Newspaper Page Text
Absolutely Puro
1 *< i i*sonal.
Wlien von come to town next
wo.-'k don"t neglect the Wkhkia.
If volt are due us suliscriptioi
come in and pay it. We need all
that is due us and we ask that
vou remember the item you an
due and hand it to us next week
The •xhihition of the Corbett
Fitzsimmons light, tit. Alinand';
Hall, last- Thursday night, judg¬
ing from the expressions of thot-e
who witnessed it, was a .rank fail
lire. The proprietors of the cor
(•eni jumped their hotel hill- it is
Mr. <)! is Adair ■tit last Sun
day in At Innt,i.
The Gctorgin Legislature lias breath
ed it’s last for the time lieing. Amen.
Hud Brooks and Grady Reynold;
were hunted yesterday at Jefferson,
for the murder of mereluint Hunt.
If you owe us for Tin: Wkkklv
you know it and your eonseienee, no
doubt, tells you that you should pay
us. We need the amount very
much and ask you t o pay us at once.
The small boy is milking ready to
blow himself next Friday and Xatin -
1'r. Moore, ol* Oxford, oceupied
the pulpit of the Methodist, church
hist Sunday and at night .
v.r. and Mrs. p. m. Hudson, i I
Newtnui spent last Sunday with
the former’s parents here. Mrs.
Hudson remained here until to¬
day. when she w ill return home.
The mayor ami council, in out
opinion, are about to make a mis¬
take by attempting to restrain the
street jollifications Christmas.
• Personally we don’t object to the
restrictions, hut the ‘•young idea'
does and he is already preparing
for greater depreciation than he
ever undertook before. The mis¬
chief they will do will he in keep¬
ing with their revengeful spirit
and undisguised disappointment.
A hoozv Irishman remarked in
Conyers Just night, as lie was be¬
ing removed from ‘mother earth
to a more comfortable resting
place in the courthouse: “(di nt
from Ireland, and oi'tu full blued :
we re the best people on tile earth,
and it you move us from America
she would tie destitute.” The
follow was too drunk to care for
himself, hut he was loyal still.
The depot is being given a new
coat of paint and otherw ise deni ¬
ed up.
'A oleum that the banner has
been leased to buster Wacdlaw
and that he w ill take charge of it
on January 1st. We trust that
the young man may do well, and
his subscribers may pay him up
promptly and often.
"Jordan is a hard road to travel,
but we all like it.
Ifc aim
P^^NTythb. On tin
w ill always love Jesse
Wallis and Dave “Bout.”
(thus. Gailey, the debonair and el¬
usive, the handsome and gallant,
says the fickle goddess of love lias
persistently tutted with liis heart l'oi
to these many years until now lie is
oecoming desperate. He hopes that
Iimay yet realize liis fondest dreams
,»t liis iriends say’ jie w as born un
der an ualueky star.
Howard Turner is thinking, so lit
says, of making liis debut on the 25th.
He is destined to become a shilling
light in tlie pathway of some lady be
,„re lie is many years ohler.
Joe Norman says he does., , I , havt
ni equal sliowing with the other hoyi
<n the matrimonial lottery and finds
jis battles hard to win, hut lie con
,i(| (S to us that lie is desperately ii
Rob Galley says he objects to the
“(jiuirantine” established restrictions sought hesityi tc
lie against him.
it is an unpardonable insinuation
and is liable to produce an estrange
mont between linn and liis friends.
Summers has decorated his stoi>
until it wears a genuine Christinas
Tbo Methodist church w ill con
tribute to the joy of the young
luring the holidays by having a
Christmas tree alt he church.
The W EKVf.v will try to
.'iijoy tlm Christmas holidays with
a eonciousness of Inn ing tried to
do its duty during the past twelve
mont Its.
'flie butteriek patterns are the
best. Get them at
1). m. Alnnu.d & Sons.
Miss Fleta Simpkins, of La
Grange Female College, is at home
to spend t lie holidays.
We tiro selling clothing til a big
discount for cash.
1>. m. Alinand & Sons.
Khh r Win. Wood has been con
lined to his room for the past week.
\Ve hope lie may soon get well.
^ 011 CiU * l’ n, y clothing cheaper
than ever before if vpu come to us.
11. M. Alinand «fe Sons.
At the hour of going to press
we are tumble to learn what festiv¬
ities the baptist and Presbyterian
churches will inaugurate during
the holidays for the Sunday
schools of these churches.
We have the renowned linttrick
patterns for sale.
I*, m. Alma ml & Sons.
Hiss Uartin, (Standard.)
Brown mare foaled in 1891.
Bred by J. Barton, Millersburg,
Ivy, Consigned by J. W. Fur
gusou, Cyntliiana, Ky.
Sired by Bourbon Belmont
82H7, lie b}* Belmont 61, by
fiamblokiiiiau 10.
1st Dam Sally Twilight by
Twilight 315, son of ilauibleto
uian 10.
“2nd Dam Sally Johnson by
Darlby 111, son of Mambriuo
Patehiu 58, sire of Mambrino
King, the hondsomest stallion in
the world.
Jrd Dam by Pilot, jr., l‘i.
1 ho above animal has been
traded within the past week to
Messrs. Jesse and Walter Al
maud by Mr, J. o. McKnight,
who says that a better animal
doesn’t step ou Georgia soil.
we see no way ol
Of course, if we were making
some secret chemical compound
i we might.... But we’re not.
I We’re making the same old sar
I saparilla to cure the same old
. diseases. You can tell it’s the
| same old sarsaparilla be
\ cause it works the same old
cures. It’s the sovereign blood
\ purifier, and— it’s Ayers.
Go to Dukes for Cranberries and
0efery ., M accompanilnen t to your
; . hristll)iw turkey .
Miss Virginia Thomson, of Tampa,
Fla., a verv cultured voting lady, is
th(J , ()f Mrs . L> F . Scott .
Miss Clifford Zachry, of Henry
county, the accomplished daughter
of Col. (bias. T. Zachry, will he the
guest of Mrs. l)r, Guinn during the
Miss Alice Martin spent Saturday
and Sunday with her parents at
Snapping shoals,
Miss Gladis Thompson, of Snap¬
ping shoals, visited in our city Sun
We think that our price on
Woolen Blankets will dispose of
our stock,
The Bine Front.
k ■
mi m a*!
This store is asparkle with hints for Christmas givables. A
few dollars will buy more solid comfort and real enjoyment now
than was ever known since the first coming of Kris Kringle,
The store to day is doubly interesting and you will be l etter
educated if you see it all. Each department contains aa inspi
ration for a suitable holiday gift,
And daintily embroidered by skillful hands. There is a mass
of them in our show windows and more on the counter inside.
DOOES, the ideal gift for the little girls. The xmas horn
^ ol t * le ^ tt ^ e ~°y s t° wear to see their deaf grandmothers,
T 037 -S of .A.11 2-TioxdLs.
Pocket Knives, Pocket Books, Harps, Gold and Silver Watch
S , Watch Chains, Solid Gold Rings, Gold Pins, Cologne, Scarfs,
We extend a cordial welcome to
young visitor and old, citizen or stranger,
or purchaser.
Make yourself at home in this store—gaze and price to your
hearts content. You will he treated with every courtesy and
every attention...........................................
125 Capes worth from I£ to 21 dollars to close out at 98 cents.
Plush capes 2.95 to 0.00 dollars. Shoes and Clothing at cost un
til December 25th to reduce stock before we invoice........
Vours t ruly ,
A. D. Summers,
ff their
,, " fy ,7, l 1 ' \\ t fp' : l ' , :. e
I' > 1 1 1 I I’
s late illness,
which resulted fatally. Their
kindness shall ever be gratefully
remembered and will prove a
bright spot upon which memory
will linger pleasantly. Again
thanking these good people we are
greatefully and respectfully.
Jno. D..Scott and family.
The front page of this paper con¬
tains local news.
The tax books will be open aftei
8ept. 20tb, and I will be at the fol¬
lowing places for the purpose of col¬
lecting state and county tax for the
year 1897, as follows:
Lorraine district—Sept. 20,
Oct. 11, Nov. 5.
tloney Creek--Sept. 24, Oct. 15,
Nov. 8.
Sheffield—Sep'f. 27, Oct. 17, Nov
12 .
At R W. Tucker s store balance
of the time.
John H. Alinand is authorized to
act as my agent, if I am unable to
take charge of the books at that
The books will close Dec. 20.
E. F. Cook, T. C.
Subscribe for the Weekly.
Cures absolutely, and to stay
cured, Rheumatism, Scrofula,
Syphilis, Old Sores, Eczema,
Catarrh, Constipation, and all
other diseases caused by impure
is made entirely of Herbs,, is
perfectly hairaless, and yet, is
the most powerful and surest
remedy ever discovered for the
above named diseases.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 18, 1897.
Africana Co., 63 1-2 S. Broad St.
Gentlemen: Two months ago I had
a severe attack of rheumatism in my
oot and knee. By advice of a friend,
ftried ‘'AFRICANA,” and felt relief ii
three days. I have taken one hottlen
The swelling has Judging disappeared, from and 1 am
almost well. “AFRICANA” my own
experience, I believ'd
all you claim for it as a cure for rheu¬
matism. Very truly, J. T. Harper.
Mr. Harper was born in Cov¬
ington, G;i.
-i'"S uccessor to R. B. BROOKS,; —
AVhen desired 1 finish photos in Ab
lsio, Platixo, Seuiatone or CarboD
effect. This leads in all cities and is
absolutely permanent. My wort does
not fade or turn yellow.
Picture frames made to order,
fiJT'LiQ -Lt LotU&iis st fcalf £iFs,
No. 7, without ware $4.50,
Better quality $5,00.
Other stoves of same No. as
high as $14.00.
Elegant No. 8 stove without
ware $8.00,
Other stoves same No. - ranging
to $20.00.
Full assortment, 32 pieces, ol
ware with any o? the above
stoves two dollars extra.
All sizes of coal heaters ranging
in price from $4 00 to $9.50
Air-tight, wood heaters, for
church, school or dwelling,
guaranteed to keep heat 24
hours with one fire'of wood.
Best thing you ever saw, 3.90
to $8.50.
We carry a full line of hand¬
some furniture and quote you
prices for the next three weeks
as follows;
An elegant Sycamore suit, cher¬
ry finish, latest style, Worth
$27.50 our price|$20.00.
A handsome Oak suit, German
beveled mirror worth $18.00
our price $15 00.
Oak suit same as above with
smaller mirror, $12.50.
Beadsteads from $1.90 cents
to $6.00
Oak rockers from 95c to $2.90.
Elegant dining chairs per set
$4.90 to $7.50.
Cottage chairs $2.90 to $4.00.
Elegant center tables from 60c
to $3.50.
See our samples before buy¬
your carpeting. We will
you money.
A large assortment of Crockery
and Glassware at prices that
will please you.
Almost anything you could call
for in the line of housefur¬
nishing goods.
We intend to reduce our large
stock, hence, we make these
reductions in prices.
iEokoia, Rockdale .county.
To whom it may concern'
Scott has in applied?', i
due form
undersized for letters 0 f
ration on the estate of Robt. f
•ate of said county, deceased",,,,’ ^
tirst w-.lpass Monday upon in said January, applicetie’J
under hand next iL'! i Given
my ami official s
this Dee. 10th, 1897. nre,
A. M. Helms, o r(Jt
virEOTWiiA, Rockdale count ,v.
lo horn it may concern*—.w
Alinand and T. H. y
rators of Francis Ketmon, de«*3 adniini,
due Kennon,
lave m form applied tom, fl ’ T
letters of dismission. This is, there
fore, to notify all persons concerned
, hat . i , will
pass upon said application
in the first Monday in March 1898.
Given under my hand and official
signature, this Dec. w, i m§
A, m, Helms, Otd,
John H. Alinand guardian of Nancy 1 1
Demsey, of said county, will apply to
court, John S. of Candler, Rockdale Judge of Superior j
county, iu Atlanta
Ga., in his office in Temple court, on
lie 6th day of January, 1898, for an
order to sell one-half undivided in- I
ten’st in store house and lot and a '
vacant lot on North side of right of
•vay of the Georgia railroad, on Gom
merce street, Rockdale county, for
the reason that said store house and
.ot does not rent for as much, and
will not pay the said Nancy Demsey
as great an income as an ivestment
.vould in farming lands, and is not as
safe an investment as fanning lands,
sale is for purpose of investing in
farm lands. This Dec. 2 , 1897.
Jno. H. Alinand, Giuuilfcii,
Sheriff Sales.
Will be sold before the court house
loor, in the city of O&iiyers, Rockdale J
jounty, (la., within the legal hours of V;
vale, on the tirst Tuesday in January
iext, the following property to-wit:—
1 hundred and tifty-tive acres, mote or
ess, in the 11th district of originally
Henry, now Rockdale county, Ou,, be¬
ing part of lots 210 and 211 , the same
jeing fifty-live acres iu south east cor¬
ner of lot no. 211, and one hundred ami
.ive (105/acres off oftot no. 210, cow
ueneing at the south east corner of lot
ao. 210, thence running north outlie
original line to the branch heading in
said lot, thence up the branch to the
nuad thereof, thenue a direct line to
the south-east corner of said lot, thence
.vest ou the original line to the con.
ueneing corner, and bounded as fol
,otvs : North by James Fleming and
Thomas Ryles, East by Mrs. Fannie
Hollingsworth and G. W. Walker,
South by G. \V. Walker aud West by
lands ot the Arch Stewart estate.
Levied on as the property of John 11.
I’aylor, to satisfy five Justice court
rtfas in favor ot John H. AlniiiuG and
one Superior court tifa iu favor ot Jon
H. Alinand. notified, . this
Tenants in possession
Dec. 6lh„ 1897. H. M. Austin, . Sheriff.
Sheriff Sales.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
January, 189S, at the court house door
in said county, within the legal hours
of sale, to the highest bidder for cadi,
.he following property to-wit: Tue
east half of land lot No, 198, contain¬
ing one hundred, one and one-fouiU
acres, bounded east bv Mrs. Jiul1
Albert, west by G, H. Owens, north
U. F. Clotfeiter and south bv «..*•
Richardson. Levied on as the pr-perd
of J. 8. Albert to satisfy an executi
issued from the Superior court or s j
county in favor ot J K. Stewart, Ad*
of J. A. If. Stewart and Carrie J. si I
art, Administratrix of J. A. Stew, e
against J, S. Albert,
Also at the same time to-wit: and pHe® A ^ |
follow ing property lving in said couti
tracts of laud jno.
16th district, part of land lots • ’
oeing the west half of said lot, ‘
north-east side of Rockbridge
containing one liuudred *ere-i L h
thirty acres more or less, olt ol lot H
J52 iu said districfand counD,
E. *». Gailev, west bv John leek. H
hundred and nliv acres * ■
so one :ilts jl
district of said countv: l’ "
Alihaier -i jU
681. bounded east bv b’
s.uihbyD. J. Hudson, west
White, north bv "la-. Thomas 0 -
two hundred and acres rim
ot ‘
levied on as the property ruu
h> satisfy ten executions dist . t3 a
Justice court of 475th ax ■ vJ
county in favor of J. K. Stew sin
iniuiatrator . of J. A i. If. Stewart
Carrie >. Stewart. Administrate , hl
A. Stewart, against AS
Use. u, T'7. w. u u, Ay-