Newspaper Page Text
personal and Otherwise, Gathered from all Sources to Post
ai*grap® s
Readers and Fill Space.
l jjcCalla v isitid in Atlanta
I or . was
L yesterday
made a business
bs»'»e U-s:ffs,£ 0 f McDonough, £sr r
bss- of the Atlanta, city. is
to make
nd children, of Atlanta,
v a time with rela
ling some
L jjestof e Hightower, of Atlanta, Aus
Miss Florence
liesday was sale day but
fc nothing for the Sheriff to
[s county- Mamie
hot McCurdy and
j, lids of Stone here. Mountain, are vis
lair [elAlinand has been taking in ins a place week
lie Front.
lues Seamans, of Atlanta.
I pending the week here and
Id lunty,spent Airs. Dwight this week Green, with of
In’s parents.
■imatedrevenue that will he
■ liv the new tariff is placed
■),(»» annually.
liiapelcamp Many meeting people begun from
[day. h-i/i attend Sunday.
» Maddox exhibited the lar
ialoupeof Iweiglied tJie season yester
thirty pounds.
|ve [open been boll on tin’s the week lookout but for it
let appeared to our anxious
Win Thompson, representing
■tanooga iter Medicine Co., is at
liis a firm. prolonged tour ill thein
Ixford district conference will
■Madison, next year, and the
per says that little city will
■sparks, larks, mother of Mr. .To
of Washington, D. C,
ll from a visit to her son at the
. 11 Capital.
■ SEveritt has one of the fin -
p in this section of country.
It four wee ks ond but it is "a
lauty now.
f |i ? Downs the is en joying avaca
in mean time has pain
residence and is now prepar
palein Campmeeting.
re informed that the Georgia
[I rg'e will new soon engines. put on The the track
| increasing road’s
18 very rapidly.
Hudson is enjoying a splen¬
ic and shows the best of goods
Pis customers. You will be
r" "y a look through his store
[h pushed Allen, a gallery the photographer, Litbonia.
I C Stlirb llis headquarters
X w. n 1 only be at Litbonia
K William White and Walter
™ to enlist in Col.
n !S lll R e £ETieht, have re
J! m ,ey 1<l
00 "
> swho go to Atlanta to get
N r anrt a square meal for
I ," U1 . ,)e disappointed. Tlie
r R Maddox lias retired from
t 'U Manufacturir Compa
' ( isposed of his lterest
liiev & Tucker to
• ho
| ic tlie business. M will
& T j lckei ” s machine
Inrin® I 1 t theiani , last and Wednesday wind storm
l "2 other 1 ! 5UildinpiS e / e P aire(l t0 and
rn.-c. “adsput }, 1 in , n m hist-class condi
v„ rK N, L V ty counc ff
'hieh Is t0 open ingr of the
Ivin « occur on the first
Tl -
uesired 18 HS bri & ht as
DUP readers meeitj m places”,
«f the aiinvo ' i -HV 0 ite - 1 *' tl,ef )l fro ull
"■ "f our nei ‘ shboring »
’lvwill f ■* ’*, t |; u C ity
I "'Unmto citvL”"'", 1 our town
II "ur ' 1 - 1,0
"Tiring fitfuKmncm thlnasVf fe ’ 11 ' ,v ^ ' 1 veeks with
tlu. sh l »e sufficient
' .
, -e i, lnto greater
I r " !S The i‘v doZ Misd, l r, r f our ty wouid coun
f aoing away with hog -
To Villum Sam]>
(From the Baltimore News.)
Rear Villum, now l took niy pen
To 'drub you yust aline,
To tolt you dot your pig report
Vos someding fery fine.
Der langwieh vot you wrode is goot,
Also, i like dot “I”—
Bud, Villum, vot derdeifel dit
You do mit Mynheer Schley?
Dear Villum, vas der vedder hot
In Sandy Dago bay,
Und dit deni t tin muskittis took
Your memory avay?
Id’s a\Vful, ain’d id, Villum, veil
Der merkury geds high—
Vos dot vy id’s chilly tay
Mit you fer Mynheer Schley?
Dear Villum, vill you blease oxcoos
A friend uf yours—dot’s me!
You vas as prafe as any mans
Vot (loan’d ploughs der dink rayching dot sea; should
Bud you you
Anew tybewrider buy,
Pecause der vunyou lmf (loan’dsphell
Der name uf Mynheer Schley?
Dear Villum, (loan’d got mat mit me
Pecause I say py you;
Uf olt Topetey got plame avay
Who vould der go to?
Dear Villum, vould you sid down den
Und vink der udder eye,
Ar vould you mit both feet got ub
Und chump on Mynheer Schley?
Dear Villum, life is bud a span
Und mordals here leedle pelow praise
Dev like to ged der
Vot Fate haf to bestow.
So, Villum, paste dis in your hat:
Bear easy on dot “I,”
Und gif your fellow mens a chance,
Including Mynheer Schley.
AU. AN PluiiKet Killed annul dot
in his yard last Thursday morning a*
2o’cloek. The dog was very furious
and would very likely have done se¬
rious damage had not Air. Plunket
succeeded in killing at once. This
is the third rabid dog killed in this
community within the past few days.
An exchange says a friend of ;
war preacher lias a new doxologj
which he wants adopted in all tlx
churches. It runs this way: “Praist
God from whom all blessings below: flow,
five hundred Spaniards gone tell,
how many more no one can art
speaking Spanish now in hell.’
Neither war nor excitement of tin
county prohibition election disturbs
the serenity of courthouse checke
layers and from early morn ‘til
ue\Vey eve the game goes on and on
—Covington Enterprise. This para¬
graph fits Conyers, brother.
Mr.;Jno. F. Gordon, of Regain, Tex.,
brother of All’s. J W Johnson, of om
city, and father of Miss Edna Gordoi
who, it will be remembered, visite(
here last summer, did suddenly o
heart failure at Ids home several days
Conyers in is about as healthy as any
town Georgia. Very little if any
sickness, from local causes, has oc¬
curred here this summer. The sani¬
tary condition of the town is splendk
Public work day at Salem camp
ground will be next Tuesday. Have
your hands to report to Air T W Hiem
who will have charge of the work
Be sure to send one or more hands.
Alter a pleasant visit to relatives
here Aliss Genieve Morgan,' one o
Americas’ most admirtble and ac¬
complished daughters, has returne(
The improvements which hav<
been and or still being made at Salen
•amp ground indicate a growing in
terest in the camp meetings at tha
Air. T S Almand, o'f Alinon, wm
here this week. We understand t ha’
he desires to sell his valuable proper¬
ty at Alinon and move to Ingleside.
The New Ideas were defeated in {
game of ball here last Friday by tlx
Oxford team. .We understand that
the game was a very poor one.
Dr. Alelton had the misfortune tc
lose a very fine horse this week.
Chuck was* a very ioss flue animal am
die Dr. feels iiis keenly.
Mr. J O McKnight has severa
very fine horses that he is Yoking
after with great care, His colt is a
very promising animal.
John Hollingsworth refuses to he
comforted. His friends advise f< r
liiin a dip in the healing M aters of the
famous “Flint,”
Air. E.G. McDaniel add two chil¬
dren, of Norcross, Mere here last
week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
After a pleasant visit to relatives in
the city and county, Air. and Mrs.
Parks have returned to their home in
The ladies will remember that not
every year produces plenty of fruit
and they M ill preserve great quanti¬
ties. *
Mr. J S Johnson has been at Cora
this week doing some work on Mr.
T*W Hick's handsome residence.
Mr. W. T. Stewart is having Itis
residence, on Decatur street repaired
and a new verandah put up.
Mrs. Winter and daughter. Miss
Annie Maie. of Madison, Mere guests
of Airs. J J Langford Thursday.
Neu- seats and a large new plat¬ the
form have been placed under
stand at Salem campground.
Advertise your business.
A man who got full of red liquor,
Began to quarrel and to biquor;
Then went home to his wife
Am! stirred up a strife,
By trying to slug and to kiquor.—x
Salem camp meeting begins Oil
Aug. 12th.
Uncle Sam’s war mules and horses
have cost him .$ 3 , 00 !),(XX).
The Mayor’s court last Monday
morning was much enjoyed.
Air. Bose Brodimx made a business
trip to Walnut Grove this week.
Mr. J 1 ) Winburn was on the sick
list for two or three days this week.
We suppose the people appreciate
the fact that this is a great fruit year.
Mr. and Mrs. I) N Hudson are stop¬
ping for some time at Indian Springs.
Mr. W S Marbut, of Alinon was
hero on business a short time this
Miss Ruth A!mand has returned
home after a pleasant, visit to friends
at Talbotton.
Airs. Virginia Montgomery, of
Texas, was the guest of Mrs. J LMc
C ilia this weeK.
The total strength of the army,
regular and volunteer, is 227 .IKX) as
now organized.
Airs Anna Albert, of Atlanta, spent
^ Sunday here with her Dr.
and Mrs H McDonald. parents,
Mr. Dave Albert and family visited
relatives and friends in Henry county
several days this week.
The heavy wind and rain last
Wednesday night did considerable
damage to the corn crop.
Col. Livingston lias returned to
Washington to look after some pri¬
vate affairs for constituents.
The continued severe illness of Mrs
Dukes is a source of deep regret to
her masy friends in the city.
Miss Malcolm, a most pleasant
young of family lady, of Madison, is the guest
the of Mr. Jno. Malcolm.
All men have their, peculiarities—
‘be trouble comes only in cases where
the peculiarities possess the mail.
Mr. Ben Summers, of Princeton,
was here last Monday and in speaking
of crops lie remarked that there are
some unusually fine prospects in his
We have heard nothing from our
correspondents tin’s week. We re¬
gret very much and hope the boys
will show up regularly every week
The Rockdale cemetery is being
Maced inmost excellent condition.
Fences and gates will be repared and
when ttie job has been completed the
people will find genuine satisfaction
in beholding it.
The demand for fruit jars lias been
so great for the past few weeks every
merchant in town has sold his entire
lot and this commodity Conyers. Great cannot is now the
be had in
fruit crop.
It seems that the negroes of Con¬
yers are xvliolely unable to steer clear
of the Mayor’s court— at least a cer¬
tain class of them. At this writing
the prospect is good for another in¬
teresting session next Monday morn¬
The many friends of Mr. S D Niglff
will regret to know that lie has been
critically ill for several days past
and that the chances for his recovery
are not many. He has been in bad
health fora long time, and several
imes his life has almost been (Un¬
paired of. Those at his bedside hope
chat he may again rally but li is con¬
dition is indeed serious.
Later —Since writing the above we
learn of the death of Mr. Night which
occurred just as we go to press, The
funeral and burial will dccur to-day.
These are symptoms of
anemia or poor blood.
They are just as frequent
in the summer as in the
winter. And you can be
cured at one time just as
well as another.
of cod liver oil with hypo
phosphites will certainly
help you. Almost everyone
can take it, and it will not
disturb the weakest stom
It changes the light color of
poor blood to a healthy and rich
red. It nourishes the brain 1 gives
power to the nerves. It brings
back your old weight and st-engtn.
All Druireists. 50e. and SI.
Scott 4 Bowse, Chemist*, New York,
Are your cheeks
hollow and your
lips white ?
Is your appetite di¬
poor and your
gestion weak? Is
your flesh soft
and have you lost
The popular soil”- anong the Eighth
Regiment boys at Chickamauga now
We fall in line eight times a day
We drill in sun and rain,
And pay two cents a day to read
What others do to Spain.
The jury commissioners will
meet at the courthouse next Mon¬
day and revise the jury list.
Messrs. Dd Ewing and Robert
Longshore, two prominent young
railroaders, are spending a month
in the county with their parents.
The day of final judgment will
witness a vast throng of country
editors—they testify will be called up to
against delinquent subscri¬
A man’s third duty in life is
pay cash for his home paper. His
iirst duty is to serve God and the
second is to properly care for his
A county paper does more free
work for the general public and
gets ed qussing more voluntary and undeserv¬
than any other institu¬
tion on the face of the earth.
When a young man indulges in
vices; cultivates a taste for things
low and degrading, and ignores
the admonition of friends, he is on
the broad road to ruin and travel¬
ing at a teritlc rate.
We have flattered ourselves by
t he belief that we had many friends
throughout the county but one of
two things is certainly true. i. e.,
we are mistaken or else these sup¬
posed friends are not raising water
melons this year.
If you don’t appreciate your
county paper enough to take it
and pay for, don’t sneak into the
office and beg one when you are
told that it contains something of
special interest. If you must have
one pay for like a man.
Chas. Nowell is a clever, steady
going fellow, always at his post,
ready and anxious to wait on cus¬
tomers and obliging all the
time. It is a thousand wonders
to us that some far-seeing young
lady hasn’t already recorded a
first mortgage upon him.
Tie fae- Ii on
timile eattj
rigaaturo 4 mapper.
You can always find Sweet Po¬
tatoes Tit
IN oti<?e.
I have a six horse power Wood,
Tabor & Morse engine which I will
sell cheap or swap for a large young
A. N. Plunket.
Mrs. Dr. Glenn is still making fine
dresses, coats and pants McDonald at prices Hay* to
suit. Room over &
good’s Millinary store.
Smyrna Cmnp Alec! ing.
Camp meeting at Smyrna week. has The been
in progress the past at¬
tendance lias been very good and tli£
resit Its sat i s f ac tory.
Some very eloquent sermons have
been preached during the good week and
it is hoped The permanent meeting closed Friday. accom¬
The death of Mrs. R. A. Guinn
occurred at her home in this o,clock city
yesterday morning at (5
after a long and painful illness.
She was first attacked withrheum¬
atism and other afflictions devel¬
oped which made her case very
complicated and rendered her suf¬
fering great. She was most ten¬
derly nursed throughout her
illness by her devoted family and
particularly assiduous were the
attentions of her son, Dr. J. A.
Guinn. Despite all these devoted
efforts death at last gained the
mastery and the spirit departed.
Through all her sufferings this
good lady exhibited a Christian
fortitude that was pleasing and
ennobling and gave those about
her a greater Christian courage.
Mrs. Guinn leaves behind her a
worthy and devoted husband, and
six children, Mr. R. J. Guinn, of
Atlanta, Mr. R. C. Guinn, of Cov¬
ington, Mr. E. P. Guinn, member
of Col. Candler.s Third Regiment,
at Griffin, Dr. J. A. Guinn, Mrs.
C. E. Reagan, of this city and
Mrs. M. Eakes, of Murray county. moth¬
She was a devoted wife and
er and despite her sore afflictions
was anxious far the welfare of
those she loved. Her death brings
sadness to many hearts and the
sympathy of our people go out to
the. bereaved ones.
The furneral tervices will be
conducted from the Methodist
church this morning at 8 w,clock
bj T Rev. Dr. Quillian, after which
the remains will be laid to rest
in Eastview cemetery.
1 1111111 n i' 11 1 n 111 *' i!;
nonn'ui <i i niiim.
.^Vegetable Preparation for As¬
similating tomachs theFood and andRegula- of
ting the S Bowels
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful neilher -
ness andResi.Contains
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Jtetxpe of Old IfrSAMUELEfi ZJJEM
l\unpkui Seed*
Mx. Senna *
Slodulle Sails —
Anise Seed t
J\ppcmunt Jii Carbonate Safa -
Harm Seed -
Clarified Sugar .
hihtoynxn flaivr
Aperfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Consiipa
tiort. Sour .Feverish¬
Worms .Convulsions
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
At b months old
Wlieii You Con What You
. . . Need Cheap.
0ur friends and customers U)ill please acAnoxoZ
edge this notice of our intention to sell real bargains
during vhe month of fffugust.
We are forced so make room for our new goods and in
this deal we will turn loose some splendid bargains to for
tuuate customers.
The Blue Front.
This paper gives all the
news all the time and you
are invited to read it.
The school days are upon us a
gain and books must be had.
= *
We are headquarters
For School Books, Slates,. Pencils, Writing tablets, Copy
Books, Pens and Inks, and
All kinds of school supplies at
Bottom prices,
• -
j Gailey Drug Co,
NN fN?
Oestorla is pnt up in one-size bottle* only. It
le not sold in bulk. Don’t allow anyone to sell
yon anything olse on tho plea or promise that it
is "jnat as good" and "will answer erery pur¬
pose." AS* Bee that yon get C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A.
Ths fio- j
elmilo li sal
signature * wrapper.'