfaction to my
customers • With this an
noucement I cordially invite all
to visit my store in rear of post
office and examine my stock.
Most respectfully.
Miss Emma Riley.
Tic fae- *—" is
nailo 08
(lgaatart ers tf
et / srrapjlf.
Dig down to the cause of your sick¬
ness, if you want to get well anil stay
well, Most likely it’.- indigestion,
The irritating poisons of fermenting,
putrid food, left in the stomach by in¬
digestion. cause headache, neuralgia,
nervousness, dizziness, stomach-ache,
nausea, irritlabilty, and all the other
well-known synitoms of indigestion.
They also cause many pains and dis
orders winch are often laid to other
•auses and hence-are not easily cured.
But as soon as the poisons are removed,
ill these symtoins and disorder disap¬
pear, because there is nothing left to
cause them.- Nothing succeeds in this
like Shaker Digesti ve Cordial, because
it prevents the undigested food from
fermenting in th d helps
the stomach to
Sold by druggiistc, p-'n- 10 cents to
;jiU ; 0 per bottle.
S *5 o*
elp every
The Atlanta Constitution’s
fiftli missing word contest is
uow on and the sentence reads
as follows: “A study of the
origin of ‘ ’ now in this
country will impress one with
the largeness of the number
that have been intiocuced from
Europe. ” $1.25 will secure a
guess at this missing word and
gets this paper and The Week¬
ly Constitution for one year.
Give us your name.
Tutt’s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
BANKRUPT in health,
constitution undermined by ex¬
travagance in eating, by disre¬
garding the laws of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Tutt’s Liver Pills will Cure you.
p or gj^ headache, dyspepsia, / 1 1
stomach, malaria, torpid . .
jj ver) constipation, biliousness I
and all kindred diseases.
Tutt’s Liver Pills
an absolute cure*
Exch" bon at land sold. Collections made on all - of the
countvv. Accommodations extended consistent with scum: anking
Overdrafts will not be honored wndsi* my c ] cum.
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 1 i*. u till further : .K <\
IAS® f ' •* ’Z % IPCi t i * 0 \ n -i
i pWHMf- § j D !
m Y Will
Soon I Be *
m ' y§ a ere x
ill,f Iff And everybody will, o pect
? a present. Yon can get
something from our stock that
cl A.jLi'X W&.CKE!-*
.1 —
IMP We have the largest and
most complete assortment oi holi¬
day goods ever brought to this mar¬
ket and our prices can’t be duplica¬
It’s a pleasure for us to show
goods and you shouldn't fail to ex¬
amine our stock before you "buy,
You save good money by buying
of us.
fl CSSjiaiP (AiAfiMMsawias r> r hi mat ; cnzj dMtuiMi. *j« T->-> 0 jv-.-vw J-.: • . V rrrD c (umau^o* DBM pniWU ill f;B i. : TA I Y- Im HE ••• La L n w « a
WM v'VTi-'vv :£
§11 WWW' i. \ “ - r : i
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M2 Y'k' Y-,.„ % ■ ■ v ■=- •• /-.-j^ r *
■’'Yvr <i fi "'A J*- YYD m
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THE above beautiful cliei j col
orecl Rocker only - - - T 30.