Newspaper Page Text
THE f '0 X ) r ERS 11 7 E.EKL Y,
iid J. H- WALLIS.
Entered at the postoflice at Conyers a
second-class mail waiter.
Saturday, Aug. 6 . i808.
Loc-ls 5 cents per line for hr»t inaei
non • 2} o cent* for each subsequent h n
rtion. Regular adv. 50c. per ini lo
» each subsequen
}ir*t insertion ; 25c lor
One year, in advance............... ^ J Of
f lx months, in advance..........
"T V » r/
•P iih
4pP» wmm 1
yx/T A
L Do You Use It?
It’s the best thing for the
hair under all circumstances.
Just as no man by taking
thought can add an inch to
his stature, so no preparation
can make hair, The utmost
that can be clone is to pro¬
mote conditions favorable to
growth. This is done by
Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It re
moves dandruff, cleanses the
scalp, nourishes the soil in
which the hair grows, and,
just as a desert will blossom
under rain, so bald heads grow
hair, when the roots are nour¬
ished. But the roots must be
there. If you wish your hair
to retain its normal color, or
if you wish to restore the lost
tint of gray or faded hair use
Ayer’s Hair Vigor.
Sylvester Seovillo didn’t add
i nvthingto bis popularity by slap
j ing Gen, Shatter's face.
The Alabama election was a
great democratic victory. Popu¬
lism seems to be on the wane.
Atlanta has furnished several
Urd-classtragediesduring t he past
i ui days and several deaths have
3' ’Stilted.
Prince Bismurk, the great Ger¬
man statesman, died last Sntur
ay. IIis greatness was patent
lhrouHmut tlie civilized world.
• • •
Atlanta is always enthusiastic
in anything she does hut her usu
il enthusiasm upon occasions was
I really eclipsed by the reception
i lie accorded Lieutenant Hobson,
« f the Merrimac. Tim young hero
■v as deluged with most flattering
; Kent ions while in the city.
A company of woaponod and
i ough-riding Oklahoma girls want
in be otf to the war. It is likely,
however, sagely remarks the St.
Louis post dispatch, t hat they will
1> • left at home to marry and give
me army soldiers in the good old
lashioned way.
I he Constitution and Journal
si re doing what they can to give
Atlanta a new and adequate depot
nd t he people for a thousand miles
Hround wish them God speed in
1 heir noble efforts to rid the city
* f the old nuisance and secure
that which they deserve.
It is now being noised about that
General Joe Wheeler is the real
Jiero of Santiago. It was he alone
• 4 all the Generals who insisted
upon holding every inch of ground
pained by the army and Shatter
ngread with him. Great is little
Tliirtv-six years ago Gen. Jo¬
seph Wheeler laid tlm pleasure of
capturing lerving the officer he 19 now
under in Cuba. In March.
3S()2, William U. Shatter was a
major in the Nineteenth Michigan,
lit' was with a foraging expedition
< lie day when surrounded' a bodv of Wheeler's
Cavalry ami captured
1 lie whole outfit. Shatter was sent
to Richmond, aud spent six weeks
in Libby prison. Nobodv in the
country has a higher opqm.n of
“Little Joe as a strategist and
lighter than Gen. Shatter.—Sa
Mtuuah News.
Koyal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
We acknowledge receipt of the
Forty-sixth Annual Report of the
Trustees of the Georgia Academy
for the Blind, at Macon, Ga.
This is one of the most deserving
institutions in the State and ac¬
cording to the Blalock Investiga¬
ting Committee. it is very satis¬
factorily conducted.
The rhilipines promise to in¬
ject considerable interest into tin
war problem yet. Aguinaldo has
great desire, as leader of the in¬
surgent forces, to dictate to all
concerned there. Admiral Dewey
included. This desire on the part
of the insurgent leader may cause
serious trouble.
1 T
Partisian contests for the elec
I ion of a Judge are always to tie
deplored; and when factional bit¬
terness is added to party strife i1
becomes next to impossible for a
Judge to be elected without accept¬
ing obligations which must ser¬
iously impair his fairness and use¬
fulness on the bench. In even
nslanee the people should select
the man who is most competent
for the position regardless of party
and call him to the exceptionally
responsible position of administer¬
ing justice between man and man.
—Philadelphia Times.
Foolish—The man who argues
witli a fool.
Convoy—An elderly female who
acts es a chaperon.
Handwriting—Pen and ink
drawings of one's thoughts.
Temptation—The balance in
which character is weighed.
Slander—A species of mud that
rubs off when it gets dry.
Time—A wonder worker that
labors twenty-four hours daily.
Henpecked—The insists man whose
wife upon ruling the roost.
Genius—A married man who
has a new excuse every time he
out late.
Diplomat—A man whose words
convey a different meaning from
what he menus.—Ex.
Boats the The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
of r %
Democratic Nominees.
Result of Democrat primary e
lection, held June (>th, 1808, to
nominate candidates for the par
For Governor.
A. 1). Candler.
[For Seetretnry Phillip of State.
For attorney General.
Joseph M.Terrel.
For State Treasurer.
Wm.J. Speer.
For Comptroller General.
* NY. A. Wright.
For Commissioner of Agriculture.
|0. B. Stevens.
For Prison Commissoner.
J. S. Turner,
For Congressman, 5th District.
L. F. Livingston.
Result of pr-mary election held
June 28rd fqr the nomination of
county officers:
For Representative:
For Sheriff:
For Clerk:
For Tax Collector:
For Tax Receiver:
For Treasurer:
For Coroner:
I Take this sheet.
War News.
Peace negotiations are on be¬
tween t h<‘ government of the l ni
ted States and Spain and the indi¬
cations are that an agreement will
I'e reached in a few days and peace
will be declared. • be terms upon
which peace may be h id have been
laid before the Spanish Cabinet
.l-iid in.l .1 •> viiiilv rcpl} is is awaited aw alien !>v \ the me pi -
ident .
The army at San1 iago \\«ill be
moved Nort h at onee. The danger
from disease to t he soldiers there
is so great that it lias become nec¬
essary to move them, Immune
regiments will be sent to Santiago
it once.
General Miles’ army at Porto
Rico is in good condition and is
meeting with success. The natives
of the island hail the approach of
the Americans with glad shouts.
Porto Rico is sure to become a
portion of American territory and
it is fortunate that the people of
the island gladly view t he prospect.
The is likely to come to an end
Lawyer Bohanon was ]>leading
a case before Justice Sampson,s
court at Abingdon, Ill., the ot her
day. The justice interpolated a
remark. •That.s a falsehood,”
said Bohanon. ‘"The court will
stand adjourned for a short re¬
cess,” said Justice Sampson, who
added, “come outside, Bohanon
I’m gffing to whip you.’ Bohanon
went; and the j tstice was as good
as his word. When the lawyer
had washed the blood from h s
nose the court was reconvened,
and the justice directed Bohanon
to go on with his argument. He
dill so, and made such an eloquent
plea that the justice who had just
whipped him decided the case in
his favor.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hove Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Dissolution jNoti«*o.
The business of Messrs. Tilley &
Tucker and Jno. R. Maddox is this
day Tilley mutually dissolved. The firm
of <fc Tucker wifi continue the
business, pay off all the liabilities,
carry out all contracts, and take full
and complete control of the Conyers
Manufacturing Co. Tilley Tin's Aug. Tucker, 1,1898.
Jno. R. Maddox.
For Representative.
1 hereby announce myself a candi¬
date for representative, subject ask to the the
democratic nomination and
support of my.l'riends. Respectfully,
C H Turner.
Foi’ Tax Collector.
I hereby announce myself Collector a candi¬
date for tiie office of Tax ol
Rockdale county, subject to a demo¬
cratic primary if any. I seek the
office because Ineecl it and I feel
myself capable of acceptably people filling
it hoping and trnstng that the
will see proper to support and elect
me, lain, very respeclully, W- (Jlotfelter
I'oi- Tax Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate for
re-election to the office of Tax Rec¬
eiver, of Rockdale County, subject
to the democratic primary. I thank
the the people for that support that gave will
me office two years ago and i
appreciate their the continued coming confidence
and support in election.
I f elected 1 promise to faithfully dis
charge the duties of Respectfully. the office.
G‘ H. Hull.
County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself a eandi
chit for the office of County Treasurer
subject- To tiie action promise, of the if Democrat¬
ic primary. the I clean, honest eleeetd, to
give couuty a ad¬
ministration. J desire to thank my
friends for past patronage, and hope
I may merit a continuance of same.
Yours to command,
James A. Dukes.
For Clerk.
I respectfully announce myself to
the voters of the county as a candi¬
date for the office of Clerk of Super¬
ior Court of Rockdale county, sub¬
ject to the action of the Democratic
party. I will thank the people and will of
the county for duties their support the office faith
discharge the of
fully and honest 1 y if elected.
Very respectfully
L. H.Sigmati.
01 * Sheriff.
l hereby announce niv candidacy
for the office of Sheriff of Rockdale
county, subject to the 1 heartily action of thank the
Democratic party.
the people for the support they have
given me in the past and respectful¬
ly ask them to vote forme. If elect¬
ed I shall, in the future as in the past,
serve them faithfully and honestly.
Yours ij- truly,
AV- h. Austin-
T ettei .* 0 f I>i*ini*sion.
Ga ^ , {00hDAIlE County:
To whom it may concern:
Mrs. M. A. Posey, admin
istratrix of the estate oi I-C. Posey,
(| , has duly tiled her petition
for ] ( , lters disnnssson from her
trust as admiuistrtrix. and I will pass
upon the first Monday in November
t 1 m.
A. M. Helms, Orel,
Letters Dismission.
Georgia Rockdale County;
To whom it may concern:—Jos. F
Gee. administrator of the estate of W
J Gee, has duly filed his application his
for letters of dismission from
trust as such administrator, and T will
pass upon the same on the first Mon¬
day in October, 1898. Given under
my hand and official signature, this
July 8th, 1898. Helms, Ord.
Adv .$(*>.
Letters Dismission.
Georgia Rockdale County:—To
whom it may concern: Mrs. Alice
H Laird, Administratix of the estate
of Win. P Laird, has duly filed her
application for letters of dismission
from her trust as such administratix.
and I will pass upon the same on the
first Monday in October, 1898.
Given under my hand and official
signature this July 8th, 1898.
A M Helms, Ord.
Adv. $fi. '
A.j»j>lica(ion for 1 *2 montIts
Ga., Rockdale County :
Mrs. Eliza Kent having
applied fora 12 months support out
of the estate of her late husband
Wm. G. Kent, deceased, and Hie
Commissioners in appointed office, having this fil¬ is
ed their returns iny
to cite all persons concerned that I
will pass upon the same on the first
Monday in September next. This
August 1st 1898.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Adv. $3.00.
Citation to soli Land.
Ga., Rockdale County :
To whom it may concern:
J. 1). Scott, administrator
of tiie estate of Robert L. Scott, de¬
ceased, has in due leave form applied sell to the the
undersigned for to of the
lands belonging and to the said estate application
said deceased, Monday in
will he heard on the first
September next. Given under my
hand and official signature, this Au¬
gust 1st 1898. •
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Adv. $3.00.
To whom if may concern:
E. H. and J. M. Almnnd,
admiist valors of the estate of D. M. Al
niand, deceased, have, in due form, ap¬
plied to mo for le»ve to sell the real estate
of said deceased aud the said application
will he heard at my office on the first
Monday in September 1898. This Au¬
gust 4th 1898.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
To whom it may concern:
Jno.F. King, administrator of the
estate of Wiliam F. King, deceased,
has in due form, real applied to me for
leave to sell the estate of sa id de¬
ceased, and said application first will be
heard at Sept”, my office on the Mon¬
day in next.
This Aug. 4th, 1898.
A. M, Helms, Ord.
Ga., Rockdale County ;
To whom it may concern:
J. S. Granade, adminis¬
trator of the estate of Benjamin
Granade, deceased, has in due form
applied to me for leave to sell the
lands belonging to the estate of the
said deceased, and said application Monday in
will be heard on the first
September next. Given under my
hand and official signature, this Au¬
gust 1st 1898.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Adv. $3.00.
Ga., Rook dale County:
To whom it may concern:
Mrs. N. C. Wilson, ad¬
ministratrix, with will annexed, of
the estate of John 1). Neal, deceased,
has in due form lands applied belonging to me for
leave to sell the to
the estate of said deceased, and said
application will be heard on the first
Monday in September next. Given
under my hand and official signature
this August 1st 1898. Helms,
A. M. Ord.
Adv. $3.00.
The city council has di¬
rected that a book be opened
by the city clerk for the pur¬
pose of receiving the tax re¬
turns of the citizens of the
town. The returns will not
be taken from the county
tax receivers books this year
as heretofore, but each and
every tax payer will be re¬
quired'to come to the office
of the city clerk and give in
his or her tax. The books
are now open and will remain
until the loth day of Sep¬
tember. Don’t delay and put
it off but come on and give in
vourtaxes—you might
J. H. AVidhs, City Tax
This August 1st 1898.
Tie f»e- It ss
bought and CONYERS, sold. Collections GEORGIA. |
Exchange Accommodations extended made nn „n
country. consistent with, part $of*
Overdrafts will mot be honored winder
stances. Ry cl ^
Office hours fr6m 8 a. m. till 4i*. si.till furth
er notice
' tl
# \\ i......
We begin to take stock
Next Monday morning
We »i*<y i>reparing* t<> wind U
Summer P Hie
l>ii*im\s « am}
The goods we have on hand a«
new, and every article as marked is
a splendid value. After taking stod
we expect to devote our best efi*t
to disposing of these Summer good
The people-understand
and appreciate our waj
of doing bnsieess;
And we expect them to take advan*
tage of any opportunity we may hold
Melton’s Livery Stables;
When you want a good, safe turnout, one that you can
drive with
One that looks weli and goes well, call on me.
Good drivers furnished if desired
Terms very reosonable.
V„, ,v>
Why go further? We have it
and you can buy it as cheap h'° m
We handle fancy and family Groc
eries, Canned goods etc.,
We do all kinds of Bicycles B*
. and , we also , rent fTrU/xcdci wneeio«
Be sure to give us a call when
you come to town.
We guarantee satisfaction.