Newspaper Page Text
o figial orcan of the county.
Entered al the postoiiice at Conyers as
M'cond-class mail matter.
SaTEKBAY Jan. 15, 1818.
Vocals 5 cents per line for hist in or
.j,,,.. .a, ,.nits for each subsequent inch ni
ii.," J.’cBidar adv. 50c. | er lor
f 25c for each subsequent
, ertioa;
One year, in advance............... .$U0"
Bix months, i» advance........... ..f>0c
Take this paper.
Subscribe for the Weekly.
S £
Arc warned a^inst violating
hte city ordinance regulating
the riding of wheels upon the
side-walks of the city. Tin
ordinance is familiar to al
wheelmen, as it was framed bj
them, and there is no necessity
for disregarding it. It is very
liberal, m fact it is all that tin
wheelmen asked for, and unless
it is properly regarded by wheel
men there is danger of its rep< al
and the substitution of anothei
less favorable to riders. The
subject has been discussed In
the city council and it was de¬
cided to give the riders anothei
chance to “track” the ordnance
The friends of Hon. L. L.
Middlebrook, of Newton, will
press his claims forsecretary of
state, and in the event he is
nominated and elected lie will
fill the position with credit to
himself ihd honor to the state,
lie is fully capacitated to dis¬
charge every duty of that office -
—Covington Enterprise.
The person who “cusses 11 " on
thostreets of Covington may ex¬
pect to pay a line of from live
to twenty dollars. A plain
drunk runs from 2 to ten dollars
Other violation of the city or¬
dinances will be promptly pun¬
ished in the city chaingang.
The people demand good order
and authorities seem willing to
do tlu ir best, to give it, to tliem.
Covington Enterprise,
For Sale.
\ yniiiig mure, gnud k ix<■, good
((tiniit cs. \v ill work imvwhci'c and
is pi'i h'i tly sound. Call at this
Ladies Who Suffer
From any conjplaiqt peculiar to
their sex—such as Profuse, Paiq
ful. Suppressed or Irregular Men¬
struation, are soon restored to
health by
Bradfield's Female Regulator.
It Is a combination of remedial
agents which have been used with
tije greatest succesgfor more than
25 years, apd known to act speci¬
fically with and on tfee organs of
Menstruation, and
recommended for
such complaints
only. It never fails
Km to give relief and
Tmi II restore of the health
d the suffering
Ay women,. It should !
I i < 1 UM be girl iqto taker, just womanhood budding by tlje
^ALwher) -^[tion Meqstrua- j
is Scant. Sup
pressed. Irregular i
all delicate or Painful, aod
wonjeg should use it. 1
OS its tcoic properties have a woo
dertut iqtluence iiy toqing up and
streoptbening tng through the the systerq by driv
all impurities. proper channels
J. W. UEI.HKS. Water YHIot.MIm.
Thc BRdorttio Rcoulatoh Co.. an.»s T t»».
» t
*01.0 BV A LI OAWOaiSTS AT »• AJR B0TT1.C.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
ng ©.
Absolutely Pure
The Atlanta Weekly Sin -
As we stated in a local item last
week, this old paper was presented
to ns by Mr. J. Id. Taylor and we
prize it very highly. It was
published by Jared Irwin Whita¬
ker on Oct. 14th, 18(iS. making it
just 21) years and B months old.
The Intelligencer was issued daily
and weekly and the copy of the
weekly edition before its would
pul to shanm many of the weekly
newspapers of the present day.
It is well printed, brilliantly ed¬
ited and its general niak-up is
fault less.
There is not a dull line in a
single column of the-paper, (7 col¬
umn —1 pages), and barring the
page of legtil advertisements, (the
paper w.'ts the official orgtMi of
Henry, Clayton, DeKalb, Pickens,
Fulton and other counties,) it is
made up of pure reading matter.
Much space is devoted to the
discussion of political matters—
the editorial page especially,
being rife with the subject. At
I lie top of t he lisst column on this
page appears the likenesses ol
Seymour and Blair, candidates
for president and vice-president,
with the (doctors a.s follows: Gen.
Ino. B. Gordon, of Fulton, and
lion. John T. Clark, of Randolph,
for the State at large, and for the
various districts as follows:
1st. John C. Nickels, of Pierce.
2nd. Col. Chas. '1'. Goode, of
Bril. Raphael J. Moses, of Mus¬
4th. Augustus O. Bacon, of Bibb.
5th. Maj: J. B. Gumming, of
(it h. II. I’. Bell, ol Forsvth,
7th. Col. Jus. !>. Maddox, ot
Gen. P. M. B. Young, of Bor
>\v, was a candidate for congress
'rom t he 7t h (list riot.
That editor Whitaker was d 11
some good work for the ticket
The platforms, Democratic and
appear in this paper.
I'lie lirst demand of the democrat¬
platform calls for “The imme¬
restoration of all the Stilt
their rights in the Union un¬
the Constitution, and of civil
to the American peo¬
Both platforms are interesting
this late day but they are toe
to be reproduced here.
This paper was printed Oct 14th
the election occurred in Nov¬
and those being the fam¬
reconstruction days, it oon
“General military orders no.
in which thedistrictcomman¬
were notified to distribute the
under their cnmnuidds, to
points—this preparatory
the approehing election, lit
district of Georgia troops WD1V
,1!, lu " t '8 at Albany Columbus,
M,lcon ' Augusta. Washington.
Anierieus. Thomasvilleand Athens
It wasordemlthat the companv
t Savannah shoultl bo reinforced
. bv
1 lieeessnry, such number ,,f
men at Fort Pulaski as could bo
1 I'hpor alsocontams . an odi
' ori:l! 'xdiccU tho death of Gen.
Howell Cobh, which occurred sud
denlv “on the morning of Kridav
the 'Jtll Ht.’Si I’nicLur uthuit:
u ' lUwu '“ l v *'v«svwpb-. “ The Vdov,
" iH W tV " tlmmuhout the
''late. Ill times like these we
could ill spare so sagacious a coun¬
selor. so experienced a statesmen.
so true a patriot.' 1
Hon. Mark A. Harden may
he termed the “veteran
Tills paper prints the fact that lie ,
was “chief clerk" of the Georgia j
Legislature, and that the clerks
under hint presented him with an
“elegant silver set" as a testimo¬
nial of their regard.
The paper also contains an ed-j
itorial under ihe caption: “Win
Encouraged Secession," which we
will print in full at some future
The New York market report
(piotes cotton (piiet but steady:
sales* 1,200 hales at 20A cents.
Atlanta was paying 2Bj and
cents for middlings,
All parties are hereby noti
fi d that my land in Rockdale
county, is posted and all tress¬
passing forbidden.
W. T. Stanton,
Jan-Sth 181)8.
Annual License Ordinance
An ordinance fixing license and
specifying rates, terms and con¬
ditions upon which license shall
be issued.
Be it ordained, by the Mayor
and Council of the city of Con¬
yers that license bo granted for
one year from January 15, 181)8.
for the following specified lines of
business at the rates named and
under the terms and conditions
Itinerate vendue masters, per day,
$ 2 . 00 .
Blacksmith shops, selling goods
other than their own manufac¬
ture, $2.50.
All warehousemen <fe outside cot¬
ton weighers, $10.00.
Local and non-resident guano ngts.
delivering here, $10.00.
Upon till th tiers in general mer¬
chandise, $10.00.
Upon till dealers in family gro¬
ceries, $5.00.
Upon till drugstores, $10.00.
Hotel:-. hoarding houses and
restaurants, $5.00.
Confectioners and milliners,
$5. 00.
Upon till market houses and retail
dealers in fresh meats—allowing
one dav for countrymen to sell
free. $BO.()0.
Livery, feed and sale stables. $150.
All persons selling stock, mules
and horses to others than regular
dealers, $25.00.
All two horse drays, $10.00. *
All one horse dravs. $5.00.
All imdeivakers, $25.00.
All dealers in buggies, wagons and
carts. $10. 00.
All bankers, brokers and commit
sion merchants) $15.00.
All local and nonresident cotton
seed buyers shipping off. other
than to local enterprises,$25.00.
Furniture stores. $10.00.
Furniture, stoves etc, $10.00.
Musical instruments, machine etc.
$ 10 . 00 .
Barber shops, $2.80.
All photographers, $5.00.
Fire insurance agents, local and
itinerant, $10.00.
On .11 dealers in cigarettes, $100.
00 .
Upon all dealers in pistol and pis¬
tol cartridges, $25.00.
Life Insurance agents, local or
itinerant. $10.00.
The license fees hereby provided
for shall apply only to such bus¬
iness' or vocations as are set forth
in the foregoing schedule and shall
be in effect from January 15. 1808.
to January 15. 18110, all license
fee now in force and not mention
in the above schedule shall re-;
main in force for the year 1808
the same a> for the year I<s<.l7.
All by-laws and ordinances in
with this ordinance are
hereby repealed.
The rules were suspended and i
the ordinanv • read first and sec- ;
oiul time and passed.
.1. R. Irwin, Mayor.
L. J. YInland,
J. N . Hale.
t- has. lx. 11ailev.
L. H. Siginan.
Januarv 13th. RMS.
if bite ip Pi? ilia
ffc i{pn
M to* >
m S'
! A; V
Retiring* • • » •
take Ayer’s Pills, and you will
sleep better and wake in better
condition for the day’s work.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills have no
equal as a pleasant and effect¬
ual remedy for constipation,
biliousness, sick headache, and
all liver troubles. They arc
sugar-coated, and so perfectly
prepared, that they cure with¬
out the annoyances experienced
in the use of so many of the
pills on the market. Ask your
druggist for Ayer’s Cathartic
Pills. When other pills won’t
help you, Ayer’s is
A $2,000 Word!
This paper announces, in connection with The Atlanta Weekly
Constitutution, a new offer in whicli everyone may have a chance
to supply the missing word in this sentence:
The sentence is taken from a well-known publication. The
word is a familiar one, and it may readily suggest itself.
Contest Began Ian. 1—Ends March 1,1
m m -ki t-^nuTH e'A,
t In connection with this Clubbing Rate, we will, if you send your
guess with the subscription price, forward all for you and thus
At the end of period covered by this contest The Constitution will pay out
to the .sucGcsisiill party or parties the full prize amount that has accrued
in the contest. The plan i- simple and these contests have become so
popular and have been conducted with such absolute fairness to all that
l! u Y haw b« * n widely corned after, but none have become equal to The
Constitution’s great original .*-erles. j
ME A R LY $6.000 I N CASH i
• in missing word contests. It sets aside 10 per cent of the subscrip¬
tion Mind received from subscribers guessing at the missing word, and
this fund i< given to the successful guesser or guessers in the contest.
The fund is distributed with absolute fairness, and the fact that The
Weekly Cons!iuition has iiORK THAN 150,000 subscribers and that it
puts aside 10 per cent from all guessers' subscriptions for this distribu¬
tion fund shows that the amount to be divided at each interval is large
enough to be worth striving for. It is not a catch-penny or a deceit¬
ful proposition, but the p an is open and simple and IS ADMITTED to
the mails hr the Post Office Department as a meritorious contest.
JUS” The book from which the sentence in laken is deposited in n safety vault, under seal, and will t»e
opened of at the ;lu* subscription < h sr ol tlie cont( st before a competent committee, which makes the award alter an exami¬
nation books.
In I,, one „„ ,, of those „ contests (here , was only , one successful suesser, |
who reeeiverl more thin. :,rul in addition to this in one year $5.(190
has boen d stributed among successful guessers.
Remember that, whether the missing word is supplied or not. it costs
nothing to guess, and oven though not successful, the guesser gets
Keop that in view and send your guess with your clubbing subscrintion
for your horn.- paper and The Weekly Constitution.
Should you already be a aib.reiiber to your home paper, remit $1
to this paper for The Weekly Constitution for one year, and it
will be forwarded to 1 he Constitution with your guess.
The Constitution guarantees that the amount of the award -will
not be less than $500 in cash, and it may be as much as $2,000.
the weekly coxsrrrrnoN is i iieckeatest weekly newspaper in
NEW SI AI I.k, containing i1()EK COLUMNS every week. It has no
equal as a Weekly Newspaper in America; its news reports cover the world, and
its correspondents and agents are to be found in almost every bailiwick of the South¬
ern and Western States.
AS V M Al 1 MAIN 1 ' i' pritvs moTo lAottor limn i-« Uurtrily fonnff in any matrazine in th€ country.
AS AN MM C \TOK ‘t ;vi-''h..'ii!i'-iH('i :! r-'G: a y. :• r'- - * nvnlin*; of The Constitution is a liberal education.
ITS SSM.t IAIj I'f’ATI lv IS com motto it ••s|',f.-jilly to rvon-farm Jiomo in America.
ITS I’.uni AND I ARlir.lts; DUIMKT.WRN Ii- Woman** Department and fta fhil
•Irrit s Drnamm*itf :-ru;!l nn.b r :ibh> ffin-. fion. smtl an socially attractive t<» those to whom
Ten Per Cent of the TMIF. i <»NSTITl TION PI TS ID PER CENT of the amount it
Guessers’ Subscrip¬
tions goes to the '"'•'i"- u,; >ni. b!. If only one contestant sets t-he right word, he or she i
Fund to be divided. will be f. :iven en the thf entire fund. If more than one supplies the miwins
In other words if this word, e same will be proponioiuitelr divided among the successful
j Subscription $20,000 Fund tim: (ONDITION PREC EDENT FOR SENDT^n A GT K^
amounts to : t In*- Aii>simr W onl. is that ojwh and evorv guess mu°t L'eaccom
j for this period then throng.i Ijimn'ii ! y the a year pnp s r publishing subscription this to advertisement The Weekly Constitution. in If sent
: the fund to go to the rhihbinjr ofler. t ii«> at the missing acceptance of our
guess word will be forwarded. The
j successful guesser guess must !e sent with the subscription. Should one person send
| would be $2,000. mere than one answer, he or she will be entitled to a share of the fund
for each correct answer. There will be no caj>ita! prize—evervon*
-f. will cot a fi rst prize. Persons may guess as mauv times us thev send
.. . .., subscript!
Conyers, C a - I
In a drenm comes a message from
the City of Rest
To the kind, loving heart, in mother’s
fair breast,
From the soul of an infant which the
Father, in love,
(■ailed from our poor home to His
mansion above.
“.Mother, to-night, as with father and
sisters you stand ,
And think of the dear one so far from
the hand,
I am with you, can see you and can
heal' your kind voice
Giving thanks for your dear ones—
bid them rejoice.
Every day I am with you and follow
at your feet;
Every night J am by you and watch
o’er your sleep;
Every day to the Father I go with
my prayer
To watch o’er and guard you—un¬
loved ones there!
When at last lie shall call you to this
beautiful place,
And again you can see your dead ba¬
by’s face,
O, how gentle and how soft will then
he your caress,
As I nestle again my head on your
breast.” •i. X. It.
You can always depend on
the Weekly to give the news as
it occurs and in a reliable man
ner. If you would keep pos
ted take this paper.
LEGAL figis ; -■
LETTERS op me,,. I ■
lo-whom it may
Bohanan. adminl “ f|l H»
B r r , tor
Weaver, deceased, |, H5 kJ m-\
applied to me t. r ^
ihis.s, therefore, to Hy K;
concerned application that Evil! J u l«»n '
on the first H'-'Ullli
February. ISOS. Given ■
and official
adv’g S(j
Gkokoia, Rockdale County. Mr
To whom it may coueernjjy
Almani! a :d T. H. Kennon '
trators of francis 'veiinbfi.dpj. ilWBlinl
have in . due , form '•aw
letters of dismission. applied to,J ! ' I
fore, Tl,i <i<t " "*
to notify all persons Mi ;i
that I will concitnL ^»,,
pass upon said a[mli l .,, i ■ r
on the first -Monday in Morel,
(.iven signature, under tin’s my Dec. hand amUife^T Is-
10, i W .
A, M, Helms, Ord |ty Iss ,
Notice. y a
To debtors i.
and creditors. ■,
All persons indebted to the '■stall
of Roht. L. Scott, deceased, an?
quested to make t
of iunjediate scttli
mont same, and all person*
ing claims against sain estate arcij
quested to peesent same to ft,
•1 no. 1>, iSfo’tt, Ailinr ■s
< Debt. I,. Scott,decw#j;
Sheriff Sales. iber
Will be sold belore the court teiJ
door, in the city ot Conyeis, it.-tj ■
county, Ua,, w itiuu ihu legal bours'J J ■r
sale, on Die first, Tuesday i» Feb,
next, tlie lollowing property H'
One vbotisi' iiiid lot in sniil nlv. ,,
taming one aero more or less, mid
eiuur street, being in the ltitn uistM
eounry, ol originally iicing pari Henry, in now ind lioekilaj^^^H
nomiOetl t:S uiiiows: ,Small ««v
tui' sueei. \\ esi i,y I,-mils m
j. Beiiaii. Norm by n. is.
East by Henry Jones, col.,
as riic propenty ot i Its lilia li
and Han \\yatf, cel. to si isi;.....H
justice court tiia in nivoroliSeti
n'tinslenee, ami tv. t-i\ in;. >
I'l'ope.'ty pointed out ii,v Xiil
traiisicn'cc. I*«-Hi< s i.i p — -ntH
liolilfed (it this levy, this J;t!l. it::.H
I SiJS. ■
TV. II. Al. Austin, Sliorifi.
\ir A XTi:i)-TH CSTWOliTH V .HUM
V V i; I V l: veil i lei Ill'll ni' l"! ms I" 'S' ■
el KII' I ■('SjimiSIliie. l S i ;l 1 il isll.-il
m licni^ia. sin itnly • sk.i.iki
expel, ses. J i’.isnimi seil-adili't'sseil sleauv. ,slaui]i^| Ik!‘':’-^B
eiiee. .iK'l/ se
eif envelope, i i.e itoiniuiuii Coni'
pauy. itepr. 1!. C'liieiifio, ill.
T have opened an office in the
buiiamg formerly occupied ifK
Dr. J. J. Seamans, and solicitsB
share of tiie patronage of
R. A, Jones, Dentist.
Cures absolutely, and to
cured, Rheumatism, Scrofula,
Syphilis, Old Sores, Eczema,
Catarrh, Constipation, and all
Other , UiSeaSfcS , ■ OaUStTl . ,. 0) v , HUpum m nure
is made entirely of Herb®. iS
perfectly liaimless, uad yet, 15
the most powerful and surest
remedy ever discovered for
above named diseases,
Atlaxta, (xa., Feb, 1$, U '•
African'a Co., Oil 1-3 S. Broad M. UiiW
Creutleuieu : Two lnontbs ago m)
attack of rheuioatDin in
&e v «re lelW'
and knee. By^ v * ceot ; * 11 4
ttried "AFKICaN A,” and tek . ie liel
day 1 have taken one lioiiinn
. disappeared, »■)«
swelling has
well. Judging lrou -Al'B ‘,v\"
I believe lv 1 '
you claim for it as a cure
Very Truly, J • 1
Mr. Harper was boru iu
I¥1 * L (p i * * . ALLEN
;Successob TO R. 3 VDSCArEl’UO- . BROOKS
■ togbapiieb.
'Y dedred l tinisli photos in 4 *'
hen Cab*
Pl4t:xo, SsriiTOXE or
This leads in ail cities and*
permanent. My «" rK
fade or turn yellow. made to orief
^■“Picture frames portraits si
fm-Ut* V*