Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, September 17, 1898, Image 2
fHj; r CONYERS' WEEKLY, cmci* LCRC AM Of the c cunt* v 1 “. H- WALLIS. E-itcied at tin; postef.iee at Con vers as second-class mail mat or. SiTCitnAV, j i. 17, 1803. IiOAihi 5 cents pet¬ line for :i r-t inser ti oi cents lor eaeil -Host que'-'.t in in ■(;),’•!) ■ ., 4v. mch for s , ’ Kegmaradv. each ; subsequent or first insertion ; 20c (or in tort ion. SUBSCRIPTION RA i'l: One ye-,r, in advance............... iff Six month*, in advance.......... i7 r— SSu fw X ) Before Retiring’ o » • • 1 take Ayer’s Pills, and you will sleep better and wake in better condition for the day’s work. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills have no equal as a pleasant and effect¬ ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They are nugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with¬ out the annoyances experienced in the use of so many of the pills on the market. Ask j'o'ur druggist for Ayer’s Cathartic Tills. When other pills won’t help you, Ayer’s is THE PILL THAT WILL. Advertise your business, Don’t worry. Our farmers are urged to cheer up. ■ i'lioy have lost some fodder, soi vo corn in places and a little cotton, but they should not let thi i cause them to close their eyes to the fact that the land is filled wit h plenty. The Lord has smiled up 01 this section year after year; bounteous crops have been made and husbanded with hardly an ex¬ ception within our memory.. All this should be borne in mind him who walks about with a long fat e predicting dire distress and fearful calamity. Such talk does far more injury than the rains and storms have done and is to he deplored wherever heard. The country is allright and will continue to grow better daily if we can hold the calamity in check. JNo Reason For Ii. There is not a populist in the county who can give a good sound reason tor the existence of his par¬ ty in this county or State. As a National party it has no earthly chance taking the tight alone, and it is National evils it claims tode eiioto wipeout. So far as this State and county is concerned tin populists have no special grievance other than conies naturally lie cause of continued defeats. They desire office and can't get it as populists, hut they would, and in the past did, mu no good demo¬ crats. As such they w.ould heat perfect liberty to run for office. They are damaging now chasing a shadow which is to them, dnn gt rous for their posterity and ex¬ pensive to democracy. If they ait' wise they will return to the old party and resume their former good standing. N umber Regisierod. Tho county registration book is closed and the number of register¬ ed voters in tin* county, by dis triets follows: Town District. White 404: Colored 107. Sheffield District. W bite 21 \ \ Colored <>7. W liite 141; Honey Creel;. Colored 54 , Lorraine District. W bite 88; Colored 44. Total whites..... Total colored...... tm fci and total. .. • . . 12J4.' Royal makes the food pure* v/iaolescrme aad delicious. si* 8 ysvA* m feiyP bupu^ mmm Pure Absolutely ROYAL BAKING P»W0ER CO., NE W VOft*» jj Democratic Nominees. Result of D nioernt primary 1898, to e lection, held June (ith, no ruinate candidates for the par <y: A. J). Candler. F 01 Seetretary of State. Phillip Cook. For attorney General. Joseph M. Terrel. For State Treasurer. Wm.J. Speer. For Comptroller General W. A. V7right. For Commissioner oftAgriculture. O. B. Stevens. For Prison Coinmissoner. J . S. Turner, For Congressman, 5th District. I>. F. Livingston Result of primary election held June 2ord for the nomination of co m ty officers :j For State Senate, 27th Dist., W. E. Thrasher. For Representative: TURNER, C. H. For Sheriff: W. H. M. AUSTIN. For Clerk: L, II. SIGMAN. ; For Tax Collector: W. G CLOTFELTER. For Tax Receiver: G. H HULL. For Treasurer: JAS. A. DUKES For Coroner: L. -T. FA It RILL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Representative. I hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for representative, subject to the democratic nomination and ask the support of my friends. Respectfully, H Turner. C For Tax Collector. 1 hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for tiu 1 office of Tax Collector of Rockdale county, subject to a demo¬ cratic primary if any. I seek the office because Ineed it and I feel myself capable of acceptably people filling it hoping and trustng that the will see proper to support and elect me. l am, very respeclully, W- G. Clotfelter For Tax Receiver. 1 announce myself a candidate for re-election to tiie office of Tax Rec¬ eiver, of Rockdale County, subject thank to the democratic primary. that 1 the people for that support gave mo the office two years ago and 1 will appreciate their continued confidence and support in the coming election. If elected I promise to faithfully tl is charge the duties of the office. Respectfully. H. Hull. G County Ih'easurer. I hereby announce myself a candi dat for the office of Gounty Treasurer subject ic primary. to the 1 action of the if elecetd, Democrat¬ to promise, give the county a clean, honest ad¬ ministration. I desire to thank my friends merit for past patronage, and hope I may a continuance of same. Yours to command, James A. Dukes. For Clerk. 1 . respectfully announce myself to the voters of the county as a candi¬ date for the office of Clerk of Super¬ ior Court of Rockdale county, sub¬ ject ;o the action of the Democratic party. I will thank the people and will of the county for their support discharge* honestly the duties if of elected. the office faith fully and Very respcctfylly • L. H.Sigman. For Sheriff. I hereby announce mv candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Rockdale countv, Democratic subject to the heartily action of thank the party. I tiie people in for tiie tiie support and respectful¬ they have given ask me them past forme. If elect¬ ly to vote ed 1 shall, in the future as in the past, servo them faithfully and honestly, Yours truly, AV - H. M. Austin. KNOB LOCALS. Cotton ©eking is the chief era payment farmer. now wbtt, the sun is shining. Inn !>een visiting ?<! issrs Ada Cow and Lola Browning during the ] ; « 9t ' vcok - . _ he wants to get the “price”, of Flippen. 11 . i Tho entertainment at .dr. . G. q. ^'T'r v . rins p^t Thursday i, night was largely attended uS W ‘„,S and ! nil an e en on J iovedit. • Mr. Johnie George was hauling his best girl .Sunday afternoon. .1 t hink he will catch the little ‘bird’ soon. Mr. Lem Bowen gave his best crirl a call for the last time in a good while as he will leave for-Em orv where lie will attend school. Mr. John Gardner is teaching a writing school at South Avenue this week. Jack. LEGAL ADVERTISE¬ MENTS. Letters Dismission. Georgia. Rockdale County; To whom it may concern:—Jos. F Gee, administrator of the estate of W J Gee, has duly filed bis application his for letters of dismission from trust as such administrator, and I pass upon the same on the first Moil day in October. 1898. Given under my hand and official signature, this July 8 th, 1898. Helms, A M Ord. Adv .$8. Letters Dismission. Gkoboia Rockdale County:—To whom it may concern: Mrs. Alice H Tiaird. Administratix of the estate of Wm. P Laird, lias duly filed her application for letters of dismission from her trust, as such administratix, and I will pass upon the same on the first Monday in October, 1898. Given under my hand and official signature this July 8 th, 1898. A M Helms, Ord. Adv. $0. Tax Oollee-tovs Notice. The tax books for 1898 will be open on Sept. 20 . and I will attend the pre¬ cincts as follows: Sheffield.—Sept. —Sept. 26. Oct. 17, Nov. 7. Honey Creek 80, Oct. 21, Nov. 18. Lorraine.—Sept. Oct. 20 , Oct. Nov. 14, Nov. 14. Town.—Sept. Will in Conyers 22 , 18, nearly 21. be all the time until Dec. 20th, when the books will close for 1898. E. F. Cook, T. U. SALE. A fine farm In a good settlement. Sale 1st Tuesday In November 1898. Q © ©®; © &® &© ©0 00 ® 00 0 © © © ©;©© ©;® ® ©©© •©© o. m GEORGIA, ROCKDALE CO: Agreeably to an order of the court of 0 © Ordinary sold of the said county, granted at the regular Sept, term 1898, will be 0 ©' fnl side before limns, all court the house real in Conyers, Ga., said county, between law- 0 0 0 Granade, late of said estate deceased, belonging to the estate of Benjamin him 0 dred. county the same consisting of three 0 W acres of laud, more or less, in the 11th district of originally Henry, w 0 l° now f hio. Rockdale 168, and county, adjoining and lands being of oiigsnal It. S. lot Sims, No. the 169, dower and east of half Louisa of |§ @ 0 Helms and Martha A. Albert, and lands of Mrs. E. P. Shumate and .©< 0 others. This is a valuable place, having ou it about seventy-five acres of 0 © well timbered original forest, and thirty-five acres of good bottom iu cul- 0 0 0 tivatiou, a three horse, farm open, and has well, good dwelling, out lions 0 es .and two tenant houses, convenient to schools and churches, and iu a Q 0 good community. Terms of sale, half cash with eight per cent, on bal- jgf 0 M ance with privaiege of paying all cash. 1 m J. S. GRANADE, - © Administrator, Benjamin Granade deceased. 0Q0000SU00000 000000 000000 0 00000©0 FINE STOCK. I am actively iu the market with a lot of fine stock and I invite everybody to come and look through my stable. I GUARANTEE every horse to BE JUST as RECOMMENDED. I expect to build up a good stock trade here and we will succeed by treating everybody right. We Handle the best of stock and ; you are safe in dealing with us. COME AND LOOK NOW. S. E. BRODNAX.*w of Dismission. G \ Boci! i-’AijK County : To whom if may concern: Mrs. M. A. Posey, admin dtf“flleO hw^uSS from her , or letters <4 dismissson Given under my hand and official signature, Bus Any. 1 st C!i i " _____________ ! ‘°' VOUI ^ Ga., Rookdauk County : By A. M. Helms, ordinary, set t j n o- fj,r county purposes. recoinenda in accordance with a q nper j or court. It is hereby ordered •hat the following taxes be and are icreby levied for county purposes for the year 1898, on the taxable property >f said county, &»per digest of said year to-wit: I For the payment of jurors 10 cents on the $ 100 . II For the support and burial of pau¬ pers 0 cents on tire $ 100 . Ill For bridges, public roads, main¬ taining and supporting prisoners, and lit¬ igation, the payment of officers for past due indebtedness of the conn ty, stationery, fuel and ail other le¬ gitimate expellees of the county, ru cents on the $ 100 , making a. total of 66 cenis on the one hundred dollars, 0 ! the taxable property of said county, for all county purposes for the year ! 8 S) 8 , and that tiie same be collected by the tax-collector of said-county for the purpose above stated as now pro¬ vided bv law. This Sept. 5th, 1898. Adv. $ 6 . A M Helms, Old. Important Official IVotice Ga., Rockdale County. To whom it may concern:— Pub lie notice is hereby given pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of said State, approved December 9th, 1897, that the committees appointed have filed rosters of the following companies, made up in the territory now embraced in Rockdale county and engaged in the Confederate ser¬ vice and State malitia during the war between the States to-wit: J. A. Stewart’s Company; Com¬ mittee, Jno. W Almancl, W W Swann and C A Blake. Jas. M White’s Company; Com¬ mittee, W F McDaniel, J M Mitcham and G A Lucas. Malaehi Richardson’s Company; Committee, Malaehi Richardson, Geo. J Hollingsworth and B P But¬ ler. A A (J Zachry’s Flowers, Company; Commit¬ tee, J Jasper Jenkins and T J Day. A K Richardson’s Company; Com¬ mittee, R A Guinn, J E Maddox and A J S i W W Thomas’Company; Commit¬ tee, John M Houseworth, G W War¬ ren and S J Taylor. The Rosters of said companies are now of tile in the Ordinary’s office and subject to public inspection as provided by said law. Given under my hand and official signature, this Sept. 8 1898. Adv. (I '6 A M Helms, Ord. Fl‘jlENf)$! $ A w 'IpSp* UOD I X i 4 Worry it?. ■'I through 1 ife. The country is all right s'A* and so are we. Banish Your Frown: Set your stakes for progress and persevere is the only remedy we know of for those inclined to de span*. OUR DRY GOODS and ^CLOTHING Are in line with this talk for wo have the law gest stock we ever carried and the PRICES ARE JUST RIGHT, ’ The eomitry is all i-ig-lit and ko are wo. Come to see me. CHAS. B. HUDSON. JOHN H. ALMAND, BANKER. CONYERS, GEORGIA. Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on all parts of the country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking Overdrafts will mot honored under any drain* stances. Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4i>. yr.till further notice, We are agents for tlie brated Barnes-Oi ille Uaggit?®* - BIG BARGAINS. For the next sixty days the people can bu> any thing in our store for less money than ever before iu the history of our business, Many articles will be sold at absolute cash. We do this in order to raise money. Bargains await every one who need any thing in the line of Hardware, Stoves, Harness, Buggies, Surries, or anything ■ we carry in . stock. , , We mean business, and ev erything must go. Don’t delay but come at once and buy what you need, Almand Hardware Oo. Melton’s Limy Stables; When want good, safe turnout one that } 0 U can you a drive with PLEASURE AND SATIsFaCTIOH One that looks well and goes well, call on me. Good drivers furnished if desired Terms very reosonable. M. H. MELTON i