Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL 'news items.
jr«mal amid Otherwise, Gathered from aSI Soturees to Post
Oyr Readers and Fill Space.
[SAW*- ..svilie, was
plunket is on a
tje L<?a in Atlanta
is the guest oi
.. „v little daughter
for several days
SffiS i Hardware «•* Co. liaveji ‘* 8M
i" -
| S C Stovall, of At
[pending' Mrs. some time heie
r es.
bSES'SU returned
Arthur Copeland, of
[l-S. visitors to CQD
!, were
|ket and daughter, Miss
Atlanta, were here with
it Sunday.
h Stephenson has a new
pnt in this paper. He is
Mv goods daily.
in soon becoming in and
iiness Lur will The open Weekly. with a
ad in
| e Malcom has returned
I, in Bostwiek, Da., af
L visit to relatives here.
inna and Era Adair, of
mty, have returned home
to Mr. John Malcom's
ic Wells, of Stone Mouu
tiss Maud Johnson, of I)e
,nests of Mrs. J W Jolm
hry Tucker has returned
it to relatives in Newton
[lie iiece, has as Tucker, her guest of this At
[Maddox has moved back
[andwill |rfher, Mr.Eiisha make his Maddox. lionn
[ He has it is been hoped, in bad will health ben
libers of Rockdale Baptist
pc 1st enjoyed a series of meet
week and we under
it jd much: good was aecom
the church is thoroughly
I l Dillon arrived home last
He has been conducting
ber [r train on the' Illinois
some time past, and it
for the purpose of enjoying
fond Georgia Regiment, im
rown, nigh't passed through fiunis, At
enroute to
, where it has been ordered
camp. Mr. Rob Aim ant
Itlanta at 7;30 yesterday
joping Ahnand, to see his brother.
of tliis regiment,
led through.
ramp at meeting home is over and
s are again. The
«as enjoyed. largely attended and
f‘ The preaching
throughout the week a IK;
il profited by it. The camp
splendid shape, better in
it has been in for a long
but little work will be re
put it in shape for the next
f Almand, of Ingleside', Was
’•veeK and closed a trade
! ,'L -'h's. M White, Miss Man
Jno. 1 Almand foi
i’yee here. These three
this beautiful home
."'ill take possession a
pj the month. This is
| ! " best places in our town
Merstand that the ladies
L' Pnand ! - ! bargain. We eongrat
welcome them to Con
nnnon.oif Princton, was
bt hi 1S nf ek * He the
f m su Y PP"i-t eat the injustice. popn
kil !■. 0 n idea of doing . such
[ yformed t
the us that lie will
, rpoi't nominees of his
I " ,'i° f a intention . staunch of democrat leaving
A e make this statement
” :ncl democrats. OUl
'Varren A Gaudier left
Vi morning . for Denver.
• f "ill this preside week ovei
■ * lom home -
v'm V' preside . until Oc
; • ’dorado over five con
and Missouri
I )ur ! . n F tlte winter
thi „. il ll. I Vls,t Guha and
7 rk estabffihi ngclmrelll
thf eessar 0uba
s h.r J for pav
‘ hurei,es the-island.
? h,
The watermilli • n doth portend close;
That spring is near its
But let her go! She’ll come again
And bring these ’Twillmake striped hose; .
Ami what a sight! you
laugh. ti streaked, striped calf.
To see
Miss Lizzie Cook, of Oxford, is vis¬
iting in the city.
Miss Loll a Posey is on a visit to
friends at Gainesville,
gee our new line of sample Hudson. notions.
Miss Irma Langford, of Atlanta, is
on a visit to relatives here.
Stock of gamble suspenders Hudson’s. at
Mrs. Amanda McClelland, of Stone
Mountain, visited in Conyers this
We are'expecting the first new
bale of cotton to reach Conyers next
Miss Florence Austin has returned
from a pleasant visit to friends in
Proffessor Glenn, schools, superintendent- here
elect of our public was
this week.
You have a few more days in which
to buy bargains at Summer’s closing
out sale.
Miss Nellie Gailey ha.s gone for an
extended visit to relatives in Spar¬
tanburg, S C.
Miss Johnson, of Atlanta, has re¬
turned homo offer a pleasant visit to
-elatives in the county.
Mrs. G W Cain, of Lawrenceville,
.came over tin's week and attended
camp meeting at,Salem.
Mr. Robt. Hale, of Madison, lias
been doing the brick work upon Mr.
VV V Almand’s residence.
Mr. Robt. McDonald, of Atlanta,
earn® down; spent the week here
and at Salem camp meeting.
The melon crop seems to be make' play-'
rig out. Too much rain doesn’t
either large or good melons.
Mr. and Mrs. -Reubin Still have re¬
al mod to their home at Hack Branch
after a visit to relatives here.
' Cotton pickers will be in great de¬
mand this fall. The prospect is good
fora large crop and low price.
Miss Kate Allen, of Montieello, and
Miss Irene Roberts, of Allen. Covington,
ire guests of Miss Maud
Mr. Geo. Christian, of Atlanta, who
s a convalescent of fever, is .spend¬
ingsometime herewith relatives.
Miss Sophie Adam has returned to
a Ur home in Spartanburg,S C. after
i pleasant Stay with relatives in Con
We return thanks to Dr. Melton for
one of the largest beets'of the season.
It measures thirteen by twenty in¬
The little infant of Mr and Mrs. C
D Farm,of Jackson died last Friday,
fhoir many friends here sympathize
with them.
Mr. Chas. B. Hudson is calling at¬
tention to a fine line of sample Read un¬
ions he received this week.
Ins ad elsewhere.
Rev. Dr. Quillian, of Marietta,
came down and preached at Salem
last Sunday at 11 o’clock. His ser¬
mon was very liuieli enjoyed.
His friends are inquiring of Jfr.
Glenn Alexander as to liis merry-go
romul. When will you sing “all a
tparcl,” Glenn?
Miss I-essie Malcom returned to
her home in Walton county last
Tuesday morning, after a pleasamt
visit to relatives here.
, The boys picKed up two scrub nines
yesterday afternoon and played a
game of ball. Oxford bovsfailed to ap
pear and perhaps it is well for them
that they did. *
All the Morman Elders who are do¬
ing- missionery work hereabout are
smoothfaced, very young, and Iook
as though they are “doing something
they have no business.”
We regret to learn of the sudden
death of our friend, Col. Chas. W.
Hodnett, of Clayton county. He was
a splendid man, good citizen and true
friend. Peace to his ashes.
Rev. Dr. Quigg is spending This is some the
time at Porter Springs.
Doctor’s favorite summer resort and
ne has not missed going there each
summer for several years past.
Langford Bros, have sold their
stock of goods to tlieif father and
then bought each a third interest in
his business. The store of Langford first bt
Bros, will be closed on the
Friend Walter Almand mysterious¬
ly disappeared on last Tuesday night
and his friends knew nothing of his
whereabouts until Thursday morning
when he as mysteriously re-appear
Protracted services will begin Monday at
the Christian church on
night after the first Sunday in Sep¬
tember. Elder W F' Reagos will con¬
duct tiie meeting. It is not yet
known whether Lie will have other
Don't miss the opportunity of your
life by failing to inspect our new no¬
tion samples—hose and shirts especi
Don’t forget to call at this office and
give in your city taxes.
Protracted services are being held
at the Presbyterian church.
str. John jialcom and son, George,
have gone on a visit to Morgan coun
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, of Atlanta, are
on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. War¬
Mrs. WE Stovall has been and is
still very sick. We hope she may
soon recover.
We see from the dailey papers that
the boys of The Third Georgia Regi¬
ment may yet be ordered to Cuba,
not to fight the Spaniards, but as a
Prof. Chas. Clotfelter closed his
school at Oak Grove yesterday. He
closed yesterday in order to secure
for himself a short rest before going
to his near labors in the public school’s
of Marietta.
The home of our father-in-law, Dr.
J A McKdwn, of Jonesboro, was des¬
troyed by lire, together with most night. of
its con ton tin, last Wednesday
Such misfortunes are always they fall deplor¬
ed and especially aged. when u
pon the
The father of ten daughters listen¬
ed silently to the solemn words that
united his eldest to a miilibnnire.
“Theie!” he successfully murmured as concluded tyingJof
live knot was
.“that is 10 per cent off for cash.”—
Brooklyn Life.
The Morman Elders have secured
two converts at or near the paper
mill and engaged in a baptismal last. ser¬
vice at the river on Tuesday
Wo are not disposed to comment u
pon these people or their work, neith¬
er are we interested in those w 1 1 o see
proper to follow them.
Mrs. Grace Maury, of Alabama,
daughter of Mr. Wesley ,Clotfelter,
of DeLalb county, died at her home
last Wednesday. The remains -were
brought to I>eKalb county and inter¬
red in the Rock Springs funeral burying
ground conducted’ yesterday, after, Elder Jordan. ser¬
vices by the
i,i rs. Maury was a relative of Clot
folters of this county.
An old bachelor bought a pair of
socks, and in the toe of one of them
he found a note which read ; “I am
a young lady of twenty and would
like to correspond with a view to mat
rimony.” Our friend wrote to the
address given, and in a few days re¬
ceived the reply; “I was married
three years ago last Christmas.” The
merchant who sold tiie socks did hot
The Marietta Journal truthfully
says: the breath of scandal touch
es the garment of afriehd. it is your
duty to believe that friend innocent
until his guilt is established, A
friendsh ip that will not wear through
adversity is worth little in the days
of prosperity. We are too prone to
accept a naked forgetting'that charge as positive there
proof of guilt, despoilers of fair in
are main* names
this world. Life would be sweeter
and better if friend would trust
friend. The scandal monger can tear
down in one day what it has taken
years of patient labor to build up.”
Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Shepherd, of
Atlanta, are spending a few days
with the latter,s mother Mrs. S.C.
Turner, in Conyers;
Take this, sheet.
A new lot of crockery just open
ed up at Plunket’s.
Baker’s chocolate cakes at Plun¬
Everything fresh and new at
(fur new goods are coming in
every day, limit buy until you get
our prices. Plunket.
-Small Dove Hams at Plunke’t.
Goods delivered promptly, by
On last Sunday, at the home of
Misses Catharine, and Malissa
Granade, I had the pleasure of
partaking of a bounteous dinner
with all the surviving children of
Timothy und Sarah (1 ranade, de¬
ceased. consisting of the two above
named and Mrs. Susan Marks, of
Mansfield, Ga., Mrs. Eliza Dulan,
of Stone Mountain and Mrs. Jane
Jackson, of Hayston. Also four
brothers, E. C. Granade, B. C.
Granade, M. W. Granade and I>.
W. Granade. The oldest of these
is Go while the youngest 48 years
of age.
After spending several hours
pleasantly the family, with assembled other
relatives and friends,
in the house where devotional ser¬
vices were impressively conducted
by Rev. J. M. Defoor, who read
the 71st Psalm.
It was a day long to be remem
bered bv all present.
E, C, Granade.
Telephone Line.
- Mr. Arthur Whitaker lias com¬
pleted his miles telephone line from
town to two beyond his home
and the line is in good working
order. He says his friends and
neighbors are welcome to test the
efficiency of the line at any tim'd.
Arthur is one of the most progres¬
sive young fanners in our county
and is doing exceedingly well.
The fis
Etgaaiuro Sr.
IV otioe.
I have a six horse power Wood,
Tabor & Morse engine which I will
sell cheap or swap for a large young
A. N. Plunket.
.llisslty Cooil.
A young negro was lodged in the
city booSe Monday night, where it
was intended to keep him till
morning when he would he carried
to Atlanta where be was wanted
to answer to the charge of larceny.
He was securely locked and left to
rest. About mid-night the mar¬
shal heard a terrible yelling in the
direction of the lock-up and went
to investigate the matter. He
was surprised to find that the room
in which the. negro was confined
was burning furiously in one corn¬
er. The door was soon opened and
the negro released from his peril¬
ous position. After a time he ac¬
knowledged that.he had fired the
building with the hope of burning
a Injlo in the wall through which
he,could .escape and he began to
call for help only after the lire got
beyond his control.
The boy was very much excited
and didn't recover his'equilibrium
for several hours.
He wgs curried to Atlanta the
next day.
TS T otice.
Mrs. Dr. GJonn is still making fine
dresses, coats and pants at prices to
suit. Room over McDonald <fc Hay
good’s Millinary store.
The death of Mr. Frank L. Bry¬
an occurred at his home in Shef¬
field district last Monday night af¬
ter a long illness. For more than
a year lie has gradually grown
weaker and his death has been
expected to weeks, occur at by any those moment who
for several
administered to him throughout
his suffering.
Mr. Brypnt was a splendid gen¬
tleman and one of the county’s
best citizens.
He leaves a wife and little
daughter and several much brothers grieved. and
sisters who are
The remains were interred in
the family burying ground on
Tuesday after appropriate services
by Prof. Dickey.
Tire death of Miss Vannie Cook,
daughter of Mr. J A Cook, of Lor¬
raine district, occurred last Mon¬
day morning. She will was a splendid
young lady and be greatly
missed by her parents and numer¬
ous friends.
She was sick only a very short
time and her death was a severe
shock. Her death is supposed to
be due to heart disease.
The Weekly extends sympathy
to the bereaved.
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
The public is hereby notified
that at a recent meeting of the
School Board of Ilockdale county,
the following books were adopted
for the next five years, begining
Nov. 1. 1898:
Swinton’s Word Primer, Swin
ton’s Word Book, Baldwin’s Read¬
ers, 1st to ?th years inclusive,
Redway’s Nat. Elem. Geography,
Redway and Hinman’s Advanced
Geography, Sanford’s Interme¬
diate and Common School Arith¬
metics, Wentworth’s Practical
Arithmetic(1897 edition), Verti¬
cal Review S\ T stem copy books.
Webster’s “Blueback” spellers
allowed to be used in first and sec¬
ond grades.
The teachers are requested to
use the unifoun system of grading
suggested by the Commissioners,
which will be printed and fur¬
j nished to each school.
T. D. O’Kelley, C. S. Com.
Aug. 11, 1898.
I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis , Massachusetts,
was the originator of “CASTORIA,” the same that
has borne and does notv bear on every
the fae-simile signature of Jti/M wrapper.
This is the original “CASTORIA” which has been used in
the homes of the Mothers of America for ever thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bough t on the
and has the signature of wrap
per. No one has authority from me *o use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
Mareh 24 - ms -Qd^^
Do Not Bo Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in¬
gredients of which even he does not know,
“The Kind You Have Always Bought,
Ww M.
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You • ;
When You Can Get What You
. . . Need K<‘al ClKMip.
@izr friends and customers Will please achnoxol -
edge this notice of our intention to sell real bargains
during vhe month of * 'ffugust .
— -r-^—'TV g»
We are forced so make room for our new goods and in
this deal we will turR loose some splendid bargains to for¬
tunate: customers.
The Bide Front,
This paper gives all the
news all the time and you
read it. I
are invited to
The school days are upon us a I
gain and books must be had
We are headquarters
B 1 or School Books, Slates.- Pencils, Writing tablets, Copy
Books, Pens and Inks, and
All kinds of school supplies at
Bottom prices. • • j »t
. 5 i 1111 J 3 .tf fi
Gailey Drug Co,