Newspaper Page Text
and Otherwise, Oathered from aSS Sources to Pest
Our Readers aod Fill Space.
issfeiu- then, be F'ue,
residence is nearing
on the sick
lias been
lias been
of Americas, has
.('alia here this week.
^BSSXZ. Hard¬
-Sment Almand in this is
Flowers, formerly this p
v was here
3-W L Almand parents spent
T latter’s
S ,
L Langford ha s retnrn
L pleasant visit to rel
k are showing much
saving _ o.
l growing a nd
t Takes and child ret
\ limne alter a pleasan -
tes here.
Stansell lias , returned
lit visit to Mrs. G XX
Reynolds conducted bliilol. f
1 V meeting at
bon tins week.
Gailev has returnee:
bionths visit- to friend*
j/i South Carolina.
left a very fine ear ol
gee this week, It ha*
jsiderable attention.
[maud jest and now most has conven¬ one o>
ed homes in the city.
feet has moved his fain
loine lie Willingham. recently pur
[ George
h advertisement for tin
[Stark & Longshore ii
ee it in another column.
emaild for living quar¬
ters and there is proin
| new dwellings going iq
■Austin is at home on r
Mi. It8tli, He will return t<
when he expect*
Id out.
te Ivn of cotton have beer
this week and if this
r holds out the town will
l a few days.
[weather pwdays lias we had have had
a won
rifying effect upon all ot
It is appreciated.
I Almand, jr., of Ingle
[ bf here the old this Baptist week loading churci
pr shipment to Ingleside.
district republican cou
ted at Fairburn Saturday,
Col. A. P. Bryan foi
pppose Livingston and
[spent fled the Sunday dedication in Allan
[est ser
end Baptist church.
Landrum’s sermon was
Ga., Regiment is to be
d of service and his
K‘h methatMaj. home in E H Al
a few days
ve a cordial welcome.
broke down vesterdav
font a little late. XV<
token parts to Raz Ear
r®. •nthe us a repair job that
st in excelled, He is
the State.
powman left last Tues
[;.' pon au m . where the interest lie goes t<
,s oi
r befitted! many friends hen
Ht he lbay l>(
L Scored, } last Week was placed She
L'* v ole -
fc l lt insanity and
d 0 tr v lier yes
Lrn»n mmers is tbe best
knlenr L, S 11 town - He is
, y ew stock
te 01
1 - ,hi * he
P contented Glorious is
man, Alien.
i;'. ] iHiT!i fV- Le auta l aTholll Ps°n.
s an t? 1 /' 116 ’ Gardner, res Peetive
i rs D wight / Green, of
■ :- of
f:iri?e EL -ent 1 L-b i, | e her waters seli
-rs LA hurt and i
rj °us dan n f act
will'll 0*0 p tl,
|° r trouble be ,
for a long
1 { he-humfn i"”*! there is a
J f 11 ? m- cateh
!av of Mar ?’ tate be ‘
^berofL h anath e
Ctr , j ' ear '
T,ives there a man with sense so dead
Who never to himself hath said,
‘•This is the paying enterprise— advertise.”
Cut prices down and
Chinquepins are ripe, but scarce.
Our school is moving along finely
and everybody is satisfied.
Mrs. Travis, of Covington, was
here on business this week.
Miss Betsy Clay has returned to
her home in XValton county.
Mr. Walter Almand made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta yesterday.
Notice the change in Mr.C B Hud¬
son’s advertisement in this issue.
Mr. B J Simpkins, of DeKalbcoun
to, visited relative here this week.
A free show at the Courthouse
Thursday night drew a good crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. XV G Brown, of Socia', spent Sunday with relatives
Cotton pickers are in demand and
should now be able to replenish their
long empty purses.
The street boss has done much
rood work on the streets since the re¬
cent heavy rains.
A chainless wheel renders trouser
.-Harris unnecessary, but it’s different
with a chainless dog.
Miss Lucy Gleaton has been spend¬ and
ing this week with relatives
friends in McDonough.
Mr. Tom Broadnax, of Athens, was
cere this week. It seems quite nat¬
ural to have him with us.
Miss Sadie McDonald, of Coving-
ton, is the guest of McDonald. her grand parents,
Dr. and Airs. H H
Mr. St.John has been confined to
liis home for several days. He has
ioen almost in the grasp of fever.
Mrs. R A Almand and children, ol
Washington, have returned lioineaf
er a pleasant visit to rela tives here.
Mr. Carl Philips, one of the em¬
ployes of the Union Paper mills, got
lisArm broke last Wednesday morn¬
There are more mosquitoes in Con¬
yers this fall than ever before. They
•emind one of South Ga., gallinip
Evangelist McConnell is holding
i, tent meeting at McDonough. Muck
interest is being manifested in the
Mr. Jim McElvaney has secured a
rood position with Mr. S L Almand
vud is now in Covington. XX T e wish
lim well.
Mr. George Willingham has bought
.he Rowan house and lot, near the
rite of the old Baptist church, of Mr,
W U XVAllis.
Ask Thompson Stewart and Mr.
J esse Jones if they can play draughts’,
that DeKalb mail was too much for
either of them.
Xliss Beil Cannon, daughter of Hon
R H Cannon, has returned to the
Girl’s Normal and Industrial College
it Milledgeville.
You had better keep your hogs in
iccordance with the law in Conyers, for
several hog cases are booked
Monday morning.
Unless Conyers lias several mar¬
riages this fall she will produce an
axtra large crop of old bachelors to
begin the new year with.
The defeat populist in party will suffer in the a
worse this county
coming election than it ever did in
the past. Itis passing out.
About two weeks from to-day we
will have an election and it is gener
ally conceded that the populist ticket
will be snowed under as usual.
Chas.Noweil says that lie is stand
ing behind the counters, ever ready
to show his friends the best stock oi
dry woods, clothing etc., he ever
Prof. Buell Stark has charge of the
public schools at Marietta in the ab¬
sence of Prof. Sanford, who holds a
Captain’s commission in tlie Third
Ga. Regiment.
Tlie farmers of Rockdale will save
more lia-y this fall than in any previ¬
ous year of their experience, It is a
matter of necessity with them since
all tneir fodder was lost.
Miss Elsie Deal, of Greenville, S.
C. visited her sister, Mrs. M E Al¬
len, here this week. She returns home
to-day little and will carry Mrs. Allen’s
daughter, Inez, with her.
Your attention is called to the ad¬
vertisement of XVilliams <k XVhita-ker
in this paper. These are clever gen¬
tlemen and their new business will
prosper under their skillful guidance.
Mrs. L F Divingston, of Kings, wife
of our Congressman, lias been ser¬
iously al ill for some time past. Sever¬
her, physicians have been attending
of among them being I)r - Guinn,
ta. our We city hope and Dr. Holms, of Atlan¬
this gaod lady mav re¬
knowing *‘Nobody can learn all there is worth
in this lifetime,” said Mr.
Meek ton, wisely. “And a man ought
never to assume that his education is
finished. I’m going to keep right-a¬
head with mine. I’m go ing o study
astronomy.” sharply, His wife looked at him
and Xhen in a cold, hard tone
exclaimed; “Leonidas, you you’ll
nave to think up some better excuse
than that for staying oat all night,
Mrs. Elder will move, with her fain
ily. to South-west Georgia about the
fi'sf of October. Mr. Oscar Elder
will go to Florida where he lias seeur
e l a position with the Southern Ex¬
press Co.
The Henry County Weekly says:
“On Wednesday next, Sent. 21. Mr.
Edward M Copeland and Miss Macie
8 iec-r will be married at the heme of
the bride’s parents in Newnan. A few
friends will accompany Mr. Copeland
t> Newnan, and the wedding will be
a quiet home affair.”
A country correspondent writes to
his paper as follows;
“Mr Editor, if in need of a few
’possums on subscription just let me
know I can supply you. I have no
owls on hand at present and am a
hout out of wheat straw. Sorghum
shimmings about the most plentiful
tiling we have on hand at present.
How would that strike you for short?’
Speak a good word for your town
and brace up a little yourself.
Mr. XV J Helms, of Atlanta, is
in the city. Fie desires to move
here if lie can secure a residence.
Mr. XVilliam U Still is slowly re¬
covering. He was able to get out
to town this week. XVe hope he
may regain his strength quickly.
Let all good democrats get in
fine and give a hearty support to
the ticket in the election. It is a
duty you owe your party and your
The meanest troubles are those
we borrow and such troubles
ought to be heavy.
The man who never advertises
never complains of being over¬
This is the greatest country the
sun shines on and the people, to
show their gratitude, should wear
smiles instead of frowns. Try this
suggestion a while and see how
you come out.
If you owe The XVeekt.y come
in and settle up. XX T e must col
lect what is due us.
Old school books exchanged for
new ones at the
Gailey Drug Co’s.
All good democrats should rally
to the nominees of the party and
give them a rousing majority.
Old school books exchanged for
new ones at the
Gailey Drug Co’s.
Farmers may bring their cotton
to Conyers and be assured the best
possible price for it, and at the
sa me time they can buy goods here of
cheaper than they can in any
the neighboring towns.
Old school books exchanged fox
new ones at the
Gailey Drug Co’s.
Ths fac¬ Is ea
simile every
•IgiatttM f / srreppifc
I have a good milch cow, with
young calf, for sale cheap.
G A Almand.
Registration IVotiee.
A book for the registration of na¬
mes of voters for the city election to
be held on the first Saturday in De¬
cember next has been opened and all
voters of the city are hereby request¬
ed to call at The Weekly office and
register. J H XYallis, City Clerk.
This Sept 8 1898.
5t24ofTi ACOVE. N/ff la Georgia
Sc A. Agricultural
f College
l Main Building.
iiftl im'.inps P M
m rc
A college education til tlie reacli of all. A.B. t
H.S., Normal and Business Man’s courses,
(iood laboratories; lieailhful, invigorating cli
m ite; military discipline; pood moral and
religious inlluences. Cheapest board in tho
State; abundance of country board produce;expense* in dormitories
front $75 to $150 a year; Special licence for
or private families. all course nnder tho
teachers; full faculty of nine;
control of the University. A college prepar¬
atory class. Co-education of sexes. The insti¬
tution founded specially for students of limited
means. Send for catalogue to the President.
Jos. S, Stewart,
Hon. Frank Irwin, of Cedar
town, brother of Col. ,T. R. Irwin,
of our city, is a candidate for
the Judgshi'p of the Tallapoosa
circuit ami stands a fair chance of
election. Mr. Irwin is a staunch
democrat and one of the- uiosft
prominent men in that portion of
the State.
Tor Infants and. Children.
The Kind You Always Bought
Eears the
Signature of U64
< >1 A S IV.
A good two-horse second-hand
carriage and harness for sale at a
bargain by
J. 8.Johnson.
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature s?
TVoS i<L»e.
Mrs. Dr. Glenn is still making fine
dresses, coats and pants at prices to
suit. Room.over McDonald <& Hay
good’s Millinary store.
To the voters of Rockdale County:
The registration book will be
closed for the October election on
Sept. 15th, 1898. The books are
at R. W. Tucker’s store in Con
yers. When you come to town.
come in and register before the
time is out.
You can be accommodated at
any time, by applying to R. XV.
Tucker, C. E. Reagan or myself.
E. F. Cook.'
T. C. Rockdale County, Ga.
m m '55V
You will also find our store HEADQUARTERS for
school supplies, Pads, Inks, Pencils, School Bags,
Slates and everything else usually needed in the
school room. We have these supplies always on hand
at the lowest possible prices and you wi!! lose money
unless you see us before you buy.
We are headquarters for Drugs and Druggist Sun¬
Gi\e ii8 a call When you need any¬
thing in our line.
31 . H. Plimket.
Fine coffee 80 cents per 11). at
Fresh oat meal at
Fresh fancy candies at
Fresh grits and rice Plunket’s. at
New Sorghum syrup Plunket’s. at
Bread trays at
Tlie Blue Front.
XVe can cap the climax, or any
head in the county.
The Blue Front.
Wlien does a dollar go farthest?
When it looks for the wearing out
of our womans work shoes at fifty
cents a. piece. The Blue Front.
We have secured bows for all
the ladies.—First come first serv
ed. The Blue Front.
Young men, if you would tie
ller affections securely use our
neck wear. Tlie Blue Front.
• • •
Old school books exchanged for
new ones at the
Gailev Drug Co’g.
_____ ____ ____ _____
A FRICANA will cure Eczema and Ca
r\ UxrU to Stay Cured.
i mi I
nu.min'i.iuii f.r
AYegelable Preparation for As
sim Hating tlie Stomachs Lite Food andBowels artdRcgufa- of
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful
ness and Rest.Contai ns neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
Not NAacoTic.
Reap* of Old VrSAMVEUPU Lh&R
Pumpkin Seed"
pilx.Sc/ini7 +
Ilodielle Salts —
Phuse Seed +
Uppermost Jji Qjr!>onoJt - Soda.'
Clarified }Wxrm Seed -
hxifc/yrccti' Sugar Flarm •
tion, A perfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Constipa¬
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness and L OSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
B t it
! )
School JBool^s!
Remember that Dr. LEE’S Drug storejs now and will con
tinue to be, as it has been in the past, HEADQUARTERS for
all kinds of
and School Supplies, such as Slates, Tablets, Pencils, all colors
Inks, Pens, Exercise books, school Crayons, drawing Crayons of
all colors.
- *
We will exchange the newly adopted books for second
hand books of like grade. Be certain to get our prices be
fore buying.
Dr. W H, Lee-
Castorla la put r.p in ons-dzo bottles only. It
not sold in bulk. Don't allow anysne to sell
anything olso on thn plea or promise that it
is “just as' good" and “will answer every pur¬
-ftS-Sce that yon get C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A.
The fac¬
simile ll OB
signature every
of wrapper.