Newspaper Page Text
<01 . fifteen months we have been
jjio’ tlic j tistl^y CGicbrotocl AlitciiGil
ff is Wagon and they have
lU ine satisfaction to all customers.
Ve have just received Another Car
1( 1 of these famous wagons of all siz
vveiglits and styles, !
f you need a wagon we invite you
examine this lot before you place!
r order. Everv wagon sold under
L-ict guarantee, Make our store
r headquarters.
■dike Locals.
son Bowen of Henry
kited “fair oaes" in
unity last Sunday.
IJerorae Robinson will
>8 ummer term of the
hi |!iis place on July 5th
'nr meeting is being
school house ou the
iofeach Sunday.
foil Wiggins and sis
ia. visited relatives
Springs last Satur
Deloach, of Panthers
hlh us Sunday.
I N Blackman, who
[onelittle family, are all very
f P with this family,
[or them a speedy re¬
r ere of this place at
Pnstitute at Decatur
>a^ it that there will
o sidings in this com-
15 fall and we believe
s Reporter.
P locals.
rain and crops
f "fieorge has receu
r f Purchased a new
^•ras had better
r ile L of Atlanta is
\ wealth, ,
Ms He is go
Grail yout aud
hammer at his old
^ r immunity, Stanl ey, an aged
‘1 pass
I at his home
I r * u 'as loved and
L 1 who knew him.
[[^Pathy to the be
/Pinson preach-
1 sei mon t0 a
5 UIU %
^1, atMt.
■ Stilly MIC" a- r
I :il °ol at
j 'bh lh«»ni mJ 1 ]
~°od wo r k.
* - Ys.i tv 8£: ts see
V ! I
la / ‘l 'V / fWlb
his best girl last yunday after¬
noon ,
Mr. Will Cook, of Atlanti,
was down visiting liis. uncle,
Mr. G. W. Morris, Saturday
Some of our young people arc
to attend the annual cel¬
ebration at OakHill Saturday.
Messrs Chas. Ragsdale and
Joe South visited their best
girls Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Jas. Sorrow is able to he
out again after a severe illness
Rockhill Locals,
| We have very good Sunday
i a
schoo! at RocEhiU a!ld wlU ° r "
ganize a literary society next
Saturday night. We hope that
everybody will come and help
us out.
Mr. John Henry visited his
best girl at Rockhill last Sun¬
Mr. T. N. Simoutou’s wife
is very ill.
Mr. Henry Peek visited the
family of Mr. Ed Rice last Sun¬
Mr. John Lupo and Mrs. Li\'
ie Lupo visited the family of
Mr. Isaac Eubanks last Sun¬
day .
Manila we will not P rget.
Nor the gallant < vnnnnnlore,
Who steered his fleet in fashion neat.
And spilled the Spanish gore.
We’ll not forget the sturdy hoy
Who made the brilliant fight. the
Who sent the shells and raised
From yells that
tiie Spanish throats
We'll not forget the man who took
His ships and life in hand
And crossed the main to do up Spain
Anti did it well and grand.
We may forget the martyred Maine,
The bloody Spaniards too,
Rut you can bet we’ll not forget
George Dewey and his crew.
Locusts in Georgia.
The predictions of the a gri
|cultural department at Wash
ington that the
f° CUfS * i would appear this year in
Georgia has proved true, and
large swarms of them have ap
peared in the counties of Dade.
E&tershaa, Hall aa4 Eubura
A few have been seen in Elbert
and Paulding.
This information comes from
the agricultural department at
Washinnton to Entomologist W.
M. Scott of Georgia, Mr. Scott
i i Tiie cicada though popular
called locust, like those that ues
troy crops. The true locust be¬
longs to tlie grasshopper family
and is close of kin to the
ing mentis.
“The cicada, which is
called a locust, does not
to that family, but is a
cousin to the July fly. It does
little damage-’’
The seventeen year locust, as
it is called, is said to appear
every seventeen years in the
north and every thir¬
teen at the south- Thirteen
years ago the eggs of the seven¬
teen-year locust were placed at
die roots of trees in the Macon
park by professor J. F. Willett,
to see if they would produce the
cicad i in thirteen years in this
Mr. Scott examined the trees
recently, but found no sign of
the cicada.— Ex.
B >b Berner Gets There.
On last Thursday Gov. W. Y.
Atkinson appointed Hon. R. L.
Berner Lieut-Colone! of the
Third Georgia Volunteers.
There were a good many appli¬
cations for that position, among
them being Col. R. LL Thoma¬
son, of this city, but the gover¬
nor overlooked them ali and ap¬
pointed Col. Bob, who was not
an applicant at all.
The Advertiser was in hopes
that Col Thomason could have
secured the commission, for he
certainly deserved it, and was
by far better fitted for its duties
than any of the other applicants
Bob Berner excepted. But
it seems that the governor of
Georgia who is somewhat noted
for the surprises he springs on |
the people, has deemed other
Subsequently tbe gov ei nor of
fered Col. lhomason one of the
majorships of the regiment, but
the Colonel declined the honor
witU thaaks. — Madieoa
'| | |e CoilveHS A 0* Company,
. Con vers, V : k : ; Georgia.
We are now prepared to do any kind of wood work in the Cabinet line, It is our pur
pose to give repair work of all kinds prompt and careful attention.
In Connection with the repair work we purpose to be able to furnish at short notice any
ard all kinds of Inside House Furnishing.
We can furnish to order any piece of Cabinet work desired. For terms, prices, etc. call on
P. G. Tucker, Supt.
Spanish Is
a i Sans ia«*<>.
Gen. Castillo says there are 12,
000 Spanish troops in the city of
Santiago. 12,000 at Manzanillo
(on the coast, about ninety
miles west of Santiago) , 5,00()
at Holguin (sixty- five miles
northwest) and as many more
strung along the lines of Ihe
The Cubans under Gen. Gar¬
cia are operating to keep any
more Spanish troops from reach¬
ing Santiago. The Cubans
much encouraged. They say
that with 20,000 men the
' C:,n - S ma .V Dike Santiago in ten
da vs •
11 is Ihe bubbling stream that
f!owb <he little rivuiet
that inns night and day by the
farm house that is useful, rather
than ihe swoolen flood or war
ring t ataract. Niagara
our wonder, and we stand amaz
ed at the powerful greatness
God there as He pours it foGh
from the hollow of His hand.
But one Niagara is enough for
the continents of the
while the same world
thousands and tens of
ands of silver fountains,
flowing rivulets that water
ery farm and garden, and
flow on every day and
with their gentle, quiet
tuous life.
Here is the truth to
many can testify from
Washington Post! -‘ft some¬
times requires more and better
courage to stay at home than
go to war. Many a man who,
if duty would permit him to
unteer, would be glad to go, is
compelled by the most solemn
and binding obligations to stay
at home. It is not a manly, a
wise, or a heroic thing for a cit¬
izen to leave his wife, children,
sisters or parents in want in or¬
der to go where he is needed.
g 0 w ho want to enlist and whose
presence at home is not essenti
tia i to the support of families,
„o man whose presence is thus
required has a inoral right
It seems daradoxical tnat
persou is al ways away from
ftopje v;jjeu 1 # is iiQwesi«k.
NO. 26.
We have an elegant REFRIGER
ATOR and our fresh meat will be
kept in good condition this summer.
This is new for Conyers and we ex
pect it to be appreciate
Aliimnd l Evans.
M l
\V TT 0 a <H n i»/i 0 nn/lioiiiG/wlKr II llCllS])U L0U 1
* /* 111111 ° j l U F0. UUF / \ j 1
• J)OSC(I I till 1 1 iiTfldGS 1
IS COI11 ()l
i | > 1 •
\\ cl I 1 1)1*100$, 1 O tfllS
^tOCK W0 11UV0 11(100(1 U lOt
<>** handsome Iron bed
steads, Clocks, Machines,
JilAnM.. ■
A big lot of cooking
stoves that We can sell
cheap, You lose money
if you buy without get¬
ting our prices.
Adverse your business.