Newspaper Page Text
C/3 k f m HK3 i 3 L :■ Sat-aEEJkA
%r ! e iv.-j.ivod [ finished photos at
,, per dozen all next
2 and sold. Collections made on all cd
ACC0H1 E Derations tJAicuuou wnuioiwu .. in. CTQ
r Lfls
will not foe honored under aoy“drcum
hours from 8 A. m. till 4 r. M.till further notice.
ASTORIA. Have Always Bought
^ Th8 Kind You
Conyers People will celebrate
Hill today.
L| Mrs. Dan Jones visited in
last Sunday.
v !it. Bailey made ‘husir.efs
■ar Elder of Waycross is at
Bra short vacation.
I Wallis, of De-Kalb eoun
a visit to relatives here.
Blr-Quigghns returned home
(reeks stay at Indian Springs.
If Lii Curley, of Atlanta, is spend
days with relatives is re.
Ihisey Eider, of Athens, is the
I;Mrs’. Dan Jones in the city.
I?Till“,v Looking spent Thursday inter- in
after business
p.S. Tilley will respond to
Brume address at Oak Hill to
pi HHardin and wife, spent
*:c with friends in the city
I ['lie Tillie Norman is spending
Ivood. with relatives and friends
|! I iore growing in importance.
nt ho well for you to forget
"tta Meltee, lias returned to
p 'in Alliens after a pleasant
b iriemls here.
: dtik-aton, of Henry county,
liere brother, Judge Geo W
'■ this week.
l (»<'<>, of Atlanta was ho re
k winding father’s up theadininistra
' estate.
' ■i;uul MeCalla has returned
: ■ « pleasant visit to friends
era and elsewhere.
■ 'em Ethridge and Totsie
C nave returned to Con vers.—
h unity Weekly.
ill lie •Tt , ifnd
1 t-imughout ■ very general eeie
the state.
hr '■ "'Hardin has traded his bi
fin e buggy hors and Stew¬
's now riding a wheel.
si 5 rgui Arnold left Saturdt
t'> Atlanta, Conyers iy
mgs, — Madis • n Advertiser.
' ; Smith.
the big Georgia
'‘ e to .the state convention if
made homespun—
• i cool looking.
{ »*< l Master Fain AI
; ‘ 'css Henrietta Childress,
■' '•)• 'ayebeen t Adair guests this of Mr.
wee k .
5 licpccachingat the Bap
">-u;iy nnd to-morrow )>v
,1G to Walker. Every
■ attend the services.
' ! ’" Alinaml, with Morris,
"T .
1 '- «f Pldladclphia.
:.Lf “' 1 : Aimand in
’' ’
- - ■'he -
is enjoying a splen
eded haciiy in i liaR y sec
Pyle informs us tiiat
l "”,v m wliicli he resides
- *" nine weeks of any
j*' :r citizens are speak
L . the _ excursion to siil
Li the 9th. Barring
. bng on an ex-ursion
k. ay will Lucnt at
■ ■ iriemls t - ; M ■ S
■ (S :, f , (
' two months past -l -.-m
uiss ! J la - Y, ■ ! L i!
4 «4S( ';t,.
Have you given in your tax?
Mr. G M Jones, of Atlanta, was
here this wrek.
Mr. Sid Daniel, of Atlanta, was in
the city yestgrday.
Don’t forget to give in your tax
when you come to town.
Steve Gina ton and Clyde Langford
make a winning battery.
Mr. V A McGinty, is stopping at
Hot Springs for his health.
Miss Marie Mitchell, of Atlanta, is
visiting Miss Nellie Gailey.
Miss Meadows, of Oxford, is the
guest of Miss Hattie Wallis.
Mrs. W B Heagan has gone' for a
visit to relatives in Atlanta.
Mr. T A Elder, of Dooley, county,
is on a visit to his family here.
Messrs. Chas. and Otto Clotfelter
ar ■ at Indian Springs this week.
Miss Daisey Foster, of Lithonia,
is the guest of Miss Lollee Posey.
Mr. and Mrs. N B Hudson, of At¬
lanta, are the guest of friends here.
Misses Johnson and Brand, of Li¬
thonia, visited friends here last Moi
N. Miss is Sophie Adams, of Charlotte
C., the guest of Miss Nellie Gai¬
Air. and Mrs. A J Summers are on
a visit to relatives at Covington this
several Mr. Perry Griffin, with of Oxford, spent this
days friends here
Mr. Chas McDonald, of Lithonia.
spent friends. Wednesday here with his
Dry is playing Very havoc with the nock gar¬
dens. It is dry in this ot
' Hie woods.
Mrs. Ja.s Shepherd, of Atlanta, is
on a visit lo her mother, Mrs. S C
Punter, in the city.
The Misses Cook have returned te
their home at Oxford after a pleasant
visit to relatives here.
Mr. TV J Waldrop and family, of
Lithonia, spent Sunday and Monday
last with relatives here.
Thin coats ought to he worn now.
We are selling them at your price.
The Blue Front.
The store of I) M All mind's sons
has been wonderfully improved by
the free use of the paintbrush.
We are closing out organdies at
your price. Blue
The Front.
Conyers baseball people will enjoy a game
of on the afternoon of the
Dr. T J McDonald and family have
returned from a visit to relatives and
friends in DeKalb and Fulton coun¬
Mrs. M’S Ward law left last Tues¬
day for Atlanta, whither she will be
followed by Mr. Ward law in a few
Rev. Drill) Ragsdale, of Mercer
University, is conducting a Bible
Institute at the Fifth Baptirt church,
Atlanta, this week.
Miss Floride Tucker entertained
a party of young people a t her home
Thursday evening, 'the evening was
pleasantly spent by all present.
If you desire to join the army you
will find it a very easy matter. Re¬
cruiting offices iiave been Atlanta. opened
just around every corner in
Quarterly meeting of the Metliod
' ®hurch in Conyers will he held on
«L r ht and die Conference will be held
iat 8:80 a.m. on Monday.
Two fishing parties went out from
CoTyers this week, one to yellow riv
i 1 r r ) !< ‘) f T'\r to south nver. Boiii
tinnies. i"S,s e«r&"ffi
—Hr. J M P. ‘iltaii!. of ...........
handsoinev’r"’ 1 !)?!Briuiio
some time.—Ex.
Let , your Ice T Cream, ,, hoda , ,
Coca Cola, Lemonade
and all summer drinks from L
Still, at Duke’s
The man that travels life's highway
A ill meet With many tins and downs,
Hutftheone that carries a smiling
Will beat the one that frowns.— J .F.A
if you want a good broom go to
Plunket. s.
Mr - At. K- Allen is making some
splonded photographs these days,
His work is very line.
Get home raised flour at Plun
ket’s. It is the best.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Aluiand
are stopping at Indian Springs
for several weeks.
All kinds of enamel ware at
We call your attention to Mr.
C. B. Hudson's advertisement in
this paper. His stock is a splen¬
did one and he has marked his
goods at "right prices’ Be sure
to see him when you come to,town.
Small dove hams at Plunket's.
Mr. J. M. Almand is beginning
to look a little tired and his inter¬
esting family lias only been from
mime a week or two. We are rea¬
dy to comfort'you anyway' ,ve can,
If you want your goods deliv¬
ered promptly buy them from
Fjiernl Joe.Norman is shaping anoth his
business affairs with an eye to
or visit 10 Athens.
Mr. W H I’risentine come in yos
rday and reported tons concerning
! mammoth lish fry enjoyed neighbors by him
ieifand about thirty of his
uid friends on the Covington road,
body, ii says fish were all plenriful the and every¬ had
ladies and in party
t great time. The ladies cooked Hit
.ish and the feasting was royal.
Genuine Cuba Molasses at Plun¬
Messrs Plunket and Hogue left
csterday for Monroe where they g<
o illod participate for that in place the yesterday bicycle races
• ant
'o-uay. Floyd Plunket is a very
i w :it rider and will make if exceed
ngly warm for some of the boys on
the track.
Two pounds oat meal for 6cents
at Plunket's.
Messrs. T J Carter and John Clem¬
mons, of Conyers, have enlisted i;
: 'a "jo. Maddox-s company, Thirt
Georgia Begimeiit. and left yester¬
day oe'sent for Atlanta. They will Macon probabh
from Atlanta to at
Preserve kettles at-Plunket's.
Seargent E. P. Guinn, of the Con¬
yers Volunteers, has been appointee!
Seargent in < dipt. Steadman V. San¬
ford’s company of I' S Volunteers.
Seargent Guinn Monday. will probably 'Those report who
tor duty Conyers next
leave for the war carry tin
best wishes of all our people with
.Just received a big lot of buggy
whips. Plunket.
The Woman's Missionery Society
holds its regular meeting at the
•iethodist church Monday and afternoon. only
July ’ 1th. at 4 o’clock, not
a re the members requested ladies of to the bt
present, but all the
church. A cordial invitation is als<
extended to other denominations.
Good shoes, Dry goods and no¬
tions at Plunket's.
OME persons say
it is natural for
them to lose flesh
during summer.
But losing fiesh is losing
ground. Can you afford
to approach another win
ter in this weakened con
Coughs and colds,weak
throats and lungs,, who come
quickest to those are
thin in flesh, to those eas
ily chilled, to those who
have poor circulation and
feeble digestion.
phosphites does jUSt US
much good in It summer flesh as
in winter. makes
in August as Well as April.
y 0 cert ainly need as
" erv es i n Ju l y ’ s ,i n
January. And A your weak k
f™ ***
ened without delay.
Fine vinegar 25 cents per gallon
at Pluuket‘8.
known Rev. Professor Lundy II. Harris, the -.vel!
of (Ireek, in Knt
college, has been located in i)al
las, Texas* His mind was in a wan
Bering state and he appeared nervous
and despondent. Friends in Georgia
"re arranging to have him well eared
for mul t,,prorWo means by whieh lie
can receive tne iiest medical treat¬
ment.—Covington Enterprise.
Slippers mo very comfortable at
t his season. Weave selling them
at ‘ • your price '
The Blue Front.
The pro*rsv<ed sc. vices attjie Up
^r t *«Vii”*'«a<i , «urxiiV«r V» 1 ' 1 ' mV""
seritums •« tu re
warin and loving hav« been
\valker.' whoseems to have ids mind!
heart and soul in the good work of
making men hotter and drawing them
closer to the Master. The singing
bas been of the highest order, and
! \ n w! T ! iave attended the services
clann , to , have been greatly bonefitfed
and terprise. strengthened.—Covington En¬
We am reducing our stock for
fall purchases. 'Goods going at
your price.
The Blue Front.
A correspondent of the Walton
News says that Walmitgrove can
boast of having one of the oldest
citizens in the county, in the person
of Mrs. Brown. She is now over IDS
years old. She was horn in May 1780
in Edgefield,. S. C. She was mar¬
ried twice and had eight children,
all hoys. Ail are dead hut Uncle
Wm. Brown, who is now 4i> years old
and lives at this place.
Mr. Tom Almand, of Almon, is in
the city to-day.
Tic fae- — ia
srnilo ca
signature // ererf
u vrajsjpe?.
Conyers Bicyclist.
Many people on n wheels in Con
yers and The Weekly desires to
tee them all in line one time, any
.vay. We suggest that some of
the young men take the matter in
hand and arrange for a bicycle
uoet. The start can he made at
the court house late in the after¬
noon and a run to Oak Grove and
return >1 lienee to the mile post on
the McDonough road and return
up Decatur street to the court¬
house. Under the trees at the
courthouse the young men should
then be prepared to serve ice
cream, cake, cool drinks etc. This
can be arranged very nicely and
sit nominal cost toall the wheel¬
men in town and a general good
time would be had. This is sim¬
ply offered as a suggestion to the
hoys and we charge them nothing
for it.
O Ai. Si OJ O ST1 3 l .
Rears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
I {aiselmll.
The New Ideas and Sluggers <• 'oss
•d hats at the track ball groin d last
Wednesday Sluggers afternoon and again the
went down before the in
vineible New Edens. The Sluggers
■ dayed hard but their game was a
losing one.
- A good crowd was out to see the
»oys struggle on the diamond and
every one was well paid for going.
The score was Iff to 8 in favor ol
the New Ideas.
A game will be played between
Conyersand Lithonia teams on tfie
mmeground next Monday evening,
it will be a fourth of July game aim
everybody is invited to see it.
My bath house is now ready foi
service. Water any temperature de¬
sired. A single bath ten cents or
three for 25 cents. Bath house at A
X Plunket’s mill.
A F Plunket.
Mrs. Dr. Glenn is still making fim
dresses, coats and pants at prices to
suit. Boom over McDonald & Hay
good’s Millinury store.
Handsome Gold Watch.
M’e have filled a glass jar with
pins and securely closed it. About
the neck of the jar a ladies liund
some gold watch has been fasten
ed. With every purchase made in
our store from now until Septem
l>er the loth, the purchaser lrf CD
titled to register a guess at
iVcL™ n l»ri{„ stre-li un.l
prices can’t be duplicated in this
section of the country. Come i"
and Iniy anil register voor guess.
N‘> one is limited a? to nuniber of
Don’t forget the place. See
jar of pins and the watch in oyp
show window.
Yours for bargains,
Hummers’ Big Busy Stoss.
J, DR. SAMUEL' PiTCHER, of Hijannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "CASTORIA,” the “same that
] lnc 001 barn lie a UuL norl rln Ci-OOS oo HOW Ota hottr> 1 /f x"—-**' 1 on every
// e
the facsimile signature of wrapper.
This is til C Original “CASTORIA” which has been USCCl ill
^ ie flomes °f 'the Mothers of America for oner thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind 1J0U have alwai/S bought ^ __ _— ■ Oil the
alia ” j — HUS 7 —“— Hie tt ~ — Signature - H —;- OJ ,L UAS wrap¬
per. No one has authority from me 'o use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas it. Fletcher is President.
March 24,1808.
Do Not El Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child, by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in¬
gredients of which even he does not know.
“The Kind You Have Always Bought”
r -J
■Z fi .9
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
To dist)ose of some of the best and cheap¬
est and handsomest Clothing ever brought to Conyers.
To sell some of the best bargains in La'
lies dress goods that can be had anywhere.
To quote you prices on everything you
need to wear
.To give everybody full value for money
-Dent and we are ready at all times to do so.
This paper gives all the
ueWs all the time and you
are invited to read it.
Ice In Quantity,,
GefFeshiiyj .
gmnnieu Duiriks
V lc L cie Repairing of all
K 1 IltlS llOIIC 1)I’Olll 1} I 1V {I ai Dll s-*.
S t/ «-»
i*/i l/Ul JL V/1^/ LI \
> «