Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 20, 1898, Image 1
%. sUR^NCE.. rLVAN Y. xva Ring on t the Old, Ring in the New! Oar great effort is to p ease you. **■ 0 % »OO^C%.- he Summer Season is Drawing to a Close. ■o<^>® - #oO< THE COMING FALL SEASON WILL BE A BUSY )NE WITH US. WE ARE PREPARING TO MEET T WITH A FULL STOCK WHICH WE WILL SELL i T “LET LIVE PRICES.” r As usual we will be in the cotton market ,nd will pay the best market price. A farm iroducts will find a ready market with us. Our store has been headquarters for the people for many years and we [mite all to come to see us and feell at home. We propose to sustain the well jstablished reputation of our house for honest straightforward dealing. Yours very truly, D.M. ACM A JN JO’S SONS. Such opportunities for king 1 goods cheap sel m comes to man or wo¬ rn in this life. Every */ ing is on the counter (cut prices. We are sel jg out and this means it goods are to be sold ver than anybody else i afford to sell them. |We are treating all com pS alike — giving the st we have that suits phi at an enormous re¬ lation. Get in the lon g' of happy buyers !! march to the music uiir cut price sale and i: ■ i 18 shall be the glory. 'dayis dang erous come A. .DSumuers, I wropra / It / t . \ ❖ CONYERS, GA„ SATURDAY AUG. 20, 1898. RESOLUTIONS. Whereas, in Ilis Providence, it has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove from our midst our brother, A, C. Ivey, who was 74 years old and had been a faithful member of the church for 57 years, and was ever ready to attend his meet¬ ings when able to do so. While it is our loss here in this world, where we have to endure sorrow and affliction, we know that it is his eternal gain to enter into the full joy that awaits the redeemed in that land where sonow is not known and pleasure never ends. Therefore, we bow in sub¬ mission to the will of our Fath¬ er who doeth all things after the counsel of his own will. By the Baptist church. W. U. Wallis, J. S.Johnson, Committee. _ Pointed Paragraphs. A man loves to eat and a wo¬ man eats to love. Family trees originated from genealogy seed. Kentuckians to a man are in favor of war on the water. Some men are always out when their country calls. Many a man starves to-day while feeding on to-morrow’s hopes. Men are like rivers: the deep¬ er they are the less noise they make. Men with wheels in their head are of a mechanical turn of mind. It’s a poor actress whose pic¬ ture never graces a cigarette package. Costly apparel doesen’t ways make a woman look neat and attractive. About half of our time is spent in doing tilings we should have done before. WE ARE READY! Hie Conyers Manufacturing Company, Conyers, •/ 7 0 © b % c • O • * Georgia We are now prepared to do any kind of wood work in the Cabinet line, It is our pur— pose to give repair work of all kinds prompt and careful attention. INSIDE HOUSEFURNISHINGS. In Connection with the repair work we purpose to lie able to furnish at short notico any ard all kinds of Inside House Furnishing. OUR CABINET DEPARTMENT. We can furnish to order any piece of Cabinet work desired. For terras, prices, etc. call on P. G. Tucker, Supt. Civility costs nothing, but it often gets things that gold can¬ not buy. It is easy enough to say bright tilings: the diflicult part is to think of them, Veiy few children have as much strength of mind as they have of don’t mind. Heaven tempers the wind a like to the smooth-faced man and-the Populist. Doctors and lawyers can al¬ ways give you a large bill in ex¬ change for small ones. Since the war began babies are up in arms and opinions are fired at random. Some mu.icians go upon the stage, while others never get further than the orchestra. There’s nothing longer than the summer days to the gitT who is to be married in the fall. Warm weather has a tenden¬ cy to increase the Moating pop¬ ulation at seaside resorts. Its poor consolation to the girl who has been stung by a bee to know that bees are par¬ tial to sweet things. His first love and his first shave are two of the things that occurs in the life of every man which he never forgets. The amateur who practices daily on a cornet in a thickly populated neighborhood has Did You Take Scott’s Emulsion through the winter? If so, we are sure it quieted your cough, healed the rawness in your throat, increased your weight, gave you more color, and made you feel better in every way. But perhaps your cough has come back again, or pale. you are get¬ ting a little thin and Then, why not continue the same helpful remedy right through the summer? It will do you as much good as when the weather is cold. Its persistent use will certainly give you a better appetite and a stronger digestion. It will cure your /)§y/jJ weak throat and heal your inflamed lungs. It will cure every case of consumption, when it a curg j g possible, persuaded Don’t be to take something they say is just as good. All Druggists, Chemists, ;oc. and $t. N. V. Scott & Bowne, i - Shipments of Crocitery, Glassware, Lamp goods etc., just opened up. Shipments of Dress goods ar living that will delight the ladies. We are ready with the season and shall keep in the front row. 1*1 G I A > r JT OF SI I< >13K .1 UST I N. Some ladies slippers in our stock are being sold at less than cost. They are great bargains. COME: TO OUR PLACE. JOHN C STEPHENSON. ample nerve for any undertak¬ ing, It’s hat'd to gat'her a woman’s meaning from her words, hut nature has saved a few of them the trouble of making them selvs plain,—ChicagoNews. In 1890 the populists of Ala¬ bama carried 22 counties. In t.he recent election they carried only six. Let the Georgia Pop take warning and hasten hack to the Democratic fold.—Ex. It makes us tired when wt hear a 2x4-wouId-be-statesmau jabbering about‘-Puerto Ricker YVhy riot use plain United Statet language and call it Porto Rico: —Rome Hustler. The list of postoffices in tin United States now includes Hob sou (Va.) Sigshee (Ark.,) Dew¬ ey (N. C.,) Sampson (Fla.,) aud Manila (Ivy.,) The list wifi noi be complete until we have a Schley (Ga ) and a Foxev (Kan ) The Adjutant General at Washington wired Gen. Lee that the peace protocal had been signed and that the war was over, Gen. Lee promptly wired back: ‘■Thank you, 1 will at once* order the Seventh to cease firing. ) 1 corps Alabama gave democracy a cool 60,000 majority. How watch Georgia make it 40,000 better,—Ex, Napoleon was bom August 15th, 1760. FIRE INSURANCE. TILLEY & McELVANY- NO. 33. General Fitzhugh Lee an— nounces that he is a candidate for the senate to succeed Sena¬ tor Martin. Lee is what may >e called an administration gold standard Democrat. Pop u tai¬ ls lie is, an overwhelming free coinage legislature may nob see its way clear to elect him.—Ex. Judge Day left the cabinet because lie was to poor to he a secretary of state. The presi¬ dent lias appointed, it is said, John Hay, who is a milionaire, and another millionaire, White law Reid, will be ambassador to England. Hay and Reid were newspaper men and married plutocratic ladies. Our Uncle Lon Livingston is playing in great luck with the Dewey letter. His congression¬ al opponent might as well retire m time to a coaling station. Mr: Livingston should send a copy of.tnat letter to Tom Cobb and ask that it be put in the appen Mix of a new edition of • ‘The Colonel.’’—Ex. Thos. B Reed, who was recent ly ro-nomi nated for congress by his constituents in Maine, was first elected in 1876,and lias been in Oongress ever since, having served 22 years. With the Canaries under con¬ sideration, the dove of peace hovering above, round robins Hitting here aud there and tho American eagle getting aud noisy Uncle Sam finds him¬ self in possession of a very in¬ teresting av i a r y;—Savannah Press.