Newspaper Page Text
Enteicd at the postoffice at Conyers as
second-class mail matter.
Saturday, Sep. 3, 1898.
Locals 5 cents per line for first inser
tion • 2 '» cents for each subsequent in¬
sertion.* Regular adv. 50c. per inch lor
jirst insertion ; 25c for each subsequent
One year, in advance............... $ 1.00
Six months, In advance.......... 50c
if m i
Beautiful eyes prow dull and dim
As the swift years steal away.
Beautiful, willowy forms so slim
Lose fairness with every day.
But she still is queen and hath charms to
Who wears youth'* c'4r<mal — beautiful
hair. 'A
Preserve Your Hair
and you preserve your youth.
"A woman is as old as she
looks,” says the world. No
woman looks as old as she is
if her hair has preserved its
normal beauty. You can keep
hair from falling out, restoring
its normal color, or restore the
normal color to gray or faded
hair, by the use of
Ayer’s Hair Vigor.
Advertise your business.
None of the southern volunteer?
wove permitted to go to tlie front
end light Spaniards but it seems
1 hat the War department desire?
in retain them for garrison duty,
i.lany of the southern regiment?
wish to lie mustered out. Sinct
ihere is no longer hope for light¬
ing they wish to return home and
i hey are making a plea to that
The populist party in Tennessei
has caved under. After this year
is expected that the party in this
State will pass away forever.
From present indications it will
lake Uncle Sam about ten time?
sis long to wind up the war as it
«tid to make ready for it and whip
the light.
Lawyer Leftwitch, of Atlanta,
lias stirred up quite a sensation in
ihni city by publishing an article
ia defense of his position in hi?
wife’s suit for a total divorce. T<
say the least the lawyer’s article is
original and was read with absorb¬
ing interest.
Governor Atkinson won the
plaudits of his party in his Dub¬
lin speech. He made a fair show¬
ing for the party and it was de¬
cidedly masterful. It is the best
wpeech of the campaign to date and
will prove of great value to the
September, with its oysters, it?
‘sere and yellow leaves’ and it?
fast departing summer girl, is at
hand. We extend it a cordial wel¬
come.—Madison Advertiser. Our
brother of the Advertiser would
seem, from |the above, to prefer
t he‘oyster’to the ‘summer, girl.
We hope the oyster don’t feel bad.
September advertisements will
bring rich rewards to those who
seek the columns of this paper.
Our terms are reasonable and re¬
sults satisfactory.
If the democrats of the county
desire it, we suppose it would be
an easy matter to secure one or
two good campaign speakers who
would come here and deliver a
good supply of democratic doc¬
trine, winch would be timely just
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
The State campaign is moving
along smoothly and successfully
under the masterful direction of
chairman DuBignon. We pre¬
dict that it handsome majority will
reward his able services to the
• • •
Wo presume tl a the rain of
Wednesday night and Thursday
made it very pleasant for travel¬
ers who chanced to be housed no
der the car shed in Atlanta . It b
said that history repeats itself ev¬
ery few years and the oldest in¬
habitant tolls us that where the
Al Junta depot stands was once r.
dense swamp—this historoy is
-1 riving to make its second im¬
press audits efforts are grand.
A great many sins are being
charged up to the war department
a and general reckoning is liable
to take place later on. It said
that some high-toned connection scandal?
may be disclosed in
with the administration of affair?
in this department.
The peace commissionerships
will be very snug berths for tlu
men who are assigned to them.. It
is understood that the pay will b<
$25,000 each for the term of tin
contion, with traveling and hotel
bills and incidental oxpences foot¬
ed by the government.—Ex.
The Cubans have bounced Gar
eia. The insurgents of Cuba seem
to be incloned a little toward in¬
telligence in some matters.
Klondike Locals.
This is fine weather for ducks
Old school bodies exchanged foi
new ones at the
Gailey Drug Co’s.
Fodder pulling is the order ol
the day.
Miss Florence Ben net, of At¬
lanta, is visiting her cousin.
Mrs. E. O, Powell, this week.
Miss Georgia Fan ill and es
cort, whose name we have for
gotton, visited Mrs. H. T. House
worth last Sunday.
Miss Claud Hollingsworth ha?
returned home near Smyrna, af¬
ter spending a week with rela¬
tives here.
Ask Budy Housewortli about
getting left.
The protracted meeting at
Philadelphia has closed. There
were four members added to
the church.
Mr. aud Mrs. Barto Walker
of uear Smyrna, visited Mr. T.
VV, Pyle’s family last Sunday.
The Conyers Weekly is eager¬
ly sought on Saturdays at
Those who visited the school
at Rock Springs last Wednes¬
were Mr. W. S. Barton,Miss
Claud Hollingsworth , Mr. A C,
Pyle, Miss Ettie Ford, Mr.
Frank Powell. Miss Alma Cagle.
Mr. J. W. Ford, Miss Julia
Maddox, Mr. Bunion Wiggins,
Miss Denie Powell, Mr. VV. E.
Houseworth, Miss Ada Wiggins,
and Miss Mattie Wood, Rev
Mr. Pyle treated the school and
spectators to a nice little lecture.
Tour scribe who has this school
m charge, appreciated the lec
tuie aud visit very much.
Miss Annie Jones, who has
been assisting Prof. Robertson
in the school at tins place, re¬
turned to her home at Decatur,
last Saturday, She has been
employed to teach in the lith
otna Institute next term.
Old school books exchanged for
new ones at the
Gailey Drug Go's.
Democratic Nominees.
Result of Democrat primary e
lection, held June Gth, 1808, to
nominate candidates for the par
For Governor.
A.. D. Candler.
Fui Sectrotary of Stale.
Phillip Cook.
For attorney General.
Joseph M./Terrel.
For State Treasurer.
Wm.J. Speer.
For Comptroller General
W. A. Wright,
For Commissioner of Agriculture.
O. IL Stevens.
For Prison Commissoner.
J. S. Turner,
For Congressman, 5th District.
L. F. Livingston
Result of prmary election held
June 23rd for the nomination of
county officers:/
For State Senate, 27tli Dist.,
W. E. Thrasher.
For Representative: TURNER,
C. H.
For Sheriff :
For Clerk:
For Tax Collector:
For Tax Receiver:
For Treasurer:
For Coroner:
Dissolution Notice.
The business of Messrs. Tilley A
Tucker and Jno. R- Maddox is this
day mutually dissolved. The firm
of Tilley & Tucker will continue the
business, pay off all the liabilities
carry out all contracts, and take full
and complete control of the Conyers
Manufacturing Co. This Aug. 1,1898.
Tilley & Tucker,
Jno. R. Maddox.
The people should read this paper
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
For Representative.
I hereby announce myself a candi¬
date for representative, subject to the
democratic nomination and ask tin
support of my friends.
Respectfully, 0
H Turner.
For Tax Collector.
I hereby announce myself a candi¬
date for the office of Tax Collector o.
Rockdale county, subject to seek a demo¬ flit
cratic primary if any. 1
office because Ineed it and I feel
myself capable of acceptably filling
it hoping and trustng that thepeopli
will see proper to support and elect
me, lam, very respeefully, W” Clotfelter
For Tax Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate foi
re-election to the office of Tax Rec¬
eiver, of Rockdale primary*, County, subject
to the democratic i thank
the people for that support thatgavt
me the office two years ago. and L wiL
appreciate their continued confidenci
and support in the coming election,
if elected I promise to faithfully dit
charge the duties of Respectfully. the office.
G‘ H. Hull.
County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself a candi
dat for the office of County Treasurer
subject to the action of the Democrat¬
ic primary. I promise, if elecetd, ti
give the county a clean, honest ad¬
ministration. I desire to thank mj
friends for past patronage, and It opt
I may merit a continuance of same.
Yours to command,
James A. Dukes.
Foi* Clerk.
I respectfully announce myself candi¬ tc
the voters of the county as a
date for the office of Clerk of Super¬
ior Court of Rockdale county, sub¬
ject to the action of the Democratic
party. I will thank the people ol
the county for their support and will
discharge the duties of the office faith
full}* and honestlY if elected.
Very respectfYllY
- L. u. Sigman.
or* Sheriff.
1 hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of Sheriff of Rockdale
county, subject to the action of the
Democratic partv. I heartily thank
the people for the support they have
given me in the past and respectful¬
ly ask them to vote forme. If elect¬
ed T shall, in the future as in the past,
serve them faithfully and honestly,
Yours truly,
W' h. M. Austin,
Letters of Dismission.
Ga., Rochdale County:
To whom ii may concern:
Mrs. M. A. Posey, admin¬
istratrix of the estate of T. C. Posey,
deceased, lias duly filed her petition
for letters of dismissson from her
trust as ad min istrtrix. and I will pass
upon the first Monday under in November hand and
1?98. Given my
official signature, this Aug. 1st 1H98.
A. M. Helms, Old.
Ga., Pockdaivr County;
To whom it may concern:
J. S. Granade, adminis¬
trator of tiie estate of Benjamin
Granade, „ , deceased, , . has , in due . form ..
applied to me for leave to sell the
lands belonging to the estate of the
said deceased, and said application in
will be heard on the first Monday
September next. Given under my
hand and official signature, this Au¬
gust 1st 1898.
A. M. Helms, Orel.
Adv. $3.00.
To whom it may concern:
EH /and J. M-Ahnaud,
adinnstratois of the estate of D. M. A3
maud, deceased, have, in due form, ap-^
plied to me for leave to sell the real estate
of said deceased and the said application
will he heard at my office on the first
Monday in September 1898. This Au¬
4tii 1898.
A. M. Helms, Orel.'
Ga., Rockdale County :
To whom it may concern:
Mrs. N. C. Wilson, ad
ininistratrix, with will annexed, of
the estate of John 1). Neal, deceased,
has in due form lands applied belonging to me for
leave to sell the to
the estate of said deceased, and said
application will be heard on the first
Monday in September next. Given
under my hand and official signature
this August 1st 1898.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Adv. $3.00.
To whom it may concern:
Jno. F. King, administrator of the
estate of Wiliam F. King, deceased,
I. '. i.o. t v.' v / o,':
ceased, and said application will lit
heard at my office on the first Mon¬
day in Sept. 4tli, next.
This Aug. 1898.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Letters Dismission.
jG%“ted.l7mea°h!!i dismission e Rppi1h°Um, his
for letters of from
trust as such administrator, and Iwill
pass upon the same on the first Mon
day in October, 1898. Given under
illy hand and official signature, tin's
July 8th, 1898. A M Helms, Ord.
Adv .$6.
Application for 1 'A month?
Ga., Rockdale County:
Mrs. Eliza Kent having
applied fora 12 months support oui
of the estate of her late husband
erf/ "ap piii'iUerl ' !
Jeml m is s i on 1 i iiv i i g EL
id their returns in my office, this n
jo cite all persons concerned that!
.villpass upon the same on the first
jb ^^September next. This
, ' r ' USt b ' '
a. M. Helms, Ord.
Adv. $3.00.
Letters Dismission.
Georgia Rockdale County:—Ti
whom it may concern: Mrs. Alict
H Laird, Adminiscratix of the estate
>f Wm. P Laird, has duly tiled he:
Application for letters of dismissioi
from her trusfas such adininistratix.
And I will pass upon the same on the
first Monday in October, 1898.
Given; under my hand and official
signature this July 8th, Helms, 1898.
A M Ord.
Adv. $6.
Citation, to sell Land.
Ga., Rockdale County :
To whom it may concern:
J. D. Scott, administrator
of tiie estate of Robert L. Scott, de¬
ceased, has in due form applied to the
undersigned for leave to sell the
lands belonging to the estate of the
said deceased, and said application
will be heard on the first Monday in
September next. Given under my
hand and official signature, this Au¬
gust 1st 1898.
A. M. Helms, Ord.
Adv. $3.00.
The city council lias di¬
rected that a book be opened
by the city clerk for the pur¬
pose of receiving the tax re¬
turns of the citizens of the
town. The returns will not
be taken from the county
tax receivers books this year
as heretofore, but each and
every tax payer will be re¬
quired to come to the office
of the city clerk and give in
his or her tax. The hooks
are now open and will remain
until the 15th day of Sep¬
tember. Don’t delay and put
it off’but come on and give in
it. your taxes—you might forget
J. H. Wallis, City Tax Re¬
This August 1st 1898.
w : ^rr
s t oc k r b ,r a *
are invited to come and look through. Xl lese ^ ladles
are beautiful and will well ° 8«cda
pc a mammoth stock of Clothing ,
d old, asked to L* nn „
men TS are cotue and h
Every suit is well made out of good material aiffi u
give satisfaction, , Wl ‘*
We have shoes for the multitudes. Our shoe i
in the past have been > ery satisfactory to both '
selves and our custom 5 -s and we hope to be assu’cc our
ful in the future. Call and see our shoes 6Ss ’
nQte the va l ue aud style.
Our stock of Notions is, perhaps, the largest in*
Conyers and we are safe in saying that you can f Ul( j
83 a want in our stock. It is a pleas
ure for P s to js
(Jtll • e •
T)11C0S ___ 4 RI G IcLll? OH 0VSTV J
, . «
rJ,T’UlfilE *
country. Exchange Accommodations bought and sold. extended Collections consistent made with on all partsd
Ov©rdlrSLffttS wlflfl lHOi O© lulOOOrsdl * PUldlSr , SBy
Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 p. M.till further notice.
We are agent s for the ede
brat ed BariiewVlllo Bit o-o-ies.
We , have a very large stock of assorted Stoves.
These stoves were bought cheap and we can save
you money if you buy from us. Cull and see them,
We are opening up the largest shipment of
Harness we ever received Defore.
We' can’t be undersold on s*'*. v
tiling* in our line.
We have everything in the HARDWARE
LINE and our prices will suit the most ex*
A^liiisiiitl Hardware * °*
Melton’s Livery Us:
When you want a good, safe turnout one that }ou
drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on m3.
Good drivers furnished if desi
Terms very reosor able.