Newspaper Page Text
and get my prices Oil III
Be sure before .you buy.
kind* of good h M. H. Fiunket
The Christian Sunday School
decided last Sunday to have ;
fpiristnias tree on Monday night
fof Christmas.
Jf you want your goods delivered
promptly buy them at M. II.
Mr. J.K. Stewart, of Kentucky,
was here last week. King has
many friends here who were delight
ed to see him again.
Get your fire works at Plunket’.
Mrs. G. W. Cain, accompanied
by her son, Mr. Luther Cain, spent
Sunday here with friends.
Go to M. H. Plunket’s for all
dauds c l° ves -
M'e have a few overcoats yet
l(l hand that must be sold at your
The Blue Front.
Our readers will be interested
and pleased to know that our
former fellow townsman, Mr. J.
B. Reese, now of Eatonton, has
b urn ordained to the ministry.
Mr. Reese is a good man and the
people here will wish him great
s iccess in his new work.
Old Santa has arrived at M.
II. Plunket’s. The children
are invited to call and see him.
W’e will close out our entire
stock of side boards at cost.
Johnson & Goode.
Mr. Jackson Peters, of Decatui
and Miss Mattie Mclendon, of this
county were united in marriage
last Sunday. The Weekly wishes
them happiness and prosperity,
We have a few more special bar¬
gains in fine capes.
The Blue Front.
ID. H. Quigg. pastor of tin
biu/ma, Presbyterian church, has
pr • united-the church with a bell.
Special bargains are being made
to reduce our mammoth stock of
The Blue Front.
Ool. J. C. Barton, of Madison,
spent Thursday here.
Hon. W. L. Peek left last Wed¬
nesday evening for Americus where
he addressed a third party rally
on Friday. From there he went
to Cusseta where he spoke on Sat¬
urday. Colonel Peek doesen’t an¬
ticipate the death of the populist
Miss Mattie McDonald has as
her guest Miss* Nannie Snell of
Mr. Chiis. B. Hudson 1ms been
confine l to his room for the great
cr pa i t of this week on account oi
injuries he substained in a tall.
He stopped on a bananna peel
'and in falling struck upon his
knee- The result has been very
' painful to him.
Col. J. N. Glenn, of Decatur,
was lu j re Monday.
Mr. -f. T. Boyd and family and
wrs Robinson, occupy the Nuck
oils residence on Mill street.
\\- e are informed that several
impoiiant business changes will
made with the beginning of the
new year. It is not desired that
these clmnges l>e announced in
The - ats fer the new Baptist
church are expected to arrive here
a „d be arranged in the church ac¬
cording to contract, by Dec. 22.
<jh$ last information received by
committee was to the affect
t at th" seats were being made as
e',ni]d'et"d JViimliv as possible time barring and would be
on an ac
calvutc ■ "iudranee.
•frs. John*...
home about two >.
Hi«r shipment of fine dress
the latest— at Summers’ Bn
Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Tucker are
icing congratulated upon the ar¬
rival of a baby girl at their liome,
Take your Christmas gift sense
to Summers’ Busy Store.
The many friends here of Rev.
md Mrs. Jlio.’A. Reynolds w ill bt
glad to know that these good peo¬
ple are now eustalled in then
mine on Glade street. Rev.
Reynolds has charge of the Con
yers circuit for the next twelve
Be careful not to strike your
.'riend on the left arm. More than
likely he has been vaccinated.
Rev. H. J. Adams has} returned
from his trip to Florida. He will
preach at the Methodist church
Mr. Oscar Chilian! who was at week
with Jno. F. Wallis, at Monticella,
fell from a scaffold last Tuesday aim
iroke his left arm between the elbow
md the shoulder. Mr. Cunard is now
it home and doing very well.
Tlie marriage of Mr. B. F. Tuck
ir and Miss Walker, occurred at
the home of the bride, in Newton
county, last Wednesday. Air.
Tucker is one of liocKdale’s most
substantial citizens and the Week¬
ly heartly congratulates him upon
ais good fortune in securing a
lady of many and worthy accom¬
Mrs. Jas. Corley, of Atlanta, is.
on a visit to relatives here.
Mr. Robt. Hollsngsworth and.
Miss Emma Rav, both of this
county, were united in marriage
it the home of the bride,s parents,’
in Lorraine district, Rev. J. J.
Stephenson officiating, last Thurs¬
day. These are worthy and pop¬
ular young people and the \\ eek
ly offers congratulations.
Mr. Z. T. Almand sold his 28rd
bale of cotton off of 25 acres this
week. The 28 bales would average
-5(X) pounds. Mr. Almand says hi
hopes to make a bale per acre next
Mr. Press Born has been here
with his family for the past week.
Mr. J. M. Evans now occupies
Dr. Rosser's residence on Glade
Tis ht- —“ Is SB
I1BU* every
(lpttut '4 vr»pyw.
■ The public is hereby notified that
we have posted our land in Rockdale
county for the purpose of prohibiting
any tresspassing thereon. Hunters
are warned to keep off of the same.
If. A. Almand,
L. J. Almand.
On Nov. 17th, between my home
near Alinon and Macedonia church,
in DeKalb county, a lady’s gold
watch with the initials “E. T.” en¬
graved upon. Will pay $o dollars for
its return.
J. W. F. Pakks.
Ladies, Attention.
My stock of new fall millin¬
ery is now ready. It consists
of all the latest styles and is in
every way complete* and will
give perfect satisfaction to my
customers • With this an
noucement I cordially invite all
to visit my store in rear of post
office and examine my stock.
Most respectfully.
Miss Emma Riley.
On account of the death <>f our
Mr. Joseph H. Almand, we will
sell onlv fey cash on and after
.n t ov. 15th till January 1st. All
who owe us will please come at
mice and settle. Save costs and
■xpences and oblige
J. H. Almand & Co.
All parties indebted to me will
please come forward and settle by
>r before December 15. Owing to
ny father’s death, I will be com¬
pelled to settle up my business
md 1 want to do so with as little
trouble as possible.
Miss Emma Riley.
This is to give notice to all parties
.-hat the undersigned are the only
>ues allowed i" contract any debts of
my nature or make any purchase for
die I'll ion ! a per Mill < 'o.
Person or parties extending any
avors otherwise than writen orders,
signed by the undersigned, do
so at their own risk,
li. If. Almand, President.
Louis Wellhouse, Sec. & Ties.
V wm
___ . .Jn
.-L- ip &
til &
T ■cn'r sG"'' sm
MARK .A?* MA NA 1»IT* > 1»I.-.1 C
Make Ttaem Happy With Some Suitable Gift From
< 7 ^ Out Stock off Choke Holiday Novelties,-"^
Which abounds in Dainty, Dazzling and Desirable Presents for
Young and Old.
We promise die best in Quality, the most iu Quantity and the
lowest price to all, and back of our promise stands
our splendid stock of Fancy Goods, Novel¬
ties, Toilet Articles, Notions, etc.
For the Christmas trade are now ready for die inspection
and approval of all who know a good thing when they see it.
W<? want you to <*om<» in and our
Imudreds of uioe sidiud ions.
Select your gifts from our complete stock and you will be life of j
getting the best and most appropriate presents at
the fairest figures...........
To one and all to visit us and inspect our goods
and prices.
DR. W. H. LEE.
—\vill <r. impress
j one vo u .
largeness of the number j
chat have been intioduced from
Europe. ” $1.25 will secure a
guess at this missing word’ and !
gets this paper'and The Week-j
ly Constitution for one year.
Give us your name.
Twit’s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
constitution undermined by ex¬
travagance in eating, by disre¬
garding the laws .of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Tutt’s Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
tlPlf j|j|{|| a prehexit.
jj jjjjjf something from our stock mtft
^\\ A . ¥jj'f<| | jjjjiyy v/ I WILL PLEASE
- U\
# I
ii. CXI : iron m
At D
,#“We have the largest and
most complete assortment of holi¬
day goods ever brought to this mar¬
ket and our prices can’t be duplica¬
It’s a pleasure for us to show
goods and you shouldn’t fail to ex¬
amine our stock before you buy.
You save good money by buying
of us.
\ j n
T 1 A IIP pm
a A nan Bt. PMMB83 cznc a era
ml \ \ hm a
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M •a * 1 is
i r * w J mmst — l .
Hi! W d "2A » m M -A I Ii i ij A y P l yi ft
m~i M
iV f - La « s mhjff
4. ,:rJ i BfSEfc." r - [ w.. nob*,!
, L
TlIE! above beautiful cfier ry col¬
ored Rocker only - $ 3 00
. .