Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, September 03, 1898, Image 3

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    local news items.
personal and Otherwise, Gathered from all Sources to Post
Our Readers and Fill Space.
in Oxford tl) if
barrel! visited
young men spent
nil o f ” ur
? in Atlanta- .„ returnee
1)31 ylinaiid has
' Atlanta.
visit t0 employ
ualconi 1ms been
'obi * pukes.
ir.Jas a Cir
Lochridgci of Social
j, Su«*W *
t here
Ktlanta. T ..jicrford has returnee
f rina
homo k
tSS-^y UsssAir” e '
Li |‘s£.vli>r» rwan, of Madison, l»rtl' me was
S -
b i Aluiaud and childrei
* visit relatives _ at Rome
tie to
{all “add” in The Week
m 11 will grow great
four business
LjIb.CH In Bailey, the latter’s of Augus- par
a visit to
Lnfho Leif never possession advertises of ueai sooi
in a
L Ljsister, McEee, of Athens, is tin
Mrs. Dan Jones.
W Plunket is maKing some
■valuable Innery. improvements up
Lie McDonald lias returnei rela
per»protracted visit to
Fannie Lou Plunket has re
lome after a pleasant visit t>
Er in Atlanta.
[etcher ith M 11 Hull Plunket has secured and a wih po
[good salesman.
fell, of Snapping Shoals, vis
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo-
1 , here this week.
I'Warren has gone in tin
1) M Almand’s sons. H<
tea.good salesman.
Kate Anderson lias returnei
toe at Marietta, after a plea:
ito Miss Maud scott.
io.Malcom lias gone with tin
land Co. George is a clevei
id will give satisfaction.
pnry Clotfelter lias secured ;
jwiui [valuable Mr. J man W Jones. anywhere. Henry
ilainie Scott, of Cora, and
» Mrs. Maiming, U H of Marietta, art
Hull this week,
pal toher 1 ie nouie Trenholm at Covingtoi has
leasant visit to friends ii.
lattie Freeman, of Morgai
[visited her mother, Mrs
jay who has been very sick
E Lucas has rented the store
My known asHale’s Open
PI 1 "’ill move his stoeK oi
p- inrneris having his store
L, I t,le c improvement . ll P "ith the is pain;
.e. very
Pt brush has been applied te
Nde and outside of Sum
e this week and it loom
KchnwiUmove ! "* his fam
L ia lei ' e lie has Secure!
Erne ' Ve Wlsil hilu weU ii
F«X" *.u 1 ! litl1 llas secured a po
Pk man. ° company. He
fairS, WRT si»i
Lk X' ld Mr William
Baml of ,'attend- f ‘ Mi>
I and bu nal of Mrs. \\
win tluLj, i'L- <l! ) n )- r lt'.side, chu has rch
■beie™ft t fn bUiklingt0 U L
»ew,lu rch u
l to have a new
ft "HI TheyLvL lie , ed , mercan
I Stark
e Ph Rea
na StS r L t t ' leS ^Sr
lle ,th « *^ Thh' 52 ,yers bale had re
for I gust ano
m per
‘Ifyou want to drive your business
And have any love for fame.
-fever spare the ink and paper,
Let the people the life see of business, your name.
Energy is
Industry will always pay,
Never, rest hut always labor,
Advertise from day to day.”
ml Stovall and son, of‘Morgan conn
y, were here last Sunday.
Clyde Langford has been spending
lie week at Indian Spring •
Mrs. D m Almand spent Wetlnes
lay visiting relatives in Ingleside.
MissBettie Reagan, of Newberry,
1 C is the guest of Mrs. W F Hardin.
We regret very much to say that
rr. Wm. Still is still on the sick list
The merry-go-ground has beer
mocked out by the i.iclement weatb
Mrs. G m Jones and daughter, oi
Ntlanta, are with relatives in tin
Uncle Bob Ethridge and Dr. Lewis
Gee made a business trip to Atlanta
this week.
Miss Cleo Stewart 4 of Covington,
vas the guest of Miss Nod ie” Stewart
his week.
Get. your business in front of tin
>eople and half your victory is won.
Advertise in The Weekly.
The rains have greatly damaged
otton in this section. It is said tha
here will be no August crop.
Mr. L T Longshore’s little daughter
las been very sick for a week o;
mre. We hope she may soon reeov
The public schools will open nex
tonday morning. The prospect foi
. large attendance was never bright
Mr- Henry Tucker one of the clev
•rest salesmen in Conyers, will b<
• und another year at D m Almand’s
Owing to tlie incessant rains wliicl
,ave flooded the country for the pas
ew weeks much sickness is reportei
diroughout the county.
Cotton gins will be humming ii
lead earnest before two more weeks
.Vhen soils the sun comes out the cottoi
will burst in a hurry.
We are told that two of our Spanisi youm
omtlmen have ordered a
.rathmar for the purpose visit Cuba. of preparin'
liemselves for a to
We understand that some corn is
sprouting in the ear on account of the
jontinuous rains- This is not a gen
ual condition and the crop will pro
Kibly escape with but little damage.
Every parent who can should placi
heir children in school Monday
norning. If the children can be edu¬
cated it is better than leaving then
ast riches without knowledge.
Prof. Chas. Clotfelter left lass
-’hursday morning for Marietta when
.e goes to assume his duties as prin
tipie in the public schools there. He
is a splendid all the gentleman he and deserves. we wisl
for him success
Revenue Officers made a raid ii
his county last Wednesday night
»Ve understand that they capture!
md destroyed a still in Sheffield dis¬
trict add found a place where anoth
u' one had been moved a short whih
before they reached the spot.
With the first of Sepfember oil.
nerehants forgo the luxury of closi¬
ng their stores at six o’clock and
vill keep open doors through tin
all and winter months as long a
fight as they see proper. The boy>
will now go to work in earnest.
Our little dog has passed over lo
he “happy hunting ground” when
Ll canines go and at tne general res
direction ,ime of at all, dogs , if Don such s
comes hand, and his we expect t
ieon devotion to usam
>ur children will lie rewarded. Doi
•vill be missed at our home.
Misses Ward Hardwick, Ruth Ai
nand, Ora Daniel, of Atlanta, Flor
-de Tucker and Lillian MeCaiia on
-ertained Messrs. Walter Adair, Chat
Gailey’, Walter Almand and Join
i’illey with a musical at the Com
nerciai Wednesday night. Tin
/oung ladies are Jiighly cultivate!
musicians and the young men wen
ielighted with their renditions ant.
die lair ladies as well.
The cost of living enters largely in
o the matrimaniaiproblem. A younj.
gentleman of Marietta tells us mat oi.
uiquiry of heads of half dozen fami¬
lies with comparatively limited in¬
comes he was informeu that it cos.
Miem one hundred dollars each pei
month living expenses. This beuq
.rue, it denotes one fayt; that tin
American people are not living as e
ouomicaliy as their fore fathers, bu
m the rush of this progressive age Oi
many artificial wants, with every
fling comparatively cheap, the cosi
Jf raising families is on the increase,
m the ordinary run of affairs ii
fakes a good busines to spare on!
luuured uuliars per month for liv¬
ing expenses and still have ample
capital io ke*ep that business going
io few make that sum clear of an
expenses that it is a mystery how ap¬
pearances are kept up.—Marrietta
Sometimes et tak a faller's life
T6 learn hae es not in it.
Yen ef hae var not quite so smart
Fiae learn et en a minit.—Lx.
A FRICANA will cure Eczema and Ca
tarrhto Stay Cured.
X r 'i*ie»i<l.>slii|> and Love.
• Friendship Love from its moorings strays
binds fast together
Frindship is for balmy days,
Love for stormy weather.
“For itself the one contends,
Fancied wrongs regretting—
Love the thing it loves defends,
All besides forgetting.
“Friendship's the morning lark,
Toward the sunrise winging,
Love the nightingale, at dark
Most divinely singing!”—Fix.
Notice the change in Mr. V B Hud¬
son’s advertisement in this issue.
Next Monday is labor day. That
will be just like all other days to us.
A new add presents the Gailey Drug
Co. in this issue of The Weekly.
Mr. Tom Summers returned to At¬
lanta yesterday after a months stay
in the county.
There is an important change in the
Almand Hardware Co’s advertise¬
ment in this paper.
after Rev. pleasant Dr. Quigg has returned home
a stay of sevoral weeks
at Porter Springs.
Our street boss has about recover¬
ed and will resume bis duties on the
Urents again Monday.
Col. and sirs. J N Hale are preparing
o visit the Omaha exposition. They
will leave about the 26th.
Much fodder lias been ruined in
he field by the rains. Fodder will
>e a scarce article next spring.
An effort is being made to establish
i library in Conyers and the prospect
or its succeess is very flattering.
A small wrecKon the Georgia road
’.•t Buck head last Friday delayed the
rains on this road for several hours.
You have only a few more days in
vhich to give in your city tax. Come
” this office and attend to the mat¬
All the streams in the county have
leen greatly swolen this week and
ome of them were for a time impass¬
The deficiency in rain fall has
riven way to an excess for the past
few weeks.
Don’t forget that Summers is
mying a new stock of goods in
Yew York.
Those who are due The Weekly
>n subscription are requested to
.step in and settle.
Mr. Caldwell has had some de
;ided improvements made in his
iffice at the depot.
Protracted meeting will com
nenee at the Christian church on
he first Sunday in October.
Read the advertisements in The
.Veekly and save money when you
some to town.
We understand that Mr. N. M.
Almand will be with the J. H. Al
naiid Co. this fall.
Two of our most prominent and
jopulor young men, Messrs. Dan
Hudson and Parish Smith, are
liinking seriously of going to
Porto Rico.
Jince the little dear, oh.
Bold Hobson did attack,
lie’s become the hero
Of the merry smack !-Ex.
fo the voters of Rockdale County:
The registration book will be
closed for the October election on
Sept. 13th, 1898. The hooks are
it. R. W. Tucker’s store in Con
yers. When you come to town,
tome in and register before the
time is out.
You can be accommodated at
any time, by applying to R. W.
Fucker, C. E. Reagan or myself.
E. F. Cook.
T. C. Rockdale County, Ga.
Mrs. W. E. Stovall died of fevef
at her home in this city last Sun
lay night after a few weeks of
most painful illness. She was the
laughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G.
uialcom and a most excellent chris
tian lady. She leaves a husband
and three small children to whom
goes out the sympathy of the en¬
ure community.
The funeral service was conduct¬
ed by Elder Jno. F. Aimand at the
Primitive Baptist church Monday
at 1 o’clock, after which the re¬
mains were entered in the Almand
burying ground below town. The
Weekly feels deeply for Mr. Stov¬
all in his sad affliction and trusts
that liis burdens may be made easy
upon him by Him who can give
peace to all who are troubled.
I have a six horse power Wood.
Tabor & MerSe engine which I will
sell cheap or swap for a large young
A. N. Pluuket.
Bears tha The Kind You Have Always Bought
Mrs. Dr. Glenn is still making fine
dresses, coats and pants at prices to
suit. Room over McDonald & Hay
good’s Mi 11 inary store.
T 3 ie IIIud XT'rout.
We are marking up new goods
this week.
We will be headquarters for
stylish goods this fall just as we
have been in the past.
Our clothing is such as will at¬
tract the attention of critical buy
Our stock of shoes is jam up and
will give all-around satisfaction.
Big line of caps for the small
boys just received.
Johnie, get a cap at
The Blue Front.
The he- /p
It is predicted that this will lie
one of the livest falls, from a bus¬
iness view, we have had in many
You will also find our store HEADQUARTERS for
school supplies, Pads, Inks, Pencils, School Bags,
Slates and everything else usually needed in the
school room. We have these supplies always on hand
at the lowest possible prices and you wi!! lose money
unless you see us before you buy.
We are headquarters for Drugs and Druggist Sun¬
Give us a call When you need any¬
thing’ in our line.
1> AX Almand s sons.
D. M. Almand’s Sons are receiv¬
ing new goods every day.
When you need a wagon don’t
fail to see D. M. AlmamPs Sons.
Just opened our new stock of
shoes, t
D. M. Almaud’s Sons.
Headquarters for everything and
everybody. D. M. Almand’s
31. XX. IMuuket.
Fresh Grits at
Fresh Dove Hams at
Fresh Turnip seed at
All kinds of tin and enamel
ware at
I am headquarters for crockery
and glass ware
Brooms of all kinds at
A good two-horse second-hand
carriage and harness for sale at
bargain by
J. S.Johnson,
I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
mas the originator of “CASTOR!A,” the same that
has borne and does non) bear on every
the fac- simile signature of 4 wrapper.
This is the original “CASTOR-1 A” which has been used in
the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought on the
and has the signature of 4Ci ( wrap¬
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas, H. Fletcher is President.
March 24,1898.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in¬
gredients of which even he does not know.
“The Kind You Have Always Bought”
r «
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
More rain more rest.
Old school books exchanged for
new ones at the
Gailey Drug Co’s.
Mr. burn Cowan, of Iloney
Creek district, was in our com¬
munity Sunday sporting some
of the fair sex. Come again
Mr. Zed Bailey and family,
has returned to Alabama after
a stny of two months at, his old
home in this community.
Mr. Bob Crumby and Miss
Willie Elliiot, of Whitehouse
were the guest of Miss Nqra
Mosely Sunday,
Old school books exchanged for
new ones at the
Gailey Drug Co’s.
Rev. Charley Stephenson,
preached an enteresting sermon
to a large audience Sunday
Mt. Vernon.
Mr. Charley Swann and his
beautiful sister Miss Julia were
in our community Sunday.
Mr. Gleaton Elliot and his
sister Miss Pearl, were the guest
of Mis9 Ludie Swann Sunday.
After a short illness, the lit¬
tle child of Mr, Tom Sorrow,
passed away. We extend sym¬
pathy to the bereaved parents.
Misses Willie Morns and Lu¬
ll ie Swann will leave for Mil
ledgeville soon where they will
attend school this fall.
Mr. J. B. Simmons has been
on the sick list for the past
week. We hope to see him out
again soon.
Tie fsc
siane — — li cm
•Igsatare S7 every
at 4 w»tm
Not much moving about for Sep ’
tember 1st.
All who pay for it are invited to
read The Weekly.
Mr. S. S. NuckoIIs, of Lithonia,
was here yesterday.
Melons and peaches have play¬
ed out, likewise the grapes.
Miss Ward Hardwick has gone*
for a visit to friends in Covington.
All legal advertisements for Sep¬
tember should be sent in for the
next issue.
If you need job work of any
kind bring your orders to us and
we will give you satisfaction.
Fanners who bring cotton to
Conyers may be assured in advance
that they will get the best market
pricf for it,