Newspaper Page Text
rnteied ittbcpcstofli.^’ Con versa.*
secy .(■d-dass mail matter.
IcAJ I'iU A V, Mcli. 1898.
line for tir.-t inner
A. . „i-for curb siib-iqueiit n.-l> in- foi
yy ' adv. each all.:, per. *ubscq..en<
ias.-rtiou; 35'• for
rtUisi itlPTiON RA l’E:
One vmr, in advance...... ....$)•■ Of
Six month : in advance .......Me
Tju- dispatch'" 1 indicate war to
, 1,1 ■ and l'.-in<>rr.;w hdy inn they indical d isposi
/a;! lihig. i 1 1 can
nt (he pi !.!< in.
Cainpaign I'UttiH'- hearing 1 1 m
name o f Hon. T. It. I'VIder am be
mg worn by that gentleman'f
frimidH in Athinln. He could
place a large iiiiiiiluT’of them it,
tins ci unity •
H i„ said tlmt Fliin. Tom Fcl
del- will carry DcKalb, Fnltoi
i Dinur!." .s and lie has a fim
iigltting cluuice in iiockdale anti
riayton. •
Vt ii i* or .
The (|ll -d ion as to the cause oi
l a dc.-tni'-t ioll ot t lie hat t le si 1 1)
Mailt" has been determined tint
tin* people arc waiting for the re
noil of the court of examinees. I
H known tlmt this report will find
t lie (’Hast ropiie due to the explo¬
sion of a submarine mine.
There is i" telling how the niat
r wj|! lie - tiled be I wi 'en tie
1 ,vo count ries. It is known that
|’r shield .McKinley doesn’t desin
in become involved in war and ii
is likely that he will avoid ii.
Preparations for defese, howev¬ and in ease i I
an eiiiergcncy this country will be
] repared to tight.
ill Will Soon be Gone.
(icOftsiiHHilly we hear sumo vomit:
iiigritb', or some old coward win
played out of (lie war. kicking a
bout the pit ii'll 1 sum given by tin
Bt'.'.le to old soldiers .mil soldiers
widows. I! is dollars So dough
nuts that the property on v. hic!
they pay tax was filched from wi
men and children while the hus
band and father wn-. marching ti
lv!s deal h around 11 i. hmoral. L
makes me sick b> lie.ii' 1 hem tali
and i feel like placing a nuillbe:
ten to the aiite-deluvmn part i
tlieir soldier hypothesis. There is not ai
old nor an old soldier':
m blow in Georgia to-day ilrawim
enough pension to pay for oiii
millionth part of the services ren¬
dered and privations endured
\\ on Id Unit dur State could jia\
evi *ry needy one a pension and ghi
a diamond medal to every hero—
and there were thousands, lint
they w ill all soon he gone and t hen
ti:,- vast In-rde of little asses that
are being continually Croaking about
taxis! to support old soldiers
can rest easy—till the devil comes
or sends for them.
Once we supported a man for
office in pi'eterence to nil <>lil sol¬
dier. \\ <* were pl(*dged to him lie
loro the old soldiercunieout. Wi
acted the tool in pledging to any¬
body who wasn t an old confeder
at,‘ hero and tlie coward in nut
deserting to his ranks after he did
conic out. There are manv ot
til- in to-day who lune families ti
support that are heavy burdens to
them becauseuf constitutions bro¬
ken and ruined in l ( mg tramps i i
cold, snow and rain, lighting foi
our honor, homes and dear ones.
Me rendering them, in old age. una
to work. Let one offer for of¬
fice and at onep you hear the cry:
"the old soldier racket is being
worked on us. How many ot
ii,om are in office in Rockdale to
da v? It s a shame upon the ris¬
ing generation and a disgrace v<.
1 he older voters of tl.....omit'- tlu
way they have been treated. Tl lore
mo men among them-in uni¬ conn
ty who would mak" good repre
seutatives; men win* would make
good judges, solicitors, clerks, oi
fill any other oftiut—Stato oi
For year:- they have beeu
ignored while younger add ablei
, been physically and financially,
nave elected to office after
office time after time—and an
^tili asking for more. Thank
goovlnes- , there , will be
1 some in line
tor positions in Rockdale this
: g'K)d fellows who
pet cut to fill th,. office* for which
they ask. and 1. for out propost
to help them.
•ll STI,
A young sberitf lms arrived at
tb tame of Mr. W. H. M. Austin.
Royal snakes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pura
Candler fur (5<>\« rii<.r and Fel¬
der for Longress is more than apt
to be 1 he you'; of ilic people it
1 his dist ri<-t.
Slock Market.
Fur many years ("onvers has
sull'ered from imving no advanta¬
ges to offer the people of this and
-urronmling counties in ;t pernui
neni • ml reliable stock market
Thousands of dollars have gone
,;wav from Conyers for stock that
should have remained here, Re
ali/.ing 1 ltis fact. Mr. S. E. Brod
ax. a clover and reliable gentle¬
man, has determined to establish
a market here. He has located
here permanently and will devote
his entire time and a f tent ion to the
stock busines-. H“ will handle
first-class horses only, and it you
>uy a .mule of him you will get a
food one. mules will b<
His hor.-.'S and
,uld under a gnarantei e to lie just
is represented and any man will
he perfectly -afe ill dealing with
him. brisi
Mr. Brodnax enters this
ness with the full intention of es
lablisliing a reputation as a relia¬
ble stock man and The AVekklv
nrediets that he will succeed be¬
yond his expectations.
k 11 linjii 'riju.’ui*'’ <
Oneof tlic biggest “blind tiger’ hauls
• in Con; o !-■ in a longtime Was
hat planned and executed !yy Mar
.-hal Harper, a ■. istcii by deptitiie
Bishop and .McDonald, last Satur
av iiigiit. Marshal l-ftirper has
know u foi' >oine time that liquor was
'icing- sold hon• and on this night he
ct his trap and by twelve o’clock in
had Frank Aaron, col., securely fas¬
tened witli evidence to convict him.
\Yhen Aaron’s house wtts entered a
iwo-gallon jug. nearly filled with
new branch corn, a quart bottle con¬
taining the same kind of spirits, with
•censuring pots and a.small'glass for
losing out drinks, were found. Aa
•on protested liis innocence in the
fnec of all this evidence, but lie was
.dac< (i in the lock-up to await trial
lefoi'e the mayor.
On Monday morning last lie was
n the Mayor's court and found guil
y. \ iinc of .‘fea was imposed upon
'fill and he was required to give a
■no hundred dollar bond for his np
pcarauei at the April term of our su¬
perior court.
it is thought that Aaron lias been
selling whiskey for m vcral years and
he fact that lie was successfully
allied is a feather in Chief Harper's
An Indianapolis preacher had
'lie beam removed from bis own
yye in a novai manner the other
lay. In his sermon ho inveigh
i against tire wearing orna¬
ments and jewelry, and warned
iis congregation against the sir,
>f pride. When he got home
ifter service he found that a j
had entered his preniisisj
doleu two gold ringq, a dia
nond pin a pair of gold-rimmed
qiectacles and other jewelry.
futt’s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
BANKRUPTiiheaith. -
constitution undermined by ex¬
travagance in eating, by disre-1
garding the laws .of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Tult’s Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
2 nd aii kindred diseases.
Tutt’s Liver Pills
an absolute cure,
Tin gubernational- contest is
MOW probably fixed and will be
fought: out between Candler, Ber
ni>r and AtKinson. The people this
gen • .all. are lor Candler in
comity and it is believed that he
will receivet-he nomination in the
s ate by an overwhelming majority
Mr. Littlefoil Long, afnost wor¬
thy young man. died at his, home,
:n Sheffield district, last Thursday I
morning at 9 o’clock, of consum
t ion. Mr. Long was honest and
straight forward in all his dealings
and lore an enviable reputation.
The funeral service occurred
yesterday at Philadelphia church
and was conducted by Elder W. D.'
Almand. The remains were laid
p. rest in the Philadelphia bury¬
ing ground.
Klioi-iff Sale.
Will lie sold before the courthouse
door in the town of Conyers, Rock
ilalo county. Ga., within the legal
bom : of sale on the first Tuesday in
\pn'J. IXjS, the following property city to
co-wit: One house and lot in the
■of Conyi rs in the lfirli district of orig¬
inally Henry, now Rochdale county, less,
containing one acre, more or
hounded as follows: On the South
;ienry y Decatur street, West by lot of
.Jones, col., North by street
•mining to Pleasant Hill church,
Fast !>y Mrs. Carry Wood. Levied
hi as the property of Sanford Wood
so satisfy Braswell a justice court and against Ufa in favor
of J. W. San
on! Wood. Levy made by J. L.
White, 7 j. C., and turned over to me
this Fob. 2(>, 1898.
W. H. M. Austin, Sheriff.
r<> C'ontraotorK.
Scaled proposals for the construc¬
tion and building the Pine log bridge
hi Rockdale county, according to
plans and specifications in my office
will bo i eeeived until noon of April 5,
! tsUK, The same to lie a covered bridge
bids received for the mechanical and
.-•' I i ;>.!"! work in removingoldhridge
and building the new- County to
furnish ai! material. All bids must
• o sealed and addressed to the under¬
signed with name of bidder on out
side. Right reserved to reject any
and all bids.
A, M. Helms, Ord.
Grokgia Ro(!kd.m,k County.
To whom it may concern:—W, M.
Richardson, guardian for Coon Hend¬
erson, e..!., has in due form filled his
application for letters of dismission
i'l'ui:: .'.id trust, and I will pass upon
atmc mi first Monday in April, 1898.
■Civcn under my hand and official sig
nature, this March 4th, 1898.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
All parties are hereby notified
that the council has put in force
sect. G1 of the by laws of Con¬
yers which provides that all
bogs kept in the city limits
shall be in. pens 20 feet square
and b00 feet from any public
street or residence. This law
goes into effect- March the loth.
There can beno exception made.
J • N. Hale,
Chairman Stekt Com.
i me*, nun i
m 1 BIATE. \
mm state Clieisl Analysis.
m m
yS GREEN’S SPECIAL 11.06 2 66 .2.77
GREEN’S FORMULA 10.70 2.58 1.96
m ii We seH the “HIGHEST
j on mar
- c [J m ijti We sell Meal, Acid and
in |\ Muriate Potash.
ill m, Our goods pay you to
11 tluse them. We meet all
Always \-i before buyrny;
see us we
W B1 save you money.
7. X 5 . TSX-X-X3TT,
After © • • •
a course of Ayer’s Pills the
system is set in good working
order and a man begins to feel
that life is worth living. He
who has become the gradual
prey of constipation, does not
realize the friction under which
he labors, until the burden is
lifted from him. Then his
mountains sink into mole¬
hills, his moroseness gives
place to jollity, be is a happy
man again. If life does not
seem worth living to you, you
may take a very different view
of it after taking
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills.
Hog- R aisers
I have the famous full Blood Berks
hire stock of logs, The best stock
in the world to make raising profita¬
ble to farmers, My hogs are regis¬
tered and I guarantee the stock to be
pure. See me about these hogs.
W. J. Terry.
I have two good mules for sale
cheap’ A. N, Plunket.
Letters Dismission.
Georgia, Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern : F. L.
Bryan, administrator with will
annexed, of S, W- Bryan, deceas¬
ed, has indue form applied to me
for letters of dismission. This is,
therefore, to notify all persons
concerned that I will pass upon
said application on the first Mon¬
day in May 1898. Given under
mv hand and offical signature this
Feb. 11th 1898.
adv‘g $6 A. M Helms. Ord.
N ot ice.
Sealed proposals for the con¬
struction and building four stone
piers and two abutment stone
walls at the Pine Log bridge in
said specifications county, according to plans
and in my office,
will be received until noon on Sat¬
urday, March 12, 1898. Estimates
to be made by the cubic yard, and
all bids must bo sealed and ad¬
dressed to me. The right reserved
to reject any and all bids.
A. m. Helms, Ord.
Sheriff Sales.
Will be sold before the court house
door, in the city of Conyers, Rockdale
county, Ga., within the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in March
next, the following property to-wit:—
One bay. horse mule, medium size,
about eight- years old. named Frank,
levied on as the property of J. A.
Cook to satisfy a mortgage fifa, is¬
sued from, the Superior court of said
county in favor of A. B. Coffey and
against J. A. Cook. Property poin¬
ted out by plaintiff’s attorney. -
Also at the same time and place
will lie sold, one house and lot, in
the city of Conyers, said county,
bounded as follows: North, West
and South by D. N. Hudson and
East by Mrs. A. A. Bently, levied on
as the property of Henry Jones, col.,
to. satisfy one justice court Ufa in
favor of Clias. ft. Turner and against
said Henry Jones. , Parties In pos¬
session notified, this Jan. 31, 1887.
Also at the same time and place
will be sold, five thousand and five
hundred pounds pounds of seed cot¬
ton, levied on as the property of G,
P. & E. S. Sigman, by virtue of a
fifa- issued from the Superior court of
Rockdale county in favor of W. E. &
T. J. Treadwell, surviving partners
of J. & W. K. Treadwell & Co. against
G. P. Sigman and E. S. Sigman.
Property pointed out by plaintiff’s
attorney. W. H. M. Austin,
February 4, 1898. Sheriff.
The Weekly Journal is a large
paper, containing ten pages of
seven columns each.
It is filled with the latest
news, of the day, both domestic
and foreign. Owing its own
leased telegraphic wires, which
are used for no other purpose
but to bring the latest news to
its editarial rooms, the Journal
is prepared to get all the news
up to the latest moment.
In adition to the news, it con¬
tains more special features thaD
any other southern weekly. A
mong o’her things it has a
weekly letter or sermen from
Rev. Sam Jones, a contribution
from Hon. John Temple Graves,
letters of travel, biographies of
distinguished men, and many
other atractive features.
The Weekly Journal is beau¬
tifully illustrated by its owu ar¬
tist’ In fact neither energy nor
money is spared to make it the
And the price is only fifty
gents a year. To every sub¬
scriber sending fifty cents for a
year’s subscription and a two
cent postage stamp extra (to pay
pastageja beautiful lithograph¬
ed calendar for 1898 will be sent
Specimen copies free.
The Journal,
Atlanta Ga.
This paper and
the weekly Jour
nal, one year for
85 cents.
& m
I 87.1 SB
n. - - If
Don’t buy any kind of fence un¬
til you have obtained price on the
Page.Woven Wire. Pasture, Gar¬
den, & front yard fence. Cheaper
than wood and keeps everything in
or out.
Johnson & Goode.
I have the cash
to pay for all FAT
cattle that you
have for sale.
A B. Osborn,
; Weaver, Bohanan, deceased, bas *-«* L
applet) to me , ' ^ k
( . r i elte ,
concerned ! Pt o
that I w m Pass
S£g upon
“ 2. - * »S UJ*
1 *• Orj,
Georgia, Rockdale county
To whom it may concern:^.
AlniandandT.H.Kehnon^i!: rator*ofiH-a isK i
U , em,«nd
have in due form c ^
letters appiyi P Thf “ e!l
of dismission L
fore to notify s coni
all persons
that I will pass upon,said appliJ
on the first Monday in March
Given under my hand lj
signature, this and off™ 1
Dec. 10, hW. L
A - M > Helms, OtJ
Fannie J. Cain, j
Ohas. vs. G. Cain .) label for divorce,!
turnable In Rockdale Superior Court, J
to the April term, lsyy CaiJ j
To the defendant, Charles G. I
Hon. Ry virture John S, of Candler, an order Judge from ti] J
superior of of J I
court said county, in
above ’
ease notified stated, you are betel
and commanded to be ami*
pear at the superior court of said« [
ty to be held on the first Monday i
April, 1898, then and there to arisw
the libellant’s suit for divorce in ci
above stated, and in default there
said court will proceed as to justi
shall appertain, Witness the Ho
John S. Candler, judge of said cot
this Jan. 19th 1898. W. T. Hut
Clerk S. C., Rockdale County, (
Georgia Rorkdale County.
To whom it may concern:-LjI
Almand, administrator of Johnil
Almand, deceased, has in due iurJ
applied to me for letters of dismissioJ
This is, therefore, to notify all pernoJ sJ
concerned that I will pass upon
application on the first Monday J
May, 1898. Given under my hand*
official signature, Helms, this Feb. Ordinals 2,lS>j
adv -ft* A. M.
Georgia Rockdale County.
To whom it may cencern:—3. John T| A|
Hamilton, administrator of
Hamilton, deceased has in due frot™
applied to me ode. .ersof dismission*
This is, therefore, to no ify all p«l
sons concerned that I will passupol Momiii
said application on the first
in May 1898.' Given under my haul
and offical signature, tills Feb. 2,1881
adv if<5 A- M, Helms, Ordinary,
For Infant* and Children.
At flS- i,s
ilalli or
itiutui •f mti*
-cfSuocMioa to R. *. BROOKS,
When desired I finish photos in As
effect. This leads in all cities am ! ’
absolutely permanent. My worK - oe -
not fade or turn yellow. order,
g0T~ Picture frames made to
Life size portraits at half pn«'
Spoil to the- Laiies!
Bring out Your “Crippl^
I am hereto mend your brok
en jewelry of all kinds at have p r ' c ^ 1
that will enable you to
done. This jewelry is value!**
to unless you can use 1 j
you fi x
Bring it on and let me
for you. t,
I will alto repair your clot
and watches and make •
keep good time.
Don’t del tv! Come now.
Conyers, Ga.