Newspaper Page Text
r • mip of the best
igggA* r& Lifsey- *•’***
Ecieffl* and Ca
ft i " v pd p hut buy Scott’S
be dece from smith & Lifsey.
■■ (iuano
Tilley was ill Atlanta on
j p. Thursday.
ks lust
insurance man and drum
jv always with. us.
print some new lega l ' ads'in
ud tigers ”in Coflyers must go :
officials. ,
• g the -
ivftl! Wallis- spent this
her daughter in Atlanta.
Edd Everitt spent yesterdaj
y Rngton. L
McDonald, of Lithoma, wai
4 L his friends here last Sun
pr Moore preached interest
the Methodist church Iasi
little strange but ’it’s sale
11 the recently inainecl men an
ll E v 4 ppesecl to war.
Lost office at Dalton wasbiowi
' fast week and $»k) in money am
L taken therefrom,
i England, one of Lawrence
nrettv voung ladies, is tin
,f krs.(L A. Ahnand this weel
C. A. Argo and family ar<
tanta and will be away for a
til | week.
H.s, Daniel, a prominent flr<
L e iiian, of Atlanta, was hen
| time this week.
■letter half and little ones an
■ng the mojor portion of this
kvith relatives at Jonesboro.
J, and Mrs. Chas. Mitchell left
I. hst Tuesday for a visit to th<
Is of the former at Bowden. ,
many friends hero will re-,
learn that Mrs. H. P. Al
nf Ingleside. has been se
ill this week.
V notion stock is now com
■ D. M, Abnand's.Smis.
[‘-Mind tiger” is in bad repute
ins s neighiiorhood and it is tin
p«^Ml intention of the officials to
UHtout of existence.
[• Ii Dr. Thomas, of Atlanta, wil.
at the- Christian church, oi
I icond Sunday in March at 11 [out Snd' hear Everybody liim. invited t<
^■18 [. W. N. Lveritl had the mis
Jj to lose his fine horse last
^[in ^Hdar the night. ' He of is her unable demise ti
p was Very sudden.
K "l the boys confides to us thai
i ^^^arriage | Drtiie near predicted future in will last not weeks
II he oc
puled young not to lady, so it is said,
agree to the form
0- E johnson’s dry goods ston
pistimed f '\rsday by fire, in Lithohis
V‘ ret ! the morning. Fire was
k and * it'is n store about foui
''as burglarized presumed that th<
buildings and then fired.
"T were burned.
j- in.
: Sheffield district a negrr
1 Mine of Barnes was accident
' '5-another son of Ham, nain
es .(. y bt- Guinn was eallec
I ,-, •svii-tims e ®Mn«ning intense the wound re
Sv 1Ht he anxiety haii- bj
e, hurt Was no*
’ Yieelmcn of the town lum
I ;! tew acres of land just be
'•'vn and will build a' hand
I Lice track. This will’ be'ti
[ 1,1 e »joyment to all riders.
" f( f ft as ingress - Branan, hi this candi- dis
as here a short time Tues
; >'as disposed of hi s mer
his Atlanta and
. o entire time to hi?
i f - BeeMeUonaid and Ar
Wt startpd to Atlanta
L. - didn’t get off.
k"muft |v,J rai U . n “ S started men List off his hat
al-ioard and
fca;? |^° alone . The "othk
so the trip
H-ti, tA>u ncl -
.'■iLiS F : .ft^ 0 nt- ain 9tam i n g ten “lid cents
P p a
r' 1 ’ainthis Th « ( ’"n
a “ui pavino d W describ
KDcgfor * this , add' r '
Buy “A. A. - ’ Guano from Smith •-&
■ :
*v -
A FRICANA will cure Rheumatism and
Scrofula to Stay Cured.
Our city marshals have been highly
for their alertness dur¬
the past few days.
Dr. J. J. Clean has rented the roon
iver McDonald and Hay good’s mill!
lery store and will conduct a dress¬
making establishment there.
Only a small per cent of our citizen**
lave siginified their willingness t<
in war. -
Missis. Goodwin and Ramsey,
Newton c-unfy, spent Friday
Mrs, Genie Havgooff. .
Mrs. Mamie Green has returuet
iome from a pleasant visit, to Coin
County Weekly.
Misses Levada and Anna Greer
returned after a pleasant
visit to Conyers .—Henry
Mr. Bill Wilson of Conyers vis¬
in this community last Sun
lay.—Henry County Weekly. - -r
There are over fifty bicycles it
and every day adds “nev
mes to the number.
Bring in yonr announcements it
you are a candidate. You car
all the people promptly n
The announcement of lloii. Chas.
L Branan, candidate for Congress, ap
icars elsewhcre in this issue of tin
This office has turned out an enon
nous amount of up-to-date job worl
his week. Our prices are reasons
ile and the work gives satisfaction.
The pressure which is beiiigbrougb by Hi:
to bear upon Dr. C. H. Turner
friends all over county will ye.
force him to become a candidate fos
he legislature.
Come to us when you want n
new suit, VV'e can. fit you am
mit you.
T). M. Almand’s Sons. -
FVe are informed that Congressmen
Livingston will reach here some timy
next week. He probably thinks it b
n icessary to look after h’s fences a lit
• ;ie. /
The famous Chattanooga /sub
mil plow for sale by D. M. A1
Hand’s Sons. This is recomend q
)j all who have used it.'
Rev. Swanson, services of ^ Coyiugton tli<
insisted in the at
Baptist church here last Wed nee
la}” evening.
Last'Wednesday night, at 'flu’
Baptist church, Mr. J. J. Lang ¬
ford and Mr. W. U. Wallis wen
made deacons of the church.
Mrs.D. Wednesday M.Almand was Thursday critically and il
lust and
much uneasiness was felt by her
many relatives and friends. Thesi
will be glad to learn that she is liov
much better.
The Weekly the is pleased town to an
nounce that sick of our ar
thought to be slowly improving. and it Mi. is
Donaldson Jones is better
thought that possibly Mr. Ivey is in
n-oving. Mrs. A. J. Oakes is canvah
We print several new announce¬
ments for office in this issue. The
•andidates are all good fellows am
would bear unlimited eulogy but tin
people know them as well as we am
wo only commend them to-the pub¬
lic generally. - •
Mr. Jeff Carter left here last
Monday night for Waco, Tex. Hi
informed us that lie intended mak¬
ing the acquainance of Braiin, tin
proprietor of Braun’s Iconoclast.
Hon. J. H. Felker, of Monroe, om
of Walton’s most prominent citizens,
has been indicted by the grand jury
r'or bribery, claiming that lie offered
a witness $500 to testify in the fa¬
mous Poore insurance case.
Revenue officers came down Iasi
Tuesday and made a raid in Shef¬
field district. They found a ban
rel of whiskey and brought it inti,
town with them, The still had
been moved. It was an exciting
raid to some extent and one of flit
officers got shot in the hand. Nc
one was arrested.
The Lithonia correspondent ol
the DeKalb New Era is after the
“old mauls” of his town. Ho
says: “We have up to this wri
hie home of. Mrs, Jas.
of Miss Florence Austin of Com
yers. -the there
Oil entering room were
Ss. we^have this proposition to
married and get out ofythe way of
the younger setpwe will liavq .no
more to sayand "
letters iu last week’s issue,”'
The Witti.v gives the nows.
A' s ........
or i<v ( mi.
•• •A . f -
the power of sale contained in the
ieeaffbceeitted Home l>y W. K. Owens, Sr,
o the and Foreign Investment
uul Agency Company, Limited, of
N'ovwick, CL B. of dale May:22nd, 18
K) and recorded in Clerk’s office of
superior Court of Rockdale County,
ieorgiayin Book ‘IF, pages 52tStoo2f>
will hv sold at public outcry to the
dgest bidder for cash lief ore the Court
louse door on.the first said Tuesday hi
ipril 1898,' in Conyers, Comity, being
ho.following-property and Fifty to-wit:
>ne Hundred acres a pan
,f land lots numbers ’ Two Hundred
ind md Eighty-one and Two Hundred
Eighty-Six .
in the Sixteenth I)is
rict of Rockdale County, and boun
led as follows: commencing at a
Lake,on the North and original Eighty line Six oi
uit Two Hundred
>.mV running' West One to-stake, Hundred thence and
digitty Five .rods
,yuth One Hundred and Eighty rods
o slake on South original linejotnum
ier Two Hundred and Eighty stake, One,
lienee East -Eighty rods to
hence North-east along Also a diagonal
in£ to starting- point. half Thirty of lot
fix.acres: iy the. South
uimber'Twb Hundred and Eighty
iTv.o .beiiigbouuded North by lands
>wned and possessed-by J. M. Owens
Cast'by lands owned and possessed
>y Ira Camp, South by land first de
cribed above and West by lands.
.tvned and possessed by William
Evens. All being in the County ot
tockdnle*State of Georgia.
Theahove property was conveyeo
VTnl V.R. Owens, *„ pi T Sr., ISP on !ft May 22nd. 18
O-tu-the Home and J; oreign Lim ijj'.fpt' tem
nent and Ageimy Company,
,,r thesum of iMghtl tun redDolhiis
, o bectmie due on the f st J
,une 1895,and will be sold by vntut
if the agreement contained in the
,eed that should there be any default
a ttie payment of any instalment of
nterest or the principal when due
lie holder of the note shall have full
ight, power, and authority to sell tin
>roperty hereinbefore described, am
,»ny alul every part thereof, and til
iglit and equity of redemption of tht
aid party of the first part and tin
,eirs, executors or assigns of said firs
arty therein; at public, vendue, to tin
ugliest bidder, at the door of tin
Jourt House in the County when
said property is situated, lirst givin,
. uiblic notice of the time', terms am
lie dace, pf sale, and of the property ti
sold, by advertisement once i
reels for four weeks, ill some new s
- niper printed and published in tin
.ounty in which the land is situated.
,.r by posting written notices thereof
7 a. at least- three .public places in such
ounty, one of winch shall be' at the
ourt House door of such County,
md upon such sale shall execute ami
eliver a deed -of conveyance of the
iroperty spiff tP .* the purchaser apply the or
-ui chasers thereof, 'and
i-oceeffs of said sale, first, to the cost
tint! expense of bringing said proper¬
ty to sale, i‘. eluding a sum equal said to
‘-.'•n percent, of the amount of
ote as solic itor’s fee; and next, to
he repay in mt to said second party,
i u - to the assignees of said promissory
. ote of all and moneys judgement paid for insurance, statu
all taxes upon
- >>ry lien claims, and costs and inter¬
ests, .thereon, as hereinbefore proviff
' d for ; and next, to the payment of
.’•il of said note then due and unpaid
.winding interest then due thereon,
iie balance, if any, to he paid to said
..V’ R, Owens, Sr., his heirs or assigns.
• Default ol'Eight in the Hundred principal Dollars note for due the
mm the
fane 1st. ifibS having been made,
lome and Foreign Investment and
vgeucy Company, Limited, now ex
icises its power of sale as provided title
or in said deed and will execute
:o the purchaser ^hereof. Terms Cash.
Home and .Foreign In vestment am,
Agency Co.,’-Limited, Richardson,
By ‘ Alonzo -
Attorney in Fact.
iimit ■“* ll OS
■l|s**.nn mry
4 vtippw.
Roll of Honor.
The; following pupils qf Oak
Grove school averaged 95 or more
in their examinations for the
month of February:
Orrie Reagan, Susie Lee Plun
itet,-Eunice Allen;, Mamie Turner,
Fletcher Farmer,Emory Grenade,
Fejiion McDaniel, Iver Plunket,
Sinter .Hamilton, Irah Ivey, Er
Tiilie Hamilton, Grier Allen, Elza
Plunket, H. Z. Christian, Frank
McDaniel. ^____ s , ... . <
There arq others that made ex
:ellent grades and say that yyu
vlil hear from Them latef-lf they
loh’t have to stop school and look
^ ,Sp a j n
■ flourinhiug
8( . h(wl in a
C()ndition . C.
ROCftWiS III ;|lll. AUlW nMOl i
. 81 “ ^
Mr. Z. T. Amauci made 28 ba es
Cotton in 189 ( ou 25 acres oi land,
using 225 pounds Guano.', per. s.ctq the ot
dMe-AUinnce Get
_ - r- \ /
5 ||l I ' U V
' l a L* L* Lm* 1 ■
For OoJijfi-oxx.
J htv'rhy announce mv c-andidaey
to represent the people of the
Congressional district in the 56th
Congress, on the Chicago platform.
I promise, if elected, to give close at¬
tention to every matter pertaining to
their ini crests, in a businesslike way.
1 refer the people of this district, in
which 1 have lived for thirty-eight
cord years, in to forwarding my public the and private la
interests of
those whom 1 have represented.
Yours to command,
Foi* Tax Receivor.
I announce myself a candidate foi
e-election to the office of Tax Bee
-iver, of Rockdale County, subject
to the democratic primary. I than!
die people for that support that gave
ne the office two years ago and I wii
tppreciatc their continued confidence
and support in the coining election.
If elected I promise to faithfully dit
charge the duties of the office.
G‘ IT. Hull.
For Clerk,
I announce myself a candidate foi
the office of Clerk of Superior coun
of Rockdalecounty, subject to a dem¬
ocratic, primary il any, Thankiuf
die people very kindly for their pas
support, 1 again solicit tliefe support,
if elected J will do my bc-st to servi
die people acceptably,
Fours to serve",
For Tax OoIL*<*toi*.
^ t herebv j ' aimounC e myself ,k (-‘.Hector a candi
, p tle offll , e of Ta o,
Rockdale county, ,V, subject to a demo
,, • , spe i c t i,,
office because Ineed’ it and 1 feet
* capable * of acceptably { the peopli fill in,
lt opinj? nd trustI!g tl at
will see proper to support and elec,
’ , ” ’ V erv resnecluilv ftv- (I’Dlotfelter
For l{<*<*«*ivei*.
1 announce myself a candidate foi
iax. Receiver of Rockuale county,
.utijpct to action of Democratic par¬
ty. ■ My lriemis: throughout the coun
ty ,viii know 1 need tins office, ami il ttiey
give me their support I will, ii
•ase of election, serve them faitlmil
,y. 1 earnestly ask tlie support oi
lie people. respectfully,
\ cry
County Treasurer.
j hereby*announce myself a candi
,..tfor t!-.coffice of County Treasure!
4:bhicct iftpiTinai'y- to the action of the Dcmocrat
-X* pi’ontisc, if elecetd, U
c-ive the county a ck-uu, honest ad
ministration. I desire to thank my
friends for past patronage, amt hope
I may merit a continuance of same.
* Yours to command,
James A. Dukes.
For Kent.
An eight-room dwelling on Deca
tur street, centrally located, gooi
water, good garden and splondu
neighbors, See W, H, M, Austin,
For Sale.
A young mare, good size, good
qualities, will work anywhere this and
is perfectly sound. Call at
(UAX >.
Mr. J. Ji. Houseworth one ot om
most expeftfarmers, won Mr. 'J ruit i
Second prize of $60 in ii is contest foi
tlie stalk-of cotton raised in Georgia
in 1897, which stalk opened 2o8 bolls,
using Walton Acid Phosphate ami
stable .manure. WE HELL
Mr. J. A. Mann one of
best fanners made.two tests in
GUANO with another guano
follows: First test he weighed
pounds of each guano in two
100 yards long; from the
Alliance guano lie picked 18
cotton from the other he picked
pounds. Test.
He used Rockdale Alliance
on one acrcTand the other guano
another'. From Rockdale
Guano he picked 173 pounds the other per
more cotton than from
This shows you how this High
pays. TILLEY
J. P.
Take The Weekly.
7 T~ i: os
Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on all parts of the
Accommodations extended consistent wit h sound banking
will mot be honored murder asrsy circum
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 r. t*.i. ti11 further notice.
m TT
CTO }}l Ul CShHm3 fxjWUSnn'IMMKW:^ ll 1 cres ■
We have added a full UNDERTAKER S LINE to our bus
iness and are well equipped with all the modem advantages to
terve the public in this capacity.
Our Hearses and Services are at
ppYour command at all iiouS.'IW
iver before and we do not hesitate to say that buyers can 1 e
oieased in quality and price in any line in our stock.
Give us a call.
Johnson & Goode.
b a ■
!l VuKnvW'^
i ■
Buy your Paints, Oils, Varnishes
etc., from us. Everything at bot¬
tom prices.
m I l
Vc —
1 am ready to sell you
the famous Baldwin, Beef
Blood & Bone guanos,
and cotton seed meal, and
Acid. Prices guaranteed,
S, L. Almand,
The handsomest FURNITURE
ever brought to Conyers.
Beautiiul T Lounges, Pretty- TY J-J. Hat TT
RaCkS, Side Boards, ClialTS Ol all
kinds, Lovely Screens, Wall Racks,
BeaUtlM RUgS, Carpetlllg, Matting,
etc. * vv e guarantee our prices to be
LOWER than tlie same goods can
^ouglit in Atlanta.