Newspaper Page Text
^irANCH. elvaNY.
[ey 4 f,1c
m - out the Old, Bing in the New!
Our great effort is to p ease you.
S \>O^OV 4 :^c e-<fe.o■’sa.
o ^ .._
The Summer Season is
Drawing to a Close.
As usual we will he in the cotton market
and will pay the best market price. Allfarm
products will find a ready market with us.
Our store has been headquarters for the people for many years and we
invite ail to come to set us and feell at home. We propose to sustain the well
established reputation i £ our house for honest straightforward dealing.
Yours very truly,
Ji Fis 3 9 JjfjSL IV i ■ 3 ALMAND’S SONS,
} 1 *. Summers is in New
ork. He is buying a
u i W SHOCK L 01 A Dry Goods
notion that will
terrai-s © E A- •. : ;Se anything e v e r
own here before. It may
confidently expected
at he will offer up-to
fob f goods at the very
1 st possible, prices, He
an experienced buyer
•5 :-J iff K b )v. will make every clol
u ttnjiUKxi 1 s money procure
Teat value.
n> cctwJ goods will begin
A bin. lese
arrive within a few
t s ma Will attract uni
^al attention,
>. J expectin the
Id are s cr
anti hitest style
5«5* ft
A 1 K>
„vrs T VI). VEKSE.
Tell me not in doleful numbers
Bt’sittess-eunnot be increased,
For tiie merchant-man who slumbers,
Sure bis name shall be “Deceased.’
Business real, business earnest,
Take some push swift and enterprise,
Anti thou dollar returnest
If I will but advertise.
Lives of rich men all remind me
I may take my life sublime,
And leave fortune big behind me
If I advertise in time.
Let me then lie up and doing,
Give me quick a column rate
I'll be for the trade pursuing, late.
Advertising early, Bickers.
—J). G.
Klondike LccaSs.
Rain has been falling so in¬
cessantly that there has not
been much moving about this
week, therefore the scacity of
River bottom corn is ruined
by the recent rains. The princi¬
pal looser;? are Messrs. M. J;
Wright. W. P. Parker, T. R.
Sharp, II. IT. Miller, Y. B. White
and Mrs. Annie Iloggers.
While at the Lome of Mr. J.
H Potts recently, Mrs. Potts was
kind enough to show us some
articles which were antiquated
extreme. She has a calico dress
that was worn 60 years ago.
The way this dress is made is a
curiosity. She has a bonnet that
was worn with the dress; Next
p was our pleasure to see a tray
that is about 100 years old. The
tray came from the banks of
Broad river, in South Carolina.
Site also has letters and charts,
which were written all the vay
from 40 to 60 years ago- These
things make us feel proud that
we are having our existence in
these latter days.
Growing Better.
The world is growing better.
Despite the harrowing tales and
crimes we see narrated in the
big dailies, the people of this
country are constantly
ing better. Where once stood a
cross loads grocery idajMjh*
fourd a church of some denom¬
ination seeking to lead men to
look above the low. groveling
things of earth and renew with¬
in themselves a right spirit
Where ignorance once held high
carnival a school house now
stands where the children of the
country are daily walking by
the still waters of literature.
Crime is on the decrease, mqst
of the olfenses now are small
ones, and realizing more fully
the duties and responsibilities
of citizenship, wo are therefo v e
striving to be more able to meet
them as they come.—Marietta
The Army and Navy Journal
has discovered the real hero of
the war. It says: “The abso¬
lute, real, undoubted hero of
this war is not Admiral Dewey,
sinking all the Spanish fleet at
Manila, nor Hobson, sinkiug a
portion of the American fleet at
Santiago, nor Shatter driving
out the fleet of Cervera and cap
turing an army double that o!
his own, nor Schley sending
Cervera to destruction, nor
twenty others we could name,
but it is Ensign Curtarn, land¬
ing at Ponce, and with inimita¬
ble cheek sending his ultimatum
to the commander of the Span¬
ish forces at Ponce by telephone!
Of ali the astonishing incidents
of this war nothing for novelty
approaches this, and Mr. Cur¬
tain should go down m history
as the originator of the “hello”
method of reaching military re¬
sults, The illimitable gall of
this youth deserves to bo crys
talized in history. Murat and
Lannes, by their capture tete du
pont at Vienna, have been hand¬
ed down as the typical Gascons,
but Mr, Curtain has out braved
them all. This Journal, which
expects to chronicle the official
reports of the battle of Arma¬
geddon, hardely hopes to record
anything hereafter which, for
pure impudence, will exceed
this occurence. The only thing
which could rival it would be
for another ensign to send a dis
trict messenger hoy to Sagasta
with an ultimatum to lie answ¬
ered in fifteen minutes.”
To whom do the remains of
Christopher Columbus belong?
They lie in tho * Pithedrai at Ha¬
vana, their third resting place,
where they have reposed for a
hundred years, The great nav-
1 gator died at Seville- in 1506,
and was buried there. Thirty
years later his son, carrying out
the wish of his father, removed
his bones to San Domingo and
deposited them in the Cathedral
r fgfH
•224afT/ P\ Georgia
1 -
ABOVE ^ Agricultural
SEA. mii College
Main BwujinG.
J§§ ^7b iTIOM.
n m * f
A coliesrs education in ill'’, reach of all. A.B.,
B.S., Normal and Js B r-iii<-ss Man’s courses.
Good laboratories; healthful, in vigor at mi; cli
^I^rJuutcuity of University. 1 ^ 1 A .college
cdntrol the Thsinsti- pr-par
atory class. Co-education of sexes. limited
tution founded hoectally for students of
mean»• Send tor catslosns to the President.
iPe. S. SiaWAHT, A,M.
Shipmentsof Crockery, (»lass ware, Lamp goods
etc., just opened up. Shipments of Dress goods ar
living that will delight the ladies.
We are ready with
the season and shall keep in the front row.
,s i >4 r s; xjv.
Some ladies slippers in our stock are being sold at
less than cost. They are great bargains.
at that place. When Spain c~
vacuated that island in 1795 the
Spaniards took the remains of
Columbus with them and car¬
ried them to Havana, where
they are now. The newspapers'
of Spain are protesting vigor¬
ously against any suggestion of
i.he bones of Columbus falling
into the hands of the hated A
mericans. As a matter of fact ')
have not the Americans as much
right to the bones of Columbus
as the Spaniards? Ho was not
a Spaniard; on the oilier hand
lie was the first white Atneri
can, Spain never appreciated
him during iiis life time, She
ill-used him. loaded him with
ohaius and finally broke his
heart. If the uld discoverer
could express his preferences,
the probabilities are lie
would hail with gladness the
opportunity to sleep under the
mighty flag of the country he
discovered.— Savannah News.
They tell a stui y on a pious
farmer, who enlisted in the ar¬
my, and was assigned to duty
as a teamster. The roads were
muddy, and the tost of the team
sters were literally bombaiding
their charges with oaths, It
was against the old man’s prin¬
ciple to swear, and he held his
peace, albeit in impotent rage.
At last one of the hind mules
began to balk and refused to
advance a step. The old man
used every endeavor to urge the
beast on, but to no purpose. At
last he roared in a loud and sol
emn voice; “Oh Lord, you
know where this mule ought to
be as well as anybody, This
whole army knows where lie
ought to be this very minute.
He knows where he ought to
be, oh, Lord, and if lie don’t
move in a minute I intend
say. by gum.”
The mule was deeply impress
ed and moved forward.
Weil Played Ruse.
Harmon Gilmore, a darkey
from near Locust Grove, who
was recently convicted of a mi¬
nor offense and sentenced to
twelve months in the ebaingang,
succeeded last Monday evening
in creating a lirst class sensa¬
tion, by bringing to a success¬
ful close one of the most remark
able efforts yet heard of to es
cape jail.
Soon after being placed in
to all appearances he was
violently sick, creating
much sympathy * by his
; appeareilt SUlferillg, ohOili.
UlaSS Called Dr, 1 UCktT , UUd ,
NO. 36.
!*X |) Perhaps have made s v2
you B P.
( I |< up your mind to take y S 8 ;
Scsrffs D
I A]
| Emulsion 8
3/ this summer.
Then look for <§ ;■>
1/ (» ? this picture on ljT| ->!
the wrapper, a I
8 |s ?i fish n w i his sh back. i b i g 1
$/ J Do of not something let anyone talk “ just to t® \|>
|> you
as good.” Vo J!|
When you want cod
@5 liver oil and the hypo- /® )§!'
M phosphites you want the
very best. You will find
<?)/ them in only one place, >•>
Scott’s Emulsion.
fusion There is no other emul- )<f
like it; none other S 1
( does the same work; and
|f no record other of cures. has the same
ajv ft)S All & Druggists, Bowse, Chemists, 50c. and $i. N. Y. I
all day Sunday it was thought
Gilmore would not live through
the night. All who saw him
considered him in a dying con¬
dition. He was moved to an o
pen room in order to be made
as comfortable as possible, and
another colored man employed
to “ watch over him in his last
moments. >» To look after some
thing, he was left about ten
minutes with the door open,
and upon returning, to the utter
amazement of everybody tho
patient was nowhere to be
Immediate pursuit was given
by the sheriff and marshal, but
up to date it lias been impossi¬
ble to overtake the sick fugi¬
The question is, how did ho
manage to deceive everybody so
and even yet some
think it a paroxysm of unnatur
a ; strength,
To say the least, it was a ruse
well played—if ruse it was. —
Henry County Weekly.
Good thing For Cuba.
It is reported that H. B. Plant
president of the Plant System,
and perhaps the richest man m
the. South, is in England form¬
ing a syndicate to control all
the railroads in Cuba with a
connecting line of steamships to
the United States, Tt will h© a
fortunate thing for Cuba if this
is true, as Mr. Plant is one of
the most progressive and broad
guaged men in this country. II©
has been one of tho largest fac¬
tors in he development of Florez