Newspaper Page Text
I i
We have ever been and -»
>]>e to ever be head
barters lor everythin © O*
id everybody. stock
We have a large
goods and have marked
em with the intention
doing a large business,
ir salesmen are com pe¬
nt and attentive help
d our customers may
pect the best of treat-
3 lit in our place.
D, M. At.mand’s Sons.
n's Available Win*
Vessels . '■
hve have already shown
information furnished by
tliicago Id Inter Ocean, the
States could within a
I weeks assemble at Ha
I a fleet of twenty-eight
Bessels. not including the
no boats. Wbile the Span -
bvernment is hastening its
[sin bed this direction, well
newspapers say that
fcal force is inferior to that
! United States, and that
II the vessels are availa
pi' use in -a possible war
the United States. The
large one in Cuban wa
p Hie Alfonso XII. The
|)'a is now in Havana,
rmored cruiser Almiranta
pto Lanary several days ago left
islands hound for
port, as did a flotilla of
ipedo boats. Others there
pall intended boats of the gunboat
i for use in the
P of Cuba, for police duty,
lot foi battle with a tuari
pation. The Spanish ship
P h the only one in the
[bat is comparable with
K Massachusetts and In
r A writer, who is evi
"ell informed, says that
’I bas an armored cruiser,
m perador Charles ihe V
be ,
!,a y compared to the
■ D ’ h is greater in bat
)0l ' er but inferior in
> ar
s be has,” he says, ‘‘an
K v pe of armored cruisers
h ,o f 7,000 tons well
well armored • 1 well
ted— t0 which have
^ponding vessels. Sho
0Ur of these available
: »est approach to which
Seeon d class battleship,
^ her torpedo boats
llas a lead over America.
four 400-ton boats that
n i6 tsv enty-eight
fir. knots
America possesses
I ^as speed the Porter.
sma11 torpedo
i t0 800 tons, that
„; !e(1 il ^ii - from
,FS ty six knots twenty
' Op
r aesa we have the
Tolj wh ‘ch h
as done
7 / wi /A v 41 na f
V>r?f ✓ n 3/
( i ^ 'Cl ift r \
, AjAyiyxVi! r.
A. A % a ]/
twenty-three: the Columbia,
twenty-two, and the Olympia
twenty-one. Lastely Spain lias
a flotilla of fourteen small tor¬
pedo boats that have shown
from nineteen to twenty-six
knots- We can siiow but eight
in this class- experts sum up
that Spain’s six available, ar¬
mored ships of 47,000 tons-are
met America with armored
ships of 82,800 tons. Naturally
inpoint of power America has
the advantage. If all the A
merican guns were fired at
once the weight of metal thrown
would be about seventeen tons ;
if the Spanish guns were let
loose at the same time but sev¬
en tons of metal could be thrown
So That XVomen May Know
Where to Find Relief.
Such is the request of Mrs. L.
M. Haynes, Spriengfield, Mo
(General delivery). A part of
Mrs. Haynes’ letter reads as .fol¬
lows: “1 wrote to you in May,
1897; I was
about to give
it un, for 1
4? f’ff had the best
i four doctors
in the c i t y
'■V and they
- /A could not cure
f/t me. My dis¬
■€ /ft ease was fe¬
male weakness. I had been
troubled writh it for five years .
Four and a half bottles of Pe
ru-na cured me. I hope all suf
fering women will take Pe-ru-na
I know it will cure others also
I cannot praise Pe-ru-na e ~
Bear in mind that female
weakness is pelvis catarrh, to
which wotnfin are peculiarly
liable, and from which few are
entirely exempt' Pe-ru-na
cures catarrh wherever located.
“Health aud Beauty,” a
devoted to the phase of catarrh
peculiar to women, will be sent
freeto any woman by The
ru-na Drug Mfg. Compau^.'Gdt
umbus, Ohio,
Tt really looks like
has a dead cinch on the
Alpharetta Free Press -
Let Farmt^ take '
A wise ranu considers every
contingency business, tnexertafri that may affect hifi
'and the
certain each according to its de
of probability as well as
merit as a favorable" adverse
factor- There .is hardly auy
business into which so many
eleuiencs enter as that of agri
culture - condition ■' of soil,
weather, destructive agents,
methods, market and thevcondi
tion upon which they depend
Just now fhe unset tled coudi
tion of Europe t
and Asia yes,
and of Africa, South America
and the West Indies, naturally
cause an apprel\S3iigioq. of war.
There is a class af men who fat¬
ten! carnage like vultures. Others
suffer all the consequent's of
the conflict. War crushes cer¬
tain lines of industry and pro¬
duction. Mauufacturs of muni¬
tions flourish.producers of com¬
missary stores 11 ml an active
market, while the ordinary in¬
dustries of peaceful times pass
under a cloud It is well for
farmers to consider the rumors
of war that now float upon the
air, and what would be the effect
upon their industry of a general
war of devastation. In such a
contingency those who produce
food, vegetable or animal would
profit by the malignant condi¬
tion. At the same time facto j
ries, except those which produce
munitions of the devastation,
would languish and those whose
stock in trade is raw material,
woufd feel like going to war
themselves. A very pertinent
question for the Southern far¬
mer to ask himself is what would
be the result if a great European
war should catch me with a big
crop of cotton and very little of
auything else on hand? Such a
war would cut down the de
uiand for cotton at least one
third: which would afford tin*,
farmer not more than 3'cts perj !
Z A ;: r‘ .‘t? Sd
cause farmers to think how
they mayTiedge; S'o as'nflt to be
caught between the upper and
nether millstone.—Texas Farm
and Ranch,
-N '
If a man is down with ti e
smallpox he is to bep^^d;
If a man isn’t sober he should
never attempt to walk a tight
rode 1
If you wouldsuccessfully
argue with a woman jtisfc keep
' If a fisli is good brain food, it
--eems a pity 7 in some cases to
waste so much fish.
• >.• the world
It one-half of
doesn’t know how the other half
iiv^s, the other , half is just as
If a man is too proud to beg
and toO honest to steal, the only
thing left for him is to get trus¬
ted •
If G: Washington fond-mother was hat never he j
asked by a w
thought of truest her cute baby, he then j
may be never
to l^ a l' e - Chicago News
J^ecrit of his PopuIar=
- - jty
The place hunters, the pro-
fesaional office holdersand otti V
| seekers, the men who ‘manipu
! ^te” things, are against Can
dler. They know th,ey can’t use
J or con - ! ol Can bier s popularity
' vvith the masses - with thoao v '' h °
are nif)re intere8ted ” 5 a
conservative, economical ad
mimstration of - the sUte ’ a af ~
fairs, than in dishing out
to paj political debts.
War is the last resort for the
settlement of all questions in
dispute between the different
nations of the earth.
Earnest effort should always
be made to settle by peaceable
means and differences that may
arise, before referring the mat¬
ter to the arbitrament of the
With this view of the situa¬
tion in mind, the Star makes
the following demands upon
Spam for reparation and satis¬
faction for the loss of he bat¬
tleship Maine, in Havana har¬
bor, and the lives of the 2G8 of¬
ficers and men who were killed
in the explosion •
1st. The freedom of Cuba.
2d An apology from the Span¬
ish government.
3d A salute of the American
in Havana harbor by the guns
of Morro castle.
4th. A money indemnity of
$25,000,000 to pay for the
erty destroyed, and to pension
the families of the men on
board the ill fated vessel,
double amount going to the faiu
lies of those who were killed.
If these demands are not prom
ptly complied with, then we
will ‘‘set the dogs of war-a
harking instanter:” provided,
always, that the court of in¬
. find{J tho Main0 wa8 blown
up from tho out side.
When the foregoing demands
have been complied with, and
the last, Spanish soldier lias left
ho os far as », aoo co„
^ r a licking,
So we had better take it at
drs * ; - 'povington Stai.
If “the hand that rocks the
cradle” rules the world, Allen
[> Candler will surely be Geor¬
gia’s next governor, for every
woman who cares at all: will
give her influences to the man
who was not only one of
South’s heroes upon the field of
strife, but is brave enough
this age of corrupt politics 'to
come cut in bold declaration for
clean methods and good
rnent. To women who are in¬
terested that the world
move upon a higkei plane,
platform means much, and m
Air. Candler they see a man who
will enact it ‘ sans fere et
reproche*”—Mrs. Beulah S
eley,in Rome Georgian.
fudging from the headache
achievment of the
newspapers? over ihe bare ru
mors of war, it is appalling
contemplate the possibilities
a real hattle.-Augusta
The shooting doves, par
trk i g e 3 and other wild game
1st ot each year. After Ihurs
day next ail’ true sportsmen will
discontinue to hunt birds until
the season opens again in the
fall •
NO. 10.
s gssss aspszsai
ESKia 1 r® Sasras? 8 1 3 I
IVSU St rHEkw.
“PITCHER’S CASTORIA,’’ as our trade mark.
J, DR, SAMUEL PITCHER, of Byannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of “PI I CHER S CASTCRIA,’ the same
that has home and does now on every
bear the facsimile signature oj u wrapper.
This is the original “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” which has been
used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the land you have al wa ys bought —; on ihe .
and lias the signature• of wrap- i <
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex¬
cept The Centaur Company of which Ciias. II. Fletcher is
March S, 1S97. Q'/lP ,J9,
Do Mot Bo Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in¬
gredients of which even he does not know.
f The Kind You Have Always Bought”
/ F Sj
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
N> *Cy -N>
T K 7e are very thankful to our customers and everybody
0 y in general for their patronage in past years, and w o
faithfully premise good treatment in the future.
To do a time business, also we will sell tor carii as cheap as
anybody. We are receiving the largest shipments of
.? 1 A M §51 ' i >1 M I
Coltliing, Ladies and Gents Neck¬
wear and Handkerchiefs,
Ever brought to this place, and cheaper than ever before
sold. Also all kinds of...................................
Farming Supplies In
Hardware, Flour, Meat, Meal, Seed Oats, Salt, Jugware,
Molasses and Syrups from 15 io 40 cents, and eveiytliingas
proportion. Call aud see us and bring your
tec-—3 SltTEiL
Clever Clerks and straight dealings....................
yy e j jave t 00 ninny filings to mention all in this space so call
^ w p at J ., ou W ant and you will he treated right.
Yours truly,
.s >< >. < \ »i 11 ‘: aso.n.
Parties wanting a First-Class
COAL Can ^ D6 aCGOmmOdated. -jjti by
Seeing ° US. WehaV6 a COT Oil the
1 UctvL.