Newspaper Page Text
i-- J. H. WALLIS.
Enteied at the postofficc at Conyers as
second-class mail matter.
S/TUBDAY, Aug. 20, 1808.
Loc 'Is 5 cents per Hue for first mscr
cents for eaeii suh.-t-<juent, in
section tio'i • ailv. 50e. per inch
' Regular
first insertion; 25c lor each subsequent
One vear. in advance............... .$) 00
(six months, in advance..,....... .....50c
* ti:
i -TS. 9
■ .
mm M
Fifty Years Ago.
President roll: in t):e White House chair,
While in Dowell was Doctor Ayer;
Doth were busy for human weal
/One to govern and one to heal.
/. :i<1, ns a president’s power of will
Sometimes depends oil a liver-pill,
Mr. Polk tool: Ayer’s #ilfc I trow
For his liver, GO years ago.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills
wore designed to supply a
model purgative to people who
had so long injured themselves
with griping medicines. Being
carefully prepared and their in¬
gredients adjusted to the exact
necessities of the bowels and
liver, their popularity was in¬
stantaneous. That this popu¬
larity has been maintained is
well marked in the medal
awarded these pills at the
World’s Fair 1893.
50 Years of Cures.
The democrats will open the gu
bernatiomil campaign Saturday,
to-day, at M illedgeville. Col.
Candler and Jlon. >Flem duBig
jion will be the speakers.-.
IV,ice has been dec la fed and
many of the soldier boys will soon
be mustered out. Many of them
never irot to the ftoni but they
were all powerful anxious fellows.
It scorns tlinl the populists arc
g< dig to pieces everywhere. They
have called off the dogs in many
many instances recently after
havingtnniod 1 horn loose with a
Yellow fever lias made its ap¬
pearance been at Key West. Ten eases
have reported. The govern¬
ment the hopes to prevent the spread
of disease and a quarantine
will he established.
General Wheeler, (lie hero of
Santiago, was in Washington this
Meek, He and the .president talk¬
ed over matters and it is presumed
they agreed that all hands had per¬
formed their .several duties well
and faithfully.
Col. Ray and his immune* have
arrived at Santiago and will re¬
nin in there until removed by the
war It is department probable *or yellow fever.
that the latter will
issue the first orders to the im
A great naval parade of the war¬
ships and vessels will employed in the
Cuban blockade occur in the
Kew York harbor to-day. A great
tiim* will bo luul and much enthu¬
siasm is expected to be aroused.
Schley and Sampson will proba¬
bly be there and the only draw¬
back to the occasion will be the
absence of Dewey, the hero, of Ma¬
A novel sight was seen on our
*treete on last Friday afternoon.
It was a man v. " said he was
front Ashydie. L.. and was
moving , himself. . Ins wife
children and three
to Marietta. The man pulling working lumself tg a cart
one of tl». ? children and
W hat seemed to be thei • inggago.
’Die ai ^: , \ ,Ul, ir «i»Wron
Veil all walking. the r He had . pulled his
cart Wav f re m Ashville.—
Jib Lay Courier.
Royal make* the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Dewey Livings¬
Congressman Livingston of Goer
i lias received the following let
i i Flag
ship Olympi.i off Cavite, Philip¬
pine Islands, June 17.
My Dear Sir:— I have
learned from the last papers that
i am indebted to von for the in¬
troduction in tire house of repre¬
sentatives of the resolutions ex¬
tending In me the thanks of con¬
gress for the naval engagement of
Manila 1.
1 need hardly to tell, you that
lam most sincerely grateful to
you as ihe author of the resolu¬
tion, bringing as it does the high :
est honor that can come to an A
merican naval officer in his pro¬
fessional career, But if is a great
pleasure to acknowledge my debt
of gratitude and to thank you in
unstinted measure for the part
you took in obtaining for me the
great distillation.
It is a source of additional pleas
ure to me, a Vermonter, that the
mover of resolution Was not a
man from the Nort h, but one from
the far South. This is one of the'
good signs of the times, In the
hour or danger there is no South,
no North, but one one united conn
t ry.
May we never hear of section¬
alism again. There are no lines
drawn in the navy. I need not
say it may interest you know that
my Mag lieutenant, Lieut-. Brumby
is a Georgian by ’birth and ap¬
pointment thanking .
Again you most cor¬
dially, I remain very gratefully
and sincerely, “George Dewey.”
Weal'd glad to boo the beautiful
sunshine again. There will he a
large; crop of cotton made in this
community if we have a week or
two of pretty weather.
Mr. John Austin and family, of
Madison arc visiting relatives and
'friends in our community this
Mr. Jack Swann has purchased
him a new buggy recently “look¬
out girls.”
Mr. J B Ragsdale and his beau¬
tiful •daughter Miss Dora visited
il Conyers last- Saturday and Sun¬
Mr. Charlie Ragsdale got hurt
very had with a baseball last Sat¬
urday afternoon but lie says the
lick did not hurt him as bad as
having to miss hauling his best
girl on that occasion.
Messrs. Zed Bailey and D A
George made a business trip to
Atlanta this week.
Miss Yannie Cook, one of the
most brilliant young ladies of our
community passed away after a
short illness with fever. We ex¬
tend sympathy to the-bereaved
Mr. John Bailey who has been
Oil the siek list for the past week,
is able to be out again.
Several of our people attended
camp meeting at Salem Sunday.
Mr. .Tack Swann went to Flip
pen Sunday. 1 think he went to
“Price” some goods round about
th>> beautiful little town.
.Over in 'Alabama a young man
went to enlist. He was given a
newspaper to read, but he could
not, and was just as -successful
when asked to write in English,
and when reminded of Ii is ineffi¬
ciency he said : “Yell, 1 can’t
read or write English but I can
fight litce h-1 in any langwhieli.
and 1 thought id voa fighdters you
wanted, not brolessors," He was
enthusiastically accepted.
Uueen Victoria is sovereign f over
coutu)0nt, 4 . 100 peninsulas, o(X) r
out ...?
promontories, UtKXV lakes, 2,000
rivers and 10,000 islands.
Advertise your busxnes*.
Democratic Nominees.
Result of Democrat primary e
lection, held June Gtli, I8U>\ to
nominate candidates for the pai
ty: Governor.
A. D. Candler.
foi iSecIreiary of Stale.
Phillip Cook.
For attorney General.
Joseph A!. Terre].
For State Treasurer.
Wm. J. Speer.
Foil Comptroller General
W. A. Wright.
For Commissioner of Agriculture.
0. B. Stevens.
For Prison Cgm.miss.oner.
■ J. S. Turner,
For Congressman, 5th District.
L, F. Livingston
Result of pi" rnary election held
June 28rd for the nomination of
county officers:
For State Senate, 27th Dist.,
\\ r . E. Thrasher;
For Representative: TURNER, ’
C. II.
For Sheriff: *
For Clerk:
For Tax Collector:
For Tax Receiver :
For Treasurer:
For Coroner:
Dissolution Notice,
The business of Messrs. Tilley &
TuckeramlJno.R. Maddox is this
day mutually dissolved. The firm
of Tilley & Tucker will continue the
business, pay off all the liabilities,
carry out .-.11 contracts, and take full
and complete control of the Conyers
Manufacturing Co. This Aug. 1,1898.
Tilley & Maddox. Tucker,
Jno. it.
The people should read this paper.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
For Representative.
I hereby announce myself subject a candi¬ to the
date for representative, and
democratic nomination ask the
support of my friends.
Respectfully, Turner.
(J H
For Tux Colleeton’.
I hereby announce myself a candi¬
date for the office of Tax Collector of
Rockdale county, subject to a demo¬
cratic primary if any. I seek the
office because lin ed it and I feel
myself capable of acceptably people filling
will it hoping and trustng that and the elect
see proper to support
me. Lam, veryrespeclully, W* G, Clotfelter
1Toi- Tax Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate for
re-election to the oliice of Tax Rec¬
eiver, of Rockdale primary'. County, subject
to the democratic 1 thank
the.people office for that support that gave
me the two years ago and lwill
appreciate their continued confidence
and support in the coming election.
If elected 1 promise to faithfully ills
charge the duties of the office.
Respectfully. H. Hull.
County 'I Veil .si i rer.
J hereby announce myself a candi
dat for the office of Gounty Treasurer
subject to the action oT the Democrat¬
ic primary. 1 promise, if elescetd, to
give the county a clean, honest ad¬
ministration. I ilesirp to thunk my
friends for past patronage, ami hope
I may merit a continuance of same.
Yours to command,
Jambs A. Dl t kes.
Fox- Cloi-K.
I respectfully announce myself to
the voters of the comity as a candi¬
date for the office of Clerk of Super¬
ior Court of Rockdale county, sub¬
ject to the action of the Democratic
party. I will thank the people of
the county for their support and will
discharge the duties of the office faith
fully and honestly if elected. respectfYllv
I.. H.Sigman.
ox- 81 ierifl’.
I hereby 7 ' announce mv candidacy
for the office of iSheritf of Rockdale
I'onioeraiic s «hjeet to tin- action of the
inxrtv. I heart-iiY thank
the people for th^ support tli^Y have
given ask me in the past and respectful
tv them to vole for me. H elect
j eel 1 shall, m the future -is iu the past,
serve them faithfully and honestly,
W-h! LG Austin
JL,ef (<-x-s; pit* County: pismission.
Ga., HociiiLM.R lhity
To whom it concern:
Mrs. M. A. Posey, admin¬
istratrix of the estate of T. C. Posey,
deceased,. !',as duly filed her petition
for tetters of dismisssou from her
f rusta*administririx. and I will pass
upon the first Monday in November
1898. Given under my hand and
official signature, tin’s Aug. 1st 1898.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Let t ers Dismission.
Georgia Rockdale County;
To whom it may concernJos. F
Gee, administrator of the estate ofW
J Gee, lias duly filed his application
tpr letters of dismission from his
trust as such administrator, amUwill
pass upon the same on the first Mon¬
day in October, 1898. Given under
niv hand and official signature, this
July 8th, 1898. A At Helms, Ord.
Adv .$0.
Letters Dismission.
Gkoegia Rockdale County:—To Mrs.
whom it may concern: Alice
H Laird, Administratis of the estate
of Wm. P Laird, has duly filed her
application for letters of dismission
from her trust as such admiiiistratix,
and I will pass upon the same on the
first Monday in October, 1898.
Given under my hand and official
signature this July 8th, 1898.
A M Helms, Ord.
Adv. $6.
Anulication for Iti moutlis
Ga., Rock half, Oouxtv:
Mrs. Eliza Kent having
applied for a 12 months support out
of the estate of her late husband
Win. G. Kent, deceased, and the
Commissioners: appointed having fil¬
ed their returns in my office, this is
to cite all persons concerned that I
will pass upon the same on the first
Monday in September next.- This
August 1st 1898.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Adv. $3.00.
Citation to well Land.
Ga., Rookdalb County:
To w hom it may concern:
J. D. Scott, administrator
of the estate of Robert L. Scott, de¬
ceased, has in due form applied sell to the the
undersigned for leave to
lands belonging to the estate of the
said deceased, and said application Monday in
will be heard on the first
September next. Given under my
hand and official signature, this Au¬
gust 1st 1898.
Adv.ys.0o. A. M, Helms, Ord.
To whom, it may concern:
E, B. and J. M. Almond,
adE’Mstratois of the estate of D. M. Al¬
mond, deceased, leave have, in due form, ap¬
plied’to me for to sell the real er.tate
of said deceased and the said application
will bo heard at my office on tlio first
Moudov in September 1898. This Au¬
gust 4tli 1898.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
To whom it may concern:
Jno. F. King, administrator of the
estate of Wiliam F. King, deceased,
leave has hr due sell form, the real applied estate of to said me-for de¬
ceased, and said application will he
heard at my oilice oil t-lic first Mon
dav in Sept. 4th, next. 1898.
This Aug.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Ga., Rookdalk County ;
To whom it may concern:
J. 8. Granade, adminis¬
trator of the estate of Benjamin
Granade, deceased, has in due form
applied to me for leave to sell the
lands belonging to the estate of the
said deceased, and said application Monday
will he heard on the first in
September next. Given under my
hand and official signature, this Au¬
gust 1st 1898.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Adv. $8.00.
Ga., RockdAlkCounty:
To whom it may concern:
Mrs. N. C. Wilson, ad¬
ministratrix, with will annexed, of
the estate of John D. Neal, deceased,
has in due form applied to me for
leave to sell the lands belonging to
the estate of said deceased, and said
application will be heard on the first
Monday in September next. Given
under my hand and official signature
this; August 1st-1898.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Adv. $8.00.
The city council has di¬
rected that a book be opened
by the city clerk for the pur¬
pose of receiving the tax re¬
turns of the citizens of the
town. The returns will not
be taken from the county
tax receivers books this year
as heretofore, but each and
every tax payer will be re¬
quired to come clerk to and the give office in
of the city
his or her tax. The books
are now open and will remain
until the loth-day of Sep¬
tember. Don’t delay and put
it off but come on and give in
your taxes—you might forget
J. H. Wallis, City Tax Re¬
This August 1st 1808.
6t. v
Tis Us¬ ■*’ Is e#
tinia erwy
• V' "W. v5‘- PIP*'We have just Op
{},/ Pm
ed up the handsomest line of
mer’s samples we ever bought a
genuine value in "'
sell these samples every article
at the wEvoe a;s
cost and our customers re &P the
benefit. Come and see these §oods.
E X change bought and sold. Collections made on all parts nf t'
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound.bankin
Overdrafts will rsot lb© honored imtider amy circu 0H«
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 p. M.till further notice,
We are a«(‘nr w Tor the oelo
1 >i*si t<»<I Baniewville £
Wo :ivo opcniHgupthe lai-j»-e»t siliipment of
Harness we ever received before.
XVie <*auh Y>c? 5Si8<t<'ft-;oI<l on any
tiling* in our line.
We have everything* in the HARDWARE
LiNE and our prices will suit the most ex=
Aliaand JGLfiLi“dwaro Co.
When you want a good, safe turnout one that you call
drive with
One that looks well and goes 'well, call on me.
Good drivers furnished if desired.
Terms very reosonable.
Why go further? We liave it
and you can buy it as cheap troi^
We handle fancy and family Groc¬
eries, Canned goods etc.,
We do all kinds of Bicycles Be
paring and we also rent Wheels.
Be sure to give us a call wkea
you come to town.
We guarantee satisfaction.