Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, January 15, 1898, Image 3

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    local news items.
Rheumatism *nd
ANA will cure cured.
wt fula to
1 | he ueorgia Motto.
1 i\ b^^ man nia.vgi'.''
uir T dbto,r:
Kut • he can’t get trade
sitting I" the "hade,
By business to glow.
S&. Eczema «nd Ca
K‘ N *
rh to s
Malcolm spent this
S Ml lr -
;■ ■ cc ] - i Atlanta.
XV.j.Hee visited relatives a:
’BBfLVle this week.
■Mr- A Elder.-of Columbus,
aH., visit to relatives here.
|er two wee ks visit to Atlanta
a again at home.
J pom Austin is
m. |ty is^the g,ilie Eliott, Of Newton co
guest of Mrs. S, M. Still
Kmnia Dempsey, of Atlanta
in the county
Farill has been visiting
■. D. Farill at Jaek
r m ir iuindre(l traveling men.mor;
stopped in Conyers tlii;
K, merchant who never advertis
H. more rest than trade and h<
Mfcipvrs is now supporting tliree
■L shops. We have many
(Jll ^Bvers.”
E. H. Almand lias about
ite "'^■rrml from his recent indispo
^■sBirtha relatives Husketh, and of Atlant.- friends,
visit to
Kb guano season will soon lx
m.^Hvcni new subscribers hnv<
added to our list this wee!
are thankful.
Ivp you moved your hitchinf
■ This is now the para mourn
f. Is. E. I„ Almand has been very
■ atthe home of her father, Col.
c'.BB I’irk, in tin's count y.
'lindioiial siTvice at tlmnev
- cimri-li lii-nmmnv promis
very interesting.
lib Ii;; Ora Daniel has returned H
Ii'ime in Atlanta, after a plons
Ivisit to relatives here.
■ you want business you musl
Ili'forit. That is'a plain bu;i
, 1
piups do not seem to he so nu
|'"us ly as of yore—at least not s<
such characters pass this
Pprint a handsome advertise
|if tor 1)- M. Almand's Sons 01
■ first page- Your attention is
I’-tedto it.
I "-Wallis and familv, are in
I city for a few days. They arc
lute from Augusta to their nev
r in Alabama.
|bu I iiuieh work yourself cotton, Mr. to death to
3 Farmer’.
s I lunch 1 :l httle will bring you just
1 money?
uyers Inis always been a good
. . , ,,nt
[ "' vn 1898 will lay all past
j L " !, ' ‘t ia out flip tlie shade line." if the people will
I'hi. ])rns|)eet is good foi
[;-Arable very
amount of building
' here the coming spring
i i ‘luinner.
S' '• arc glad tl , announce that tin
[ •* Ml hotel is enjoying a mud
L’.'" 'IT'rw 1 ’’atronage. iate The traveling
L a good thing.
ti — !ia
^ We the cash
for all FAT
ltt] e that you
Ve for sale.
■’ 1 - B. Osb om.
Wc invite every citizen of t
to become reader of The
Weekly. There is no need of
rushing—plenty of lime.
Mr. Jas. Dukes has been spend¬
ing this week with relatives and
friends in Alanta. It lms been sonu
time since Jiin visited the Capital.
Unde John Taylor lias ^uue l'or i
visit to relatives at Fayetteville am
Senoin. He will be away for sonu
ime and we hope that lie may meei
with much pleasure.
Rev. Dr. Qnijrji' will preach at Sinyr
aa oil the fifth Sunday at 11 o’clock.
Phe weatlier was very had on tlie dan
>f his last regular appointment then
and no service was held.
Mr. Robt. Ethridge, a very clev
jr gentleman, is now with Dr. W.
Li. Lee permantly, we understand.
Mr. Ethridge has many friend?
here who will duly appreciate hi?
Arbuckle’s roasted coffee is now
being sold, according to market
reports, at 81 cents per poun<
wholesale. This will bring oui
nerchants to sell the same at 1(
■ents per package or 10 pyund;
for one dollar.
Floyd Plunket says so far as
marriage is concerned—relatively
>r comparatively speaking—In'
has only been making ‘‘grass” foi
the past few years and it is now
ais intention to began maxim
From the different agencie
mines the prediction that 181)8
will be one of the most prosper
ms years in thehistory of the conn
try. If this prediction comes
true then the country will be due
its thanks to 4 tbe agencies, This
is on the ‘‘no cure no pay.” basis.
We are pleased to note, from “Tin
Enterprise,” great improvement
jresent and prospective, for Jones
loro. The town is in the midst of
milding boom, handsome residence;
ire being built, a hank building i:
going up, arrangements are beinj.
naile for the erection of new stores,
he county is preparing to build i
Magnificent new eonrthouse,(the new
ail was only recently finished) new
streets are being opertetl up, the Ceil
ral road has given the town a .dinner
>r hour train, that makes four trip:
,o Atlanta and return, daily, and tin
population of the town is increasing
•apidly. We are glad Hie town ir
growing—we like it and its people.
Mayor John R. Hutcheson and tin
.Enterprise are standing loyally In
lie old town and they may yet stii
,ij) a ‘•barbecue.”
Mrs. J. S’Johnson has her
mother, Mrs. E, Roberts, of AD
lauta, as her guest ■
Miss Ruth Almand and Mis;
Ora Daniel spent Monday with
friends at Oxford.
Misses 4 Vada Jobes and Grace
George, of Lithunia, visited fri¬
ends here Thursday last.
Mr. Ben Bostain, one of Gain;
ville's young men has been vis
l ting relatives here this week.
Messrs W. J. Dabney, of Win¬
der, and J. H. and Millard Dab¬
ney, of Inglesule, were here this
week •
After a visit to her sister, Mrs.
A. J. Summers, Mrs. H. D. Ter
ill has returned to her home in
Messrs R. C. Guinn, of Cov¬
ington, and R. J . Guinn, of At
lanta, were here with their par¬
ents Sunday.
Capt. Zachry and family an
now residing in Atlanta,^ Capt.
Zachry has rented out his plan¬
tation m this county.
Mr Joseph Norman boarded
the fast traiu here Sunday even¬
ing and the boys are trying to
locate his destination.
Miss Fannie Norton, one
Lithonia’s fairest young
ters i- the guest of Miss FI Or
•nee Austin in the city.
Miss Leila Penn, one of , our
I handsomest, young ladies, re
turned Thursday from a pleas
ant visit to friends in Covington.
Read the advertisements of
Almand Hardware Co. in
this issue. This firm is
wake and promises to save you
Mr. C‘ A 7 . Sanford has return
id to his home at Macon- He
may be a permanent citizen o(
Conyers again before a great
while and his m any friends here
cherish the hope that he will ■
Miss Daisy Taylor is teaching
x very fine school at Smyrna
Miss Taylor is a most estimable
and accomplished young lady
and the Weekly predicts that
her school will give genuine
satisfaction to all concerned.
On Wednesday 19th instant,
tt Jackson, Ga., Mr. Robt L
Thomson, formerly of Conyers
and Miss Peatl Tabitha McMi
jhael, will be united in mar
riage. The ceremony will be
performed in the Methodis'
diurcb. These are very populai
young people and their mai
riage will be one of the eventso
the season • Mr. Thompson
has many friends here who wih
render their congratulations and
best wishes.
Tie he- —" is ss
naue cr«r T
•lpjture j v»p$w.
The mayor and council art
considering the problem of
fighting the city. Some irn
jrovement will probably bt
nade on the old lamp system
Prof- Self closed his writing
school la; b Thursday night. \V <
mderstand that the school wa;
i success , and the patrons an
veil pleased.
The Conyers Volunteers nut
at the courthouse last night.
This was a busines meeting, bui
ve understand that the Oom
taiiv expects to do drilling ii
lie near future.
Rev. Mr. Crumley preachci
m interesting sermon in tin
interest of the Orphans horat
it the Methodist church lien
last Sunday.
The city council and a fev
ireinds enjoyed au oyster stev
at Dukes’s Thursday evening.
Deal 1».
The death of aunt Susie Al¬
mand occurred at the home ot
Her son Mr. G. B. Almand. Iasi
Monday morning atfifflO o,clock.
Aunt Susie was 87 years of age.
and was the secondwife of uncle
Welcom Almand. who long
aince departed this life. Aunt
Susie was the mother of our
well- known citizens, Messrs
G.B.audZ. T. Almand, and
Mrs, J. W. Cowan, She had
been confined to her bed for on
ly two weeks previous to Her
The remains were intered in
the Almand burying ground
after funeral sevrices by Rev. J
S. Fincher.
The Wekkly extends sym¬
pathy to the peteaved relatives.
]>opuli*t Party.
There will be a meeting of the
Populists of Rcckdalo county on
the first Tuesday in Feliruary, at
the courthouse in Conyers, at ten
o’clock, for 1 he purpose )f clect
ing deb-gafes to the State Con¬
vention ii Atlanta to bo held on
Wednesday . .
rim third m
for other purposes.
General William Phillips, of
Marietta »ill '*•’ tl|f ‘ of lh, ‘
Lv\bo(h im.t.i to " ,u
him .
F. M. Avkrs. Ch’m.
Peopled party Ex. Com.
dale county.
Civic Society.
Philolo’gia ^ Lodge. No. 478, F.
& A. M.,
E. II. Arm and. W. M.
C. E. R lagan, Sec.,
Meets first and third Mon¬
day nights in each month.
\ FR1CANA will cure Constipation atxl
is a wonderful Liver Medicine. Tryft.
Upon Quitting the Okl
O Lord, thy Providence has c!\lle<l
Us from these sacred walls to go;
We leave then) with a joy and grief
For Thou hast blessed us here we
Around these altars memory hangs
The da rest idols we have known;
With smiles and tears so oft we’ve
Through many years now past and
Our fathers souls ha ve feasted here
And fount; drank full deep the gospel
Here mother oft has dwelt in prayei
And poured her hearts libation out.
Here you'll has owned itself to love—
These walls stand witness to tin
How each, responding to the pledge
Said yes. low-toned or with a how.
And from these holy preeinets laun¬
With hearts as blithe ; s linnets
We’ve wing, clad,
seen return, in mourning
To bring their first-horn offering.
They haunt us . yet—til© smiles of
friends »
That shone oft in this hallowed
And place, how
we remember we came
To see the last—their pallid face.
Here we found our Kbinezer;
Here we had faith our Pisgah seemed view; almost
Here, when
. doubting,
We have come, it to renew.
Here we’ve met those near and dea
Heard their voices sing His praise:
Here we’ve raised the voice of mourn¬
For Hie ending of their days.
Scenes like these press hard upon it:
As wo quit these sacred walls;
Sacred by a thousand memories,
Yea, lay countless gospel calls.
But departing, faro thee well,
Hallowed-ever he thy place; alway,
Angels guard thy children
Till at home through Jesus’grace.
Mrs- Jim McCall a has been
very sick for several days
Hope she may soon be well.
Our town and county will In
well represented in the next
champion debate at Oxford.
Messrs. John Tilley and Fran!
Maun have been elected ti
speakers places in the contest
These two young men are we!
to the front in their college work
and their efforts in the coming
contest will be masterly.
Georgia, Rockdale County,
To whom it may eoncern :—Mrs.
W. (). White, administratrix o
the estate of W. K. White, de¬
ceased. has in due form applied D
the undersigned for au order D
sell the real (‘state of said deceas¬
ed, and said aplicution will lx
heard on the first Monday in Feb
nary, next, This Jan. IK. 1808.
ad v’g A. M. J!klmes. Old
The tic- Jn cn
The public is hereby notified
that we have posted’ our lands ii
Rockdale county for the purpesi
of prohibiting any hunting or
trespassing t hereon.
W. II. Quigg,
T. G. Suann.
\ >rS i <il.
Tin-public is h«‘|-cl)y notified that
we have posted our land in Rockdale
county for the purpose of prohibiting
any tresspassing tliercon. H untei s
are warned to keep off of the same.
(i. A. Almand,
fj. J. Almand.
This i> to give notice to all parties
thMt , !j( illu , ( .,. sij . i; ,.„- the oni.%
om-s allowed to contract any debts
any nature or make any purchase tor
’’p^J.^Vol-'partb-^extoiuliiig any
. f aV))ls otherwise than writen orders
j j sisrue(1 undersigned, do
KO a t their own risk,
K. H. Almand, President.
Louis WelHmusy. Sec, <k Tics.
Exchange bought and sold. Ccllectiais made on ail parts of the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will not be honored in under any eircum
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 i\ m till further notice.
a 3S 8 mvr Hi It
A ■
We can save you money on every
live cents worth of gooocio you buy
from us.'
u m
Everything carried in a first-class
Hardware Store.
Also a complete line of
isst I
V0 Tv I
Farmers’ Friend, Watt, Syracuse
and other plows, and all kinds
of tanning implements.
in ■■4 m flllP Ill
1 1! y
V T' *| n
l 111 Ml ft t 0 MllIlOH
p -iLi • rY.Po a We guarantee the Watt
plow to be the best one horse plow
on the market. Take one on trial.
7 8 1 £ i < v * C a 4 h 11 t ItHiKHl
Have pminised to get married
this year if they can find partners :
Allen !), Summers,
t’ohl . I ,. 11 udson.
Walter L, Adair,
1 'has. K . ti,-. i ley.
Bee !>. McDonald,
Otis T. ,Adair,
Robt. t). (!a i!ey.
■las. M . Mel lonald.
Walter 1). Almand.
Should these voting men succeed
in getting off it would hen. great
help to t ho ordinary and our min¬
isters and a obstacle would
be removed from the pathway of
the young gal hint s of the city.
l’hev have our best wishes for stic
IIoo- S s <‘ii € J;a <P.i —
Be it ordained by the mayor
and city council of Conyers, \
that all ordinances and by-,awsj
m conllict with Sec. fil, clmptci”
10, of the by-laws of tlie city,
be, and the same are hereby re-:
pealed. 1
1 > ;
Uh,»:,„v„ onli nance >va, read j
U.cfh-et and second lime a11 ,l
Sec, (5i reads as follows.
g E( fil. Hog Pens, No per
g n oJ . pers0ns shaU be allowed
| to build, have or keep any bog !
pen or sty within lcs3 distance
I 1
than tir.e hundred feet ironi
house or public well within ih?
corporate limits of Conyers, and
till pons or styes for the keep¬
ing of any hog or hogs in said
city shall bo at least twenty
feet sqiiuc and be kept in a
clean and inoffensive and heal¬
thy condition. Any person or
persons guilty of a violation of
tins Section, shah lie deemed
guilty of disorderly conduct and
punished as presbribed in Sec¬
tion 20 of the amended charter
o Conyers, and tbe pens or
styes not built m accordance
with this Section shall be or¬
dered removed by the Mavor or
City Council at the expense of
ihe owner.
futt’s Pills
Cure Ai!
Liver ills.
^ |^|7 yQJJ
BANKRUPT^ health.
constitution undermined by ex
travagance in eatintj, bydisre
ef rdin S tl ' e ,a * s D /' natur '- or
physical capita] . all „ gone, if so,
Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
"flltt’S Liver Pills
absolute cure.