Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 19, 1898, Image 2
TUB COXYER* ii 7- KKL T OtFICIAL ORCAN of THE COUNTY. J. it WALLIS. Eiu«.edatthepo.t«fli.’fiat <'.avers a* gecond-ola»‘. a ni»d mutter. Satukiiay, Nov. 19 , 1898 . l.< ch)h 5 cents per line for lir-t inser linn • 2 1 J Cent* for each "UL.-cqucnt inch m on He^nlar it lv. 50c. per for k m i each subsequent 1 rM insertion: a5«- tor insertion. SUBSCRIPTION KA l'E: One year, in advance............... V Of Mix months, in advance.......... 50c r>y uf "TkM /m-m-M M i Mi: wmm Jkl v\ fr # Do You Use It? It’s the best thing for the hair under all circumstances. Just as no man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro¬ mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It re¬ moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are nour¬ ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer’s Hair Vigor. Pay Your Subscription. Mass Meeting. The voters of the city are re masted to meet at the Courthousi o i Monday night next , Nov. 21st, ■ r the purpose of nominating i ticket for Mayor and Councilmei t > serve during the year 1899. It is hoped that a good erowc •'ill be present n- it is desired that the meeting shall ho a representa¬ tive one. Voter. The Peace Commissioners hav< been tangled up with the Philipine question for some time past am so stubborn proved the Banish Commission, talk of the resump¬ tion of hostilities lias been revived. Bov. Sam Jones is conducting ft red-hot prohibition tight in Macon He is assisted in his crusade by Kev. Sam Small and others of likt reputation. The battle is a lie ret one and is attracting wide interest. The result seems to be in debt, but the odds appear against the evan i elists. The legislature is composed ol splendid gent lemon, many of whom am wise in matters of legislation i nd .til ol whom are thoroiighlv capable of appreciating a good thing. \\ e, therefore, expect tin loly to adopt the Australian bal¬ lot, system or "something better’' before adjourning. Atlanta will have many pro mi 'tit visitors . . during it the peace ju 1 ilee. Among them mav be men tinned President McKinley, Win J. Bryan. Gen. Shatter, Gen Wheeler, Admiral Schley a in others. It a few of our delin' quants will call in to see us w* hope to be on hand also. The annual report of Comptrol¬ ler General Wright IS full of in¬ terest. to the people of Georgia, it is through the department ot the Comptroller General that w. learn of the business condition ot 9lau ‘- Brum it we learn that the receipts of 189b from nil ces amounted sour¬ and to $8,121,206.57, that the payments by tin treasurer for the year were $8,448, -i-lb. Win e the tax rate for tin year is higher than ever before collwteYis wY 1 1 it was in 1892.—Ex. Royal makes the food pure. v» hole some and delicious. Pill OVA ©! &4KIH0 POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POAO£R CO., NEW YORK. Candidate for Mayor. Col. J. N. Ilalo is in the race for Mayor. This is what he has to say: •‘Atthe kind solicitation of many of our citizens I have con¬ sented to allow the use of my name for Mayor. That all may know my position J will state 1st. I am opposed to the hog¬ pen law as it was carried out in 1897. ' 2nd. While I am and have al¬ ways been the friend of public schools, 1 want them so conducted that the burden of expense will not be greater than the benefits derived therefrom, The peo pie are grievously burdened be with taxes and they should reduced. 3rd. I believe a laborer is wor¬ thy of his hire and want fair pay given to all. 4th. I am as heartily in favor of doing everything to advance the welfare of our town and people, a? any citizen and, if elected, will do all J can consistent with the pres¬ ent depressed financial condition of the country. 5th. The office of Mayor being executive, if elected, I would see that the laws are enforced, what¬ ever they are. No pledges on measures nor to men. Respect fully, J. N. Hale. OOJVu MI IJN ICATED. Mr. Editor:—I desire to remind ill those within the corporate imits of Conyers that an election lor city officers is just at hand and hat, while without prejudice to he many excellent men who him Heretofore served as city guardi tns, we are under the imperative necessity of inaugurating a new >refer of things in the line of econ¬ omy and retrenchment. I am sure that in our financial straits, groaning as we are under the heavy oad of county and state taxes, any tffortin this direction will meet a learty response in the person of sve’ry tax payer. While our re tources become less our taxes have teen doubled. We eertainly need relief. Let us then use the prun¬ hook where it is possible. Let ne then observe that the salaries >f our city fathers are a needless burden. I am quite certain that lie best and most efficient and in elligent of our business men will serve us as Mayor and Councilmen vithout any pecuniary reward vhatever. There are some posi ions in the social fabric paid in till by the honor attached to the dfice. To be riders in an enligh oned city carries with it an honor aid dignity of which any man may veil be proud. Other small towns are served by heir best citizens without fee or lope of reward. Our neighboring own, Covington, may be given as m example. There Mayor and (iiiCaiilB HaDtel! i Want To Buy 200 To 300 Head Of Young Steers And Heifers DELIVERED AT MY FARM NEAR THE TANK AT EAST DECATUR STA¬ TION »n the line of the Georgia Rail ■oad—Cattle will be weighed at he farm aud paid for in cash— diould be from two to four years dd and in good condition. G. B. Scott, Decatur, Gu. H. H. MCLONAL & SON, PRESIDENT DENTISTS All work guaranteed to please Office up stairs over J. H. A1 nand & Go’s, store. Jonykrs, , . : Aldermen give their time UTid tal¬ ents, with pleasure, to building up the best interests i.f their city. Under this system they always have the best men to manage their affairs-. These men seek not the office, but for their worth and pe¬ culiar fitness they themselves are sought. This is what comes of the office seeking the man. Now, to carry out this idea let a meeting of all the citizens be call¬ ed next week at the courthouse and there, by a primary, select t he men whom we shall honor dur¬ ing the coming year as our city fathers. By this one move we will both lessen the city expences and secure at the same time the best possible municipal govern¬ ment. • Tax Payer. Conyers, Ga., loth Nov. ’98. CLOSING OUT SALE. My entire stock consisting of Buggies, Harness, Lap Robes, Baby Carriages, Whips, Boys Wagons, and all Horse goods—in fact every article in my store must be sold by the 25th day of December, as I .shall discontinue business at Conyers after that date. These goods must be sold and they will go at great bargains for cash. When you come to town call in and look through the stock. You will find something you need in harness for less money than you ever hoped to buy it for. R. E EVERTTT > BRANCH HOUSE. For the next 60 days we We will sell any article in our house at absolute Gos| For Gc|sh. This includes HARDWARE, GUNS, BUGGIES, WAG¬ ONS, SURRIES, HARNESS, WHIPS, LAP ROBES, Etc. These are facts and now is your time. Almand Hardware Co. OUR POSITION. ■o The very low price of cotton not only proves a hardship upon the farmer but every other man who depends upon trade for sup port. •o •0 We are in this class and doing all we can under the unfavorable circumstances. So far as we are able we are making the prices ou our goods couform to cotton prices. * If the people, farmers and all, appreciate this fact we will continue to wag along with the world. There are bright days ahead, friends, CHAS. B. HUDSON. P. S. Be sure to come to see me. "Editor Hale announces his didacy fur mayor and gives platform in this paper. He labored for the upbuilding of yers for twenty years in his ty as Journalist and the will remember this when they to vote. The Second Ga. Regiment being mustered out as fast as sible. The mustering out be is a little tedious but will pleted before the end of week. CASTO n IA . Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signatnre of FRIENDS! ^Don't through life. T is all and so are we. Come in and me make you a dozen nice _ cabinet . photo* graphs. Now is • M n M. E. ALLEN, 1J0HNSH. ALMAND, BANKtR; CONYERS, GEORGIA. Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on all parts of the country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking Overdrafts will not lb© honored winder any dreum* stances. 2 Office hours from 8 a. m. till 4 p. M.till further notice, THE J. H. A If! AND sCG, THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM. For years we have conducted business at the same old stand and we have now one of the largest and best stocks we ever carried. We have more room and better facilities every way for accommodating our customers to the best in every par¬ ticular. Our clerks are attentive and competent and will serve you promptly aud fairly. We are in the cotton market as heretofore 9 AND WILL PAY THE « OF THE MARKET 1 ffl! Me w ley. We sell goods as cheap as anybody and we extend a cut dial invitation to everybody to call on us when in town. Our effort shall be tn make your dealings with us mutually profitable. Yours truly, The J. H. Almand Co. Melton’s Livery Stables: good, safe turnout that you C When you want a one drive with AND SATIsFaCTlON One that looks well and goes well, call on me. Good drivers furnished if desired Terms very reosonable. M, H. MELTON.