Newspaper Page Text
Cl FICIAL organ Or the GOUiJT V.
r ------------
I'..,teied«tdm?M»t«fiiy l; .at pavers as
■- ..TUiDAV, Julie 2d,1808.
ijoed- ■> cent* per !in•• f< t lir-t ntser
timi: -J 1 cents for each s I
«(.ties Regular adv. a. -
II, .r iasertion: 2.V for each Mibse.pie«»t
ii .
,S( H't ItlPl'iO.V UA Hi:
Cue year, iu HI I vaace..... .$5.00
fcix niontiis, in advance ...She
'* •!
/Cl ■ .4%>i ■'(i-wm
fA 1 I • i ' ' Jr
x> 'hi
Do You Use It?
It’s the best tiling for llie
hair under all circumstances,
Just as no man by taking
thought can add an inch to
Ii is stature, so no preparation
can make hair. The utmost
that can he done is to pro¬
mote conditions favorable to
grow.lh. This is done by
Ayer’s Hair Vigor, It re
moves damivuff, cleansts the
scalp, nourishes the soil in
which the hair grows, and,
ju l as a desert will blossom
under rain, so bald heads grow
hair, when the roots arc nour
ished. But the roots must be
there. If you wish your hair
to retain its normal color, or
if you wish to restore the lost
tint of gray or faded hair use
Ayer’s Hair Vi^or.
\ conb'iiij.i rarv ■ \ j to -v - il ftii
ay : ‘'Santiago. Sant in-going,
Sa nt ia-gone.
Alien l>. t'nndici' wasilic most
ti e most popular man in tlm con¬
vention when iie a)ip< a red.
/- I'OIIV it I Oil i d t"; j
1 in an - I he lin 1 1 >0(1 \ j j joi1
t Vi assembled in < Jeorgia.
(ten. Joi • \\ he •mniinv know.- how
tlie Spanish dele trees J’ Santaigi
}> ok to a man tip a t !■ .—!.\.
Candler got i.i round numbT
I .(KM). Berm r I'J.IKKI and Aj
Vinson Rbllod votes in tlm prima-
1' V.
Every candidate has some fool
1 1 leads. Remember t hat.— 1 1
ton Argus N' . and tImy 'always
I ob up at t!m wrong i inm.
General \\ l' ' l"r has lii'en elinib
tree-« lihm • • j .
lng live nun - ot Pan-i
tmgn. 1 im again Uic'le in Sam few days. will hear from )
The American Soldiers in Cuba
are showing the grit that is in thein
doing i,l every tiieircountry opportunity. They ar>'
Judge J no, S. Candler lias I iiei! j
notified by the war department of
tlm accept ability of I i IS >mt- j
li.cut as Colon ‘1 of the Third Ga.
Regiment. The friends of Judge
Candler will l .vive inn announce
im-ni v itii genuine pleasure. lle
v\ ili make a r ord i u tie
battle that Ids friends will be;
proud of.
Atlanta is making a greai effort
in iiehalf of the t out-derate Yet
{•rail’s re-mu- i to h hold tin-;
this month. l'lie old soldiers will
citizens lie gtveu n royal reception Uv the ,! I
of tlm Gate city and 1K
nlfort will -pared by the differ-i
•nit committees make the occasion
conspicuous to tu ., tort
com anu i
pleasure of tie guests.
The int it. ii...i i - riv-.iuo . , nn \. •!
x loree yesterday and reaches uearlv
* rv •U'i.,ess \ rausaet i, in. It
Mould he well for every man
soouiv a copy »t this lav, end -,.st
himself in mV r that he mnv not
nnwmuigiv \ dale it. i t
Vetidevi to rai ' an '•norm,ms revc
line to inert the hem >' expense the
government •»he sustains . U!l ace.met v .f
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolute!/ Pure
WO ’ A BAKIN . f *'■■••, ;t r ., YORK.
Democratic Nominees.
Result of Democrat primary
j lection, la-id Juno 0th. 1808, to
I nominate candidates for the par
For Governor.
A. D. Candler.
Km' Fed reiarv of State.
Phillip C . .. . I
For attorney General.
Joseph M, Terrel.
For Stale Treasurer.
Wm.J. Speer.
For Comjd roller General.
\\l. A. Wriglit.
, i FCommissioner . . of Agriculture ,
; O. B. Stevens.
| Fo- Prison Gommissoner.
j ,1. S. Turner,
Fur (' mgressman, fdli District,
b. F. Livingston.
Result of prmarv election held
June I'Hrd for the nomination of
county officers:
For Representative:.
j C. Jl. TURNER,
For SIh j ill :
For Clerk:
For Tax Collector:
For Tax Receiver:
For Treasurer:
For Coroner:
Condensed War News.
\> wc go to press the latest tli
elms from Santiago announci
i hat fight ing has begun in earnest:
all I he land forces arc engaged and
ervera’s Meet in the Santiago
harbor is shelling tlm American
troops wherever thdy appear while
the American war ships arc boin
.1 riling the f, rt- and attempting
- i i lestroy the Spanish ships.
Tlm lighting is said to be fierce
now and is expected to become
lesperate before our soldiers can
take tho city.
The lighting then since our
t roojis landed has been, favorable
, om soldiers , ,■ and , much . eonli
deuce is hdl in their ability to
whip the Spaniars and capture
Santiago notwithstanding the
odds against them.
l'lie volunteers at Chieamauga
are being sent to the Florida coast
vlmre tlmy will embark for Cuba
or Porto Rica. It is likely they
will he us.*.I to reinforce General
shatter ,, at Santiago. I
'i'lie Spanish Cadi/ :1< ■ i is said
to be enrouto to Manila and this
movement on the part of Spain has
im! tlm war department to organ-1
;; licet under Commodore Wat-;
son and order it to proceed to;
8 pa in. This fleet will toss a l’cw i
shells into some of the more ac
vossible cities just to let the Dons j
know what we can do in the wav|
. > handling shins.
1 i
VV it hill the next v. .k there will
, some lively lighting at Santia-i
“ nd . u m:l v >v , that , the
will tall into ihe hands of the!
Anewieans .• Indore this time
wt ' f ‘ k '‘
Washington, I *. C.. Saturday
2:00 July . 2.--The d.
a. in.. war
paitmont ha. i Tv 4. C .9 fullow-
: ing dispatch from General >Shnf
ter. dated Sibmiev:
‘•Had a very heavy engagement
to-day, which lasted from 8 a. in.
imtil Hiiudown. We have carried
the outer work- and a re now in
session of them.
"There is now about tliree-qu:iJ‘- 1
ters of a mile of open between
tin* troops will Ih. entrenched
considerable augmentation of for-:
ces *■*'
.... .....»'
(Ieneral Bates - brigade have been
•ngaged nil day in carrying El!
Ctinev which was accomplished at
1 [i. m.
“Will b<> in line and in front of
Santiago during night.
“I regret to say that our casual¬
ties will be about 400.
Of these not many killed.
Bears the Tits Kind Yon Hate Always Bought
Judge Candler lias refused to
grant a new trial in the famous
Flanagan case and the attorneys
for the murderer wili carry their
plea before the .Supreme court. In
vile meantime Flanagan lias out-!
lived Jus original lawyer Col. W. j
C. Glenn, and the husband of one
of his victims and justice is not
yet in sight.
The question that the people ol
,im Stone 'Mountain circuit are
./ost interested m now is; who
will be appointed to hold our Su¬
perior court in ihe absence oi
i tut go Candler? Conyers, has
oiiiosplendul Judicial timber anti
c; would no gfail to see i; brought
into service. Judges Gloaton or
. icCuJla would till the ullioe ad¬
Judge J KHines has been
uiaieii oy tile Popuiisi ot this uia
. i let tor Congress. He will go up
against the iaslest politician in
• oeorgia when he taca les the
ocratic nominee, lion. J,. lc
mgs ton. it is not presumed that
tile Judge expects io win and it is
uiought that he allows the use ol
uix name simnlv to tilt out the
The individual who dodges cred
itois, defers payments, scales Ins
.alligations, and becomes known
;s -poor pay.' looses caste, not
only coinmerciallv but socially,
i me s Jieart may "beat warm tor
ms country,’ ’ nut if he does not
make an eifort to pay Ills grocery
ills, he will soon mid Ins associ
ales looking at him askance oi
"cutting” him outright.—Savan¬
nah News.
The city papers are all right ii
you want tliem. but at is the local
£>apcr that advertises your busi
ness , your schools, your churches,
your numerous societies, sympa¬
thizes with you in your aitiictums
and rejoices in vour prosperity.
In short it is your’latial paper that
mentions the thousand and one
items in which you are interested
during the vear, and witieh vou
do not find in tin citv papers.—
That was a remark highly flat¬
tering to khis country, and yet not
unduly iaudatory, with which the
: I'itisn Consul at Manila reassur
m a timid Spanish Woman who
* ont bin \ tor Detection after
Deweys victory, and alter pon
during on the t rightening procla¬
niation concerning the practices of
the Americans, issued by the Gov
General of the Islands,
‘‘Madame,” said he. ‘•'honor and
. Manila .. , to-day
xm,iea,v [ -afer m
than they have been in tiiree mm
dred years.’’
Oak Ci rove,
T , ( a pie-me at , .. Ale
Darnell s mill to-dav. 1
Miss ... Maud ,, , Allen, . , who has been
for some time, is
V, e had a nice little shower yes
terday ed afternoon which lias liven¬
up everything very much.
Alrs. Myram Hudson entertain
<>d a party of friends at
Friday night.
The American soldiers in Cuba
are now 1 ea rn ing soim 1 1 hi ng about
war. The l-i t- st new- from 1
Santiago say :■ easualti es ...;ii * ' ,A f /M o-! !
1 ! 1 10-i kill, i! and wounded. t his j
io gett ing down to lighting in earn
, <{ ami t he increase in t he killed
and wounded colnme may be ex
petted to'grow from now on. i
_ ___ , |
. be hoped , J that o* f!
ii is to none .
will ask ••Lieutenant.*
B»n,« BUT Slid!
rni-sin^ questions as hich
(iJ;(i ( . ftjl{t mn t } lG l >a l! come
out?—Dalton Argus.
i!S*“ f
Letters Dismission.
Gkokcia. Rockdale county.
To whom it may concern:—R. H.
Cannon, administrator of the estate
of Win. ii. Cooper, has duly filed his
application for letters of dismission
from his trust as such administrator,
and 1 will pass upon the same on the
first Monday in August. 1898. (liven
under mv hand and ofiic-ial signature
this. May3,1898. Helms, Ord.
Adv. .-pi. A. M.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
signature of
'J'sjx licecivers A otiee.
The bodes for receiving tax returns
for the year 1898 are now open and l
will be at the county Precincts as fol¬
lows :
Sheffield, April 27, May 13, June 3.
Lorraine. April 28, May 20 , June 10.
Honey Greek, April 29, May 27,June
G H Hull, R T E.
At J. J. Langford’s store.
For Represen tat i ve.
f hereby announce myself a candi¬
date for representative, subject to the
vieuiociatic mnmhititmii aim ask tilt
support of my friends.
v ri l iuiier.
For Tax Collector.
I herein' announce mvself a caiuli
iiiiSsItl ’T-‘“Sr *
it Hoping anil trustng that.ilie peopii
will see proper to support and eiccu
me, laui, very respecfully,
; AV- G. Clotfelter
For Tax Receiver.
I annoimce myself a candidate foi
re-election to the olHc-e of Tax Kee
eiver, of Rockdale County, subject
tothe democratic primary, i thunk
the people for that support that gavi
me the office two years ago and I will
appreciate their continued confidence
and support in tlie coming election.
tf elected ! promise to faithfully dis
charge theiliitiewof tluMitiice.
Itespeetfullv. H.
ti' Hull.
Ciiuufv Tresisiiror.
1 hereby announce m'. selfa candi
dat for the office of County Treasurer
subject totlieaction profnis of the Democrat¬
ic primary. I if elecetd, to
give the county a. clean, honest ad¬
ministration. 1 desire to thank my
friends for past patronage, and iiopi
I may merit-a continuance of same.
Voms to cominand,
Jamms A. Dukes.
l or OlorL.
I respectfully of the nfmoum-e myself candi¬ to
the voters county as a
date for the office of Clerk of .Super¬
ior Court of Rockdale county, sub¬
ject to the action of the Democratic
party. ! will thank the people o,
the county for their support and will
discharge the duties of the office faith
fully and honestly if elected.
Very respectfvllv
D. n.Siginan.
oi* SslierilT.
I hereby announce mv candidacy
for the office of Sheriff of Rockdale
county, subject to the action of the
Democratic party. 1 heartily thank
the people for the support they have
given me in the past and respectful¬
ly ask them to vote forme. Ifelect
etl l shall, in the future as tn tne past, j
serve them faithfully and honestly,
Yours truly.
AY-h. M. Austin,
For Infants and Children.
i: es
After two weeks of earnest preach
big. praying and Bfgiging the pro
traded meeting at the Methodiat
Hnirch was brought to a close Inst
Tuesday night. The church has
been much revived by the services
and much good was accomplished.
There were two conversions. »
—- *---
infant . .. of , .
:nr. and , Mrs. D.
S. Butter . „1 Im Tl,,,r,,l
( ■' I11 ^e ail(L leuiains were in
u ' md yesUsrdn y in the old
Th" little one was not sick
a great While and suffered but lit
I'o eeforeit fiHUidnjWitet.ful .fcep,
<'*.!>..-• ■« v r»t 1 IhimI>s‘.
The next issue of the Rockdale
Banner will he under the manage¬
ment of Col. J X Hale, lie having re¬
cently purchased the paper.
Mr. \\ S \\ at dinw, wlio has been
puhlishingthe paper since last Jan¬
uary, will return to Atlanta.
Col. Hale is a well known newspa¬
per man and returns to his first lore
Again i announce for the
information that I am prepared
the people of this and surrounding
counties at REASONABLE ??J
CEB and guarantee every animal
sold to he as recommended.
us horsee.^i
nrv“ I ms • is a very common expres
sion at GAILEY'S Soda Fount anc
<162011068 i-a ^ !3r6PPvT8S
1116 «rillSS 118
j — -
This is a hint to those who de
sire something good and atthesam(
time cooling.
tTl —Ui «~=2l £73 «rr:3 Jl 9L.Z SGI “ness l 1
Baseballs. Bats, Mits, Croquet
sets, Marbles, Tops, and almost all
things in the sporting line.
Gaily Drug Co. j
Why go further? We have it
you can buy it as cheap h° nl
We handle fancy and family Groc
enes, Canned goods etc.,
We do all kinds of Bicycles Be
and we also rent Wheels. I
Be sure to give us a call wb 11
come to town.
We guarantee satisfaction.
L A N i r Gi L Brr tO- c
ar. the im ;.r
cordially l le f ..,n 1 |
greets his 'Vk E k '
A’E"£* s s»s3«. *#4 Oij
Here is a >' C h as To-.n
etta■ Journal:
! ivouhie‘h’!*’, ,m, ! 11e the government in,,! ‘ r< ‘ n!i ''-'K l-??' ab-
3 !1 “if '‘‘‘dlei'tinp- }V.4£
disposal, :il i™,*» v ^? n!, ^:it'j
]i T.Tilh tj.T N ' TJf*"f**
fare g was new ; ' ’.; j ^
V i, «r ais,> ..v,., esi r g
. , iwStcf. hS'wT-tf
h f"
As ,' ve <o oress a telephone
sage that Floyd tour. l*uu. 'Valter hot Ah ..J state rues
at Monroe yesterday entered two rad
them. He took am! v, 'on hotii
tiie gold medal in tl. o
open ! professional am! ,von a teii ,□ ]
ar prize in a race with Hale ,0
tod shape ' u
m g and will run <T
races to-day. s,;Vw »
-Next thing you knov.a fc|U
wil have to put a two-cent
on every kiss lie gives a wifr."'“