Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 19, 1898, Image 1
;L'RAN C ^‘ 5 4 McEtVANV. | VII. iilg OU t the Old, Ring in the New! Cur great effort is to please you. «oc _ ^ o 'S.- c o c -sa. © he summer Season is Drawingto a Close. THE COMING FALL SEASON WILL BE A BUSY }NE WITH US. WE ARE PREPARING TO MEET J WITH A FULL PRICES." STOCK WHICH WE WILL SELL T “LET LIVE As usual we will be in the cotton market nd will pay the best market price. Allfarm » ,ioducts will find a ready market with us. Our store has been headquarters for the people for many years and we I /{e all to come to see us and feell at home. We propose to sustain the well Lfaiished r reputation of our house for honest straightforward dealing. Yours very truly, II. M. ALMAND’S SONS. A hIV 1 1 T rrrwp H 1 i lirv t-i Td ._jU Conyers, Ga., NoV. 16, 1898. [the undersigned merchants of Conyers, to close our stores on Thursday, Novein h 1898. Thanksgiving day. Customers lease govern themselves accordingly: J. Langford, D. M. Almand 5 s Sons » Tucker, The J. H. Almand Co., Aimand re Co., Stark & Longshore, A. D. Summers, Adair, M. H. Plunket, Wood & Boilings rth. plitical Staws men are born great, and I'• o ro be elected. a ko 1111 w itches for fame, p iy kept scratching. ! an will shake your ” minute and pull your text, N lj ‘g£est kind of an porfer a small sum of is a bribe. ! ‘tertian look c,Jck upon a ’ tai l a constitu ftiL-ndmeut. etter to have one 1 a : ost-office than * fjra 'gn mission. V( >uld be moneY in no \ merchant’s pocket j hv Q this space- Is rf mms m / / ❖ 9 4^5 CONYERS, GA., SATURDAY, NOV. 19 , 1898. In the political race, almost any politician is satisfied if he only succeeds in getting a place. When a man has greatness ifintst upon him. it doesn’t us¬ ually take him very Jong to get rid of it. Some politicians who claim to he self-made, were evidently in terupted before the job was pleted. Very few public men would be willing to be taken at publicly expressed estimation of themstdves, Some men vote as they pray , and they never pray unless it is | to ask a favor. Congressman Livingston’s de¬ nial of the fake story that he had announced for the State to succeed Senator Bacon was pub lished the other day after the apperance of the fake. Never¬ theless the original story is re¬ ceiving serious consideration by a considerable proportion of the weekly press. Thus, without being a candidate, Congressman Livingston is enabled to feel the puEo of the weekly press upon a possible candidacy.—Ex, " Around the World. Thunder can be heard miles away. Blind men outnumber women by two to one. Nearly a quarter of all of insanity are hereditary. Great Britain spends on bacco and pipes about 14 lion every year. Newfoundland is now [sixth the copper world. producing 1 in Finger nails grow at the of rather more than an inch M uYi 1 rYiVrVrVrVYiYiYi'.'rViYiVi iV | CTYL1SH, RELIABLE | ARTI5TIC^ Recommended by Leading & 5 Dressmakers. «$» g They Always MS CALL j\ IMtterns OAX’AR# a 31 NONE BETTEK AT ANY PRICE * hes; pattsrr.s arc acid in n;a ,! y ?v?ry If dry dealer and Dm lr. Unite I States send your does not keep them direct to at One cent stamps received Address yaur nearest point THE McCALL COMPANY. WfflM 13810 U5W. 14th Street. Seer York BRANCH Or?tCES • 189 F'.ftn Ave. Chicago, and 1051 Market St., San Francisio. g MS CALLS wm MAGAZINE -A - — ? Brightest Magazine Published «5 Contains Bea juful Colored P’.ates. ^ Illustrates Latest Work. Patterns, fash- ^ 3* ions, ^ Agen’t wanted »or this magazine in every locality. Beautiful premiums for a little ^ ) ^ work. Write for lerms and other partic gS 3 ulars. including Subscription FREE Pattern only -50c. per year, a 3 Andrew THE McCALL CO., 3 138 to 146 W. 14th St., New York analf in a year. Fowls are plucked alive in Manila, in the public markets, and in some parts of England. The first theater in the Unit¬ ed States was built in Williams burg, Va., in the year 1752. According to the best author¬ ities, there has never been a race of men who were ignorant of the use of fire. In West Africa the natives hiss when they are astonished, in the New Hebrides when they see anything beautiful. The Basutos applaud a popular ora¬ tor in their assemblies by hiss¬ ing at him. The Shah lias in his palace at Teheran a 12-ince globe, upon which the parts of the world are set out in jewels of vanous colors—England with rubies, India with diamonds, the sea with emeralds, and so on. Thompson, the “father” of English watchmakers, died in L713,.at the age of seventy three, and was hurried in West¬ minster Abbey. It is said thai lie is the only man buried there who began life as a blacksmith. —Ex. Sheriff-’s Sale. Will be sold before tbe Courthouse door in Conyers between the legal in hours of sale on the first Tuesday December next, the following prop¬ erty to-wit: One hundred acres ol land in the 16th district of originall) Ga., Henry, now Rockdale county, part of land lot No. 352, bounded Hast and North by J M White, South bj Mrs. G G Galley and West by Join Peek, levied on by W H M Austin. Sheriff, to satisfy ten justice admr. court Mas in favor of J K Stewart, of J.AB Stewart and Carrie J Stew¬ art and against Abe Sims, as the prop¬ erty of Ane Sims. This Nov. 8, 1898. W 11 M Austin, Sheriff. Adv. $3,78. Administrator’s Sale. Will lie sold before the Courthouse door, in the town of Conyers, Rock¬ dale county, Ga., between the lawful sale hours, on the lirst Tuesday in December, 1898, the following de¬ scribed property to-wit; One house and lot being jn the 16th district oi n-iginaUy Henry, now Rockdah county, being part of lot No. (295,) two hundred and ninety-five, lying in the town of Conyers on the North¬ east side or the Georgia railroad, bo uncled as follows: on the North and oast by lot owned by S D Night (.state, on the South by South Rail¬ road street and on the West by Mil. street, containing four-fifths of an a ere , more or less. There is situatec, Oil the above described lot a seven room house in good repair, a fine well of water and splendid barn. Terms, one-third cash, balance one and tw< years with interest from date at 8%. Rond for title given or cash at option of purchaser. Also at same time and place one house and lot in the town of Conyers, containing one acre, more or less, bounded on the east by Mrs. C. Scott, on the north by Pleasant M. turner and on the south and west bj street running from J F Wallis’ to J G Malcome’s. House now one-thin: accupiec, by Joe Loyal, col. Terms, cash balance one and two years witl interest from date at ti%, or all cask at option of purchaser. Also at same time and place, 171 acres of land, being in the 16th dis¬ trict or originally Henry now Rock¬ dale county, Known as the Jesse M. Turner place, and bounded by lands of Jno A Treadwell on the east, b\ Kerr Reagan on the north, I M Street on the south O Reagan on the has This is a very tine farm and oi. it two good tenant houses, is onh four miles from Conyers and in a splendid settlement. Terms one-third cash, balance oik w the west half of lot of land No. 26) and bounded as follows: On the by Kittle Sanny creek and dower ol Aggie Vanlandingham, on the north by land of I F Thomas, on the west by land of D C Myers and south h\ land of >lrs. Mollie Baker. Terms one-third cash, balance 1 and2 years with 8% interest. Also at the same time and place one rocK quarry situated on Almand street, formerly owned by fc> A Pierce and bounded by lands of J C Steph¬ enson, <J K Reagan and Mrs. Georgia Taylor, containing two and a-Jiali acres more or less. Terms cash, All the above sold as the property belonging to tbe estate of h Hi Ai mend, deceased, for the purpose ol paying debts and distribution among the heirs of said deceased. This Nov. 2, 1898. E. H. Almand, J. M. Almand, Administrators. FIKE INSURANCE. TILLEY & McELYANY- NO. 46. it ns mm fiii/i! Shipnientsof Greenery, Glassware, Lamp goods etc., just opened up. Shipments of Dress goods ar living that will delight the ladies. 7 [tO the season and shall keep in the front row. BIO- I A y.V < > 1 ^ N1.IOES .i a xr a >. Some ladies slippers in our stock are being sold at less than cost. They are great bargains. COME TO OUR PLACE. JOHN C. STEPHENSON. WE BUY COTTON % ■■l ■r- SEED Bring- \ our cotton seed tons. We buy for the Conyers oil mill and will pay the highest market. Encourage the mill. Bring us your seed-, ■■■a ¥ A1 oi and or .Ac %J> . J, S. Johnson. Anyone wishing to buy cotton seed hul ls or meal can get them by caMing on Mr L, J Almand, Williams k Whitaker ■ YVe have entered the General mercantile business in Con¬ yers and offer to the people a Newline of General Merchandise at reasonable prices, We will keep everything usually kept in such a store and at prices to suit the times.. HOME MADE FLOUR, GRA HAM FLOUR, ancigood home made MEAL can A LW A Y S be found at our store. We will carry a general line and we invite you to call OU US at our store on Commerce street when you come to towu. We have selected fall grown seed wheat and oats for sale. We will buy your cotton seed and pay the highest market price for same. Carry your cotton to our ginnery where we give genuine sat isfaction. Respectfully, ■Williaa5n,s ©s "Wixits.'izex