Newspaper Page Text
local news items.
juts h"h> s issue.
Monday last
ifcrs. spr
llgllCS. „f Atlanta spent
I ■ here, JjrndnftX of Athens,
H | /lor
. .
L-.- Turner. of XIcDon
J,,,,. ,, this week.
■fctruai't ■ attended the Ma
BuThodge atXiacon thisweek
IR’our ■ Oxford, Mon was
street last
m sent several week line
l0,, ‘ts t!i tli is
place tliem.
pe they
JJl'tgO to war but
' The Blue Front. death of Col.
nexp* Nt Saturday morn*
ins the entire com
ock to
oh goods in every line.
The Blue Front,
Ji Wi'ihnrn, of Madison.
lv,,]T interesting Inst sermon Sun
i srchurch here
6 - hjits should be the
lory of every young man
ity The Blue Front
nt Clms. McDonald, of
■as |l here hist Volunteers Tuesday and in
fc with the
liri-at address of here Hon. L last L
Ms' delivered the
■as(gently ■er enjoyed who by heard
=.f people
■rgi-t that I have the
■ba molasses.
Ison Advertiser says:
liiifr [(fillingfor politicians arc. records now
1 to gull the future gener
■leoplc Wif have had theatrical fheop
witnessing The
■Psthis week. com
Bed the boards at Hale’s
lit of those
M. H. Plunket.
■Jones, the popular
■uburhan Ilierc, train, lias
Isiflence, and occupies
[J. Summers. recently
Iitnt cotton-checks
lave it cheap.
M. H.Plunket.
iivrm-r didn’t ■
luliu'wkiy i'llil. Up as was
■eorgia failed to connect
mad train in
i'ipirrapliod ■me the people
another day.
it realizes the full vjdiic
IkhhI neighbors until an
I' for trial comes.
■ lainily have every reason
■'hors. lyil to those good
S Idiies.s ' "ar interfere with
affairs— Buy
Pg of us
Lie Blue Front
I - Jarrell preached at the
I vmirch last Sunday
l | : U- promiseaiui He is a young his
|‘'if:, f -1 ms service discourse. was He greatly wifi
|» ftnthereafter again next until Sunday
r ™ 8 "aval
rl many prizes in
since hostilities
j ?ll: iFizes in dry
Lie Blue Front.
l|ii!,®re " lfr gentlemen T1,e
L rdlilmn^ mi i,,n r v t,lere , h.v
Li LX| B '* 1 has tieen
rr Storean<1 Bie
Ko It. M re ;. The
“ttention— S H
r at ffieal at Plunket’s.
l 1 ’" tliis c 0 ,il
rb;iv" u. Umat
I, to return home
r Y Bargains
\ "'N ?nods 5 at 5c.
. ■H' S at c.
_-i°r _
.. oe.
I- In;
[■..• I'fead for .V ’
” N fine '
j.L ,i ,
l’ 1 'kLu J'*T ' pair
■''..a, '
I Sti;,,- l( J *8.otj at
“ r Cash
- ‘'tore ■'
Happy thought* In bright colors' at
Summers' Cash Store.
’ .X clincher—those new shirts and
ties at Summers' ('ash Store.
Mr. It oh Aimand made a business
trip vo Atlanta this week.
Elder Win. Wood is now a bicyclist.
The bicycle reees are becoming a
feature of interest in Conyers.
Mnj. EH Aimand made a business
trip to Madison this week.
Hon. 11 L Berner, candidate for
Governor, passed through here yes¬
Friend Jim McDonald has been on
paged at the Blue Front for several
days past.
There will he a public debate to-night. at
Oak Grove school house
Everybody invited.
The suburban train will grow in
favor “Conyers' with our Flyer." people., It is called
XI r. G XV Alexander, who has been
confined to his room for two weeks,
is sufficiently recovered to be out a
Rev. l)r. Ragsdale,of Mercer Culver
sity,. paid a visit to bis many friends
here recently. He was gladly greet¬
ed by ail of our people.
The courthouse club has organized
and the members, all prominent gen¬
tlemen, can be found* there almost,
any hour in the day.
Mr. William Stovall is now o:i the
road selling Steel Ranges. He says
he has no desire to fight* Spaniards
and will not volunteer his services to
Uncle Sam.
The Smyrna school and the Litera¬
ry Society. of that neighborhood,
jointly gave an exhibition last wight
in the Smyrna tabernacle. Several
from the city attended.
Gus Flanagan col., lias just com¬
pleted a term of 12 months in the
DeKalb county chain-gang and re¬
turned to his family here. Gus says
die will stear clear of the courts in
the futufe.
April, just coming to a close, has
been one of tin most disagreeable
months in the year.
Several of LithomVs young men
were in Conyers Sunday.
Judge Reagan is on a visit to his
son, Col. E J Reagan, of McDonougl .
The Atlanta Journal advanced its
reputation for enterprise by issuing
an extra war edition last Sunday
The boys are preparing The to is organize able t<
a baseball team. town
put a winning team outlie diamond.
Many ladies They were diden't at the race wheth¬ track
yesterday. they enjoyed the racing. say
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bostwick, of
Mokgaii county is visiting relatives
here thisweek,
Floyd Plunket is yet in possession
>f tire blue ribbon as an indication ()!
ihe swiftest -bicycle rider in these
parts. rider Floyd in this issues surrouncling a challenge to
any or conn
The theatrical troup that has play
ed here for the past two nights at
Hale’s Opera house is said to be one
of the best that ever stopped here.
The members appear to be very clov¬
It is reported by those who attend¬
ed the entertainment at Smyrna
last night that it was a grand success.
A thousand and all or enjoyed more people it from were be¬
present, end. There lias been
ginning to many the
entertainments at Smyrna equaled in
past hut none, it is said, ever
the one last night.
XVe get the following from the Cov¬
ington Star:
“The impromptu debate betweenthe
champion debaters o'f Few and Phi
Gamma societies was held, as ap¬
pointed, in Few Hall, last Saturday
night, and was the best debate of its
kind ever given at Emory. Prof.
Sledd was secured to act as judge of
the debate and President of the meet
ing. He gave them the subject, Re¬
solved: “That granted Culm is free,
it would be against the policy or the
best interests of the United States
to annex her?,’ This proved to be a
popular subject,; and one that the
b'oys knew something ttbotit; lienee
a lively and enthusiastic debate fol¬
lowed, in which Phi Gamma bad the
negative, and won. the decision of the
judge. I Few’s representatives nobly debaters, ac¬
quitted themselves as
and the reason they didn’t win the
question was that they were just conclu¬ over
matched. It was universally
ded that Mr. B F Mann aud Mr. Jno.
of Tilley made the champion speeches
the occasion. w
A New Enterprise.
Conyers will have in apperation
within the next thirty days a first
class machine shop or plaining mill.
The firm is composed of Messrs .I P
Tilley, Jno, R Maddox and P G Tuck
• er, three progressive gentlemen, and
we are informed that only a_ short
time will he required to place the ilia
chinery which is now stored here, in
The building for the machinery is
being erected below Tilley Tucker's
warehouse and the work will be push
ed with all possible speed. of the
Mr.Teel will be foreman
shop and Mr. PG Tucker will begen
era! superentendent.
Thk Weekly is giad to lie able to
announce such valuable additions as
this to the interests of Conyers and
| hopes ami believes that it will prove
profitable from-the very start.
If you want anything in' the
line call on me.'
M. H.Phinkei.
Georgia fru’t growers hnv e reason
fee] grateful. A bountiful crop is
i have a nice select inn of canned
Mr. J N- Hale has bem sick for
iral'days hut is now able to be
81b can peaches for 10c at
J Plunket.
The Union yesterday. grove Hie literary school
school will
to-day-ift'-Reagan's spring.
Notice change in Summers' adver¬
Gardens arc looking well and vege¬
will soon he plentiful.
Fans! Fans'■ Fans 1
■'It Summers’Cash Store.
All people and are the seeking daily .the latest
news papers arc
rich. ..
XX'e are not selling out but outsel¬
Summers' Cash Store.
Mrs. Rii; . of Atliud;t.. is on a . visit
her parious Hero, Mr. and Mrs.
N Plunket. :
Uncle Sam could shoe his volun¬
army in Georgia at
Tli- Blue Front.
We print all the news.
v emk & u a *
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
K <> ti< *e.
XVe are requested 'to announce will
the merchants of Conyers
their stores iit-osix-o'clock in
afternoons from May 1st to
Sop l. 1st, Ail people.,w-i i 1
i Li) ii: Mm
All Brery Styl«i Kind Md'Sfsef of JFaol. for AThV fe. ark. nil hour bewaro thii
Of lmitatioaa.
i ri k I
A full line of these famous
STOVES, and many other
makes, are carried in stock by
us and at figures that can’t be
We mean it.
Come to see us.
an mar? so.
H- A - V - A - N -A.
Hudson is on the move to block¬
ade the drain on your purses for the
necessaries of dress in every way.
His is a handsome*stock of PURELY NEW GOODS.
His is a valuable and desirable stock at JUST PRICES.
His is a stock that will COMPETE \\ i l H ANA .
I Look out for" ..IMunket he is sni
ling goods at war prices.
O £3 XT Gf 3=5L X jSl. .
Eeara tho The Kind You Have A lways Bnaght
<Z*0Z&& '
<‘ol. Simpkins Dead.
Col. XV II Simpkins died sit hb
lionitt in this city last Saturday iiuut.
inp, of heart disease. Me came from
his office in Atlanta I’rjda.v
on (he accommodation train and
went to his residence on Decatur
street in his, usual health. About
o’clock at flight he awakened his
wife and announced to her that lie
■vvr-s not feeling well - He gfew worse
until four o’clock when Dr. Stewart
was summoned. Under the jvhysi
cian’s treatment had lie experienced readied some
relief. The Dr. barely
his home after the first visit when
lie was again called. When ho reach
(>d the bedside again the patient was
in Col." ;i dying-condition. Simpkins of most our
prominent and deplored. popular citizens He leaves and
Ids death is
a family and many relatives and
friends who'mourn.
Ti c fuller;;] service was conducted
atAbe Kuptist church, of which Sunday the
deceased was a member, on
afternoon at 2 o'clock, by the pastor,
Rev. J G Walker. assisted by Rev.
Di - . (juigg, A large congregation afterward as¬
sembled at the church and
followed (Hie remains to East-view
cemetery., w here they wereent-erred.
Thk XYkiokly extends sincere sym
pathy to rile'bereaved family. .
On tin- 18! h or lOth I lost my mem¬
oranda hook containing statements
Anyone finding the above will be
liberally rewarded by returning same
to me.
A N Plunket-.
For Infants and Children.
Tin fse- e— “ — is ea
tiallo every
c l < * S0
Fimevni -.
Coffins, Caskcis and funeral, sup¬
plies regardless of paces. .Respectfully.
XV X r Aimand
> - -
All parties arc hereby notified
the lands- of Mrs. IN C Elliott, in
Sheffield district, Rockdale
are legally posted and alt
ing strictly Jorbiddeii under penalty
1 of prosecution.
Mrs. NC Elliott.
IN otico.
I have control of a line Spattisli
Jack at Melton’s stable and can
be found there any day. This
a superior animal him. in every sense.
Cali and see
Walter Veal.
IN' otifo.
Dr. C- XV.McCiiiia has opened a
denial office in room 8 of the
cial Hotel, Conyers, and will do ;.I1
kinds of Dental work, and extract
teeth without pain.
tivE gentlemen orla-dies to
el for responsii)le, established
in Georgia, Mo ltbly itOo.UO ami
expenses. Position steady.
ence. Ehcp sc self-addressed
ed envelope. The Dominion Com¬
pany, Dept. R. Chicago, 111.
Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on all parts of the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound bank.rg,
Overdrafts will not foe fiomored w red z r soy cssrcrinn*
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 i*. m till fuGlmr l.oiiro.
i egjr;
1 __________ <"■ ■!«
j m MisL Miltofirv i
j I ilissriisya f»
The inos 1. complete and stylish assortment of every descrip*
tion ever opened in this town can be seen at the Core rooms o
Mrs. W. J. Eakes, a lady of most excellent caste, long expe¬
rience aud fine judgment, who spent many days attending the
large spring openings in Atlanta, thoroughly familiarizing-her¬
self with all the latest styles, fashions etc., before buying, is a
gain in charge, and is turning out some of the loveliest creations
in Spring and Easter hats ever shown in Conyers.
L A N G F 0 R D
Has spared no pains in getting his millinery goods for this sea¬
son and being a
close cash buyers
iflrnsr large lots
He is enabled tq give
The best goods, the latest styes and the biggest
Bargains to be had.
He extends a kind invitation to all to call and examine his
line before buying, knowing that ho can please them in goods
and save them money •
Remember he"carries hats of every kind and style, Ribbons,
Flowers, Plumes, Laces, Trimmings etc. When you get a hat
flora Langford you cau rest assured it is the best, the most styl¬
ish and the cheapest to be had.
1 as \Ph i TAT D k Li <£32&f04 I
u 0
Spring is right With us
and ive ai • f V.' i ni r : in
spring and early sum¬
mer goods
Come to our big store
and you tire sure to get
* c J
big bargains.
Big Cash House:
New Store!
! ing old or out of date.
We have just opened a new stock of General Merchandise
on Commerce street and are prepared to serve the public at
We will keep no books and pay casii for all our goods and
our prices will be couespondingly low.
We handle Bicycles and Cycle
Sundries and do Bicycle Repair
work promptly.
' Be to call
' sure on us.